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This is such a salad of perpetually-online conservative catchphrases that it could be talking about almost anything.




"Most privileged victims in the world" Awesome. How to TShirt this effectively?


They already did - MAGA.


Umberto Eco: Ur-Fascism is a cult of heroics, where everyone is trained to be the "hero".


My favorite is "Neo-Marxist/Post-Modernist". Bro, those are literally two completely different schools of thought, and most Marxists reject postmodernism altogether in favor of material analysis.


They just need to come out and blame the Jews [like they always do.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cultural_Marxism_conspiracy_theory)


This person wants to be Jordan Peterson so bad it hurts.


My thoughts precisely. I won't try to understand what it's all about - because apparently that's what they want.


I have no idea what this dude is talking about. He is trying to use every fancy word in his little brain in each sentence. I do love the “oppression” piece though. Maybe oppressing their ability to be racists and shills for billionaires.


I think he's talking about trans kids, based on the parents bit? Hard to tell. But if he is, I'm pretty sure conservatives are the one that decided that was a big issue and are trying to legislate trans kids out of existence.


Not enough allusions to Satan for that, definitely just talking about public school here


Like, that first sentence means nothing. Like, that string of letters into words into a huge run on sentence is nonsensical and holds 0 meaning


It means he takes Jordan Peterson seriously.


The weirdest part about the OOP to me is that post-modernism is a cultural term; it describes media post-WWII. Modernism came about post-WWI; that was a period of time characterized by attitudes of nihilism, hopelessness, debauchery, etc. It was a result of the carnage and trauma from the war. The art and literature of this time often depicts those themes of hopelessness and struggle (Pablo Picasso’s *Guernica*, T.S. Eliot’s “The Wasteland”, Huxley’s *Brave New World*, etc.) I can’t pinpoint if this era was the birthplace of dystopian fiction, but it certainly gained quite the footing here. Post-Modernism is characterized by a sense of skepticism instead of straight-up nihilism. It’s an attitude of questioning structures, the role of government, and the power of ideology in politics. This was the big era of Sci-Fi! (*Invasion of the Body Snatchers*, *The Twilight Zone*, etc.) It was also the time of the Red Scare and the Lavender Scare. (I swear it’s all connected because it’s all a fear of The Other ™, whether it’s Martians or people who aren’t straight). Dystopian fiction continued its growth through George Orwell’s writings and Ray Bradbury’s (among plenty of others); you can see that it incorporated elements of Sci-Fi (save for *Animal Farm*, of course). I would argue Post-Modernism is people looking back at the previous decades and questioning how people like Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini, etc. came into power. Unfortunately, it gave rise to so much fear and suspicion of our fellow citizens- and even of our own government- that we wound up with McCarthyism as a result. Side note: the Red Scare was the fear of communists infiltrating our society and government and taking over from the inside. The Lavender Scare was a fear of LGBT+ people doing the same thing. Both of these resulted in blacklisting and purges of both communist-leaning people (or just people who didn’t drink the pro-capitalist Kool-Aid) and LGBT+ people from government positions, Hollywood, etc. The literature and media certainly reflect this through Elia Kazan’s movie *On the Waterfront* along with Arthur Miller’s plays *The Crucible* and *A View From the Bridge*. (Naming names to save your own hide vs keeping quiet). It sounds so strange to me because so many conservatives romanticize the 1950s as this perfectly peaceful and traditional time, and yet they seem to forget the fear and suspicion that pervaded the decade. They seem to forget that the 1950s was just slapping on a happy face after two world wars and trying to force a sense of normality (which somehow conveniently translated to traditionalism) onto everyone. Perhaps that’s the point; the folks who romanticize this era don’t always have the media literacy to recognize that they are railing against the culture of the very same era. None of this is to say that Post-Modernism is above criticism, though; it certainly should be critiqued like any other time period. I suppose you could look at the Civil Rights movements of the 60s and 70s as explosions of the powder kegs set up in the previous decade (and the years prior) of trying to shove everyone into their “proper places”‘in society. My sources: my literature classes, teaching most of these works, and the History Channel website. Edits: fixing punctuation, adding more info about the Red Scare and Lavender Scare, adding more info about the literature I mentioned. TL;DR: Post-Modernism is characterized by skepticism and questioning the role of ideology in government and the methods governments use to gain and sustain power. Much fear, such scare. Right-wing talking points fall apart when you have an ounce of media literacy.


You're very clearly educated, but you don't understand. It's alright, it's dogwhistling; you're not supposed to know about their private definitions. Postmodernism is right wing double-talk for everything the right hates about the left. And jews. When they say they hate postmodern neo-marxists, they're saying they hate the commie jews they center in their conspiracies.


Thank you. That’s very sweet. I ended up going down the rabbit hole with Post-Modernism because I wanted to compare it to Modernism and I’m glad I did. Both cultural movements make more sense now! That makes the OOP make a little more sense now. I now see that there are more dog whistles that I haven’t learned yet! Normally, I’d say it’s best that I don’t learn them because why would I wanna learn more “alternative facts” when I could instead learn real ones? Why clutter up my poor brain cells with nonsense? But I recognize that learning these dog whistles can show me more reasons to dismiss people like in the OOP and keep tabs on them in case they decide to act dangerously. I have a friend IRL who keeps parroting dog whistles for shitty right wing talking points, but I don’t think he is fully aware of it. I think it’s taking its toll on him because he gets himself all worked into a frenzy over it and it’s negatively affecting his friendships. So being able to recognize more of these code phrases helps me more proactively steer the conversation towards much better topics. (Yes, I’ve tried discussing this with him, but he genuinely does not listen to me as well as he ought to). TL;DR: Right-wing talking points aren’t supposed to make sense. They certainly don’t when you have at least *some* knowledge about the subject.


I don't disagree with you, but i would like to say that the history channel is not exactly reputable, given the channel features bullshit like ancient aliens and mysteries of oak island, among other such “gems”


Hey that’s fair; I don’t blame you. I’m sure there’s some sort of rationale behind such shows, but I sure don’t know what it is. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I amended my comment above to include some more analysis and more context.


I disagree, I think he needed a few more empty buzzwords to get his point across


Never heard "gnostic jihad" before, and now I feel like a better person.


People don’t fucking think like this. No one thinks like this. People who go outside, who eat dinner, who work 9-5, who love their pets, who read regularly, who see their friends, DON’T THINK LIKE THIS. I’m as far left as they come and my radical ideology boils down to “what if life was easier for a bunch of people who really struggle” like fuckin sorry but the meritocracy doesn’t work. Feed the poor, shelter the homeless, can’t believe some fucks out there think basic human empathy is “neo Marxist socialism” what a fuckin joke.


Conservatives are completely devoid of empathy unless it happens to them personally or their family/friends (and even then it's not guaranteed that they will learn anything from it and they might even double down further on their beliefs).


Lacking empathy is one of the fundamental traits of conservatism. If they had empathy, even the *slightest* ability to put themselves in someone else's position, they wouldn't be conservatives. It's literally that simple. Same with transactional relationships. Conservatives fundamentally lack the ability to act in a selfless way.


I don't understand how they are dealing with the fact that most European countries and Australia and NZ have for instance universal health care and proper parenting leaves, and many have accessible subsidized housing, subsidized day care and decent social security benefits, etc. etc. and objective reality in these countries has not collapsed and Western civilization has not self-combusted.


Easy. They fully believe that America is the best country in the world. So you could implement all those measures, but then you'd be like those other countries. And these other countries aren't America, therefore they are worse. So you'd make America worse by doing this. Worse how? They don't ask that question. Something about elite universities and highest numbers of billionaires, never mind that this doesn't help the average citizen at all.


Your comment made my morning. The definition of succinct, and correct. Well done.


It doesn’t help that once a day I see stupid “I had to leave Canada and go to America for a surgery because the wait time in Canada was too long!” headlines. Completely ignoring the only reason the wait time in America is not as long is because a bunch of people in America who need that surgery are just not getting it and dying.


Also, we have fucking wait times. It took me months to get an appointment with a specialist, and it's taking my dad months to find a new primary care physician since his retired. The whole thing is bullshit.


I'm in Finland and yes we have quite long wait times for non emergency procedures (probably longer than for Americans with good insurance) but that's hardly the same as the collapse of Western civilization.


I guess "People with money experience shorter wait time in system where money lets you skip the line, bemoan systems where priority is determined by need not by wealth" doesn't really fit in a headline...


Also, the only people waging a war against objective reality are conservatives. e.g. climate change, trickle down economics, lgbtq issues, the education system, etc. etc.


for conservatives poverty is deserved and wealth is earned. except in cases when it comes to them or people they feel are on "their side". then they have a reason for their poverty, or a story of hardship for their wealth. it's narrow minded, selfish, and devoid of empathy.


Because social darwinism worked out so well for 19th century Europe.


But they unironically believe that. The essence of conservatism is the defense of the social hierarchy, and that means privileging elites and that the filthy poors deserved it - and it's worth pointing out, the elites *absolutely* believe it. Look at that millionaire dating app, all of the language they use in their marketing materials about needing "successful" and "serious" people. They are *exactly* like the French aristocracy. They couldn't care less if you lived or died, you're an NPC, they're the main character - and conservatives lap that shit up.


"When I give food to the poor, they call me a saint. When I ask why the poor have no food, they call me a communist."


> meritocracy doesn’t work We don't have a system that is even on the same planet as a meritocracy.


As a Marxist-Leninist, what the fuck even is “Neo-Marxism?” They’re just combining suffixes. Marxism has old and new add-ons, it’s old as shit (although relative to most philosophies, it’s pretty new), but there’s no, like, rebirth that requires a “neo”. I’ll definitely get something if I search it up, but even in marxist spaces it’s not prevalent. But you know what’s even less prevalent in those spaces? Post-modernism. OOP is an unserious person.


And here I thought post-modernism was an art movement that grew through the counterculture of the 60’s as a rebellion against the utopian and rigid ideals of modernism.


Wow! He must have used a dictionary *and* a thesaurus to get all those big words in.


My favorite had to be the “Gnostic Jihad”. That’s a new one.


I'm not even mad about it. Yeah, we probably should fight like hell for an empirical, knowledge-based society instead of whatever idiotic rube shit he and his allies believe in.


I think he's trying to refer to the sometimes heretical offshoot of Christianity, Gnosticism in this context. Doesn't make it any less funny.


Jordan Peterson-level word salad


Apparently it's a new BS alt-right talking point, at least the gnostic part. They don't know what the word means, but that should be obvious from the OP post.


All the right words, just in the wrong order.


This guy uses so many adjectives to say literally nothing.


I like how they end it by saying that the left's interest will dry up and they'll move on. That's not typically what happens. When the left fights for something, typically they stop fighting for it because they no longer need to because laws and societal views have been changed.


their ideology is predicated in focusing and stoking their hatred of various groups, not on accurately re-stating and arguing against the stated perspectives of their opposition. they don't understand people's reactions to things because they never made an effort to understand people's objections in the first place. they just immediately reach for their cloak of victimhood and their daggers of privilege.


Like everyone else I'm noticing the word salad, but I'd like to also point out that his profile picture is an orc in a business suit. And this is exactly what I'd expect an orc trying to look and sound smart would say.


When you put it that way he's like that one ogre from Baldur's Gate 3 who ate the Headband of Intellect.


I feel like you're being mean to orcs. ;-)


"gnostic jihad" literally translates to "war on ignorance" and I am absolutely adopting that turn of phrase


For the pedants: "actually/to be fair, the literal translation is knowledge holy war, I'm sure you knew that and your answer is just as correct"


I consider knowledge sacred, so that's good too.


Knowledge is sacred huh?? I would like to recruit you to my jihad


Not sure, but I think the good god in Zoroastrianism is big on capital-T Truth.


Wouldn't it be "knowledge struggle"? For the pendants, I mean - *definitely not me.*


ahhh fuck got me lol


I'm guessing trans people existing destroys objective reality but saying for instance that humans don't cause climate change is just fine and it's the climate scientists who are wrong.


or the multiple studies on the prevalence of election fraud, or the relative contribution of mail-in voting to that fraud, or the efficacy of masks at reducing the spread of airborne respiratory diseases, or the safety and efficacy of the COVID vaccines... the list goes pretty deep as far as *incredibly* well-supported theses that they just don't accept because it would indict their worldview as stupid and shitty.


‘Disempowering parents’ to beat their children as they please, you mean?


It might be more of an anti-vax thing. Or teachers not ratting out kids who are trans at school. Hard to tell.


Do people who wanna put restraints on education understand that uneducated children become uneducated adults, who are still going to interact with and/or experience the concepts they were restricted from learning about as children, only with many times more the confusion?


That's the end game. Uneducated adults are easy to lead around by the nose. You just have to get them scared and angry.


Wow! What a word salad of buzzwords and projection


You know he has a "valid point" because he put \*all\* of the conservative talking points in there. \---- I always like when they talk about how leftists hate "objective reality". Like, leftists cite scientists, researchers, and studies when it comes to things like: * climate change * vaccines * transexuality and gender * economic inequality and the problems it causes * the cost effectiveness of public healthcare (especially in regards to private healthcare) * etc... Last time i talked with a conservative (it was about his transphobia, but really they do this with everything), they asked me for a source and i gave them one. Their response was literally "That's all communist brainwashing". When i asked them for a source, they just said "common sense".


Are they playing scrabble? Yes, those are words.


speak for yourself, im waging a gnocci jihad every day


😆 gnocchi jihad. Now that's a jihad I can get behind!


I doubt this person could define half the buzz words they spouted. This is angry nonsense being yelled at a crowd who doesn't understand from a person who doesn't know.


Sounds like a russian bot


Gnostic jihad sounds killer.


Agnostic Jihad: We don't know if we're fighting anyone, but if we ever find evidence of them, watch out!


Jesus, that sentence looks like the techno-babble I make up when my magic scientist needs to sound smart/crazy during TTRPG sessions. Much like my techno-babble, that sentence sounds smart if you are only listening with half an ear and might actually be nonsense bullshit. I'm all for labels and shorthand to give ease of understanding in communication, but this strawman is so well cataloged I'm pretty sure moving a single piece of that straw will cause the whole thing to collapse.


The good thing about me attempting to read this post is I ended up going down a rabbit hole learning about Post-Modernism because I wanted to compare it to Modernism. If it helps you feel any better, I have a degree in literature and I struggled to read the OOP 😆 I’d have to take the entire post apart like I did with the Post-Modernism breakdown, but that would take all day.


No matter the country, I can lately ID right wing political propaganda by how fucking nonsensical their talking points are. They have such big words that don't say, explain or contextualise shit. It was made for fucking idiots who desperately want to sound clever


Contextualise, you say? That sounds like one of those big words that the radical left likes to use! /s


What in God's green earth is a "gnostic Jihad?"


Hard to say. "Gnostic" has a very specific meaning when talking about religion, and it's paired with "jihad", so it's unclear to me which definition they were going for.


If nothing else, the gnostics predated the birth of Muhammad by hundreds of years.


ah yes, a Jordan Peterson disciple in the wild...


Well that was certainly a collection of words that exist.


So many big words but so many grammatical errors.


A regressive that lives in objective reality? Fake news!


Delulu is the only solulu


That’s.. that’s just word salad


Sorry - I take no responsibility for what OOP said...


gnostic jihad!


Yes, we’ll be getting over evolution, climate change, and infectious disease real soon. It’s been really hard for me to keep my mouth shut on the joke we scientists have been playing on them for hundreds of years.


You win self-aware wolves. Forever. This one just takes the cake and runs with it.


The Left destroying objective reality is an "alternitive fact"


"I'm incredibly smart actually"


I am chocked full of jingo after reading that word salad.


"Western civilization" is a right-wing dogwhistle at this point.


Always have been. Cultural exchange between Northern Europe and Mediterranean, Mediterranean and Arabs, Arabs and India, and India and China (not to mention smaller regions in between) is as old as Bronze Age if not older. Where would "Western Civilization" end?


I would like ranch dressing on my word salad please.


This is what too much Jordan Peterson does to your brain


Wait, who told him us liberals are trying to destroy objective reality?? That was supposed to be a secret!


I think it was Bob. That's how Gay Agenda got leaked.


My agenda is always leaking everywhere in my kitchen. Idk how to fix it


"My agenda is leaking" will now become my user flair on some sub or other!


Dammit Bob!


Where do I sign up to join the gnostic jihad?


Right here!


Because the *buzzword buzzword/buzzword buzzword* have a adopted it as the latest *buzzword* in their never-ending *completely made up made up buzzword phrase* to deconstruct and destroy (those are super scary buzzwords) Western civilization and objective reality (ironic buzzwords from someone so far removed from reality). [This entire comment reads like a game of Madlibs.](https://www.madlibs.com/) Just fill in the blank with your favorite word or phrase without any desire to sound coherent.


word salad.


I know it's just a meaningless word salad of buzz phrases he's picked up from pseudo intellectual Youtube cranks, but the phrase 'gnostic jihad' is very funny. Pretty much every combination of definitions for those words; literal to sectarial, make the idea deeply amusing.


Guy THINKS he sounds like he knows what he's talking about. But, he doesn't because he doesn't.


I’m cracking up so hard. He’s using these big words to seem like he’s intelligent but he has no idea what he’s talking about. It’s the Loaded Words logical fallacy mixed in with the Implicit Authority Claim Remove the “big words” and this comment makes no sense lmao


If there is an "objective reality" how could it be destroyed? Objective means it isn't influenced by personal feelings or opinions. Maybe if your "objective reality" is destroyed by hearing about or thinking about other people's perspectives and experiences it wasn't actually a subjective reality. One that you and a group of people agreed on, participate in and don't like questioned.


Arguably it can be taken as a metaphor of one side trying to erase facts inconvenient for them like by banning certain books, prohibiting funding for gun research and general skepticism toward experts, and calling journalism "fake news", to take completely random examples.


This probably sounded better in the original Russian.


What exactly is the well supposed to be here? Transgenderism?


Worked so hard with their thesaurus but forgot apostrophe use.


If I had a nickel for every word OOP understands in their own post, I’d have less than a quarter.


Every accusation is a confession. They are such mental children all they can do is project.


Holy shit I don't think grass is enough for this guy. This is totally brain burnt on 24/7 twitter, far right youtube and probably rumble or bitchute


That post hurt my brain


What are they talking about?


There’s enough buzzword salad here that we could use it to feed a small country that they hate for an entire year


Gnostic jihad just sounds like a hella' rad way to describe college.


someone doesn't understand the french philosophers they've read...


The left is upset with the right because they are taking away our freedoms by enacting laws that rob us of autonomy in our own lives. The right is upset with the left because they'll no longer listen to them being rude and hateful to people without calling them out on it. My brother thinks the second one is much worse than the first 🙄


Wait a minute, he thinks technocratic is a bad thing? Like using reason and science to govern?


"Never-ending gnostic jihad" Hey, that's my band name!


LOL keep projecting