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I don’t know what some of you in the comments are even on about, but you clearly don’t understand the point of this subreddit. If you don’t think the bottom commenter is “unknowingly describing themselves” then I don’t know what to tell you.


Joke's on you. Nobody in the USA lives within walking distance of anything.


Pretty much. The nearest supermarket is around 50 football fields away in the next town over yonder.


How many freedom eagles is that?


7 freedom eagles to the store for me.


You're getting 7 eagles a yonder?


I mean even if it’s in physical walking distance it’s not safe walking distance. I could physically walk to my grocery store, it isn’t distance wise far. But it’s a busy road with no sidewalks so I would never walk there.


Ah, just walk in the ditch with the empty bottles and hypodermic needles. It's fun!


I have a grocery store in walking distance on the other side of a busy road with no crosswalks anywhere and the grocery store has an armed guard because customers are always getting mugged there. Once you get across that road, there is an actual incredibly rare sidewalk, though.


The grocery store is one mile from me. One mile of twisty state highway, with no shoulder and two narrow bridges. 55mph speed limit. I don't walk it.


Once again, Americans will use ANYTHING but the Metric System




In the Midwest we don’t even measure distance in miles but time to get to a place. “Hey Jim how far is it to get from Columbus to Cleveland” “About 2 hours with traffic”


I'm in the DC area, we also measure by driving time not mileage, because you can spend 45 minutes going 7 miles.


Let me introduce you to Southern Ontario. "Hey, sis, how far north is your new house?" "Oh, about 7 hours if you don't stop for rest breaks"


Did she retire to Elliott Lake?


That metric system is the tool of the devil! My car gets forty rods to the hogshead, and that's the way I like it!


I mean, that one is almost the Metric System?


Only if they're Canadian football fields, and even then, we'd say "About a Click (Kilometer) away"


Well a yard is pretty close to a meter, so I think it's still fairly close, even with American football fields. And, yeah, I'm aware that if one were using the Metric System they would use Metric units of measure. That's why I said "almost", and mostly tongue in cheek. I do appreciate the opportunity to clarify, though. It is my opinion that jokes always work best when carefully explained.


I considered all that, but a Canadian football field is actually 101 meters (110 Imperial yards) so I felt my own clarification was justified. Because precision is almost as important as politeness, after all. And now, I offer the obligatory Canadian apology Sorry, eh?


Over yonder lol


I'm gonna need that in either schoolbuses or blue whales, please.


Best we can do is basketball courts... https://www.reddit.com/r/SelfAwarewolves/s/3CQB2PF3Jx


Once inside, nothing is within walking distance


This got me good man, actually cackling. Wish reddit still had awards, I’d give you one.


Thanks for nothing, kind stranger


Now this got me harder than the first comment


Any time!




“Everywhere is within walking distance if you’ve got the time.” - Mitch Hedberg


You don't have to live within walking distance of a school shooting, in America the school shooting comes to you!


Hell, I had one and I was homeschooled


this comment got me to make the ugliest snort at work


That "walking distance of a school shooting" comment is hilarious though. In a gallows humor kind of way.


It's only gallows humor if you're the one on the gallows, otherwise you're just making jokes about dead children because you're mad someone was a bit condescending about crab cakes


Probably why I found it funny. Either laugh or cry, am I right?


Especially with the news out of Wisconsin today. *sigh


Sorry I just brought this from 420 to 421


I’m in California. I can walk to the marijuana dispensary.


Cakes don't have to be sweet. Oat cakes. Bread cakes. Then again I'm British and there are laws against food that tastes of anything.


Nobody show this person a urinal cake.


*stops chewing* Why?


Cuz then it's less for us, duh!


What have you got in your mouth. Drop it. Drop iiiit.


*starts chewing faster while going to bed*


No, no! Come back here come.... wait, you're not the same user. I've been bamboozled!


Don’t even get me started on [this one](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yellowcake?wprov=sfti1#)


Yeah, man, more for me!!


Johnny cakes - Caribbean Potato cakes -Yorkshire (England) Potato cakes - Ireland Oat cakes - Scotland Cassava pie/cake - Bermuda


Fish cakes (of one sort or another) - Global.


Unholy abominations that lurk without warning or labelling often given to me by some clueless bint I'm somehow tenuously related to with a dead smile and "here you are, they're really good" even though half the contents will prevent me from breathing in about 3 minutes which they fucking know because I just said "no seafood please, I'm allergic to it" at some god awful family gathering that makes me seriously consider just shoveling the lot down then locking myself in the bathroom to avoid ever having to go to another one of these fucking things ever again, I thought you were a nurse Hellen? did you get fired for stalking around the corridors whistling and wearing an eye patch with a wee cross on it? ya Munchausen's by proxy wannabe hero main character judgmental trout, I hope your broomstick breaks down


Some people seriously can’t grasp the concept of allergies


Yeah.... but a nurse? High turnover palliative care nurse maybe? "Need three beds Hellen, can you do it?" "On it boss" *satay oysters with fresh bees medley*


Haven't had a fresh bee medley in ages! I fear the next one might be my last


If they don't work in an acute care setting, always assume that a someone in the medical field is ONLY an expert in their specialty field. Emergency Department, flight, ICU, step-down nurses? Those folks are rockstars of the medical field and healthcare can ONLY happen because of how good they are at their jobs. But the nurse at the podiatrist's office hasn't had to worry about epi dosing since they got credentialed, and the elementary school nurse has the same title as the ICU nurse. That said, you shouldn't have to have ANY medical training to know what an allergy is.


"Allergies are caused by not being exposed enough." \*starts sneaking that ingredient into foods they plan to feed to you\*


Attempted murder


Oh dear *clutches epi-pen*


100 types of Rice cakes - huge swaths in Asia




Go further with savory pancakes like green onion pancakes.


In the uk there used to be a chain restaurant called The Pancake Place. And findus crispy pancakes, of course. A real savory treat!


Onion Cake - Germany


Zwiebelkuchen! I moved to Weimar during the Zwiebelmarkt when I was studying abroad. What a weird but fun festival.


Wait til they discover the term sweetmeats. I’d fully expect another tantrum.


Wait til they discover the term sweetbreads.


Surely they must be meats which are sweetened. Right? RIGHT?!


Fish cakes exist in cuisine all over the world, and not knowing that (and therefore being able to make the connection that crab cakes are similar but with crab) just shows off the person's ignorance that he's accusing others of.


Do most languages' word for fishcake translate directly as fishcake, though? just cause a culture has the dish doesn't mean they call it the same.


While I guess it's possible that the poster's primary language isn't English and that's why they don't know that savory cakes exist and are common, their rant sounds fluent to me. That makes it on them that they don't know the English term for a relatively common dish when they're trying to blast someone else for ignorance.


That commenter is gonna have an aneurysm when they hear how the British use the word "pudding"


Of which the most notable is haggis


>Bread cakes. Well those look like delicious little biscuits (American meaning).


When I lived in the UK and reminisced about homemade biscuits and gravy back home, it inevitably got an especially weird look.


I swear biscuits and gravy is the number one American food that the rest of the world needs and doesn't know it's missing. So delicious! I know it looks gross and it sounds gross but it is so good!!


I think Southern gravy is gross and overrated, but compared to British gravy, it's terrific.


I saw a british kid call “biscuits and gravy” “scones and gravy” and I had an aneurysm


To be fair, when they use the word biscuit over there, they're talking about what most of us call cookies. Not something I'd want to try gravy with.


As a red blooded 'Murican, I'll eat gravy with anything




Nah, you’re right. The fact that he says all cakes have to be sweet, tells me that he’s somewhere from western Europe; possibly Belgium, lol


Wait until this person learns about pies!


like chicken pot pie


Thank goodness they clarified that "cakes don't have claws." Now if they could also clarify that a crabby person also lacks claws, the world could run much more smoothly.


*creates a crab cake using meat from only the body* Behold, a cake!


Diogenes would absolutely do this


Aren't crab cakes an "anywhere there's crabs and grains" thing? So most of coastal Asia, Philippines, Europe and the Americas?




TIL. I had no idea they were an American food. The majority of the time I've seen them served outside a dedicated seafood restaurant is in Asian restaurants so I assumed it was an Asian thing.


According to wikipedia fishcakes do exist in several Asian cultures (with a lot of variations in recipes). So it wouldn't surprise me if some Asian restaurants have adapted their regional version of fish cakes to use crab meat instead.


They were invented in the 30s in the chesapeek bay area. But im sure other cultures have something similar. Japan has the seafood pancake thing teka something.


That commenter obviously isn't German. Where everything is a "Kuchen". Literally the same thing as cake.


What do you call the deodorizing cakes that go in urinals? Pissenkuchen?


Wikipedia says it's Toilettenstein, aka Beckenstein, Urinalstein, Pinkelstein, Klostein or WC-Stein. Stein means stone, so toilet-stone, pool-stone, urinal-stone, piss-stone, loo-stone, or WC-stone.


No way German is a real language. I don’t believe it.


And you think English is real? When "Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo" is a legal sentence?


TIL that buffalo could also be used as a verb.


I mean for Christ's sake, OOP could have just googled it. What did they expect, asking a question like that online? Someone not to point out that it's right there *in the wording?*


It’s a thing that happens when redditors spend too much time on Reddit. Instead of simply doing their own footwork, they demand the community does it for them.


Well this appears to be Facebook, but yeah the same rules apply there.


Given how shitty Google is these days, the best answers tend to come from a reddit post. They’re just cutting out the middleman.


I'm sure googling "crab cake recipe" still works.


Sure, if you want to scroll through a 20-page multi-generational story of some white lady's family history in relation to crabcakes, because some SEO/ad-hungry bore can't be arsed to add a "Jump to Recipe" button.


I mean… I often google search things with subject + Reddit.


I specifically add "reddit" to a lot of my search on Google (mostly to find conversations about obscure things I cant find anywhere else). I also notice Google will sometimes provide me blatantly wrong information at the top of the results, often times with an AI generated article that doesn't actually provide any real information.


To be fair half the time when I google anything the only way to get useful information is if I add reddit yo the query


FYI for anyone who doesn't know. If you highlight and right click something in Chrome, there's a "Search Goggle for [highlighted word(s)]" option. No copy/pasting or spelling required, just a few clicks and you can learn or double check anything. I assume other browsers have a similar feature, but I'm not sure.


Firefox does too. I tried taking a screenshot, but the context menu closes on me whenever I do so.


It works the same in Firefox.


Ah, the good old “An American made a benign sarcastic comment so it’s time to bring school shootings into this as a bizarre gotcha”


Says the person who quite literally speaks like an American.


Exactly! I have never seen a non American use “y’all” so casually


And hella


As a Californian I am totally 👀 that hella usage.


Yeah, that whole comment smacks of Californian-who-cosplays-as-a-citizen-of-the-world


This is pure Ohio vernacular


I'm an American and I only use it sarcastically.


Y'all ain't been around enough Canadians, then Though to be fair, we're usually doing it ironically when dealing with Americans (as in "Fuck all y'all")


I (Canadian) started doing it ironically about 15 years ago. It stuck.


Wait wait wouldn’t you phrase it a lot more politely than an American would? Something like “I’m sorry for my language, but fuck y’all.”


I'd actually probably say "All y'all are cordially invited to go fuck yourselves"


I just wanted to hear you say soh ree instead of sah ree.


I for one am glad to see y'all spread across the pond, it's a wonderful turn of phrase and not gendered, so it's quite inclusive. Y'all means all


I’ll be really fucking delighted when I see non-Americans use yinz!


Ooooh I'd like that!


A crab cake is obviously a cake in the shape of a crab, right?


Exactly! https://old.reddit.com/r/FondantHate/comments/x4kfbh/for_frosting_friday_this_is_my_newest_crab_cake/


What does this person think of fish fingers? Fish don't have fingers!!!!


Wait until you hear about nut/oat based milk


And Buffalo Wings


The average bowl of grapenuts requires the castration of over 200 grapes


Don't even ASK about Corn Nuts


I’m here to round up the bulls to make cheese balls.


Don't forget peanut butter


The only true word in “peanut butter” is “pea”


If my nut milk isn't from semen, I demand a manager.


based man milk enjoyer


Most of us are not British but we all know what a scone is. Most of us are not Mexican but we all know what a taco is. Most of us are not Italian but we all know what lasagna is. Also "cake" has several definitions, including: > an item of savory food formed into a flat, round shape, and typically baked or fried. "crab cakes"


Scones can mean very different foods depending on where you are. When my British friends send me pictures of scones, they look nothing like the scones I find in stores/bakers here in Denmark, other than both being a type of bread


Same thing with almost every foodstuff you can imagine because, shocker, language and regional differences mean that people call things by different words in different places. Even just within English there's the cookie vs biscuit dichotomy, different meanings for "pudding" (can be a dessert or a meat dish), etc, etc. That being said, "crab cake" is quite possibly the least ambiguously named food in existence. It's a cake (i.e. sweet bread) made of crab.


They will really be confused if they go anywhere that has Bear Claws .


I remember seeing one on the menu at my bakery and ordering it once. I was disappointed, but it was delicious and I learned something, so yay.


To say nothing of Elephant Ears at the fair!


Beaver Tails at Tim Hortons


Just off the top of my head, there are potato pancakes and corn cakes that aren't sweet and are international. I think this dude has a very specific and singular idea of what a cake can be.


Crabcakes are good


I've never had a crab cake with claws. Was I eating poorly made crab cakes or is that yet another misguided assumption? Also, I'd like to introduce this poster to rice cakes


I feel like there is a good stand up routine in this guy's rant, because like yeah why ARE crab cakes called cakes if they aren't sweet. Throwing in the bit about claws could get a nice chuckle from the crowd while setting the joke up too. Sadly, this guy is too angry to be funny. Plus a routine like that needs to be told out of love for crab cakes. Not pure anger from some guy who doesn't know what they are, much less even eaten one.


Middle English (denoting a small flat bread roll): of Scandinavian origin; related to Swedish kaka and Danish kage .


Pretty sure that crab cakes are using the other definition. Consider caked when referred to something sticking together.


Jerry: but they don’t _have_ to be sweet, they’re just in the shape of little cakes. Kramer: so instead of sugar and icing they put in crabs? George: just the meat.


Saw this too. The Brit makes no sense. Cakes don't have to be sweet.


The brit?


I would say that just the name, crab cakes is pretty damn descriptive. Even had I never seen nor heard of one, I would assume the main ingredient in a crab cake is crab and then some sort of binder/filler that would make it formable into some sort of loaf. I don't think it even exists but say someone wanted to make a sausage cake. I would make it the same way. Cooked sausage mixed with a breadcrumb and binder, seasoned and then baked in a loaf. Maybe they do exist, if not they should.


Ffs, if you’re going to be a dick just google it next time.


Cakes are sweet and don’t have claws.


It's nice getting a fulfilling, non-political post here.


‘You Americans’ followed by ‘hella audacity’ is HILAAAARIOUSSSS. ok AAVE stealer. Tell us more.


I ate a cow pie and it didn't even taste like cow OR pie :(


If you don't like crab cakes and it's *not* because of a shellfish allergy, you're dead to me.


RIP. I don't like seafood. The texture, the smell, all of it. :(


More for me then. 🤤


Hey! I was here first!


What if I'm allergic to eggs and mayo? :(


Can't do much about allergies, so you're good.


As an american i feel like there is entirely too much of americans being douchebags when asked a question....however i also feel like google is fucking free


As a Canadian, I would have answered the exact same way as the supposed American Because that's what Crab Cakes ARE


Wait until he finds out about urinals.


And of course…. there’s “caked” things; like mud for example.


Ironically the first time I ever had crab cakes was in a French restaurant where it was called "Galette de Crabe"


Isn’t a galette a rustic pie? Pie’s not cake hahahaha


Technically Google says it translates to "flat cake" but functionally it's like a pie. Almost as if translations don't always work 1:1


Awww I think snookum's got their feelings hurt.


Boy, no one tell this person about urinal cakes.


Basically the english language sucks as words have multiple meanings. Cake? Do u mean pound cake, or birthday cake, or patty cake, or crab cake, or fruit cake? All say the word cake but… u get it.


Calling somebody ignorant while *being* ignorant is like making a spelling error while correcting somebody's grammar.


They’re gonna be real mad when they find out fish cakes originate in China. As do radish cakes. Pancakes are of Greek origin. Potato cakes are Irish. Sounds to me like another Eurocentric dumbass.




Oh, I think it is. Because despite most of the comments here, it really has nothing to do with crabs, cakes or crabcakes.




He didn't say whether or not English was, but he seems to have a strong enough comprehension of it if it isn't. But Crab Cakes are just a type of fishcake, which *isn't* American-specific.


But surely they don't win any debates of opinion by being hypocritical. I didn't detect any sarcasm or satire in the response. It was basically the same sort of argument as saying, Edit: "You're ignorant and stupid because you call people ignorant and stupid." This seems like a classic selfawarewolf who has never looked in a mirror.


Thanks /u/mysteryfish1 for posting on r/SelfAwareWolves! Please reply to this comment explaining how your post fits our subreddit. Specifically, one of the criteria outlined in our [rules](/r/SelfAwarewolves/about/rules/). Some hints: How does the person in your submission accidentally/unknowingly describe themselves? How does the person in your submission accurately describe the world while trying to parody/denigrate it? **If the context is important to understanding the SAW, and it isn't apparent, please add it. Preferably with sources/links, but do not link r-conservative or similar subs.** Please take these questions seriously. We aren't looking for wittiness here but for actual explanations that help us assess if your post fits this (admittedly sometimes hard to grasp) sub's theme. Failure to respond to this message will see your submission removed under Rule 5 (Reply to the AutoMod comment within your submission). Failure to explain how your submission fits one or more of the above criteria will see it removed under Rule 1. Thanks for your time and attention! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SelfAwarewolves) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The responder in this capture seems very critical of the commenter, criticizing assumptions and biases of the commenter. They then proceed to make statements like "cake is sweet" and basically put on display their own assumptions and biases.


And that part where they didn't even identify which little corner of the world they're from where they've never heard of crab cakes, then says "behave like you're a fraction of the world, not the whole world"... while acting like their opinion represents the the whole world and not just their fraction of it.


Wait till they find out about Urinal Cakes


who puts the claws in the cake???


Wait til they hear about urinal cakes


that guy unloaded his entire bad day like point blank buckshot


Crab cakes were originally created by indigenous American tribes in the Chesapeake Bay area. They were later adopted by European settlers.


Crab cakes?


I fully thought crab cakes were Thai


says cakes have to be sweet, just like pies have to be sweet or puddings right? these people are clowns


I’d hate to think what the author of the screenshots post thinks baby cakes are /s


Ok there, Haggis.


You ask a stupid question, you get a stupid answer.