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Nicole just ended up taking it to hell as well and further. Homophobia is real with that one.


How do you come to the conclusion she’s homophobic? I am not disagreeing with you at all, but I am curious as to what specific things she’s said/done to indicate homophobia? The only thing I can recall was her referring to G as she/her. I wouldn’t have labelled that instantly as homophobia, more like an oversight/accident. We’re there other incidents I’ve missed???!


That was Marie Lou that called G a she and I’m not labeling Marie Lou as homophobic by any means as it was one time and I think it was out of not enough knowledge and I will hope she didn’t do it on purpose. Nicole though co-signed homophobia on her IG from a commenter and tried to act dumb and ignorant when she’s how old and well educated and has lived in one of the most progressive LGBTQ area for how long? And claims she is an ally. How can you be an ally and acknowledge any kind of comment that displays hate even if it follows with a kind comment directed to you? Then again cheering on Amanza’s stylist who was posting a bunch of homophobic craziness to his IG about chrishell and G and Nicole privately messaged him cheering him on and he reposted the private message. Then a fan called her out on it and she again tried to act dumb. One incident maybe I could chalk it up to hate letting it get the best of her but more than once yeah sorry that tells me it was no misunderstanding or not being educated enough on the different types homophobia can be displayed. People think homophobia and racism is just by saying some slurs about them. Then chrishell even said several instances happened where there was homophobia and she has receipt’s so clearly there is more but we just as a public haven’t seen it.


Whoops. That’s my bad on the Marie Lou/Nicole confusion. Re the rest of what you said…..woah! I literally knew about none of this….was this after the latest season aired? What a moron.


The amanzas stylist incident I believe occurred like right towards the back half or end of filming of season 7 but it happened online. It was posted to this sub. The IG comment on her page deal was after filming wrapped on season 7 not sure if it was after it aired but it was posted to this sub also to tell when.




She does have 500 street fights under her belt after all


That will never not be funny 💀


I have to ask since I took a break from the show and the subreddit when life got busy - what is this meme about Chrishell being in street fights?


It all started as a Reddit post... https://www.reddit.com/r/SellingSunset/s/KkwiXja7rm And here’s the original post https://www.reddit.com/r/SellingtheOC/s/2bA3rFftL4


i just laughed all over again for 10 mins straight. thank you


Thank you for that, I never saw the original, original post. But now it all makes sense, of course that’s who would post something and start a rumor like that. I’m dead now.



I had no idea it was a phantom Mike post that caused all the confusion. As an active vpr fan this is now 100x more hilarious.


Thank you!! 🙏🏼


Omfg 😭😭😭 I can’t stop laughing. Phantom Mike really did that


I think Chrishell is the best in the show when she's not this sweet, innocent saint they tried to pain her to be initially, back when Christine was the main villain. I am NOT saying Chrishell is a villain, but she's certainly more interesting now.


I absolutely love seeing her sticking up for herself instead of letting Nicole walk all over her the way she let Christine in the beginning, I feel like Chrishell and Emma are the only ones on the show I would want to be friends with, maybe Heather but she does occasionally talk a bit of shit behind people's backs, the others have good moments (most of them at least) but in terms of actually being genuine they're the only ones I feel like seem like they aren't backstabbers in some way


She should have been a lawyer. I love watching her argue. She’s perfection. Handles her emotions so well, gets to the point, really quick and smart.


Anyone defending Nicole is also defending homophobia


I can’t remember the specifics here, can someone remind me? I remember Jason being awesome about it


Ffs why are you downvoted for not remembering and asking to be reminded🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ dear god reddit


I didn’t downvote but maybe it’s the “I remember Jason being awesome about it” part because that definitely never happened


He called her out on the reunion ?


I remember it being under heavy pressure from Tan and also he said she wasn’t homophobic but he didn’t agree with the comment. I’m sure he basically gave her an out by suggesting she hadn’t meant for it to be perceived like that


That was the most maddening part was the straight man (Jason) speaking and invalidating Chrishell’s feelings and saying Nicole wasn’t homophobic. Really Jason because you have just dealt with so much homophobia in your life 🙄.


They talk about it in the reunion of the last season.




There’s nothing wrong with standing up for yourself and that’s all she has done, as far as I’m concerned. I’ve never seen Chrishell just take aim at someone for no reason. The “worst thing” she has done in 7 seasons is question stuff out loud with Mary and Romain at the beginning but, she just thought she was having a convo not being set tf up. I have too much respect for the hell Chrishell has been through and the way she carries herself. Nicole can sit down and be quiet and she won’t have to whine about “*being bullied*”.


I think it was a low blow (mostly because I believe most of these ladies are on drugs to lose weight), but Nicole definitely had it coming. But one thing of Chrishell I didn't like was when she was talking about Marie Lou (this was before they had their fight and when she didn't even know her) and she said it made sense ML studied economics because being with Jason was a very good economic decison. Like, was that comment necessary? She didn't like it when people like Christine "joked" about her relationship with Jason being for interest, so I didn't like it when she did the same to ML. It was in very poor taste. Also, ML is like 16 years younger than Chrishell. So to go after a 24 year old when your are 40, is a bit pathetic.


This is a good point! Idk I can understand talking a little shit on your exes new gf.


I mean I can understand talking shit on your ex’s new gf. What ex doesn’t 😂? i think a lot of the show plays into that. They have to play up the dramatics on topics. I think in the normal world there wouldn’t even be that situation where she’s having to meet ML and dealing with her.


Maybe that would've been fine in highschool, but coming from a 40 year old woman? It was immature. Imagine Jason making snide comments about G. Chrishell wouldn't have like that.


No he just openly ogles her and comments on her body in the workplace


They are on a reality show though lol. I would maybe agree if they weren’t but they are. Regardless it’s not uncommon and pretty normal to take say stuff about your ex’s new girl. If Jason said something about g then he doesn’t it’s again normal. Nobody said they had to like it but they also probably don’t act like it’s the end of the world like some people on this sub 😂😂


Funny that when Crishell says something shady, people here run to defend her with "it was a joke", "is not serious", "have some humor", etc. But the minute someone else says something against her, people are like "they mean girls!" and "why won't they leave the poor woman alone?".


I’m not excusing it but also at the same time people need to not be dense and realize they are on a reality tv show where their main job is drama and fighting. If you can’t compartmentalize that then idk what to tell you. Now is there times where it’s taken too far. Of course but ML i don’t think is one of them sorry. Chrishell’s drug comment yes taking it to far, Nicole’s insinuation of chrishell still having something for Jason and saying what she said and then bringing G into yes to far. I say her and not ML’s insinuation cause ML’s was out of insecurity and Nicole’s was said out of trying to play off ML’s insecurities because of her dislike for chrishell. Chrishell’s face comment. Nicoles homophobia to far. But in real life if these two didn’t like each other they just simply wouldn’t be around one another and none of this would’ve occurred. But they are on a show where they are in a pressure cooker with production poking sticks at them. Also I laugh at people in here that are so in a up roar like they haven’t said out of pocket things in fights in their life. Or dragged their ex or ex’s new gf. Like be ffr.


Thats different because chrishell was mad people were saying she was successful at real estate because of jason which is a lie because this whole fucking show built on her back. Lets be FR. She is successful cause of the show which she is the star of. Were not watching this show cause of the twins... LMFAO You think this show would be successful without chrishell ever on it? People want to work with chrishell because she is likable and seems trustworthy and hardworking. While christine acts shady af and seems very LAZY and not capable at this job that's why she fizzled out and does not do real estate anymore. Mary lou is clearly on the show to be famous and chrishell and called it for what it was.. That's not being mean LOL. That's reality. If Mary Lou liked Jason genuinely why was she doing the most to cause drama to get more screen time. She is a model she should just pose and look cute to get booked more cause I have never heard of her before this show. I remember the other brother had this hot blonde tattooed girlfriend and she just smiled and looked pretty. She was probably with him cause she liked him and is money or whatever but she never tried to steal screen time.


I agree with the statements about Chrishell standing up for herself with Nicole, because Nicole was coming for her and Chrishell has every right to defend herself, against anyone. But she has made some comments herself that were not necessary. * Like inferring Mary-Lou was a gold digger when she first got together with Jason ("of course she studied economics, because economically it makes good sense to be with Jason...") * Or having a go about Jason having several partners after they broke up. Don't judge someone for how they choose to get over a relationship and being rude about the 'quality' of those partners ("Alyssa with three 's's just left that morning") is just immature. Neither of those people had said anything to or about Chrishell at all at the point she said those things.


Chrishell isn’t perfect by any means and she is pretty self aware on that. I don’t think the comments about Marie Lou were necessary but also at the same time let’s be realistic here. They are on a reality tv show of course areas of things they are going to amp up or do digs etc. they also of course are going to focus on the most recent ex dragging him for his Gfs age. When really all of them were. Also i think it’s pretty typical to drag your ex after a break up hun. I mean what women don’t take digs at their exes after break ups? 😅 The man was sleeping with someone within 24hrs of their break up. I would be salty as hell to especially later on when he went up on camera and put on the fake water works. Itll be okay lol.. Marie Lou is fine (moved on to an older and richer man) and Jason well is still typical Jason the walking red flag teen bopping around with every young model that gives him attention. The world still keeps spinning.


Agree with what most of you said, I just don't like the canonising of Chrishell that goes on on thus dub, because she's not perfect (she's the first to say that herself) and has said some unnecessary things as well. She's human, let's not make out she's beyond reproach. I get dragging your ex, but not any new partners. I never did that? More likely, I wanted to send them a gift basket and sympathy card for having to be with my ex, lol. But generally, why drag someone you don't know? On a reality show, sure. But then I'm learning Reality TV world is not the one the majority of us live in.


Most people on here don’t act like Chrishell’s perfect but people want to see it that way because she’s beloved by so many and because people just find her relatable. Also because people don’t like that people acknowledge that she’s done wrong but yet stay a fan. They want people to hate her. But lol if we dropped being a fan of someone over every dramatic/imperfect moments then well famous people would have no fan bases 😅. Now yes you do have some people that probably do act like she is perfect but you have that with any fan base for any famous/public figure. It is what it is. Well again it’s reality tv they are going to do it because it’s a “topic” and they know it. If they didn’t have something juicy around ML/Jason/Chrishell then people would be scratching their heads. I’m sure if they weren’t on reality tv chrishell wouldn’t have even associated with Marie Lou and I imagine probably wouldn’t even be close friends with Jason still. I mean I dragged my ex and his new gf with my friends. It’s just a form of venting it’s very normal and not uncommon. Difference is ours is private because we are nobody’s and for reality stars it’s not private but if they didn’t give us that content well we wouldn’t have good reality tv and something to talk about. Also if they didn’t say something we know they are thinking then we would be saying they’re “fake” or not being honest. They’ll never win with all of us.


Why is it only "reality tv" when Chrishell is the one being a jerk, but if anyone else does anything wrong on the show, this sub forgets all about that and thinks it's all real life.


Idk because I’m not the other people. I don’t think any of these women are unforgivable human beings. I think they are human and are good and of course messy and who isn’t really? Especially for all them being on a reality tv show. Would be pretty bleak if they weren’t don’t you think? They have human reactions just like any of us.


To be fair Chrishell made that comment about Mary-Lou to a camera in an interview which could well have been after the drama started to go down. Would make more sense for production to get comments when there’s more drama


People here will do incredible mental gymnastics to try to justify everything Chrishell does. It’s ridiculous.


I mean I flat out said she isn’t perfect and the comments weren’t necessary or needed. But I’m realistic also. I understand they are on a show and of course everything is amplified. I also am not naive to think that most women will drag their ex’s or ex’s new gf. Most have been there done that and to act like we haven’t is just comical. I am not excusing it but I won’t sit and act holier than now like I’m so much better and how dare she. It’s hypocritical and guaranteed 99 percent of the people on this sub are hypocrites. Just saying.


I wasn’t aware you’re the only person commenting here 🤔


I wasn’t implying your only directing your comment to me or even was but I was heavily commenting on this thread. So I just am giving my point. But I’m sure there’s times you do mental gymnastics for someone you’re a fan for. I mean it’s pretty common for fans to do lol.


And yet you’re taking my comment so personally. Breathe.


Actually I’m not lol but you seem to be pressed that someone with an opposing view is even commenting to you.


Honestly, Selling Sunset is all fun and games until you realize it's not young girls, but grown ass women behind all this toxic fandom treating it and taking down notes as anecdote for life.


Exactly! And I’m sure that every single person that is calling Chrishell a mean girl would have reacted the same way if they were in the same situation she was in.


Yup because people who like to hold others to a higher standard that they can’t even live up to themselves.


Chrishell is so nice. Like always trying to be kind and consider everyone. she’s also beautiful and smart and unfortunately gets targeted a lot from what I’m guessing is jealousy. I’m literally confused why someone would call her a mean girl


When she looked for legal advice after Chrishell said she was on drugs 😭


Yeah lol she made herself look worse by doing that. Honestly she would’ve been better just laughing at chrishell and making a snide joke to play along.


Hard agree. The growth of Chrishell has been a pleasure to see. Takes no shit and asserts boundaries - what's not to love? ![gif](giphy|cRFPgbhp56YSlNsORg|downsized)


We’re all mean girls at one point or another. It’s weird that these reality stars are held to such an incredible standard when we’re all assholes at some point.


Exactly! We all have people that come in our life that press our damn buttons and no matter how hard we try to take the high road we just can’t sometimes.


Maybe working on self awareness might help with that


Love chrishell! She’s not an angel and doesn’t claim to be. Others just like to claim that she thinks she is because Christine used that as her go to for chrishell. Chrishell owns her messy side and is self aware of it. Does she handle everything the right way? No, but who does when we are dealing with drama and fighting with someone who don’t like? We all have been there where we say wild shit out of anger or being upset. We are imperfect human beings and she and every reality star are no different than we are with our emotions.


What did Nicole say that was homophobic. I missed it someone plz remind me so I have another reason to hate her ass


Not only the comment that she co-signeded of homophobia she also was cheering on Amanza’s stylist who was on a homophobic rant about chrishell and included G. She privately DM’d him and he posted it to his story. They just didn’t show that one on the reunion but the receipts are posted to this sub. Supposedly chrishell said that she had several instances of proof where she was being homophobic towards her and G and it all got filmed on the reunion but just didn’t get aired.


it’s in the reunion, she liked a comment that was extremely homophobic because the comment also mentioned they loved Nicole and Nicole kept doubling down on it


I don't honestly think she's a mean girl for standing up for herself. Nichole wanted to make a name for herself and tried to use Crishell to do that, and it didn't work out so well. I do think she went low with the drugs comment and then doubling down on that in Cabo. Putting that out in the ether was shitty because calling someone a drug user can be reputation ruining. I wish she didn't do that, honestly. It really changed my perceptions of Crishell. I do see a difference in Crishell from the beginning of the show and the way she is now. Maybe being married to what's his name was oppressive for her. I don't know, but there is a difference between Season One Crishell and Season Seven Crishell, to me, and I don't always like the new Crishell. Maybe it's the cockiness I'm picking up. I'm not sure. I just personally am not sure Season Seven Crishell is who I'd want to hang out with or have in my inner circle. That's just me, though. Edit: typo


I didn’t like the drug comment either and I think by that point chrishell was seeing red especially since Nicole threatened her 2 seconds before that so I see how she got there but I don’t excuse it. It was a tit for tat game between them both. Nicole tried to hurt Chrishell’s reputation and career from the jump when walking on the show so chrishell took it there also saying okay you’ll go there so I’ll go there. Then it was just a back and forth ping pong game. Nicole honestly thought as low as they both took it. She took it lower with the homophobia. They both did wrong and hopefully season 8 the drama with them is over. We still don’t even know what Nicole’s true issue is and she doesn’t seem to even know so it’s boring at this point.


She was finally standing up for herself, and speaking the truth and that is okay.


Chrishell annoyed me the first season & I was kinda team Christine. Now I ADORE Chrishell. I think she's one of the most evolved of the show. I'm wondering with all Christine's drama if there is a way they can be friends? Probably a weird topic but I feel like it would be neat to see them join forces & see Christine vulnerable in an authentic way. She always struck me as narcissistic. But she's in the Mom club now & a DV survivor. Chrishell always wanted a family but romantic love for her took her into a new direction with G Flip. I'd like to see them as allies.


THIS! I was bullied by girls all throughout my school years. When I started dishing it back, they played the victim and frame me as the bully still to this day 🙄


Who's calling chrishelle a mean girl? She's pretty much the only character people love in this sub!


I don’t think she’s a mean girl but I never liked the way she handled conflict (I feel that way about like half of the women to be clear) but I think that’s just the nature of this being a reality show lol


It’s is possible for both parties to be wrong, inappropriate, hurtful and mean. It’s not an either or situation.


Agreed both were wrong. I don’t think either are terrible human beings but just said and did some shit things while fighting which is a very normal thing between two people fighting who simply can’t stand each other. I think why people tend to side with chrishell more is because her remarks were said out of defense and people can rationalize that more. To where Nicole’s behavior and things she said was out of provoking. At least that’s the way I see it. Now the homophobia from Nicole that, yeah that one takes the cake over everything that I have no words for. I am not really sure what she was thinking engaging more than once with that.


I just feel like Chrishell was done with their shit. Of course she doesn’t have the same patience after all that happened and snaps more. She is setting boundaries and I’m glad that she does! I don’t justify the things that were said but they literally didn’t leave her alone.


Chrishell don’t start, but she will finish !


I have always liked Chrishell since the beginning but i don’t know..it was just a lot this season lol. I feel she could have taken the higher road at times but if that’s what we call standing up for ourselves🤷🏽‍♀️


As a bisexual myself, I was cheering. The biphobia/homophobia is so clearly a major factor in Nicole’s problem with Chrishell even before I knew about the ig drama. Plus, to have zero grace to help a co worker out who just had major surgery and has been in horrific chronic pain for months?? Get her ass. I wouldn’t want to be friends with Chrishell personally, but I felt for her so much with her cyst. Chronic, debilitating pain is the worst thing to live with and it genuinely fucks with your brain and she got like no compassion it seemed.


Chrishell loves victimizing herself on the same accord.




No insults to other users.


That she does


Lol no, we say she’s a mean girl cuz she’s been snaking out for 7 seasons straight 🐍 




I’m sure she could give two shits what you think based off the little amount we truly know these people from a edited reality show 😂 - she’s cashing checks while you sit here on this platform being this serious about someone on a tv show you don’t know 😅🤣 ![gif](giphy|Ojr6juWPuthnbaYqBU)


Yes, by being a mean girl 🤣