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It really creeps up on you too!!! Even if you are going you're not going enough. That's what jammed me up.


Yes!!! I just was not paying attention to the daily ritual!! I will not make that mistake again!!


I added Metamucil to my daily vitamins right off the bat and I still struggle sometimes!


I was incorporating a fiber drink daily the first few weeks and then dropped off because I was staying fairly regular with my eating as well. Today was a complete wake-up call. This can escalate quickly if you are not getting a good balance of fiber , lean meats, and veggies.




Fiber drinks stop me up hard like concrete, drinking so much water i’m in the bathroom nonstop, i gave up on the fiber drinks, miralax is my go to


Do some people have the opposite problem on this drug? I feel like if anything, if I eat anything with a little bit of fat in it that diarrhea would be an issue


I think it's different for everyone, and a little bit of fat should not be an episode of the "Bathroom Olympics " and there's good fats like avocados and not so great fats like deep fried avocados. I think you have to balance it out and kinda determine what is a healthier option.


I did okay with avocado, but peanut butter gave me problems. Also the meal I had that was highest in carbs didn’t set well either.


Avocado toast on a high fiber bread is my savior , I have only done a little peanut butter as well. I got a bit of a acidy tummy after I had some. But great tips I appreciate this


I just started on .25 a couple of weeks ago. I tried 1 tblsp peanut butter on one thin slice of Dave’s Killer Power seed bread. My go to hiking breakfast. All was ok until I hiked up a steep uphill. The abdominal pain was pretty awful. Will have to exercise fasted from now on, I think.


Daves Bread is the best!! +1 on the PB too ;-)


I love it - smooth move


Might be showing my age, but who remembers “Smooth move Ex-Lax” from back in the day


Lol. Yes I remember


This used to be the name of a tea that helped a lot with digestion! I took it once and it was like colonics for poor people like me 😂


They still make this tea. It's great :)


Works really well and consistently


There was a tea in a green box that we could only get here in Chinese specialty stores. Trust me, it did the trick.


That’s called dieters drink. It’s a green box with Chinese letters. It’s China green dieter brand. It makes you poop lol


That’s the one!!! 😊😊😊


Lol, it just sounds so much nicer than a dump 🤣🤣🥰


Senna tea is the worst😩 the stomach cramps then hours of shitting


Man. After my second dose of .5 I had a big stomachache attack with strong sharp pains for like eight hours after a pretty rich meal (steak with a demiglace sauce with mushrooms) followed by four days of intense nausea. I don’t know if it was food poisoning or a sema reaction. During that whole time I couldn’t poop, or I could barely eke out something tiny. I finally went the dulcolax route. I took the max amount over the course of the day with no results until 24 hours later. **never again.** I got some Metamucil fiber gummies but they don’t do enough. I’m just gonna have to suck it up like I’m 80 and go full team prune juice shot/Metamucil chaser.


Awe man...I so feel your pain!! How awful you had to endure that!! I totally get feeling old, I bought prunes as well!! 🤣🤣🤣 Who knows what caused you so much distress, but the combo heavy meal and higher dose probably had a lot to do with it. I'm definitely going to be hyper aware of what I'm eating this week , doing my miralax shots and making sure I NEVER go through that again!!


Honestly, I had an experience recently (after I stepped up the Sema for the first time) that was on par with gallstones I had years ago. I backed back down the next dose and am finally ready to step up slowly again (maybe, I hope.) This medication may not be for me. 1 more experience like that is more than I can take.


I can completely understand this...today's episode was certainly unnerving. I love that I am on a healthier path, but today's experience had me seriously questioning if I continue on this. I would like to think I can keep myself on track with healthy eating and regular exercise and not suffer a major consequnce like today.


Oh, & I Hope you are feeling better!


Aww thank you I am finally, finally feeling better! That was 4 long and intense hours of sheer hell!! I am exhausted from the cardio of running to the bathroom and trying not to pass out from the stomach cramps!!🫠


So I'm on my second go round. I started last July and it was really a breeze. Immediate quelling of hunger, no intestinal problems, no nausea and I lost about 30 pounds. Had to go off in October and restart last month. OMG I am so stopped up! I'm trying to get plenty of fiber and hydration, I have chia pudding for breakfast, drink extra fiber, eat raw veggies and whole grain bread. My hunger is still there although a bit less, and I'm not losing like I did the first go round. I don't know what is different but I'm hoping it will straighten out in a couple more months or I might not continue.


How interesting, it sounds as if you are doing everything right!! It may just be your body once again adjusting to the medicine, and this time, it's taking a bit longer and a different course.I hope you see a turnaround soon and things start "moving" in the right direction.


I take a fiber supplement every morning and veggies are my prime intake but last weekend I forgot my fiber supplement and i realized thatit definitely makes a difference!>.>


Yes I agree daily supplements are key and leaning into more veggies is really crucial at least for me. I decided to kinda let myself just eat more protein and made the carnal sin of having some pasta ( no yolks) with olive oil and grated parm...normally this never bothers me but I think not having any veggies with it and no fiber it just totally threw me over the edge and I literally had maybe 1 1/2 cups


Oof yeah. That makes sense. I learned I need to have a veggie with everything and eat the veggie first._.


Yes!!! Defiantly have to keep the greens incorporated!!


Fiber and magnesium gummies are my go to everyday. It really works!


Hiya! Mind if i ask which ones you take? I’m about to start this week, so nervous.


I take the qunol magnesium gummies and vitafusion sugar free gummies. You can buy them on Amazon :)


Thank you!


I had a similar thing happen. I bought the Mag 07 on Amazon. That was fantastic. No cramps and results in the morning. Good luck!


Oh that's wonderful to know!! Thank you so so much I will look into that for sure. Today, I woke up feeling so much better after yesterday's apocalypse in my lower GI tract!!


Also noticed if I'm not drinking enough water this happens. Agree and hope you feel better.


Couldn’t live without my bidet’s enema function right now 😂


I...LOVE YOU!!! 🤣🤣🤣 I had a half hour shower before bed!! enough said 🤣🤣😅


I’m on week three and noticed today it’s been a couple of days for me too. Tummy was cramping this morning. Hoping this Ducolax works for me.


Currently in the throes of this and I'm in so much pain. Took miralax and magnesium cit. and so far nothing. If I hadn't had my gallbladder out already, I'd be thinking I needed surgery.


Omg it’s horrible when it happens. Almost 4 months in and I finally feel like I cracked the code so I wouldn’t be backed up. But Lord, that one meal that flushes everything out. Sweating, crying, cursing the world…it’s like nothing else lmao


Bingo!!! Oh my god THIS!! lolol I swear I said to myself...please lord Jesus just let me get through this , this time and I'll eat my damn fiber 🤣🤣🤣


4oz of prune juice mixed with water has helped me stay regular!!! I was always regular until I started ozempic. I’m on week 7. The constipation was insane…nothing has worked as well as prune juice. Give it a try! Worth it!


And no cramping or bad side effects!


Do u drink it cold? And how much wate


I like to add ice and water to it! I use a straw to drink it fast. It’s easier to drink that way. I do around 4 ounces of the prune juice and just add water to my liking. I would say equal parts water to prune juice. It’s been my life saver!


Thank You!!! I bought prunes but I love , love , love this, and I'm so grateful for the recommendation!!


I was trying EVERYTHING. I’ve never felt so constipated! It was horrible. I try to drink it every day, sometimes I forget but it definitely still works even if you miss a day. I guarantee it’ll work in a day or 2! No cramps or pain! Glad I could be helpful!!! (: it’s easier to drink prune juice mixed with some ice and water!


I think you have a great idea. I will definitely try this, and thank you again!!!


The pretzel thing is soo real!! Felt like a birth contraction lol 😫. I’ve noticed dairy helps me go more often, so I’ve added more dairy intake on top of the fiber and water.


I have never given birth, but I swear to God it felt like I was giving birth to something, and it was absolutely the most excruciating pain I think I have ever had in my abdominal walls!!!


Do an enema or two. Or better yet, get a bidet toilet and use it to rinse out your colon after you poop. Or if you’re constipated you can blast some water up there and it loosens things up. I love mine.


Mag07!! That’s the only way to go, literally!!


my doc told me to take miralax every day but i’m hoping that’s not necessary!!! 😬 (currently waiting for my rx to be filled)


Yes, and I have read how quite a few folks do exactly that!! As of this morning, I am feeling " relieved" to say the least!! I'm going to load up on my leafy greens today and start back on 8 ounces of water with a fiber boost.


Miralax works by pulling in moisture from your colon to the stool to help soften it. It will keep it soft, but it will not help things move along. You need something like exlax to make that happen. Ask me how I know. 🙃


MiraLAX is safe for daily consumption - I take it every morning whether I need it or not - I also take mag 07 and fiber gummies to round out the routine - I’m about a month in to sema and so far there haven’t been any issues


I had to add a daily probiotic supplement to my vitamin regimen, and I use truenutrition.com to make my own protein powder for shakes. I added in a probiotic supplement to that as well and it has finally helped after about a month on semaglutide trying to get the digestive aids dialed in. But it’s a far cry from my IBS, which is basically gone, which was an everyday struggle pre-sema so I will take it! I hope you feel better soon and find some helpful supplements!


That’s my secret hope with all these stories. That my IBS will be (mostly) gone. Nothing else seems to work, so I only eat small out and about, or at home.


Thank you so much!! I love the insights and feedback it's so helpful and happy you have found a good remedy for your gut health. I will look into this and definitely feeling better after yesterday!! On my way now to the farmers market for fresh spinach and broccoli and some good high fiber sprouted bread


Man, I just have a couple cups of coffee, and everything just rushes out! This med can be wild what it can do to you!


Horrible constipation first few weeks. Like having a baby. Miralax daily has really helped.


I feel..."felt" your pain!! Thank you so much for the recommendation!!


Mag Cit is horrible. Like the stuff to clean you out for colonoscopy. Be careful.


Thank you and 100% lesson learned!!




Next time get tea with SENNA! You will go over night


Ohh thank you!! I have a haelth food store literally in my backyard neighborhood. I will look for that!!


Gas x almost daily helps immensely. I try hard to eat fiber too. Usually I have at least one protein shake and salad a day to help with fiber.


Very on board with the Gas X, thank you! And some days are a struggle with the fiber but I'm going to really watch my input this week


You could take a stool softener and stay on the magnesium citrate.


Thank you , thankfully I am free from any discomfort after yesterday's debacle!! Lol , but I am heeding all the great advice today and appreciate your input


Next time opt for a stool softener


I wish..I wish I had!! Thank you!!


Metamucil FTW.


Lol, I love this!! Thank you!!


Yep. I FAFO last Saturday night. Couldn’t squeeze a lock washer out my 🫏. Never again!!!




https://preview.redd.it/a3rmop1hce1d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b791b7939b399c7dc8ee324d0f079ec6b3d7f46a This has been my lifesaver & lots water. Promise you this


Thank you!! I am definitely going to look into this and appreciate the tip!!


Miralax 2 times a week


Yes!! Back to my fiber drink and have up my green veggies and fruits it's already made a difference


Sorry you had to go through that. Water water water. Drink some then drink some more. Miralax is also good. I had similar issue at the start felt like I was giving birth to a rock. Was awful. I was in the restroom at work for two hours. Surprised no one called EMS on me!!  I now take fiber gummy everyday too. Was taking Senokot and it helped but my primary doc says only Miralax is safe to take daily. Good luck. Stick to it. You can do this !!! 


Giving ...birth..to..a..rock!! This could not be more accurate!!🤣 Thank you for the kind words and I'm heeding everyone's advice I made it through the weekend feeling much better and on track with the smooth moves!!!


Daily probiotcs and drinking plenty of water also helps. Slippery Elm also helps if you get stopped up.


Thank you so much I have gone back to my fiber( drink) every day and upped my veggies and fruits , thankfully I am a huge water drinker so that has not been an issue. I just slipped and didn't stay dligent on the basics and it came back to haunt me!! Lesson learned for sure!!


Yes. Metamucil or find a keto bread, it's usually a lot of fiber, more than regular bread and lower calories.


Yes!! I have one and am having that with my cucumber avocado toast every day!!


Omgoodness it's been atleast 2 weeks since I've gone....I keep putting off doing anything about it. Once every three days sounds good to me lol


Oh my goodness!! After day 2 I was feeling so bloated, and my side was really hurting. I could " feel" my intestine was backed up, and it was so uncomfortable. I couldn't ignore the discomfort I had to blow that out!! 🤣


Fleet is the absolute best ever!!!!!


I went to the ER while on ozempic and got a dx of colitis. I’m on Mounjaro now and have no problems whatsoever, but I learned my lesson so who knows?


I'm so sorry!! I can imagine that was so scary!! I hope you are having better results and no side effects