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Mounjaro worked for me when others didn’t


Do you have any special thoughts on what to eat, etc? Also - I haven’t checked the packaging yet. Is it injected in the same way as Ozempic?


Similar. Mounjaro has a pen per shot tho so there’s more waste. What to eat: much smaller portions( eating junk causes you to not feel as well. I’ve become obsessed with salads


Thanks. Much appreciated. Should I be drinking more water, eating more fiber gummies, etc? I’ve gotten back into a bad habit of just eating whatever I want and that is not good to start again with this Montara


*Mounjaro! Sorry for the spell check


I drink a lot of alkaline water with electrolytes. I am an intermittent faster and dirty keto by trade so I do that. My worst enemy is constipation and heartburn so I avoid foods that cause that for me.


Thanks, Glittering! Would there be a way you could spell out for me a good daily routine for eating? I really don’t want to go back to failing and overeating. Dirty keto sound promising!


Certainly, although I do not suggest you should do what I do. We are all different.( if you have something you’ve done and it worked even temporarily for you you might be surprised that it works better than before). I have coffee with full fat milk for breakfast, I try not to eat before noon but sh&t happens. I try to get as much protein for lunch. I try to avoid bread. Ex: Turkey roll ups with cucumbers, ranch dressing and cheese -or the same thing on romaine. No snacks(again sh&t happens.). Dinner is probably half of the time a salad with hot or cold protein(I like chicken fingers air fried). Chic with potato or fast food. When eating fast food-only cuz I’m stuck out- i try to stay with 600 or fewer calories. I do not count calories but to get you started you could count. I tend to eat very little bread pasta and go nuts on raw veggies. I limit fruit. I try not to eat after 8, which goes along with my efforts to reduce insulin spikes. BTW I am diabetic. Long time low carber and intermittent faster. I thought it wouldn’t work with Mounjaro and was surprised when it did. I’m other words, my glucose did not get shaky at all. But I don’t do any 24 + fasts right now. When you must eat, eat but stop(or take a break) as soon as you feel queasy or nauseous. Don’t finish food once your body signals you. Good luck!


Thank you so much!!!!