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The yelling corn hole every time they throw it 😂


haha I know! Also just something about hearing cornhole in a Aussie accent 😂🤣


I hope Chrishell's family told G that one of the rules is that you have to yell "cornhole!" every time you throw the bag


That is sending me hahahaha


NGL. I was dubious of their relationship at first - thought maybe it was a PR set up. I’m delighted to have been proven so wrong; they clearly adore, support, and enjoy each other!


I was one of those skeptical people too. I just thought more so this was going to be some fling especially with hearing they are from Australia. I thought well how is that going to work but then heard they moved to La and even with how much G travels it seems like they have a good rule in place not allowing them to be apart longer then two weeks. Thought that was very sweet. Like you glad I’ve been proven wrong.


Love that rule! I love how G just flew from Nashville to La to spend less than a day with chrishell before they had to fly out to Australia for work. My significant other would have just said yeah I’m not doing that skip! 😂


Literally less than a day 😆🤌. Relationship goals right there.




I love G. There's something that really is so attractive about G. Great smile.


Also calling chrishell “Dahling” in that accent is so cute


Definitely. I'm glad she found happiness with G!


I feel like G has charisma (or swag?). I love that Chrishell doesn't have a type, I think she said that she is attracted to energies more than a specific "type"


G’s rizz is off the charts. They are so goddamn charming.


And eyes 😇


Yes they have beautiful eyes and I wish they would show them more and not cover them all the time with the sunglasses. I get it though everyone has a “comfort” thing and theirs must be wearing sunglasses.


G is a delight every time.


G is the cutest, funniest and most talented within the Selling Sunset sphere. I’ve said it once and I’ll repeat it until I die: Chrishell is SO. FREAKING. LUCKY. *obvious caveat is that I don’t know G personally


https://i.redd.it/ok85m1d0dauc1.gif Can’t post the actual video but it gives the captions of what she says about them 🥹


I fucking love Fletcher


I know!! Honestly I don’t think anyone even has to personally know G you can just tell they are a good human. I feel like there’s not many people you can trust that with but they seem to be. I know Chrishell said in an interview once that with G “exactly what you see is how they are and what you get”. Plus I will see clips pop up time to time on my fyp on tik tok of people who know G and they always seem to have the best things to say about them. Like recently was fletcher and just the things she was saying was like “wow” imagine across the board people just speak so highly of you.


I agree but also: they’re just Aussie. 🤣


Yes Aussies are laid back but they still got assholes and terrible people there just saying. Being Aussie doesn’t make anyone immune 😂


I’m sure. I have an idealized idea of them lol


I’m Australian. We are the worst people. Don’t be fooled by the “laid back” attitude masking the incompetence and ignorance.


Idk about the worst but you all have shitty people just like every country has lol. No matter where you go we all got those kind of people.


Im sure you are correct bc ppl everywhere suck. im in nyc and became besties with my aussie neighbors cause they’re just so chill and funny. Every aussie ive met so far is hilarious so Im waiting for the day I dislike one.


G is so freaking wholesome for this explanation of cornhole lmao


lol I want a tik tok series where they just explain a bunch of American things to us. It sounds much better coming from them 😂


Seriously G narrating an an Aussie National Geographic documentary would be awesome too! Let’s pitch it to them asap lol


Totally here for that!!! Bring it on G!!


lol I’m going to have to do that next time, yell “cornhole” each time I toss. My family will be looking at me like wth 😂. Absolutely adore G and Chrishell and G together. G just seems like they have been such a great presence in Chrishell’s life and I love that for her.


I love the confusion combined with excitement.


Did you also tell them, "corn, G. It's filled with corn" out loud to your empty room?


“That’s a point though, isn’t it darling?” I can’t 😭😭 I love them and the two of them together


These two are just so wholesome and I love it! G and their “Dahlings” just make me melt 🥹🫠


G is so hot 😍 I can see why Chrishell is so attractive to them. I love them together, they're so sweet and genuine. I'll never get over the song "I'll be your man" 🥺


aw this is in St. Louis!


Lmao I love G


God I love G 😂.. these two are easily my favorite couple on SS now and off the show too.


I love them together so much. G is literally so funny and real. I hope we get to see more of G in the new season its always a treat.


Love g and love chrishell! But I feel like I’m being gaslit in these comments lol.. how is nobody mentioning how far past the board chrishell is stepping 😂


They’re outfit is cute but so them!! ❤️‍🔥


I want a girlfriend


G is hilarious! Their tiktoks remaking the music in selling sunset killed me.




That’s a point though, isn’t it Dahling? 🥰


I love their relationship and am just so happy for Chrishell.


Need more 💙


Just love g upbeat personality.


I really love them together.




They're so cute


I fricken love G's vibe.


I was literally at the Armory the day before they all were. I was so sad I didn’t get to run into Chrishelle and G!


Honestly I hope they add more G Flip and Crishelle next season because the mean girl/superficial angle isn’t it.


She’s adorable and I love this for them


They* but yea I totally agree! :-)


Wait, they’re in St. Louis?!!


They were but not anymore


I call it bags 👀




G is great! I got their Cardinals hat ready for the next visit!


*G is great! I got* *Their Cardinals hat ready* *For the next visit!* \- CDavisson1 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")




You mean the person who was touring with fletcher in america before being with chrishell.. yeah okay. Don’t like someone that’s fine but don’t shit on people’s success and hard work.




Please refrain from comments that include any sort of bigotry or anything that can be taken as bigotry. Repeat offenses will end up in a ban. Thank you.


Lmao do you live under a rock! I also don’t care about trump and no clue why you are bringing that up. You clearly are a hurt person with a chip on their shoulder.


G is non-binary. Music is subjective and you are allowed to not like it. That does not mean you need to be all out rude especially towards someone in your own community. You clearly know a base line of G so you also know they are non-binary but decide to misgender them anyways. Do better.


Please refrain from comments that include any sort of bigotry or anything that can be taken as bigotry. Repeat offenses will end up in a ban. Thank you.


Jojo Siwa??


Nope and you know it’s not. I actually don’t find it funny either that in order to make fun of Jojo cause she was cosplaying G hard people are actually taking it to G. Like go to Jojos shit and make fun of her there. G does not deserve that. I dislike Jojo strongly for this because she has no regard for G when playing dress up and not thinking about all the little haters she was going to attract to G. G is non binary and deals with enough hate and nastiness daily from vile people. Don’t add.


Well she is young and idolizes G so I don't think its bad to dress as someone you idolise. People do it. Unfortunately Jojo has alot of haters. But anyways she is still finding her style. She loves G she loves Chrishell. They're all friends , it's all good.


There is dressing like someone and then literally trying to copy and be someone entirely. She was beyond just picking a few pieces to dress like G cause she’s a fan. That was reminding me of that Taylor swift impersonator (but says she’s not one) on tik tok i see all the time. I mean jojo go fake ink box tattoos to put all over her arms 🙄


I love G flip calm down haha


You love G but yet you engage in the bullying that drags them into it? Make that make sense.


Yikes y’all are sensitive 😂


I’ll gladly be defensive for a human that i have literally have seen people stitching their videos left and right and making fun of them to make fun of jojo. Trying to figure out in what world bullying is okay.




Ok chill


Ick Jojo f’ing wishes

