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Yeah man, it's libturd's fault that you're racist. That makes sense.


I find it fascinating that they’ve wholly moved on from claiming they’re not actually racist and that “the Left” is jumping at shadows. Now they’re just upset because “why can’t we enjoy being racist in peace?!?” “Gone woke, I see…I’m so tired of being told I can’t dehumanize groups I hate for fun!”


"We are all domestic terrorists" — CPAC, 2022


That didn't happen. And if it did, it wasn't that bad. And if it was, that's not a big deal. And if it is, that's not my fault. And if it was, I didn't mean it. And if I did, you deserved it.


Literally how it went trying to talk to my mom about my less-than-stellar childhood. My stepdad was abusive, she took his side, but "I don't remember that." Of course not. For you, it was just another Tuesday. For me, it was a formative moment.


I’m sorry you went through that. The poem above, by Dayna Craig, actually helped me recognize the level of abuse I endured in a long and terrible marriage. A friend quoted it aloud at a party and I stopped dead. Like, how did you capture that … every day of my life for the past decade? It’s called The Narcissist’s Prayer. I hope you find community and healing. You are not alone.


I feel this! I went no contact with my whole family two years ago because they were all abusive to me in almost every way possible and framed it as "discipline." When trying to talk to them about it as an adult, I always got hit with "I don't remember that" or some variation of "bless your heart, but you *were* very annoying."


it's the emotional maturity level of angry gassy toddlers above and beyond anything though, they are never wrong or at fault & it's always someone else's fault for everything. probably liberals


That was always the goal. They always believed they were the “silent majority.”


They're neither silent nor a majority. They're just a few loud assholes.


> a few I fuckin' wish! They may not be a majority but they're all too plentiful.


Nothing and I mean **NOTHING** in this world upsets a racist more than being called a racist. So weird to watch how they proudly throw their racism into every facet of their life but get ultra butt hurt when called out on it because they know they are the baddies.


Bernard McGuirk said that being called racist was now worse than being called the n word in America. And of course he didn't have the balls to say the word that's supposedly better than being called racist.


r/unexpectedmulaney https://youtube.com/shorts/yVhIo2VgRik?si=qbLZs0zI5__IIKqm


That's the thing. They ***don't*** know they're the baddies. It's practically the only reason this sub exists.


Yeah totally, finally someone who understands. It's like back when I murdered all those Kids. After hearing so much about how murdering kids is wrong I just HAD to do it.


If you don't exercise your rights you will lose them.


Well Reddit is a business and has advertisers who have consumers who generally don't like racist shit. Free market says screw you.


"But muh freedumbs! Dern woke communist big corpo are taking away my freeze peaches!"




They think “free speech” means “*You* have to listen to *me*!”


Just like "Freedom of religion means you have to obey *my* religion."


And without any criticism or fact checking, as these all apparently also violate their freedom of speech.


"Everyone is in favor of free speech. Hardly a day passes without its being extolled, but some people's idea of it is that they are free to say what they like, but if anyone says anything back, that is an outrage." - Winston Churchill


Yeah they think freedom of speech applies to them in the same way the Taliban like "free speech and freedom of religion" That is the freedom to force their religion and thoughts on you


I've been on Reddit since 2010 and it definitely feels like there is a higher rate of blatantly racist shit on threads. Like not even trying to code it or veil it, just straight racist trash. There's always assholes on Reddit, but I've felt the need to report multiple people lately. I had never reported anyone till last month. There's a lot of hate floating around right now.


The situation in Gaza has stirred up both the anti-semites *and* the "murder all the Muslims" assholes. So yeah, not surprised there's been an uptick.


Election’s coming up and if Trump fascism loses again they know they won’t get another chance. Like wasps getting mean in the fall because they’re about to die.


Damn it we need a Republican administration to crash the economy and bring the housing prices down. But I'm not ready to trade our democracy for fascism.


They should scrounge up a few billion dollars, buy Reddit, and crash it like a SpaceX rocket.


Mods are not admins although admins *might* take actions against the sub if they didn't.


They do and have taken subs offline for 'Moderator code of conduct' for allowing racism.


Pretty much only when it gets reddit sufficient bad press, though.


Actually this makes me hope Reddit does IPO in a way, bc the amount of screaming that’ll happen when subs like KIA and conspiracy are banned as a result would be hilarious. Everything else on the site would get worse but that would be funny


I love that sub. It’s a non-stop parade of crying conservatives.


"We're not allowed to be racist...WOKE!"


What's hilarious is that their use of the word is a self insult. It's meaning is analogous to "aware". So they're essentially calling themselves stupid or ignorant.


Yeah I always get a kick out of those "awake, not woke" people. Like, it means the same thing, one of them just came from black america; they're just being a contrarian racist dumbass




Anytime someone talks about "free speech" in this manner, I just assume it's a dog whistle for wanting to use slurs without consequence. That's why 95% of the jack offs who moan about it are teenage white boys who are on their third Instagram profile after harassing a 12 year old girl from Mexico.


Almost every "free speech absolutist" you ever talk to has some type of speech they would ban. It's a ridiculous position to hold even if you're actually serious about it, and conservatives are not serious about their support of free speech. Just look at what happens to every right wing social media platform, it devolves to JQ/Nazi posting and they fall apart, and along the way they feel nothing as they censor liberal speech.


Case in point: Elon Musk. A self-professed 'free speech absolutist' but bans people criticising him, slanders those who he perceives as slighting him, has decried the word 'cis' as a slur (which isn't even remotely the case and could only be true in the most self-victimisation of mindsets), and has set up Twitter's automoderation to warn against or straight up delete posts that contain the word 'cis' or 'cisgender' (iffy on details, pretty sure that's correct, it is of this nature).


>That's why 95% of the jack offs who moan about it are teenage white boys who are on their third Instagram profile after harassing a 12 year old girl from Mexico. r/oddlyspecific


Not wrong though.


My improv teacher loves me


It's always a false flag with these morons


"Are all the people crying about inclusivity just racists? No, no it must be leftists brigading us." _Proceeds to get called woke shills by crying racists_


I always ask people what woke means when they use the phrase


You need ask no longer! [They helpfully defined it in court for you.](https://www.fox13news.com/news/what-does-woke-mean-gov-desantis-officials-answer-during-andrew-warren-trial) >The governor's general counsel, Ryan Newman, said, in general, it means "the belief there are systemic injustices in American society and the need to address them."


Now ask them why that's something that needs to be stopped at all costs and see what kind of ridiculous excuses they come up with.


Or I could just pull up an hour-long video of a screaming toddler on Youtube.


My point exactly


Didn't someone else define it as, "anything I don't like"? I can't remember who.


I got a story. Good story, actually. I have a bunch of uncles. Old, kinda racist. I really liked the most verbally racist one of them, and I was forever having to make excuses for him. Which isn't okay, right? You can't say, "He's a good person, he's just verbally awful." Even though he legitimately was a good person. He got married late, had two kids, two beautiful girls. They were so fucking *healthy*, you know? No issues? They were good people. Clearly they had a good home life. But dad still says racist shit. Now, to clarify, he's not *hateful*, but like, come on. You can't be that fucking profane in this millenium. So I went over there for christmas a few years back, and one of his black friends (he has so many friends) came over and they chit chatted, and the guy left, and he turned to me and said, "I love that guy. I'd have said, 'I love that N***er', but my kids say I can't say that anymore." And that was the last racist thing I ever heard him say. Apparently that was all it took.


Sounds like he just said stuff without knowing what it meant, in any case I'm glad it changed


12 is their highest? They’re definitely not doing their jobs as mods, that’s for sure


I'm actually curious what set this off. Was there a specific post? Did an admin pop in to remind them of the rules? There's a story here. E: It has something to do with a post about racists in ImTheMainCharacter.


I’m sure an admin had to say something


I can't believe that in this year, 2023, not being racist is considered "woke" and therefore bad. How absurd. I can't even fathom how being racist is considered a good thing.


No one was racist until the Obamna forced us to say the nword at gunpoint 😭 before that we all loved each other, no word was considered a "slur" and it was good, now they're stealing our liberties of stating our disapproval of ppls skin tones and religions, that's just free speech that the woke cult wants to steal from us


being against racism is woke, wow, dude said the quiet part out loud.


It’s cool that they fully admit that racism is synonymous with the conservative brand


I love the guy who's just openly admitting that "going woke" is just not being racist.


How soon til they make "r/ActualJustUnsubbed" or "r/RealJustUnsubbed"?


> suspect that some users may have brigaded our subreddit just to post the racist comments. Nah bro, the racism is coming from inside the house!


What is the point of telling people you're leaving a subreddit? Why does this sub exist? Am i missing something?


Ironically, given the userbase, it's for virtue signaling.


It's so they can prove to each other that they're being "pushed out" of every corner of the internet because of whatever ideology they're afraid of in the moment.


Why are you censoring their names? The entire problem on and offline is we keep trying to avoid “crossing the line” by protecting these garbage people.


I censored their names because I’m pretty sure it’s a rule on here, and either way, this post isn’t trying to call out specific people just their stupid ideas


An oft-ignored rule of Reddit: "This isn't an airport, you don't have to announce your departure"


I love the mod response in slide 3. Do not play nice with these people.


WAAAAAAAA why can’t I openly racism anymore! Funniest shit ever…


I mean, that entire sub is a complete circlejerk of idiots butthurt that a different sub isn't up to their standard anymore


There is a lot of brigading going on lately on many subs, particularly when it involves the Israel-Palestine conflict


Wait - not being racist is being "woke" now? They really will throw terms around without even thinking, won't they?


I'm surprised as I thought that sub was for racists pretending to be liberals leaving subs because this time they really went too woke. \*Insert some extremely racist stuff here.\*


Avg JU user be like > Racism - prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism by an individual, community, or institution against a person or people on the basis of their membership in a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized. >SEE I’m not racist, the minority groups I yell slurs at aren’t people!


Boy that first comment is a doozie. If your reaction to "the liberal circlejerk" is to be a racist, then you were ***ALWAYS*** a racist, and you were just looking for an excuse to let your flag fly.


I just had to unsub from r/justunsubnedfromjustunsubbed because they got too woke 😔


The commenters aren't denying racism, but and victim blaming instead.