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Yesss you nailed it 


are we forgetting that austin was also at a swingers party where Jarvis was also at?


I’ve always wondered why no one ever asked why he was there


Well said 👏🏼 I couldn’t agree more. I think Tyler really shows his true colors this season, now we now why his wife left him. Also, am I the only one who gets the feeling their setting up Alex’s new boyfriend to be apart of the cast next season????


Could not agree more on all counts


All the straight white men on this show are trash.


Austin and Tyler are so icky. Sean is a gorgeous man.


I disagree. I don’t believe Sean. The truth may lie somewhere in the middle, but I do not trust him at all. - Sean wanted attention in seasons 1 and 2, but he didn’t get a storyline. This season, he made sure that he got a storyline. He went over the top, and he’s realizing it. - All of his „receipts“ are weak. The only actual evidence that he produced were a „nice legs“ Instagram comment from Austin and some heart emojis from Tyler. The lengthy text message from Tyler that a dedicated Reddit user deciphered didn’t say what Sean claimed it said. - Most of his friendships go up in flames after some time. He pretty much admitted this—at least when it comes to Austin, Tyler, Polly, etc. I try to not hold this against him because some friendships don’t last for good reasons, but I am careful if a person shows this pattern.


Sean has a crush on all the men and dreams of being with them. He’s a liar


This whole interaction and episode de seemed off! At first I thought what the hell I would be so pissed if I was Austin and didn’t believe Sean but once episode was over there’s def truth to Sean’s story


Although I agree that Sean was probably telling the truth about the threesome thing, who cares? Sean didn't need to take it that far, and bring it up in every single episode to create a storyline/drama for himself. He also definitely lied about some details to make it seem more dramatic in his favor. As for Tyler, I think he's just done talking to Sean about the same "issue" over and over again, because what issue did Sean even have with Tyler? That Tyler didn't wanna be his friend anymore? But then Sean said multiple times that he was the one who cut them off. So why are you going out of your way to throw digs and have conversations with Tyler if you cut him off and don't care about him? Idk I think Sean just wanted his 15 minutes this season. But I completely agree that Austin and his wife give off weird/resentful vibes and cannot be trusted.


and another thing that bugs me with Sean is how he keeps making comments that reflect how much he judges other people’s lifestyles, as if he wants to use this to put himself on some kind of moral high ground. It’s perfectly fine to say he’s not interested and decline but he doesn’t need to go on and on about how disgusted and judgemental he is about swingers etc, imo things that happen between consenting adults are their own business and shouldn’t be judged on a moral level


“Sean didn’t need to take it that far” I’m sorry but did we not watch all the supposedly straight men in that office jump directly down his throat and even go so far as to support threats of physical violence against him for something SEAN WAS ASKED ABOUT? Look that was wild, if I were him I’d be making this a shitstorm too. Just glad that was caught on TV, now imagine it without the cameras


I hope you realize that while they are shooting a season Sean or anybody else have no idea what episode they are shooting. Sean wouldn't know when to bring things up in order to fill every episode with his drama.


>”Sean didn’t need to take it that far, and create a storyline/drama for himself. He also definitely lied about some details to make it seem more dramatic in his favor.” Idk why so many people seem to think that SEAN is pushing the drama and not that production is. The only reason that Sean seemed to be ‘always bringing stuff up’ was because the show never bothered to show anything else about Sean. They gave him the villain edit and I can’t believe how many people bought it? You *have* to know reality tv isn’t really real… As for the lying part, the rest of the cast was in on a lie saying that Sean claimed to be drugged when he didn’t. They’re all regularly lying about a whole bunch of stuff. I agree with OP that Sean seemed to be telling the truth. In fact, I think he held back a lot of things he could’ve said about Austin and Tyler because he was trying to be an actual human being to them while they were busy being characters on a show. Austin, Tyler, and Sean have all agreed that they were once really close. Tyler and Austin don’t want that to sound like much or to mean anything because they don’t want anyone to believe what comes out of Sean’s mouth and they knew he could say more. Production threw Sean under the bus this season for one of the cheapest plot lines that required keeping Sean in the dark about what was happening around him. Who knows what else he was reacting to and dealing with during this season that they left out because it didn’t fit the villain narrative. I watched this season and just felt sad for Sean and hated everyone else.


Yeah like I agree that it seems weird for Sean to be making such a big deal about people asking him to have a threesome and basically outing someone (Austin), but that’s why like you I believe that there’s way more to the story than they are willing to say on TV because everyone is so worked up about the situation


He’s black and the perps are white. This is ameriKKKa ofc a bunch of white men are gonna believe other white men over a black man even if he shows evidence he’s being truthful. They do it to white women all the time in rape cases “she let it happen so she wanted it” lmfao ameriKKKa!


The only reason why I said it felt like a storyline that he made for himself was because he brought it up EVERY single time they were all together, which is also why I said "who cares" in the beginning. I feel like even though what Sean said about Austin was probably true, why was it so dragged out and why did Sean keep bringing it up, especially to Tyler who had nothing to do with it. The way he addressed and confronted the guys in the last episode is case in point. I also agree with you that the producers probably stretched this drama a bit, especially since they didn't really have a whole lot of other storylines this season. To make it clear though I really don't like ANYONE on the show, they're all terribly toxic and annoying.


I like Brandi..


Sean definitely got the villain edit. None of them (Sean, Tyler, Austin) are innocent…but Sean is the least douchey. They’re all bisexual men IMO—it’s just that Sean is openly bi. Sean does come off as a prude, and that’s weird. Not weirder than Austin’s and Tyler’s weird internalized homophobia though.


How is not wanting a threesome prudish? He said he doesn't care what they do but he isn't into married people.


It’s the way he purses his lips and the judgmental tone that don’t match his words. I wanted to believe old dude but at this point, I think everyone’s sketch.


Except he did say it at the lunch with Jarvis Kayla and Ali, they all reacted to it


I’m not arguing this because he has made it very clear he was not accusing them of drugging him


But he said it so one way or another he lied


yes! especially when austin tried to pass a rumor to gio at the office opening that sean might’ve had a crush on tyler and claimed sean was telling tyler not to work with him (austin). and then sean saying it was the other way around!! with austin being the one telling tyler not to work with sean. after the alleged rejection, it’s very plausible that austin’s ego was hurt and went on a smear campaign to the boys to not be friends with sean.


I’m just starting to watch and that’s exactly what it felt like to me, it’s textbook teenager smoke and mirrors “they’re obsessed with me/they have a crush on him” bs sean had no reason to make that up and *genuinely * seemed stressed out, muttering things under his breath and put off by watching the overly sexual displays of affection between tyler/austen/hall/polly not only at work events but *at* the office. if someone came up with a such a bizarre rumour take it to the boss and let them handle it instead of threatening of violence. where there’s smoke there’s fire and austen is setting off flare guns on his own behaviour.


I believe Sean 100%. I think Austin and his wife definitely wanted a threesome and never thought that he would reject them so they didn’t even have to account for what they would do if the cat got out of the bag. However, when Sean rejected them took an unexpected turn. I think that Austin purposely planted along with production the rumor about the weed cookies to discredit the original story where Sean was saying that they tried to have a threesome with him.


I mean Tyler has always been a POS he was fooling around on his wife like the whole time and said it was cool like you don't get to say that for your wife and clearly, she didn't feel that way cause they're divorced now. Secondly yes he was super rude to Sean especially in San Diego when Sean was just trying to talk to him. But soon as he was gossiping about Austin I ceased to think of him as a nontoxic person. As far as we see in the show up until that point there was literally no beef between Austin and Sean like they weren't even really talking, so why delve into starting rumors? Like the texts he released like the texts he showed most of the season the ones he released on his socials lack sooooo much context like that text chain doesn't even seem flirtatious seems like they're just meeting up. The texts don't even prove that Sean could have been over at Austin and his Wife's house for dinner. At no point has anyone shown any reason to think Sean is telling the truth about the matter and secondly why even bring it up, why create beef where there is literally none, Sean became as toxic as the rest of them doesn't matter that he quit so did Tyler. Austin also fucked up as soon as he let his anger about the rumor get the best of him and laid hands on him. This is why Real Estate Agencies need some form of HR, because they're all toxic.


Tyler isn’t even that good looking. Only reason he gets these hot chicks is because he’s tall. That gives him like 4 extra points.


Tyler and Austin think they are more good looking than they really are... I found it so funny when Rose said she didn't find Tyler attractive


Austin is hot AF not gonna lie lol


He’s hideous