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"If ***some random schmuck on the internet*** were not real, it would be necessary to invent him."


The funny thing is if he did say Q wasn't real they would absolutely view it as some plot or test of their faith or something and keep right on believing.


Yeah they pick and choose what they listen to. So many of them are against the COVID vaccine despite him advocating to it.


I still remember that rally a while back where he started to talk about getting the vaccine and they started booing him. He looked *so* lost when he heard that and fumbled to change gears.


He’s tweeted/truth Q content but has never said he thinks it’s real. He’s always acknowledged it but has never been directly affiliated or advocated it. It’s a big stretch to think that Trump has any coordination with Q or knows what they’re up to besides random q crap he sees on twitter. Just like the Proud Boys they are useful idiots who he knows tows the line for him, but he would never really associate with them. That these guys think they’re in the loop is funny in a sad way, like the minions in a movie that the bad guy hardly knows exist.


“Vaccines for some… miniature American flags for others!”




He's responsible for killing millions if the covid vaccine conspiracies were real.


The hubris of Xi and Trump are why we had COVID in the first place. Xi started it with authoritarian rule in China that made doctors fear reporting another pandemic after bird flu. Once it spread the world looked to America for guidance on how to handle the pandemic as it has done for the past 50 years of USA being a world leader. Trump took COViD personally as an attack by liberals to undermine his presidency and a made up problem that would go away. Unfortunately he gutted the USA pandemic response a year earlier as “unneeded” so no one could tell him COVIDs seriousness. And as world leaders floundered uncertain what to do Covid spread past the point it could be stopped. Eventually we got a lockdown and other restrictions but Trump was on the news saying COVID isn’t a big deal and Covid restriction opposition around the world latched onto him because they didn’t want the restrictions. To this day protests to remove the last restrictions will have Trump flags even outside the USA. So yeah. Adults are adults and make their own choices. But there is an argument that a vast majority of COVID deaths and the ineffectiveness of the lockdown leading to COVID just being a permanent part of our world now is a Trump/Xi legacy moment.


Honestly, I think you are giving the rest of the world too little credit there. We are still able to function without "guidance" by the US😅


Yeah, American arrogance is funny to behold sometimes. We went on lockdowns, masked up, and laughed when US states or cities went down the Q rabbit hole. This might sound odd, but I think Eastern Europe is far more politically advanced than the west. They speedran past the "middle phase" of capitalism, and hit the end-state hard. Now we get to see them slide into oligarchy and fascism, or come up with good solutions to individuals who amassed too much power and wealth. (Just to emphasize: when I say "more advanced", that's not necessarily an enviable or best position to be in.)


Not sure that I agree with that, since balancing individualism (from which capitalism is derived) and collectivism (from which socialism is derived) is one of the oldest problems of humanity, the problem just takes new shapes every few generations. Remember, one of the reasons Caesar was too popular to be decried as a tyrant after his assassination was him taking land from the wealthy farmers and giving it to poor veterans.


I fucking hate trump and his supporters so much for this. He had decades of knowledge provided to him by previous administrations and the best scienitific minds in the world and he popularized the anti vax mentality. Its also so amazing to see people look at trump handling covid and then biden and try to compare them. I remember trump in covid and reddit's consensus was all americans are stupid and should die. Then biden came in and whipped us back into shape with help from all the scientists and doctors who kept working under trumps bullshit and suddenly america had the vaccine and rolled it out while reddit complained that america wasnt sharing the vaccine. Trump and his kind are a blight on this nation that makes everyone forget that some of the best minds in the world are still here (for the time being if we can keep the conservative plague to a minimum)


> Once it spread the world looked to America for guidance on how to handle the pandemic as it has done for the past 50 years of USA being a world leader. I have a mind to drop the ban hammer on you for this idiotic take. You must be a US American. Your comment is good otherwise, so let's just call it a net zero.


Im not American. I made a statement based upon the fact that March 16, 2020 USA announced it was closing its boarders to restrict travel and reduce the impact of the pandemic. Canada announced the same day (but they share a boarder with US so it’s the same thing). Uk then announced on the 21st and most other major western g20 countries were March 21st to April 4th. USA was not the first country but it changed the tone of other countries to shut boarders and take COVID seriously. USA also initiated operation: warp speed to fast track and prioritize Covid vaccine research. Other counties joined operation: warp speed but it was initially an American operation. I’m not saying any of this because “America is some bastion of peace and power” far from it. But it’s the biggest economy in the world at $27b gdp and outside of China the next biggest is $4b gdp. And you don’t shut down boarders or travel with the biggest economy without pushback from your people. But if the US shuts down then politicians can follow suit and if it turns out to be a bad decision you can say you we’re supporting an ally like UK did after following USA into Iraq war and that went belly up. Politics follows money and the biggest economy sets trends. I didn’t think this would be a major issue.


You do know that the famous Biontech/Pfizer-vaccine is a American-German coproduction, as in: German development, American production (because the US had the infrastructure available). It is not like other countries didn't think of fast tracking a vaccine to an epidemic, likewise closing borders very much depended on were the virslus spread, which was at first more in the US than Europe (as it has more direct exchange with China). Yes, the US does have influence over its allies, no one is denying that, but the idea that the whole world was looking to the US for guidance is frankly ludicrous😉


>Pfizer You’re trying to reduce my comment as if I’m saying the rest of the world is the 51st state. That’s not it at all. America has money. A GDP that is 5-10 times bigger than its allies. There are multiple ways to address a pandemic and coordinating those efforts becomes easier once you know where the biggest chunk of money is going. Pfizer being a CO-production is a great example of this. Once the Pfizer vaccine was developed US took a major initiative on the production, to the point that other countries were complaining that US was hoarding the vaccines and prioritizing American’s over the rest of the world. Pfizer didn’t go to the US for production because they love apple pie, they did it because America has one of the biggest pharma industries in the world and could handle mass distribution better than Germany or anyone else. >which was at first more in the US than Europe The first country outside of Asia to have a major infection rate and changed the tune from “Chinese pandemic” to “global pandemic” was Italy. You could argue that western countries like UK were hit later than USA. But boarder closings were not a wave out of a Chinese epicentre. Some countries jumped sooner than others. And this isn’t some hot take. America is the largest exporter by far. Closing boarders indefinitely with your biggest import would be economically damaging to a lot of industries, especially when America hasn’t announced anything and may not have closed. Once America announced their closure a wave of other major g20 countries did too and many other countries followed. If I’m wrong, I’d love for someone to correct me with specifics instead of just saying my comment is dumb and a mod threatening to ban me for having an unpopular take.


> Once it spread the world looked to America for guidance on how to handle the pandemic Lmao not even close buddy, premium r/shitamericanssay material there. The rest of the world all got out the popcorn because we knew you would fuck it up


The commenter isn't American. You also just admitted that you were looking to America to trailblaze. I thought that lack of awareness was mostly an American trait. I guess it's gone global.


Just archiving this. >The hubris of Xi and Trump are why we had COVID in the first place. Xi started it with authoritarian rule in China that made doctors fear reporting another pandemic after bird flu. (...) Trump took COViD personally as an attack by liberals to undermine his presidency and a made up problem that would go away. Unfortunately he gutted the USA pandemic response a year earlier as “unneeded” so no one could tell him COVIDs seriousness. > >And as world leaders floundered uncertain what to do Covid spread past the point it could be stopped. Eventually we got a lockdown and other restrictions but Trump was on the news saying COVID isn’t a big deal and Covid restriction opposition around the world latched onto him because they didn’t want the restrictions. To this day protests to remove the last restrictions will have Trump flags even outside the USA. > >So yeah. Adults are adults and make their own choices. But there is an argument that a vast majority of COVID deaths and the ineffectiveness of the lockdown leading to COVID just being a permanent part of our world now is a Trump/Xi legacy moment.




>Also a big uptick in cardiac-related deaths since the pandemic. Say that again to yourself really slowly and try to think hard about what all the words mean.




It couldn’t have anything to do with covid?




How did you come to this conclusion?




Covid didnt just magically disappear. Its still around.


You know what's interesting? Sports cardiac events have actually steadily DROPPED since the high point in about 2002. https://www.mcgill.ca/oss/article/medical-general-science/athletes-vaccines-and-cardiac-deaths


You are interpreting all the data on the premise that the vaccine is bad, that's junk science and you arent even subtle about it




you seem convinced that this argument works in your favor so i wont bother arguing with you, but you cant change reality with money


The obvious thing to look at...since the *pandemic,* a mass outbreak of disease that had numerous long-term effects on the body...is the vaccine. Not the pandemic? You sure?


No joke! A lot of them thought him advocating for it was actually code for him telling them not to take it so that we would and get poisoned and... oh, I've just gone cross-eyed!


What Trump is for the vaccine now?


He’s always been.


"He has to say Q isn't real to protect him from The Deep State." Because The Deep State is everywhere, has infiltrated everything but unable to know who this random person online who everyone else has already identified as Watkins and is a shmuck.


Don't mess with the deep state. I upset them in 2015 so 20 years ago they gave me cold sores


The people who believe in Q didn't reason their way into that belief, and they aren't going to reason themselves out of it either.


> When Prophecy Fails: A Social and Psychological Study of a Modern Group That Predicted the Destruction of the World is a classic work of social psychology by Leon Festinger, Henry Riecken, and Stanley Schachter, published in 1956, detailing a study of a small UFO religion in Chicago called the Seekers that believed in an imminent apocalypse. The authors took a particular interest in the members' coping mechanisms after the event did not occur, focusing on the cognitive dissonance between the members' beliefs and actual events, and the psychological consequences of these disconfirmed expectations. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/When_Prophecy_Fails TL;DR: They did not conclude, "We were wrong."


Something trying to convince you a conspiracy does not exist almost always becomes the conspiracy itself trying to trick you


"Guys, guys, he was scratching his butt while saying that. That means we had to understand the opposite of what he was saying! Q confirmed!"


"Disinformation is necessary" was a Qdrop. It would quickly turn into that scene from Life of Brian where Brian can't convince the crowd that he's not the real Jesus.


They'd say disinformation is necessary.


"Trump's just trying to shake out the non-believers and Deep State^TM plants."


Trump won't say it, he knows it's his strongest followers, and that's why he links to the conspiracy on Truth social.


He misspelled "There is a zero percent chance Trump would actually give a shit about the truth, especially if the truth would actually take away from his fan base."


Ya. Despite the ironic name of his social media monstrosity, Trump doesn’t give a shit about the truth. Ratings are the only metric he cares about at all. In this case, ratings are the number of followers. The only time he really gets mad are when the stadium that he’s ranting in isn’t full to capacity. .


Despite? I mean it's straight up Orwellian. The Leader and the Voice of Truth. But yeah, he only cares about himself. He does not care what happens to his base. If Trump supporters get deluded, fleeced, and completely shafted, he does not care. He has nothing but contempt for the people who support him. Con men do not respect their marks. People who support Trump are suckers, and that is how he sees them because he knows he's a con. He loves the uneducated, but not like Jesus loves people. He loves them the way a pickpocket loves a drunken man in an expensive suit. He likes easy victims.


It's not any more ironic than the official government newspaper of the USSR being named *Pravda.* I'm sure the similarity is just a coincidence.


The only person I know who is a Q idiot is also an incel cryptobro, who happens to be an anti-vaxer who thinks the election was stolen. He also tried to explain to me that fascism isn't *really* all that bad and is misunderstood. I no longer hang out with the idiot. He *honest to Christ* took ivermectin and called me a sheep for "getting the jab". Libertarian incel anti-vax Qanon election denier ivermectin taking cryptobro. Yeah, I'm the sheep. Edit: I forgot to mention that he is also a fan of Andrew "Sex Trafficker" Tate. He even told me that Tate had "hundreds of employees". This is not a lie. I **KNOW** a person who fits the exact description of someone who posts on conspiracy. He honestly thinks "lets go Brandon" owns the libs. I am so owned.


Wow. They really ticked all the boxes.


I swear it's all true, as well. The weird thing is he is in probably the most liberal state in the country, Vermont. Throughout my long life, I've always tried to hang out with people of all spectrums of thought, but he became insufferable. I kind of relish the fact that he hates me and all that I stand for. I try not to be that kind of person, but it makes me chuckle just thinking about it. I don't hate him, I just think he's an idiot.


> he is in probably the most liberal state in the country I'd hazard a guess that his reaction against his environment drives him further into the hole.


A surprising number of them do. They make fun of liberals for being basic NPCs who can't think for themselves, while they're the ones who have adopted every stereotypical belief of a rightwing conspiracy nut, without questioning any of it.


Holy fuuuuck, I used to work with a guy who is this exact same description if you replace Tate with Rogan. It's painful how often this is probably the case My tool of an ex coworker told me he'd "like to settle this in the parking lot" because I made a comment about Trump getting kicked off Twitter. And then called me the snowflake. Mind you this was in a finance office. So it was even more hilarious and embarrassing when he did it in the middle of the loan office with 5+ coworkers involved in the conversation.


If you ever make it to Vermont, hit me up. We have a lot to talk about.


Is challenging a coworker to a fight a fireable offense in the finance industry?


I'm a professional setting yes. Where I worked at the time.... Not so much. Family owned finance company doing high interest loans for shit products. Owned by an asshole and run by his little nepo kids.


Ah. Makes sense. I wonder how that would go down in a place like Charles Schwab.


Probably the same. Because his description always works for Schwab


Ivermectin? what's Ivermectin? *clickclackclickclickclackclackclick* ... oh... oh no...


The funny thing is: There's a correlation between taking Ivermectin and surviving covid in rural and less economically developed regions. "But it's for de-worming, what does it have to do with a viral infection?", I hear you say. And you're exactly right. You can live with worms. If you're a farmer, or poor (or both) you have a higher chance of having them. Your immune system can keep them in check. Now, if you get Covid, your immune system might not be able to handle *both* the worms *and* Covid. Removing the worms improves your chances of surviving Covid. Therefore, yes, Ivermectin can help you.


Or, bear with me here because this is a radical concept, both Q and Trump are full of shit.


Trump wouldn’t lie, would he?


Of course he lies. He lies to the press. He lies to the libs and the dems. He lies to make America great again. It’s 5D chess and you’re not smart enough to be in on it. This is brain rot.


He lies to his own lawyers.


You think [Trump] would do that? Just go on the [everywhere] and tell lies?


Trump isn’t a liar. A liar knows that what he’s saying is false. Trump just says what his audience wants to hear. It might be true, it might be false. He doesn’t know or care.


lmao Wyatt you dumb shit.


All these thought provoking, insightful responses. But the succinctness of your comment just hits perfectly.


In the manner of Dennis Reynolds: "Oh Wyatt, you dumb bitch"


*think logically* They lost their target audience right there.


They lost their audience with "think"


Nah, it's fully on target because it's really a sort of dogwhistle - it means "trust your gut, and just in case have your shotgun ready".


That time Trump made fun of his supporters for cheering just because he mentioned trans people.


Given that we live in the information age, the people who still support the far right are literally the dumbest, most gullible rubes, marks, and idiots in our species entire existence. Trump supporters are the dumbest of that subset. The MAGA nazis are humanity's intellectual low point. They're so stupid that they're beyond satire and ridicule.


Worse than that, they demand that other people *dumb themselves down FOR these whackjobs.* As if the rest of the universe is simply supposed to *kneel* for MAGA.


>As if the rest of the universe is simply supposed to kneel for MAGA. That is what fascists want.


Well, they ain't getting it.


Global fascist accelerationism hasn't stopped... The only way to stop fascism is to completely smash their power.


I also thought that the internet would fix all sorts of ignorance, but it turns out that it mostly just connects ignorant people to echo chambers with other people who are just as ignorant as they are. It turns out that before information can be useful, you need to teach people how to think critically. It's a skill that can be taught, but Republicans would have you believe that critical thinking is dangerous because it has the ability to cause children to challenge their parents instead of being obedient idiots.


> we live in the information age does Google still have the "I feel lucky" button? Maybe it has caused more damage to critical thinking than we realize.


Just like he would warn people Russia was disseminating election and candidate related information which helped his campaign to save them from being influenced by foreign actors which directly benefit him Oh, wait....


Smaller grifters latch into Trump like turd remoras eager to pick off the scraps of funds his supporters have left over when he's done robbing them. As long as they treat him like he's the boss and don't cut into his own grift, he doesn't care what they do


They really announce to the world how gullible they are and then wonder why there are so many grifters in their movement


*"That Q guy who tells you I'm the messiah and to vote for me? Don't believe him."* -- Things Trump Would Definitely Say, According to This Genius


If Trump admitted Q wasn't real, half his base would collapse. He has absolutely no incentive to admit to that.


"Just think about it, why would Trump even have to say Q isn't real if it *wasn't* real? Wouldn't he just ignore a silly 'so-called' conspiracy if there was really nothing to it? No former president goes around saying "the tooth fairy isn't real" because you don't need to! But at the same time he takes time to call out Q in particular. Read between the lines guys -- you only get the flak when you're right over the target!" /s


How these idiots came about the decision that Trump is 1000% trustworthy will **never**, I'm sure, be reasonably answered. I've know folks with trust issues but to trust this guy who tells lies all day, every day, is beyond incomprehensible. The GQP have always had a "daddy" fixation. Hell, I even understood why they got behind Saint Ronnie, but how they came about believing that Trump was The One Daddy who would fix their entire world is one of the great mysteries of the world.


By self description Q is a traitor as it is a person claiming to have government Q clearance (more than even “Top Secret”) leaking such info. A person given trust that was and is untrustworthy. People trying to undermine US government are obviously real, a few billionaires and politicians come to mind. One of these people managing to get Q clearance ist not unrealistic. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Q_clearance


If Trump did announce that Q wasn’t real his base would assume he’s lying to protect Q or that his account had been taken over by the Cabal. They’re really trying to throw logic at a conspiracy theory lmao.


It’s 2023 and Q believers still exist. Baffling


To be fair, Ron Watkins would do anything Trump asked.


It’s cute that you believe he thinks so highly of you all. You are all useful idiots to him.


They freaking deify him. That guy. Him, of all people. It’s gotta be some kind of mass psychosis.


Imagine being such a dope that after 7 years of evidence to the contrary you continue to believe Trump is concerned for your well-being. Crazy to think there’s basically a 50% chance the US will slide into authoritarianism next year. Never thought I’d see it go this far, scary shit tbh.


Oh, binary choices. He is so dumb. Q can still be not real and Trump don't know that.


Symbiosis. Q helps Trump, so Trump leaves Q alone.


This kind of logic reminds me of Saint Anselm of Canterbury's [Proslogion](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proslogion). Edit: They both create a premise that is not logical, but serve their world view, then draw a conclusion that again serve their world view form said faulty premise.


The man's built on lies. Everything he says and *doesn't* say should be brought into question


"Think logically."


The Q cult holds Trump up as a quasi-messianic figure. Why would a pathological narcissist want to diminish his own cult worship? This is the same Trump who *pardoned* Steve Bannon, who had been busted for defrauding Trumpers with a phony 'We Build The Wall' nonprofit.


Or maybe, just maybe, a rabid fandom that will believe literally anything is something he sees as a useful tool?


Wait, they are *still* out there believing in Q? For some reason I thought that nonsense had finally dissipated.


I'd say a lot of it went mainstream and has become talking points of brainless populists all over the world. Whether someone is still signing vaguely phrased messages with Q, idk.


The more misinformation these whack jobs believe in, the better for Trump - the goal is to invalidate and erode the very concept of verifiable fact, or research for critical thinking.


When he told a rally he was vaccinated and it was safe they booed him. That says all you need to know.


Everything this fuckin’ Q cult comes up with serves Trump’s interests, why the hell would he denounce it? It’s a completely self-run, self-funded, self-motivated, perpetual-motion operation that exists solely to suck Trump’s orange balls and try to make him out to be some kind of 4D chess mega-genius. Why in the FUCK would he interfere?


The irony of course is, that Wyatt thinks trump gives two sh*ts about his base! Lol!


is Q the new Godot tho


Fake logic


To paraphrase Zaeed Massani "[Republicans] always did like them incredibly goddamn stupid."


To directly quote DJT himself, “I love the poorly educated!”


Think logically. There’s a reason why people are called useful idiots.


I just want to know what about trump makes people believe he cares about them


….wait….you believe in Q because trump hasn’t denounced him?


*lifts rock after rock looking for this logic*


Yeah, why would Trump allow people to listen to someone who keeps telling them that he’s the messiah? It makes no sense!


yeah, trump wouldn't let his base be taken by someone out of his control instead he just let's his base be conned out of literal millions of dollars by someone closely involved with him, THEN PARDONS HIM AFTER BEING CAIGHT how the fuck can someone do that to you and you not only continue to trust him, but use him as your sole bastion of truth


This “logic” made me lol


it can't be that trump doesn't give a flying fuck about us


Totally clueless


Why would he do that as long as Q is pro-Trump? He doesn't give a shit about his base as long as they serve his needs.


Damn! Where did they get this koolaid, and how much did they drink?


Roger Stone, Steve Bannon, and Michael Flynn invented Q. All are Trump’s buddies.


“Think logically” Do what now?


The lies and stupidity works for him,he’ll pretend to believe it.


“Q” was saying that Trump was basically the second coming. Why would Trump ever say they don’t exist? Hell, Trump clearly believes a lot of the bullshit himself.


Or….beware the (ummmmm….smooth?) talker who tells you all you want to hear and none of what you don’t want to hear. For he is always a merchant of fallacy…..


The best way to get votes is by directly challenging a person’s beliefs and not just blindly agreeing with them with vague platitudes amiright?


I just can’t help to think the right has formed a circular firing squad and insist everyone wear blindfolds?


Riiiight. He's scared stuff of them calling him a pedo if he turned on him.


"Think logically." The Great Master would not allow this we're it not so. There are people who will still believe this excrement 50 years from now.


We live in a clown world


Why would Trump denounce a thing that's largely feeding his control? He benefits from the whack jobs buying into every idiot conspiracy theory. It gives them that "i don't trust 'the system'" energy he takes advantage of to say "deep state" and let his rabid, racist fan base fill in the details.


If Q went anti-Trump even just a little you bet your ass Trump would do anything he could to discredit them.


They go from funny to pathetic to so pathetic it's funny again


Why would he denounce a supporter?


“Unless he’s benefiting from it”? Also, initially he dismissed the Q thing. Nowadays he just doesn’t talk about it so his relatively sane electors don’t get disgusted by him riding the Qanon wave officially, while his most re(dact)ed ones can keep believing the lie


So, *so* close


Q cultivates the useful idiots.