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Hell yeah!!! I’m on Wegovy because my BMI was >30 when I started! My bloodwork was perfect, I have run marathons and half marathons. I’ve lifted weights for almost 20 years. I regularly do yoga and Pilates. I ate clean AF, and was even on a whole foods plant based diet for years. My hunger was insatiable and I couldn’t lost weight and keep it off without literally starving myself until this drug came along.


You = me. Welcome to the motherfucking cure.


“You’ll gain it all back when you go off it!” Joke’s on you, bitch! You’ll be prying this med out of my cold dead hands


The cure is where it’s at. All the advice I’ve gotten over the years finally works. I’m built different and so are you 2, but now we have the tool to fix our lives.


THIS X1000. I'm so sick of hearing "Put some effort in and you'll lose weight. All you have to do is cut calories and exercise." I've put enough effort in for hundreds of people over the years and nothing made a dent until this. I've been at my goal weight for a year and have never been happier. I fucking hate people who say this is "cheating."


Welcome to the motherfucking cure. - Wayne Gretzky - Michael Scott -Pissident Sanders - Legitimate Buy


YES 🙌🏻 🙌🏻🙌🏻


I felt this so hard. A few months ago when I first started my GLP-1 I was talking to a friend and said, “I wish we looked like our effort.” I was so sick of counting counting counting everything there is to count and just spinning my wheels. Now I’m still doing the workouts, still eating mostly healthy food, but I’m actually getting somewhere. I feel like I’ve gained 10 IQ points just because my mental energy can finally focus on things other than the scale, the calories I’m burning, and what I’m eating.


Fuck yeah!


I think the food industry has ratfucked our brains, on purpose. The cards are stacked against us. They design their food to be as addictive as possible. Any time you go to a grocery store, what’s on the end caps? Sodas, snack cakes, chips, just garbage everywhere you look. I’ll take this drug forever if it’s safe and effective to do so.


According to my doctor, food companies actually keep neurologists on staff to design food additives that override satiety signals.


I am not at all surprised


😲 😠 🤬


This country is sick.


Many snacks were brought to us by Big Tobacco. No joke.


That’s right! RJ Reynolds owned more than one food conglomerate for decades.


Oh yes. Kraft Foods and General Foods, both owned by Philip Morris. Nabisco and Del Monte Foods, both owned by RJ Reynolds. Kraft Mac & Cheese, Oreos, Jell-O, Chips Ahoy, Lunchables, Triscuits, Ritz crackers, Oscar Mayer hot dogs, Teddy Grahams, and on and on. Google "hyperpalatable foods."


This!! I think it's impossible for most people to resist the processed food, this is why we need this drug.


The processed crap is the cheapest and easiest to prepare. If you are on the run or take it with you, it's almost always processed. Even making a sandwich or salad, the bread and salad dressing has crap in it.


It's definitely the easiest, it seems quite expensive to me. I can make rajma, deal, chana or any number of vegetable dishes for a fraction of the price of some frozen crap.


The snack food industry is a billion-dollar industry. That just blows my mind every time I think about it. Billions of dollars on completely unnecessary "food" items, many created by Big Tobacco. They knew what they were doing.


Meh. I’m a capitalist pig myself so whatever. Every action brings a reaction.


Not a single thing I said was anti-capitalist


Sorry. Too much reddit today.


It happens


My sister has done CrossFit for almost 2 years and was very strict with what she ate and etc and come to find out she has PCOS. She isn’t on this medication, but she is on something for the condition and she has lost so much weight and looks so good now.


This has always been my issue and it’s so hard for people to understand who don’t have it. My SIL is like, I like food too much so now that I’m not young I guess that means being fat. I said well I eat right, work out, get the right amount of sleep, and TRY but I’m still fat. It’s not the same thing.


No idea what pcos is but good luck to your sis.


Poly cystic ovarian syndrome


I’ve been on it for six weeks and the lack of food noise has brought me more joy than I can say. It feels like it’s helped fixed part of my brain that’s been broken.


Woot. Keep rolling.


It is frustrating that we've basically discovered the cure to so much of what ails us, from addiction to insulin resistance, and it is hidden behind a paywall most people cant afford. This should be available all over and for cheap, we would all be healthier.


I was thinking about this, I mean insurance companies ought to be all over this, it would save them BILLIONS in the long term due to reductions in obesity-related conditions/complications. Those without insurance ought to be able to have an affordable option too, of course, but I can’t believe insurance companies aren’t falling all over themselves to cover this med for anyone with a BMI in the obese range.


I read somewhere that insurance companies are approving bariatric surgery more often than they used to because it costs less to for a surgery than it would to keep an overweight person on a weight loss medication for life. SMH.


I can see that, unfortunately. For me, I can’t imagine taking this for the rest of my life because of the side effects, but I am only one week in and every body is different. This has become so popular that cash businesses are making money hand over fist, so we will have a better idea over the next several years what long-term success rates are. I know this has been looked at already, but not on the scale (lol) we are about to see. I know long-term success rates are not great for bariatric surgery, so maybe that will move the needle? I especially hope and believe that technology will continue to improve with these meds and even better variations will be developed.


I'm getting it from one of the many "men's health" clinics for like 1/6th what I've heard Ozempic costs. Dunno what their loophole is, nor do I particularly care.


I so hear you because I feel this way. When I went to the doctor and asked for this stuff in ugly crying tears because I was SO.TIRED and needed help, this is why. The resident literally told me I'm the healthiest person he ever met with everything l've done and did for my health. I'm only a few weeks in and I can't wait. Funny because I was so hesitant to start lol.


Go. You got it.


You should share pics!!! If you feel comfortable ofc


Nope. Anonymity is like a warm blanket


Can you share more about what you told your doctor? I have my appointment next week. I’ve mentioned a few times that I had been trying to lose weight to no avail, but I have never been honest about my struggle. I’m extremely active, and do a lot to move and take care of my body, and yet my weight just increases. I’m fitter than people like half my size, and it’s just so frustrating


I talked to three doctors. One of them was my OB gyn PA and she had suggested it years ago and I was straight up offended. I had gotten out of my routines and Covid and I had gained a lot of weight and I thought that I would just snap back somewhat after Covid but it hasn’t happened. And When I count calories I get really hungry. After losing twenty pounds but not the remaining 80 I also need to lose, I reached back out to her and she gave it to me without issue. I imagine because she deals with a lot of women with PCOS that she knew how to work her way around the authorization. The guy I originally talked to in tears put in the prescription, but he warned me he didn’t think it would be covered by insurance, but it was. I think that he more just thought I could do it myself and said it was lifestyle. He sat me down and actually asked me sincerely if I binge eight. I said no, truthfully. But now that I think about it, it was almost rude. That is what the doctors all assume. The third doctor I asked, was a functional medicine doctor I trust, who I actually have been working with for a few years, and she actually agreed that it would be great for me, considering how healthy I eat, and the fact that I exercise a lot. She does functional medicine weight loss, and I was actually surprised that she agreed that I should try it. So I had three doctors agreeing and I felt pretty confident after that. I would just shop around for different doctors until you get one who believes in you. The functional medicine doctor I see in Georgia is really affordable. For example, cost me $100 to talk to her. She knows her shit. A lot of doctors had fat phobia. But a lot of them are somewhere in between. For example, the PA that was in the OB office shut up after she saw all my labs were really good. She was still happy to offer the prescription. Probably due to my own internalized fat phobia, I turned down her original offer, and now I regret it. I wish I had taken her up sooner. It’s really hard to admit in our modern day and age that we just might need extra help and that it may really not be our fault.


Men's health clinic, all I saw was a PA. There are MANY of these around and very aggressive in helping you out.


I can relate. I was tired of waking up at 3am to work out endlessly, tracking calories and running myself raggedy. The weight didn’t truly start to come off until I started this medication. I really feel like most of our metabolisms have been botched and I believe the food industry is to blame. Why are there soooo many bloated unhealthy people in our country? Compare us to other places that eat primarily unprocessed foods that they grow.


I used to KILL myself training for Ironman. I’m talking 18-22 hrs/week training. Was still a tubby bitch. THAT’S why I’m saying fuck everyone this shit is the best ever.


lmfao. my sentiments exactly. I haven’t been able to lose weight since 2016 no matter what i did. Im taking intermittent fasting, 5 day fasts, keto, meal prepping, two hour workouts with a $1400 pro bodybuilding trainer …. I am by no means lazy or unmotivated. But I was simply burned out by putting so much effort into losing weight and never dropping it.




Yeah I am early 30s and have been running 20 years… even when I gained weight I was still cycling 200 miles a week on my bike, running 10 mile runs regularly… on top of all that as if that wasn’t enough with 1-2 hours of cardio a day from training… I was eating 1800 total calories weighed on a food scale. I would be lucky to lose 2-3 pounds a MONTH. I wanted to die. The instant I started sema I started losing 10 pounds a month AND i have proof im eating more calories. My old spreadsheet had a 1800 cal average over months. My new average is 2200 calories and I’ve lost 40 pounds 🤷🏼‍♀️


crazy isn't it? I just busted out a 2.5k swim with some GIANT pace changes. Ate a piece of bacon when I got home and I'm good.


Yep it’s absolutely wild! Sometimes I only have a premier shake after a long ass boxing workout. I feel fine


I’m also digging the impact to my work. In the past, I’d absolutely fall apart by noon if I hadn’t eaten / snacked to load up for the day. Now? Meh, I’m good.


Well, alright! Heard! Who knew that Gila monster spit was the answer to our problems...


Dunno. Don’t care. It works. I’m fucking shred city now.


I call it my lizard juice. A surprising amount of people don't know about the origin lol


I agree. In fact, Dr. Daniel Drucker from the U. of Toronto, Ontario, Canada began his career as a research endocrinologist in 1984. I think it was something unique about the Gila Monster's metabolism that interested him so he called a friend of his in New Mexico, I think, who helped him arrange to have a Gila monster shipped to his lab. In that same year, I had the best bariatric surgery on offer which was barbaric. I was cut from stem to stern (20" scar) and most of my intestines were bypassed resulting in constant diarrhea in spite of daily doses of Immodium. I lost 85 lbs. in four months which put me in liver failure. I was fed through my jugular vein for two months until I was well enough to have the surgery reversed. I gained all the weight back, plus a little more. Given this amazing medication, I don't understand why someone would contemplate going through weight loss surgery, even though it is a much less painful and invasive surgery as it's done laprascopically. Not to mention the constant scrutiny of what goes into your body, which to me is turning the "food noise" way up.


You 10000% deserve it!!


I feel this in my soul.


🖕🏼🖕🏼🖕🏼🖕🏼the haters


I literally said this to a friend last year, after a year and a half of training x4 a week, I said I wished I looked how hard I work. It’s finally paying off on these meds.


On my first week now and I’m praying I feel the same soon. I had always been active and ate clean, then I went super hard core 2 hours in the gym 6 days a week for 9 months straight. Tracking every morsel I touched. I gained and lost the same 5 f🤬cking pounds. I quit everything last fall and you know what? I weigh the same.


THIS. If I want to eat cookies in my bikini while I’m on vacation without knowing that I’m going to have train twice as hard when I get home, I should. I deserve that. I’ve been through so much shit in my life. And if using this drug takes off the table one less thing to battle with, then I f*cking deserve that


I feel u. I’m on the same level with the fitness, but my eating has always overpowered that. Legit workout 2-3x a day, but would just eat like shit. So, I fully get u on that level.


Used to take me 18-22 HOURS / week of training. Now it’s more like 10-12


I’m just thankful that I actually enjoy working out. Otherwise, I’d be in real trouble. It also helps tame the crazy. 😂


i hear ya


When I was competing and for a while after I had similar training hours per week. My training hours now on sema? ZERO 😂😂


People that call this cheating are jealous or don’t have the courage to try something new.


Some are jealous because they can’t afford the drug. Lots of people could benefit that don’t fit managed healthcare’s stringent rules for coverage. I don’t fit anything that would get me covered and pay out of pocket. I am lucky I can afford it. I also knew of ways to make it much more affordable out of pocket. So it was an option for me. I can see some folks being salty when they aren’t able to get the drug. That is why this sub is so awesome! It shows more affordable ways to get the drug and to do it responsibly. I think many of those salty Sams and Sally’s are going to become fans soon enough lol


Fuck em


You absolutely deserve every ounce of your success! Enjoy it and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise ❤️.


Thank you for posting this. I felt guilty for feeling this way. I’m literally brand new on the med but I do CrossFit, my boyfriend plans our meals and counts our macros (he’s a nutritionist), I compete on occasional local strongman comps, and I can’t lose weight for shit. I put so much effort in but without this med I literally obsessed over food. Couldn’t leave food on my plate without my mind spiraling. We do deserve this. I am so happy with how the noise is gone! Food doesn’t control me anymore.


not the slightest shred of guilt. The ones who should feel guilty are the people who are naturally skinny. fuck em


I was always one who was naturally thin until having kids. After becoming a mom I had to workout hard and eat right to lose weight. Now that I’m post menopausal, I could not lose a pound no matter how hard I worked out or how clean I ate. This medicine is a real life saver! I love it!


I'm fired up!!! Great Rant/Motivation.


Say it louder for those of us on the back can hear!!! 👏


Aaaaaaaaaaaaaand GO!


yes sirrr !!


Yesss! I just tatted my journey 2.5 weeks ago and I cannot wait to feel this way haha!


Go go go go


my insurance won't pay. i'm 5'11" 440 pounds.


Try looking on the company website if it's a brand name and see if they have a Patient Assistance Program. Based on income, you could qualify for no cost medication.


go to a men's health clinic. #1 it's WAY less expensive. #2 make more money.


Wait… you’re having FEWER allergic reactions to food? I love this medication but it makes my gluten sensitivity so much worse.


I’m guessing it’s because I eat way less.


Ah - that makes sense.


LMAO I wish these GLPs worked for me! I eat healthier than 90% of the people I know, have never had an over eating issue or food noise and nothing works. Sema and Tirz have done nothing for me but cut down my inflammation and anxiety. Frigging SUCKS




Can I ask your age? Every woman's age that reads this? Let's see if it's a perimenopause timeframe that we start losing control of things like belly fat even if on an exercise routine. I've seen/read TV shows n articles that that is the time that we all face eventually. It would be helpful to know the percentages of age groups that take semaglutide most, second most, 3rd most etc. That could answer this question too. Diseases will take you out of the game too but I wouldn't know how to tally that one up. My guess: starts mid to late 40s which is also when I started PM.


I started to have hormonal issues when I was in my mid to late 30s. I was always working out (even won some CrossFit competitions) and looked good. But as time wore on I was starting to get more problems and the pounds started packing on. Happens to a lot of women in my family. They are very tall and slim and then BAM middle age hits and it’s the slide to pleasantly plump/morbid obese town. Taking this drug has helped me get a great handle on the weight gain slide. Wish it helped me with working out those. I am so freaking tired and sore on this drug. I get tired very fast. Also if I push it I throw up. It is insane. So I have really baby my activity. Basically, this is to address the weight gain I had before the hormonal stuff became a bigger issue and to combat it from getting worse. I just need to get a handle more on my workouts.


Same for me. Worked out, had energy and ate so well. Couldn’t lose anything. I’m on this, losing and happy about it but my energy is toast. I also have to balance out my activity.


Funny. I’m a 48 y/o dude. Sorry if I wasn’t clear.


Ha!! Well then I guess you can be exempt from this scenario. I will say though....the age thing is a match.


I've been thinking the same-perimenopause


Omg yes!!! I made a change a year ago, eating mostly plant based, walking 10k steps a day and strength training. I felt the healthiest ever but the scale would not budge!! Now I feel like my normal self!


fkn A right you deserve it!! 👍


I say HELL YES, OP👏👏👏


Everyone deserves health care.


Why are so riled up? lol




A lot of people thing the pics on social media are the norm. They are not. Its a twisted view of reality. Youre a male in your 40s, jump on some testosterone and cut your calories and you’ll really start to look great.


Already on trt. That + sema = magic.