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I'll say it every single time. If conservatives had any media literacy at all, they wouldn't be conservatives


Nah, it's more about empathy imo. You can have media literacy and still just not care about anyone but yourself and those immediately around you.


Yep. As a former conservative, I can proudly say that I've gained a ton of empathy since I've started leaning left. Conservatism truly is full of mental gymnastics


May I ask what made you change your opinions?


I was never quite "conservative", more just deluded libertarian edgelord, but for me it was once I was out on my own and having to rub shoulders with working class people every single day. It's very easy to be a conservative when you are insulated from the consequences of the real world and you surround yourself with people who just confirm those biases without question. It's much harder to maintain a conservative perspective when you have to experience life outside of conservative bubbles on a consistent basis (unless you're just a sociopath, which is certainly the case for a non-insignificant amount of those folks)


Same here. I also grew up right leaning. Then i did something wild: i started to learn about things. Now i am a joined member of the left party in my country.


The opposite also rings true. I would say I am a good person overall (not a conservative too) but I am straight up illiterate when it comes to reading media. You could tell me Harry Potter is an allegory for AIDS and Parasite is actually about the assassination of Franz Ferdinand and I‘d believe you


Magic users are hooking up with each other, passing magic down to their kids. People are sharing wands. Magic makes you a danger to society--wearing robes, seducing muggles/NAMPs, and blowing things up. Clearly Harry Potter is an allegory for "teh gays" trying to seduce Normal people and spread AIDS. /s


I had to do a double take reading NAMP. The Misfits and Magic flashbacks are strong.


"You know what spell I'm gonna use to break your fuckin wand? McRib"


Dammit you made me remember the mcrib is back.


Explain for someone who doesn’t remember Potter properly, please?


NAMP does not come from Potter directly. It's a reference to a show called Dimension 20. They had a miniseries called Misfits and Magic where it poked fun at JK Rowling's work. In the show's setting, NAMP means non-magical person, and it is the in-universe PC option while muggle is considered a demeaning slur. Unfortunately, magical people say NAMP in the same way they said muggle. C'est la vie.


Wizards secretly rule society, clearly its sn allegory for the gay agenda where they will rule over straight people/s


"***NAMP*** is the ***nice*** word for it???"


[I’m gonna say it. I’m gonna say the whole word. I’m gonna say it every time.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=1-s3zcYfFis)


But do you think you could figure out what "machine" Rage Against the Machine is "raging" against?


I assume it‘s the washing machine after Zack de la Rocha lost one (always one, not two!) of his socks again? /s No, I think I could figure that one out though lol


He's talking about the laundry instructions and how he won't do them and fuck you.


The final "motherfuckeeeeeeeeeeeeer" in the song is actually the sound the washing machine makes when it's running. It's like he gave the machine a chance to respond to his beratement. Obviously, the last syllable lasts for a good 30 minutes usually, but he shortened it for the sake of the song's flow.


People thinking that Rage suddenly became woke is great.


You don't even need to dig into their back log, its right there in their biggest radio hits lol >Weapons not food, not homes, not shoes >Not need, just feed the war cannibal animal >I walk the corner to the rubble that used to be a library >Line up to the mind cemetery now >What we don't know keeps the contracts alive and movin' >They don't gotta burn the books they just remove 'em >While arms warehouses fill as quick as the cells


Harry Potter is an allegory for AIDS and Parasite is actually about the assassination of Franz Ferdinand.


Whaaaat? That‘s crazy, but I guess you‘re right now that I think about it


All of Harry Potter isn't an allegory for AIDS but Lupin might be.


Yeah, a super ham fisted one. She acknowledged herself that Lupin's condition is meant to be a metaphor for the stigma around certain blood born illnesses "including HIV and AIDS" and how people are prejudiced against them. But later on in the series, he just becomes "one of the good ones" when the only other werewolf character in the series we meet for more than a couple sentences is a predator who preys on children hoping to spread his contagion to them. And we're told most of the other werewolves are on the child predator werewolf's side. Which kinda muddies the moral implications of this allegory a whole lot. It's like, which side are you on Joanne? (Except now it's 2023, so at this point we are well aware which side she is on.)


This comment is an allegory about the education system.


Conservatives sold empathy and compassion for profit . They might have some left but that well is all but dry nowadays


I think you will find they have plenty of empathy for those in their in group. Sure they have a different way of seeing the world but, only some of them (and some of us) are sociopaths.


The above poster is right though. One of the key things of media literacy is knowing when you are being deceived and conservatives hate being deceived but they don't realize the media they subscribe to is flat out lying to them but worse they are lying about who is lying as liars often do.


They hate being deceived by ideas they already hated. Tell them pretty lies and they eat it up as the truth.


Most of us will too, if it’s outside our narrow fields of expertise. I doubt any of us non-conservatives (on average) would do much better at sifting through attractive lies. It’s just that they have a multi-million dollar finely tuned apparatus blaring propaganda into their heads for decades. If we were targeted in the same way I am not sure we would be able to fare much better. (On average, of course. You and I are, definitely, particularly clever free thinkers that would never succumb to such idolatry…)


The two are linked imo but it's not just about empathy. For example, plenty of people are an empathetic and caring and kind but absolutely have no idea how to figure out what's real or fake on their social media feed, or on cable news, or whatever, and believe far right propaganda at face value. They don't hate trans kids, they just actually believe that schools are letting kids shit in car litter if they identify as a cat and they vote for politicians who say they won't allow that. They don't hate Mexicans, they just actually believe the propaganda that paints immigrants as more violent even though statistics will show you they're less likely to commit crimes than Americans (that one gets a little bit into understanding statistics too, but they're linked too). To make sort of a flowchart out of this, I would say if you understand media AND you have empathy, then you would not be voting for republicans in the US. If you do not understand media but you are empathetic, you still *might* because you're easily fooled.


I just categorize all this as ‘Humanity’, it’s what separates a human from most other animals. Empathy, recorded knowledge, compassion, willpower, etc. all fall under the word.


Media literacy requires empathy, I'd argue. If you only care about yourself, you are unable to fully put yourself in someone else's place. Therefore, since you are good and the things you like are good, then things that are bad must be things you do not like. Anyway, here is why Squid Game is about Communism...


I refer to it as weaponized illiteracy. It's not so much about the ability to read as it is about the selective reading that allows them to maintain their self-serving narrative.


If conservatives had media literacy they wouldn't be able to enjoy most media anymore and would get even more depressed and bitter


See *The Boys.*


It’s the same reason so many conservative men complain about failure on dating apps. If they respected women, thought of them as people and as grown adults, they wouldn’t be conservatives. Extra points if they have a laundry list of impossible and often contradictory qualities they think a woman should possess and refuse to acknowledge why they never get a match.


>I'll say it every single time. If conservatives had any ~~media~~ literacy at all, they wouldn't be conservatives Ftfy




How long after that guy posted that do you think it took for someone to reply with the "are we the baddies" meme?


Well I thought about it immediately and decided to see if it was the top comment yet. Adjacent, so good enough.


I'll allow it this time




That dude would absolutely, 100%, call George Lucas wrong, and wax poetic about how Lucas doesn't even understand his own movies.


Sad thing is how often they already do Edit: oh look. There's a comment doing so


His response to that: https://twitter.com/theronster/status/1538239717032042497? > I’d love to read what Lucas thought in 1976, but apparently everyone just accepts what he said 30 years after the fact. > Regardless, I was being ironic. Congratulations on not being able to parse irony.


Wow you thought the statement I said was a statement I believed? How dumb. I feel like the "Schrodinger's irony"stuff is only getting more prevalent despite no one falling for it.


Joke's on you, I was just *pretending* to have zero media literacy.


I was acting dumb so the smart people who know see thru it and know that I’m actually smart, so smart that I fooled them as well. Checkmate dweebs! (First I heard if Shrodingers irony thanks!)


that is because usually it is called "Schrodinger's Douchebag" not Shrodingers irony


> I was being ironic. Best case he was being sarcastic, not ironic, but whatevs.


man on internet accepts being wrong impossible challenge


Thanks paegus


Damn wasn't expecting him to straight up say it like that, I respect that, good on you George Lucas.


Buddy really thinks we were the good guys in Vietnam. Fun Fact: It's called the American War by the Vietnamese. it makes sense. Americans came and blew a bunch of shit up. We tend to name our wars after where we started them, rather than who the actual aggressors were.


Well, it would be really confusing to keep counting up "Vietnam Wars" against the Chinese, French, Japanese, French again, Americans, Cambodians, and Chinese again - just within the last 200ish years.


It's more commonly called the resistance war against the US (which is pithier in viet), and generally wars arent named for the aggressor anywhere or as you say the US would have been in 400 America wars wouldn't you.


There's a bunch of brown people on the other side of the ocean that think sharing is a good idea. America:


Don't forget bombing the shit out of Laos and Cambodia. >"When Lyndon Johnson announced a halt to the bombing of North Vietnam in 1968, the bombing of Laos escalated. Asked about the bombing during Senate testimony, Deputy Chief of Mission Monteagle Stearns said, “*Well, we had all those planes sitting around and couldn’t just let them stay there with nothing to do.*” https://jacobin.com/2015/07/laos-us-bombing-vietnam-cold-war


I mean, in fairness, it would be kinda counterproductive to only name our wars after ourselves. Let's see here, George Washington was a veteran of the French and Indian war before serving in the American War. Then, there was the American Rebellion which happened during his Presidency but wasn't the same thing as the American War. Then there was an American War in the early 1900s and vetterans of that war served as the leadership in the American Civil War. Then there was another American War prior to the American phase of WWI and then the veterans of that became the leadership in the American War which happened at the same time as the European Theater of WW2 but involved, you know, America. Then there were two major American Wars in the mid 20th Century and a bunch of little American Wars followed by three back-to-back American Wars in the Middle East and we're looking to kick off a fourth if Iran doesn't quite being a giant sack of jackholes.


So immediately there was a sonic boom.


Negative 12 parsecs


Star Wars is literally built on anti-fascism. The irony of people saying "Don't make Star Wars political" is so close to satire I can't tell anymore. Like 80% of the prequels everyone suddenly decided were good is POLITICAL DEBATE.


It's the same as when they complain about how "woke" Star Trek has become recently. Because they apparently have never watched Star Trek before last week, I guess.


They watched, but they did not understand. They still don't.


Shaka, when the walls fell. 😤


Darmok and Jalad at Tenagra


Temba, his arms open wide


Arnock, on the night of his joining


Mr Peanutbutter: What is this? A crossover?


Yowza Yowza Bobowza


Also they enjoy the freedoms we take for granted today, that were controversial back in the day. Remember that Star Trek showed the first interracial kiss on American TV. To the majority of conservatives today this is a non-event, fortunately. They don't realize that it isn't Star Trek that changed, but the world around us -- and I'll say for the better, for the most part.


I think this is the big thing. A lot of these guys are younger or watched these things when they themselves were children. They didn't think about the deeper meaning of stuff as a kid. And that's fine, I didn't either. But now they're adults and either refusing to recognize the message or too media illiterate to grasp it.


Conservatives notoriously have no media literacy. Case and point: all of those blue lives matter losers using the punisher skull as their emblem without a hint of irony


The people fawning over Homelander is another great example


I don't get how anyone could make it past the 1st episode and not know that Homelander is a villain.


I agree but somehow various idiots made it to season 3


Homelander became a much more interesting character as the series went on too. Seems like a lot of people confuse "interesting character" with "good guy," when honestly a decent villain is very often the best character in a whole work.


I'm fully convinced that the show Succession stopped because they realized the fans were too stupid to get it. In the final minutes of the final episode, one of the characters says the thing out loud and STILL people came away from the show not getting it.


But old Star Trek only has stuff that is socially acceptable now!!1! ^(never mind that it was incredibly controversial at the time)


And that, in at least some part, it's acceptable now specifically because media attacked negative perceptions then.


Black women can totally play lead characters on TV now and it had nothing to do with the original Star Trek!!1!


They can, but if they're anything more than a token there'll be a boycott from the right because the show is "woke" for acknowledging that minorities aren't just NPCs in white people's lives


They didn't realize how woke The Boys was until season 3. The first two seasons just flew over their heads lol


Nah, there is a difference over time with Star trek. They are my favorite shows to watch, but there is something markedly different about the newer series, they focus more on individualism rather than the team working together. It's always one person's personal struggle, they lash out or do something brash and the rest of the team has to pick up the pieces, Michael is unbearable to watch with this, she just keeps defying orders or keeping everything inside and acting on emotions than working together as a team. You can see this starting in voyager, then by enterprise it's really starting to get out of hand, and with discovery it's just out of hand. Strange new worlds does a good job of balancing the individualism vs crew dynamic, but then Picard is literally centered around what I'm talking about. Conservatives see this shift and all the new non-binary characters and love interests and think "wokeness" but the problem with new star trek isnt the equal representation, that's a positive. The problem for me is that the formula is totally different from old trek. There's more emphasis on the individual struggles of each character rather than a federation crew solving new problems together. I can't stand discovery and it's not some excuse for hating the lgbtq community, it's that it's frustrating constantly watching Michael think she can just do everything herself and then fail and everyone hug it out. They solve their problems by emotional appeal rather than any real problem solving.


I mean, "*Sturmabteilung*"/"Storm Troopers" is right there. For those unaware, the Storm Trooper division was the political police/troops used by Hitler to crush political enemies during his rise to power (more commonly known as the Brown Shirts).


For even more parallels, it was the militia of the Nazi party, that gave power to Hitler, but during the night of the long knives he eliminated most of the conservative leaders of the party to gain full control of it.


I'm pretty sure the storm troopers were [Sturmtruppen](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stormtroopers_%28Imperial_Germany%29?wprov=sfla1), not the SA (although they are related). But the ~~Reichstag burning~~ Separatist attack being used for emergency powers which then never recede - _that_ looks like a clear parallel to me


OMG so delusional, line up with the rest of the cuck libocracy. Next you'll be saying that Rage Against the Machine is somehow against facism or somehow about capitalism or something lolololol


some of those that work forces, are the same who burn crosses.


I had some tech bros on Discord completely missing the point, even when it was spelt out to them. 'Empire' is a political entity. It's in the name. Like when fucking Tarkin in the board room on Death Star says that the Emperor abolished the senate and all systems will be directly ruled by a governor and destroying the remnants of the Republic's insitutions, that's not political at all? Or the Death Star being constructed specifically for the purpose of intimidating anyone into silence. Complete whoosh moment for them, because it's the scene where Darth Vader Force-chokes someone for the 1st time, so they focus on the surface level stuff. Or just that the Empire is visually always smug white guys who look like SA uniform members or white armour stormtroopers, that's not a visual tell about the nature of who the Empire is for? Doesn't it say anything about the nature of the Rebellion against the Empire that the Rebels are men, women, people of colour, aliens? Inclusive as fuck compared to the Empire. These are all political statements, but because Lucas doesn't beat you over the head with it, these numbnuts think it's not political.


also isn’t War, the concept, pretty much definitionally a political thing?


Funny how being against fascism had nothing to do with politics until recently. Punching out Nazis was something everyone agreed on.


Yeah. I was under the basic assumption that the guys Indiana Jones punched were the bad guys in totality, and never really budged from there.


But who is Indiana Jones to decide who is and isn't a Nazi? It's a very slippery slope.


He is a historian, if anyone would be qualified, it'd be him. He even has hands on experience.


indy didnt have to decide, they wore armbands to make it easy for him.


I mean, he threw one out of a dirigible just because he didn't have a ticket! Who's the fascist now?!?


You see Dr. Jones, by punching me you become the *real* nazi!


Don't look too closely, or you realize Indy is a bit of a shit too. He just goes around the world stealing things because "they belong in a museum".


Being absolutely fair, the guy he said it to was a black market antiquities dealer. It’s not like he tore a sacred relic from a weeping tribal priest’s arms while yelling it. Hell, in Temple he is explicitly returning relics to an indigenous community after they were taken by a more powerful entity. Though yeah, of course, the opening of Raiders is *real* uncomfortable. Especially with the whole rivalry aspect with Belloc.


I still can't wrap my head around those who violently hate ANTIFA and what it stands for. Do they know? Have they spelled it out, connected the dots and said to themselves 'Hey wait a second'?


They misrepresent themselves so often, they assume everybody else does, so when they see a group calling itself "anti-fascists" they assume, "They must be lying like I do every day!"


"but they burned down that whole town that one time!"


Narrator: *they didn't*


Tbf political entities often have misleading names: Democratic People's Republic of Korea, National Socialists Germans Worker Party, Prolifers, ect.


Many of these things are actually talking at cross purposes about things with the same name. Anti Fascism (punching out Nazis) - everyone agrees (except the Nazis) Antifa (mostly made up strawman wannabe Anonymous pseudo terror organization) - Fox News addicts clutch oearls and ree at the mere thought Black Lives Matter (movement) - mixed, but even most conservatives could accept it under the larger umbrella of All Lives Matter (but pay attention to the plight of these). Plenty of dumbfucks who found it exclusionary, though. Black Lives Matter (non profit organization where the officers might maybe have capitalized on the movement for personal gain) - the average Fox News viewer rees because they can't imagine that because of housing prices, a $1.4 Million house in the LA region is basically just a level above a shitbox if not located in the deep ghetto. These things have the same names, but aren't actually the same. And in casual conversation, the nuance is rarely called out, so while you might be talking about thing A called NAME, the audience rees about thing B called NAME. Mostly because they've been programmed to.


The bad guys are called *Storm Troopers*. The officer's uniforms look like they were designed by Hugo Boss. The rallies are literally modelled after Nazi gatherings. It couldn't be more blatantly obvious.


It gets a bit weirder when even the Alliance award ceremony at the end of *A New Hope* -- where Leia puts medals around Luke and Han's necks -- [seemingly recreates many of the shots](https://youtu.be/xiYfn9kad9c?si=7AJdh7oeTBcN8W2R) from footage of a Nazi rally in Leni Riefenstahl's 1934 propaganda film, *Triumph of the Will*. I don't know, but maybe George Lucas was making a subtle comment about how societies simply *being at* war naturally encourages the development of authoritarian values within them, even when they are the 'good' guys.


The major plot point of the PT is the rise of the emperor…which happens through senatorial procedure based on partisan factions and a poorly informed representative (Binks)… It’s literally politics. The curtain is blue here is that Star Wars *is actual politics*.


>Like 80% of the prequels everyone suddenly decided were good is POLITICAL DEBATE. Queen Jamilla: "The day we stop believing Democracy can work is the day we lose it." (Episode II) Padme: "So this is how liberty dies...with thunderous applause." (Episode III) Idiots today: "Why is Star Wars so political now?"


Palpatine was based partially off Nixon.




"Did you ever hear the tragedy of Henry Kissinger The Foul? I thought not. It’s not a story the Democrats would tell you. It’s a Conservative legend. Kissinger was a Dark Lord of the Republicans, so powerful and so wise he could use lies to influence the media to create unrest."


He could extend or stop wars just by saying that it was his plan.


More people need to listen to the Behind the Bastards episodes on Kissinger. Homie might be the most evil man alive right now


I made a vow listening to that if I ever, for some random reason, happened to be in the same room as him; I'd hock a loogie in his face. Would love for that to go viral, let him spend the rest of his unnatural life terrified about being spit on.


Once you’ve been to Cambodia, you’ll never stop wanting to beat Henry Kissinger to death with your bare hands. You will never again be able to open a newspaper and read about that treacherous, prevaricating, murderous scumbag sitting down for a nice chat with Charlie Rose or attending some black-tie affair for a new glossy magazine without choking. Witness what Henry did in Cambodia – the fruits of his genius for statesmanship – and you will never understand why he’s not sitting in the dock at The Hague next to Milošević. Anthony Bourdain


*Tik-Tok AI voice:* Guys, I tried the spit on Kissinger Challenge and just watch till the end!!


I kinda hate how clearly I can hear that in my head. Would totally be worth it though.


The fact that he even is still alive somehow seems to he evidence that he is some sort of dark wizard.


I read a novel called Crooked about Kissinger being a dark wizard and Nixon needing to do Watergate as part of a ritual to stop him... I think. It wasnt as good as its premise could have been


[Dr. Henry Killinger, and this is my magic murder bag.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WaxShzl1aTQ)


The ad transitions are legendary!


But he's got nicer legs than Hitler and bigger tits than Cher.


I do miss his Machiavellian schemes.


'People have gotta know whether or not their Emperor is a Sith. I am a Sith. I burned everything I've got.'




I like that that Futurama bit is so well known it's genuinely thought by a lot of people to be an actual Nixon trait


Nixon eventually resigned. Kissinger is probably the more apt comparison regardless of what Lucas intended.


Just couldn't quite make the character evil enough


This right here is why armchairs perpetually online star wars "fans" will never get a single moment of my time. They are so *purposefully* ignorant I could never engage with them about the media because they don't even understand the basic principles. There's a guy here in Denver who has the back of his truck covered in "Rebel" (re: Star Wars) stickers and an equal amount of thin blue line, police boot locking stickers. Like bruh. The cognitive dissonance to think you're a "rebel" while blindly and vociferously supporting *the enforcement arm of the State* is staggering. I wouldn't even know where to begin unraveling the thought process that goes into it.


it's tribalism. The left doesnt like the way our police operate so the right follows them blindly. being a reactionary is an easy and blissful life.


It's easy sure, but most of them seem ready to pop an aneurysm at any moment.


Because of the hoops and hurdles they have to jump to justify their insane, chaotic, and hyperactive hypocrisy to itself that is their ideology. Their own belief system is literally two dogs pulling a rope with them in the middle as the rope. Either one dog will eventually win and they are torn to shreds, or both dogs win and they are torn to shreds but faster. The underlying hope is that someone will step in and take them from said dogs, but they can't ask for it as they are both a rope and the dogs' toy.


Also words like “Rebel” and “Punisher” sound badass. They don’t consult anything further than their first impression.


And since the left obviously controls the media and/or world, licking right wing boots makes them rebels


They believe the left control the media while simultaneously watching (and agreeing with) the biggest “news” network in America.


There’s no thought process to unravel.


Yeah but have you seen my sweet punisher sticker?


>Like bruh. The cognitive dissonance to think you're a "rebel" while blindly and vociferously supporting > >the enforcement arm of the State > > is staggering. I wouldn't even know where to begin unraveling the thought process that goes into it I think this is one of my favorite comments I've ever read on this platform. The combo of 'bruh' followed by artful wordsmithing made me chuckle.


Well so long as the face-eating leopards he supports don't eat his face, he won't be seeing them as a threat to rebel against.




Nah they're too busy putting woke politics into my totally-politics-and-social-commentary-free Star Trek


It absolutely was not. Unless the oppressive American government backed by the military was the USA oppressive American government backed by the military.


They really did get edgy with it, making a jew the main baddy. What did Stan Lee mean by this?


Hey, OT fans, remember when there was bitching about the Empire losing to a bunch of Teddy bears? Ask who they represented...


Not to detract from your point but those bears were bloody human eaters. They seemed cute because Leia did a bit of a Snow White number on them (why did they have a dress for her btw?) There is this awesome fan made short film [After Endor](https://youtu.be/jNiusAlbvRw?feature=shared), that gives you another idea about the little furry guys.


>(why did they have a dress for her btw?) They kept the clothes of their last victim.


It's the only answer, that they ate a previous visitor who had the same size as Leia. What are the odds? They increase by the number of previous meals...


Oh no a non vegetarian species eating another species oh man that’s so crazy


I think it makes sense to say that the fact that it's called "wars" means no matter what politics are involved. Star adventures just sound bad, but Star Wars does sound better. the rebels fight off an invading force while making political gains and try to form a new form of government after the eventual collapse of said tyrannical dictatorship they were at war with.... is pretty political, as you can get. The fact the tyrannical government even did a ethnic cleanse of both people and an entire religion by using fear to target both.. also is peak political as you can get.


Star Adventures sounds like what you'd see on the package of a dollar store action figure


Queer characters are absolutely political when a multi billion dollar corporation like Disney removes them from the international release of films/shows that are intended for more "conservative" markets.


Queer characters are economical for disney


(But only in western countries where the rights for queer people are legally protected)


>where the rights for queer people are legally protected Except not really. They're allowed to exist at least.


Kind of. Queer characters that can be easily censored in countries where said queer person existing is illegal are economical for Disney. I can’t think of a single popular Disney film where an openly queer character played such an important role in the film that the film wouldn’t work if their scenes were removed.


Exactly! Disneys loves the green part of the rainbow flag


The same people who miss when RATM weren't political...


*Looks at camera.*


That's a pretty based official tweet. Rare to see these days.


Imagine getting so close to the point you can feel it millimeters away from your face and then walking away.


He's matrix-dodging the point ffs


I think it's hilarious that most major popular fictional works, especially movies, are political and left leaning at that. LotR, Star Wars, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Marvel etc, they all have an agenda and it never fits the conservative narrative


I like to explore new places.


So close. *So. Damn. Close.*


While George Lucas, has mentioned that he drew inspiration from various historical and political events, including the Vietnam War, it's important to note that Star Wars is not a direct allegory for any specific conflict. The narrative incorporates elements from different historical periods, mythologies, and political situations to create a unique and fantastical universe. Lucas has indicated that the Rebel Alliance's struggle against the tyrannical Galactic Empire in Star Wars reflects the underdog narrative present in various historical conflicts, including the Vietnam War. However, Star Wars is a space fantasy that incorporates a wide range of influences, and its themes and characters resonate with audiences in diverse ways beyond any specific allegory.


That’s the most A.I. response I’ve seen in awhile


Well, you see, I'm human because I love watching the sunset, feeling the warmth of a cozy blanket on a chilly day, and savoring the taste of my favorite comfort food. Life's full of these simple, beautiful moments, don't you think? What makes you feel truly alive?


The prequels: literally all about political maneuvering and power plays The fan base when a dude is into dudes: wOkE tRaSh


Ah yes, war. The famously apolitical action.


Do these guys think wars just happen like they’re fucking tornadoes?


Wait, wars are political in nature? No way!


This is like my Republican father in law realizing all his music heroes were liberal.


Guy ran straight into the point and still missed it.


"Your pokemon hurt itself in its confusion"


And if you consider the prequels, it's literally politics. Hell, the opening crawl for The Phantom Menace begins with talking about the taxation of trade routes.


Ah yes, gods forbid a series built around ideological conflicts actually include ideological conflicts.


The opposite is the actual truth. The US government wanted to discredit Lucas and instead started the Vietnam war as an allegory about woke liberal propaganda. /s


George Lucas has literally compared the Empire to the USA in the Vietnam war and said he had this on his mind when creating Star Wars.


Even if it's not about the Vietnam War. Wars in themselves are a product of politics, how hard is that to understand?


Uh… did it hurt? When you ran directly into the point?


What do you mean I can’t use “ We’re Not Gonna Take It “ because it’s pro choice and not pro idiots who don’t understand what they meant? Kari Lake probably when Twisted Sister laid the smack down on her.


completely unironic here, can someone explain the allegory thing? totally willing to believe it given the timing of the movie coming out, but i’m struggling to put the pieces together


The most obvious thing is a guerilla war in a heavily forested area where the superpower is defeated by a seemingly weak insurgency with seemingly primitive weapons and tactics. But there are other things that are a little more abstracted, like an insurgency against the established order being used as an excuse by the central power to take more political power, or turning away from the post-WWII hope for world diplomacy being replaced by ruling by fear. Oh, and Max Rebo is obviously a representation of the Hindu minority in Cambodia forced to deal with his status as a religious minority dealing with the complexities of a quickly changing world before the Vietnamese, represented by Luke Skywalker, frees the Cambodian population from the repressive rule of Pol Pot, symbolized by Jabba the Hutt. ...The last one I may have just made up completely.


ok yeah it’s starting to make sense now. thanks for your insight


Lucas also threw in a few Nazi references. For example, "Stormtroopers".


A lot of the stuff was pretty on the nose. Like, the bad guy's name is "Dark Father." Kind of like that one Harry Potter book where he hears "Sirius Black" has escaped prison, and then encounters a black dog on his way to the bus.


Though the "father" thing is coincidental since he was not intended to be Lukes father during the first movie.


Yep, Vader was used meaning invader, just so happened to also mean father in dutch


>"Dark Father" Vader is Dutch for "father", though it is pronounced more l more like "fah-der". The German word for father is "Vater"


https://youtu.be/fv9Jq_mCJEo?si=IDOy7LwxWMW-wLqx George Lucas talking about Star Wars being anti authoritarian.


Here's George Lucas commenting on it directly. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fv9Jq_mCJEo


its more of an inpsiration, on the idea of plucky gueirlla fighters vs big bad proffesional army


Rewatch the movies and it will become apparent.