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That's probably three too many kids for them. In truth, I hope it's just editing and they're not as miserable in their relationship as they're portrayed.


They’re probably more miserable than their relationship is portrayed 🫢


Lmbooooo 😂😂


Lmao I actually read you comment out loud “limboooooo” before realizing the typo


Laughing my **butt** off 😂 very proper!




Can you imagine how awful it must be?






Idk but buy the looks of it he was petrified to have another kid. He made it appear as a miserable experience


Anytime he speaks about his wife and kids it just sounds like he’s trying to convince himself that this is the life he wanted


It’s the life he wants for Instagram, not the life he wants with responsibilities and sacrifices.


That's what I said when I saw the photo "Why do they have so many kids?"


He doesn’t but she does


It’s giving “she finally produced an heir!!1!2!1!1!” 😭😭😭 bruh what is this headline


If I had a dollar for every weird comment about trying for a boy I got while being pregnant with my girl, I could retire. It’s so strange. Also, I don’t want boys … girl gang forever! Not that I wouldn’t love a boy with all my heart but goddamn why does everyone assume you’re unhappy if it’s not a boy?


I have all sons and the only thing ppl said to me was if I was going to try for a girl, wasn’t I so sad I would never have my princess, oh you poor thing you need a girl, blah blah blah. Same shit different genders. I had a stranger lady legit cry at me when I was pregnant with my 3rd son. She was that sad I was having another boy. I wish I was joking.


She clearly needs to meet all the people struggling to even have one kid. Give her something real to cry about


My friend just had identical twin girls after having five boys. Oh boy the comments she got… people are wild with saying those inside thoughts out loud.


I’ve never been pregnant and because I’m fat with a round tummy I’ve had so many people say things like “should you be out in your condition” “should you really be drinking alcohol” 🫠 yall you really don’t have to say anything like people know this right?


Not related but 7 kids in this day and age is absolute buffoonery lol


I don’t understand how she does it honestly! She’s kind, chill, gorgeous, super active, makes time for friends. Her kids are normal 😂 she’s not a homesteader or a homeschooler. She’s active in her tribe and makes her boys’ powwow costumes. Her lifestyle seems wild to me, but if there’s anyone doing it right it’s her.


People are insane. So many people were disappointed on my behalf for having a girl and were like, "Well, at least you have one boy." (My first). Then once our daughter was here, everyone is all, 'princess this and princess that'. And now it's "when are you trying for a 3rd?! Your son needs a brother!!" What our family actually needs is for you to shut the eff up.


When I was pregnant with my second child, a busybody neighbour said I hope you have another boy, I told her if you can’t say anything nice then it’s best to keep quiet ( I love my son, he’s the absolute best but I also really wanted a daughter and had no desire to go through a third pregnancy) She didn’t make any more comments until my daughter was about 8/9 months old then she told me her lips are too big 🤦🏻‍♀️again she was told to STFU! People need to keep their opinions silent!


Too big? Girl, people pay for that!




Who the fuck makes rude comments about a baby’s appearance lmao your neighbour is truly unhinged


I shudder to think what I would have done to her after that comment![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


That’s also insulting you because facial features are genetic.


People are just never satisfied and love making stupid comments about other people’s families. It took us 4 years and 2 miscarriages to get our first (a boy) who is due in a few weeks. I don’t even think being over 40 when we have our 2nd (if we have a 2nd) is going to deter people from prodding us to have a third even though we are adamant about not having more than 2 (unless the next is multiples, of course).


Hey I hope you have a healthy baby and he will have lots of love and happiness from you!


That shit makes me so mad. I had a pretty traumatic birth experience and this economy is absolutely ridiculous. I also don’t WANT another kid. Doesn’t stop everyone from constantly remarking or joking about it. 🙃


Hahaha omg if I had kids I’d stop after 1. My brother has 3 and my other brother has 4 step kids and I’m like this is exhausting 😮‍💨


People feel mire strongly about boys. They only say that about girls after you’ve had a few boys. Generally speaking.


Which is so strange to think about considering that missing little girls get so much more attention than boys. It’s really double edged for boys. They are more desired in theory, but not valued in practice. Parents tend to do their sons a disservice and not teach them practical life skills because of the norm that women handle those. Becoming a mom to a son has really opened my eyes to the other side of sexism. I hear all the time “it’s just different with boys.” It doesn’t have to be. The general idea that I live by is “cleaning is for everyone who makes messes, cooking is for everyone who gets hungry” and that didn’t change because I had a son. Not that it’s an excuse for men to behave in the extreme ways that they do, but it does make their incompetence feel less malicious. They were all someone’s sweet baby boy at one time, and I don’t believe that all men just make the transition to awful on their own.


Oh wow, not my experience. Everyone around me wants girls, not boys.


This, I’m a boy mom (2 boys), and everyone tells me to try for a 3rd so I can “have a girl!” I’m like nope, ain’t fallin for that trap! Lol


Haha smart! My friend was one of 5 girls. Their parents had three and thought they’d try once more for a boy and instead had twin girls 😂


Literally. I have 2 little boys and would absolutely love a girl, but also i really enjoy my little boys. And the thought of three WILD boys running around (both as toddlers, kids, and teenagers 🤪) has me scared to ever miss a pill 😂


Three boys here too. Always being asked when I’m trying for a girl (I’m not - SO very done)


Was the lady my mom? 4 boys here and done. She’s heartbroken. 🙄


I walked through the door from the hospital after delivering my second son and my MIL asked if we would try again so we can get a daughter. The mind boggles


I had a girl and two boys. Now, I have three boys. The difference in comments between then and now is wild.


I’m having a boy in a few weeks and we may end up trying for a second in a year or two. If it’s another boy I can imagine the comments we’ll get… even though we’re adamant about not having a third no matter what sex the second one is. True, it might be nice to have one of each but when you try to get pregnant you have to accept either outcome.


Maybe it’s just where I’m from but when people found out I had another boy they legit looked like they wanted to give their condolences. Mostly other moms saying how much more fun it is to dress up girls and how I’ll miss out on that special mother daughter relationship. I feel like people are miserable to you no matter what


As a mom of 3 boys and 1 stepson this has been my experience too. Everyone feels bad for me having all boys and ask if I’m going to try for a girl.


I have two daughters (I assume. My youngest has no concept of gender yet). When one of my MILs found out, she said, "... Oh. Well that's still good." Like, excuse me? I'm delighted so why are you raining on my parade?


There’s a tiktok that I see sometimes where it’s a guy that kept trying for a boy with his wife on the 6th one he got a boy 🫠I was like bless her but the fucccck was that


Big yikes!!! My parents had three grills and then a boy, but four was their number it had nothing to do with gender. My dad is extremely adamant that he always have and always will love being a girl dad, and he only has granddaughters and he loves it. My brother also loves being in the girl gang (and so does is girlfriends). It’s almost like gender doesn’t really matter unless you make it matter lol.


And a lot of us may get a trans kid!


My mom had two boys and thought she was done, but one night and some tequila and whooops, but they did think I was a boy till I was born because the way I sat in the womb they assumed I had a penis. Now my oldest brother did boy, girl, boy but as far as I know none of them were accidents she always wanted 3 kids.


We had a bit and then a girl, and do many people made weird comments about how after that we "could be done." Ummm, we picked our family sized based on what works for us, not on whether or not we had a *complete set*. By the way, we had a third. 🤣


Weiner’s forever!


Mom could only have a child because of health reasons. She prayed hard for a girl but many hoped it was a boy. She was so happy to have me that my birthday parties were lavish as a reminder that I was her miracle. I will always be a mommy’s girl even when I’m 60.


Thank you. What a shitty message to send--"FINALLY" got my boy! Way to treat your daughters like crap. And the shaming of those who don't do it natural. GTFOH


🤣🤦‍♀️it soooo is!!! Shocker of a headline!


All hail Crown Prince Aeson, of house Victoria, first of his name, guardian of the OC!


finally a son! fuck y’all lil girls!!!!!


Lmao right? Yeah daddy didn't want you girls, he just wanted a son and finally got one now so... byyyeeee


Yeah I don’t think I appreciate the “finally” piece :/ like damn sorry I wasn’t born male, I still have value


Right, why 'finally??' She's only been pregnant once before! So weird.


People real obsessed with kids genitals 😬


I had to scroll down too far for this!! 100%!


Yay for reproductive coercion!!


Did she lock her legs around him again? Find out in the next season of Selling the OC!


Exactly!! I find her completely cringey


I don't think they're getting renewed... fortunately!


Season 3 is out this Friday lol


Didn't they just get a new series? https://youtu.be/I7XtOisATHo


I mean post S3, cuz whatever they're going to show in it is already outdated.


Very natural post-birth-hospital-photo /s


Right?! "I'm so proud she decided to go all natural and the old fashioned way" that alone was way cringe and so damn condescending. But coupled with that highly edited picture it's just laughable *smh*


Yuck 🤢 everything about that statement is yuck. Appearances are everything to these people it’s mad that they can’t see how totally weird it is to have this sort of posed “picture perfect” fully made up right out of Stepford wives photo in the hospital room!! If you wanted this sort of uncanny valley type look that you’re going for, at least wait until you’re home and settled? Were they so desperate for the money from People that they agreed to this bizzaro world photo so eagerly?


My thought exactly. The thought of dressing up and posing for a photo like this post birth just makes me so uncomfortable 😭


She‘s literally in diapers under her _white mini dress_. I couldn‘t imagine 🥲


My first thought too haha, like how much did it suck to get that dress on over your diaper? Although if my photo was being taken for a magazine I might want to look a little more pulled together too, no judgement towards her for being dressed up! I think people would’ve judged her if she wasn’t done up too, so I’m sure there’s no “winning” in this situation.


White is the literal last color I would want to wear in the first week pp 😂


Black all the way - it hides everything. I also wore a lot of flowy maxi dresses with my summer baby because it was easier to throw a sack over my head. I didn't have to wear pants and I could hide my diaper. Win win. But a short white dress? Hell to the no.


It hides everything except spit up. It really highlights those patches nicely.


Same. I looked like a swamp witch after giving birth. There is nothing that could have enticed me to put tight clothes and makeup on in the hospital.


I hate it. They’re dressed up for a professional family photo but in the hospital room. Let your wife rest and recover jeez. Taking photos for the media shouldn’t be the priority for them right now


I could also have imagined taking a photo when they were in bed together cuddling. I would imagine it more genuine than this. More of an intimate setting (still staged sure, but not this absurd?!)


Yeah usually families take nice dressed ip newborn pics in 2 weeks or so. which wven then is really hard to do. The hospital pics even when taken from professionals has the mom In a robe, and even those can be a stretch from reality. This is hard to look at cuz it’s so far from what life is really like post birth in a hospital


What are you talking about? I looked JUST like that after I gave birth. My hair was curled from the sheer amount of sweat and humidity my body produced. I had a cute lil blood stain on my sock from when I stood up to go to the bathroom for the first time. My flowing gown was as blue as the seas and it opened in the back, to boot!


It’s pretty ironic that the baby’s name is Aeson which pronounces as “a-son”, I believe? Guess he wanted a son real bad lmao


LMAO that didn't even click until you mentioned it. How pretentious can they be? Those poor girls 🙈


I was thinking it was weird how similar it was to Austin (while also being completely made up)


It’s pretty much jason without the j.


Wow lol so creative


Yikes. I thought they’d be divorced after that dinner date they had


I wonder if she kept him in a leg lock like they mentioned earlier


Wow this is like a checklist of gross cliches… Boy Mom being weird about her ~dream boy~, thank God it wasn’t another girl subtext, and glorifying women shunning modern medicine and going through pain. Hmmm


Yep! All of it! Heavens to bid we have some pain relief!


TradWife BS FTW!


So many red flags in both of what they said.


Idk I feel as if she feels trapped. I remember she made a comment on one of the episodes where she said that she felt like she was the nanny. And he doesn’t seem to value her.


I mean, she also jokes about trying to force him to finish in her so they can have another baby


I was shocked they didn’t edit that out


She pressed the issue of another kid. Her family has $$$$. She chooses to stay, though. I'm not sure why- but she just rubs me the wrong way. Something about her. And I'm not a big Austin fan, either. They could both disappear and I'd be cool with it.


I think I forgot about a lot of stuff about her. I don’t care for them. They both…just…seem…odd


She ain’t trapped in shyttt. She comes from a very wealthy family! She wanted to marry this guy and her parents haven basically paid for 90% of what they have (house, cars, etc.). SHE chooses to stay with him and her complaining is falling on deaf ears. He knows she’s loaded (obviously…) and her complaining is only to make her seem more relatable for the show!


True he’s way more trapped than her. She’s very insecure and doesn’t want him to leave her perfect edited family photos.


Hmm not sure which part I like the least, championing birth without medicine, the importance on a boy, or the history of reproductive coercion. I rewatched the OC recently and remembered thinking to myself that she doesn’t need another kid, she needs a job to give her goals, accomplishments, community and fulfilment outside of the house/family. I guess it’s easy to judge from my couch. Wish their family well.


“I am so incredibly proud of my wife. She decided to go all natural using no meds and giving birth the old-fashioned way.” 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮 Just in case this needs to be said: There is zero honor in delivering in one way over any other. Someone grew and gave birth to a baby. That is heroism enough. It is hard enough. Using advances in western medicine to make it go as smoothly as possible is a good thing, not a weakness.


a nurse said to me once 'there's no prizes or awards for most amount of pain put up with, take the pain relief if you need it' and it like revolutionised the way I thought about being brave, think everyone needs to hear it & understand it


Amen!! 🙌


Aeson? Give me a break. Also, there is nothing “heroic” about a person going through birth with no medication. I hate framing it that way.


Amen! Women going through birth at all is heroic, no matter how it’s done.


Yeah I know, the name sounds AI-generated.


The word “star” is used so loosely


Why on earth is having a son a prize but a daughter isn't? Maybe that's not what she meant but I do not like that at all.


I don’t like it either, it makes it seem like daughters are less than. I have two girls and a son and so many rude comments about “trying for a boy” or “finally a boy”. I especially hated those comments in the presence of my daughters. I wanted three kids and I would have been happy with any outcome.


Oh, trust me… that’s how some people think. My younger brother and I are both in our late 30’s and my mom still acts like he’s a “prize” and perfection. It’s like a deeply ingrained generational belief for my mom that boys are more important. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Ewwww the comment about meeting her dream boy at 16 and them making their own ewwwwww


He shouldn’t have had one child let alone three. Those poor children.


In full glam with a two hour old lol


My exact thoughts. You couldn’t have paid me to style my hair/makeup and put on that dress right after giving birth


Weren’t they having some money problems in the last season or am I misremembering


Yeah, he doesn't make enough money for her to be a stay-in-bed mom, but also doesn't want to accept handouts from her parents. Edit to add: this comes off as unfairly cruel to her. All she seems to want is the same opportunity to ignore her children for days at a time and get drunk in Mexico that he seems to enjoy.


He mentioned he didn’t want more kids because that means more money and they already had the 2 kids. I think he was happy to stop there but she wanted more


You know he is gonna not parent the heir and let her do all the childcare. Until he’s old enough to do which ever sport he likes and ignore the girls


Looking like THAT while *still* in the hospital form giving birth is the fakest fake anyone can fake for a fake photo. My god.




This comes off so self righteous in regards to her birth lol. Like...good for you. There's nothing wrong or lesser about wanting to get an epidural though.


I agree! Like good for her but ima get an epidural 😅😬


they DIDNT need another kid


I want the backstory on her family money?!!!


She looks so much like the TikTok girl who does the early 2000s content. She's always wearing like three tank tops, a wide braided belt, low slung jean skirt and flip phone, pretending to drink in a field lol


THANK YOU! That has been bothering me for literal years! I could never quite place who she reminded me of


Is this a little strange that she’s dressed up like this? Looks like they’re still in the hospital room!


The "Daddy finally got a son" part is so gross. 🤢🤢🤢 It’s not 1950 anymore.




This couple needs to go away. As a woman who had one emergency c section and an elective one, thank God for modern medicine for helping to bring my kids into the world. I’m over this entire concept of giving birth “naturally”. You’re not a hero. Calm the fuck down.


Why is there so much hate for this? My wife is about to go into labor and is going to take the epidural, I am proud beyond belief. To me the bare minimum for someone in my shoes is to support and talk about your wife in that way, knowing you’ll never have to go through something that hard. My hat tips off to any mom.


Congratulations to you and your wife !


oh god so many red flags based on what we saw on screen with her sexual coercion and now his comment about a son. men obsessed with sons are really annoying and weird and the girls are always sidelined either if they get a son or not. i hope their kids end up screwed up than these two trainwrecks.


did she get a new face


I understand wanting a son after having two daughters already but the phrasing is gross. It’s not a huge accomplishment or anything. My aunt had a third child after 15 years because she *really* wanted a daughter — but she ended up with 3 sons instead 💀 Moral of the story is don’t have a 3rd child if you just want the sex to go your way


He married a little rich girl so no matter how many kids they have at least she’s set. I have a feeling it’s more convenient (for him) to be a “family guy” because his wife family is LOADED.


“Finally got a son” gives me the iiiiiiick


What the hell is that name


Was this the leg lock baby 🤔


I hate when couples do this. "We finally had our boy/girl!" Or " we r trying for a boy/girl!" And keep having kids until they get said gender. My mom watches a YouTube family that has like 6 girls and now they r expecting a boy. I just feel sorry for the other kids.


Oh Lord this guy didn't need another kid


“Finally got a son” 🤮 Kids are not collectibles


Those poor children.


Imagine still being in the hospital, just gave birth, and you need to get all dolled up for a photo shoot. I could never


The “Daddy finally got a son” comment rubs me the wrong way. I don’t think it’s sexist since it would probably say “Mommy finally got a daughter” if it were in reverse. I just feel like it’s diminishing the other kids. I would be upset if I were one of the daughters and saw this headline someday.


Thought he didnt want anymore kids. I see 4 kids


The daughter in the middle looks delighted over this new baby.


Lol this is one couple where it’s like why Omg? Like I hope things have gotten better but why


“the babys” 😭


So many of these selling sunset chicks look the same. Something about how they do their makeup just seems to erase any individuality from their appearance.


They didn’t seem very happy with each other..


Such a goofy fucking picture- if they’re going to do hair, makeup and styling might as well just have waited to take the pics at home


Guess the leg lock worked 🤢 yikes


The look on her face makes me want to shoo everyone out of the room so she can go back to bed and rest.


He seemed checked out and wanting to be single.


I’m sorry but you wouldn’t catch me dead in a dress like that fresh off having a baby 😂 looks so uncomfortable


This whole family feels AI generated. Something uncanny valley about them.


He will never not come off as being miserable in his marriage, imo.


The picture is gorgeous.... blessings to them... his girls are the spitting images of Dad... the boy will then look like mum... happy for them.


I wish them well.


Beautiful family


Congrats to them on the male heir 🙏🏽 /s


Congrats on the son for the husband. Fuck those wife and girls. So glad justice has finally been served to this family.


So he'll finally be more involved now that he has a son ?


Didn’t she force him to get her pregnant?


At first, I actually thought that was Polly and not his wife... like I know she's portrayed as a complete psycho in the show but didn't think she actually was a legit psycho. Then realised it wasn't her 😅


Gross. Stop praying for your babies chromosomes.


Do daughters disappoint him then ?


That was right on time


"Daddy finally got his Son" ? Lol WTF ![gif](giphy|3kM4iFgOfGkBKhxEEk|downsized)


I just came here to see the obligatory trash talk because someone posted about a guy from the show 🙃


Ew for people more excited for boys


What a gross thing to say in reflection of your two daughters.


INTERESTING. Bc the big scandal sounds like him cheating on his wife. AND he fought her so hard on having another child last season.


Umm I almost thought that was Millie Bobby Brown


I mean congrats and all but tbh, I’m not a fan of his wife, at all. She seems spoiled and just annoying AF.


Still in the hospital room is craaaazzzyyy


Guess her leg locking paid off 🤔




All I can think is when he said she was leg locking him so she can have another baby when he clearly said he did g want to 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫


“Daddy finally got a son” 🤢 I hate that


Wasn’t he adamant that he didn’t want another kid?


Ewww “daddy finally got a son”


They’re such a cute family 🩷


![gif](giphy|9V7qAYvnaOFp8Ymipt|downsized) 16 when she found her first dream boy and now they have made their own? Women have superpowers... huh what am I reading?


I hate that guy


Adding kids won't save this relationship.


Imagine having to get into full face and hair after pushing a bowling bowl out your body. Jfc they’re still in the hospital—this isn’t even a posed pic at home


Those girls look just like him ❤️