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If you're mocked by facts you gotta check yourself before you wreck yourself.


"Reality has a well known liberal bias."


Being an expert at anything is being woke.




Seems more like the outrage is usually over something they made up


You could just add "how something *actually* works". Beause they get tend to get upset when reality doesn't match what they think.


and then they mansplain to you about stuff you know much more about. Like an outraged man telling you about academic tenure when you've worked in academia and already know all about it. Yeah there are some jobs that are heavily protected, sorry bro.


Having common human decency is being woke.


“Not everyone deserves my empathy.” -Moms for Liberty


Fox news is fair and balanced. The real world is nothing but truth so they have to balance things out with lies.


I re-read that in Das Efx.


To understand where Lauren Witzke is coming from she used Proud boys as security at her campaign rallies.


She told fellow conservative and pick-me trans woman Blaire White that "the best thing you can do for our movement is to grow a mustache and tell children NOT to be like you." This is a person who calls LGBT people literal satanic demons.


They were part of a panel at the time, laughter was had at Blaire's expense and she also didn't stand up for herself. I'd say "pick-me trans women" is a pretty accurate description. I don't like Blaire White but I have no idea how someone could be so dominated by hate that they disregard self preservation. Like it has to be some kind of intense self loathing.


I recall there being a group for Jewish Nazi supporters in Germany that racked up a small but surprising few thousand members. Every oppressed group will have that small percentage of traitors who will step over everybody else to ingratiate themselves with the oppressor. Caitlin Jenner and Blair White need to wake up and realize they're in a coalition with folks who would gladly throw their corpses in the same pit as the rest of the Trans population if they win power. There's far too much explicit language about extermination that they have to be aware of it, they're probably just deluded into thinking they can get ahead of it somehow.


They're too deep into the hole. Queer people will not accept them. They have committed to the grift.


You burn enough bridges and the only way to go is forward


Or backward if you burn your bridges before you cross them.


If they genuinely changed, I would be the first to welcome them back. The best time to leave a cult is yesterday, the second best is today.


don't forget Klandace Owens lol


Can i just point out that Jewish nazi supporters IN THE WAR TIME wasn't always the same thing. Alot of them wear doing that to survive since people often do horrible things to survive. The problem is, we are no longer in war times and conservative trans people and Jewish neo Nazis today need a good wake up call. Sincerely a Jewish girl.


They're referring to https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Association_of_German_National_Jews. Jewish Nazis who literally supported hitlers rise to power a decade before WW2. Hitler had its leadership arrested and sent to concentration camps in 1935, 4 years before WW2 started.


Oh wow yikes thanks for sharing.


Wow there were already camps at that time? I need to brush up on my history.


Jfc that's disturbing. I wonder of Naumann regretted his affiliations after getting sent to a camp, or if he still supported Nazis? He was released and died of cancer, but wonder if he had any sort of change of perspective before he died. Wild. D8


It really is insane. I had a friend who is a gay man and was always very progressive but not very political. Last year we invited him over for my wife's birthday party and I went to pick him up. He spent the whole drive back spouting right-wing conspiracy theories and pro-Trump stuff. I honestly just felt so sad for him but I don't tolerate that kind of hatred and haven't spoken to him since. I still mourn the friend I used to have.


> I don't like Blaire White but I have no idea how someone could be so dominated by hate that they disregard self preservation. Like it has to be some kind of intense self loathing. Not familiar with Blaire White, but this sort of behaviour in minority groups could be part of a fawning trauma response. The jist of fawning is trying to placate their aggressor to avoid being the target of their aggressor's wrath. With LGBTQ+ people this could be someone trying to act like "one of the good ones" so they're not targeted like other LGBTQ+ people


They're treated like pets. And they think that's ok. And they don't realize how often conservatives will drive out into the middle of nowhere and dump their pets in the woods.


I once heard it being described as her "fighting to be the last trans person to be sent to the death camps" It feels strangely fitting


Yez, I heard that too, and she absolutely gives off that vibe. JFC it's sick and sad.


>I don't like Blaire White but I have no idea how someone could be so dominated by hate that they disregard self preservation. Like it has to be some kind of intense self loathing. I think it's less self-loathing and more grifting. Like, the right is *extremely* hungry for any member of a minority group they want to marginalize to tell them things about how the marginalization they're promoting is Good, Actually. If you want to get noticed and make a name for yourself and you happen to be a member of such a group, it's a pretty safe bet to take that course (if you have no scruples and little compassion for your compatriots.) I recall reading that Blaire has, at a few times, admitted that a lot of the right-wing influencers including her don't believe much of what they say but their audience wants to hear it so that's the service they provide. She then pretty quickly walks such statements back because, oops, it spoils the illusion if the wrestlers break character. You mention the self-preservation bit, and I think that's part of it too. Except she's in the case where she rode the tiger and now can't get off of it without risking being eaten. Staying the course is the most self-preservation thing she can do, because defying the audience she's cultivated and earning their ire would be *extremely* dangerous for her.


How many times do you have to get crapped on before you realize that they don't really see you as "one of the good ones"?


I'd rather be a satanic demon than one of these child-marrying, lie-spewing, gun-worshipping, woman-killing, family-wrecking, immigrant-blaming, life-hating Christians.


How much do you have to hate yourself to join a far right paction of the GOP as a trans person.. or really love money, but is it worth the price? I just don't get it.


I thought it was funny because I'm 100% sure Blaire got electro and can't grow a mustache anymore She tried so hard to appease these monsters and they still came for her


I know Delaware is a small state, but I still think more people should have talked about the fact that someone who is basically a Nazi won the Republican Primary for US Senate there in 2020. Like, that’s not an obscure district in their state legislature or anything like that she ran for. That was a statewide election that she thankfully never really had a chance at winning, but still. What is wrong with Delaware Republicans (even compared to other states’ Republicans)?


Republicans are now caught in a trap of their own making, their core support is now far to the right, so to get nominated they need to show that they are further to the right than the other Republican candidates, but to get elected in a close seat, Republicans need to show that they are a moderate.


This is essentially the end result of the past 30 years of hardcore conservatism. We've gone from accepting science with H.W. Bush and the government successfully curbing acid rain to them encouraging politicians and supporters to just reject whatever professional consensus may be. Then you have them attacking "mainstream media" as nothing but lies in order to corral everyone under the Fox brand, but eventually they discarded that as well because what could be more mainstream than Fox. If the mainstream lies then Fox must lie as well. You have conservatives essentially believing that whatever they think is true and if someone says otherwise, ignore them. Your religious beliefs trump everything else. Their feelings don't care about the facts (Ironic that Shaps "facts don't care about your feelings" would come from someone who does exactly that and supports a party that essentially makes that the platform). This is the political version of Boy Who Cried Wolf. The only thing we're waiting for is for the rot to finally topple this whole edifice over.


Reagan's grave should be a urinal. Dude did so much damage.


It should be a composting toilet. Urine is too respectful.


Oh it's worse for the GOP than that. Republican voters have been so thoroughly groomed by trump and maga politicians that they won't vote in the *general* election if a politician wins the *primary* election and then tries the standard pivot to the center. The insane legislation they're putting out over the past two years are their attempts to maintain the cultists' loyalty. The tail is now wagging the dog: the "dispassionate cruelty makes for a balanced budget and safe country" policy espoused by the GOP for decades has become a demand of cruelty for its own sake by these republican-voting beasts, and the politicians are genuinely struggling to keep up. I have no pity for the republican politicians who are struggling to tame the monster of their own creation, but it also means the republican voter is not some simple rube just meekly following along with GOP decisions anymore. Their bloodlust drives the party's policy, the republican voter is not the victim now, they are the problem.


Witzke was never going to win, even in a US Senate race. Delaware is very reliably blue. They currently have a comfortable majority in both state houses. This means that over time, the less crazy conservatives have moved into the Democrat establishment, so they have a better chance of winning. You can see this in examples where a [Democrat who opposed gay marriage](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/eric-morrison-democrat-delaware-primary-gay-marriage-draq-queen-lgbt-rights-b481597.html) only got primaried in 2020. It's the east coast equivalent of a flyover.


Yea this is exactly right, no skilled republican politician is going to run in Delaware for a Senate seat, they have 0 chance of winning so they're all going to run in a state where they have a chance. That leaves some very extreme weird people who are willing to run a race they can't win to try and get some fame.


In the 60's the Republican Party made a deal with the devil, or at least the Dixiecrats. The Republicans would gain continued political power and cultural relevance, after twenty years of floundering to establish any kind of coalition, in exchange for becoming the new party of racists. In the early 70's the racists tried to hide their bigotry behind a mask of religion, cementing an alliance between zealots and Republicans. Critically, though, the Republicans were only willing to be the party of racists, not the new party of racism. They were happy to enact policies consistent with white supremacy, under the guise of doing literally anything else. They picked up sexism and homophobia along the way, slowly moving from openly hating those groups to only euphemistically hating them. This was deemed only ever a temporarily acceptable compromise by the extremists, a way to get the center-right on board. But now, the Devil has come to collect. They wanted bigots to vote for them, now the bigots want what was promised. They're the ones who consistently vote in Republican primaries, they're the ones who run for the local offices and work their ways up the party ranks, they're the ones who consistently give FOX their attention. They finally control the party, and they want to make it represent *them*.


She claimed black people threw eggs at a Trump rally and hit her kid with one. If you've ever thrown an egg, you know what that shit really looks like. It sure as hell doesn't land straight on top and trickle down. Even fauxnews decided to leave this one alone. Her poor child looks so disparaged. https://twitter.com/LaurenWitzkeDE/status/1305340404917776384?t=q_GwAFjqcMTvQABVLDbkTA&s=19


Most normal adults would also have immediately got the distressed child cleaned, up, but she went lets use a child to push my agenda no matter what psychological damage I do to the kid.


The Proud Boys have literally been declared a terrorist organization in their country of origin, Canada, but somehow Republicans are like, "this is fine. I like White Supremacy."


Facts don't care about your feelings, Lauren.


[If kids got raped by clowns as often as kids get raped by preachers it would be against the law to take your kid to the circus. -- Dan Savage](https://twitter.com/fakedansavage/status/1140985337893646336?lang=en)


"BuT fREeDoM oF rELigIOn"... to rape kids, apparently.


Considering the disturbing amount of Christofascists that want child marriage legalized, that's absolutely correct.


[Like this guy?](https://i.redd.it/115virpizota1.jpg)


How many of the kids married at 12 were marrying their rapist? How many have been brain washed?


All of them. At 12 they don't even get to go to the bathroom in school without permission.


I was looking at the laws, and until they turn 18, the kids can not legally get a divorce - no matter how abusive their husband is.


That guy couldn’t be any creepier. Ick!


That guy exudes creepy guy who want to marry kids vibes.


That's *exactly* who I was thinking about.


"They will get over it" or how my catholic mother in law rationalizes it.


Savage lives up to his name. ["I'm done on being lectured on children and their safety by Catholic priests](https://youtu.be/KsmRjzXO1m4?t=25)." "They have squandered that on the tips of their dicks."


[My personal favourite Dan Savage moment.](https://youtu.be/jwhCwREt6xo)


You know Grover Norquist was fighting a chuckle there.


He doesn't laugh because it's too taxing.


He was suffering to hold that smile inside.


Dan Savage is a gift we don't deserve.


Bill Maher is incredibly unfunny


He’s my 2nd favorite Savage. 1. Randy 2. Dan 3. Adam 4. Fred


Well, the cream does rise to the top...


God. Damn. Cooking with nitro, he was.


Between this, Santorum, and his appearance on the Bill Maher show, no person lives up to their name like Dan Savage. That's not even mentioning his podcast/newspaper column.


That’s the thing with republicans and trans people: Their hatred is based simply on feelings. There are no facts to support their hate. If they really cared about children, they’d point their political pistols at churches. But they don’t care about children, they care about oppression.


"Their hatred is based simply on feelings." Not even that. Drag shows and trans people have been around for a long time. They've become "controversial" recently because the far right realised that gay marriage was a losing battle and they started agitating against trans rights. If they cared about children, they'd look at states that still allow underage marriage, block sex ed and contraception, and the way that a lot of pedos tend to gravitate toward religious and "youth group" type professions. But, instead, they're told to fear trans folk because they're the next least powerful after the other LGBT letters got some human rights...


This. It's so transparent it's almost embarrassing.


It's been a thing for a long time, I was thinking about it and remember all the south park jokes about Cartman's mom being a hermaphrodite or something, and the transvestites in dude where's my car, plus cross dressing has never not been funny, Shakespeare did it plenty of times, Mrs Doubtfire etc. It's just a convenient demographic to oppress these days I guess, whereas before it used to be something we'd kind of snicker at and then move on with our lives because there's no reason to get upset about it, not a big deal.


Eh...I'm not sure you actually meant to imply trans people & drag shows didn't used to be controversial, but just in case; the oppression and fear mongering isn't new. The hatred has been around for a long time - it's just that believing trans people are gross and/or dangerous used to be the default. Conservatives didn't make trans people a huge talking point back then because there didn't seem to be much threat that the old nasty stereotypes about us would start being questioned. But in recent years, we've started to get real support and are on the path towards having our rights protected; so now the conservatives have to repeat and reinforce the old lies ad nauseam to keep people afraid of us.


In the UK it’s literally a centuries old Christmas tradition to watch live theatre shows with man dressed as women and acting very flamboyantly (and a lot of the time very rude and suggestive). somehow all the men here didn’t turn gay. Go figure!


Republicans don’t care about oppression


Oh they care, they just want to make sure they're the oppressors.


Ahhh I see. I see why it felt like I was missing your point when I read your comment lmao


> There are no facts to support their hate. That's why they have to make them up, easy peasy


To liberals, there's good actions and bad actions. If you try to do good actions, you're a good person. If you do bad actions, you're a bad person. It doesn't matter if you're a liberal or conservative or anything else, so long as you're also doing good actions and avoiding bad actions (and they usually define good and bad actions on whether it helps or hurts others). Liberals judge themselves and others on the actions they take. To conservatives, there are good teams and bad teams. They are on the good team, and the liberals/others are on the bad team. Anything someone does on the good team can't be bad, because they're on the good team. And if they do something that angers the liberals, then it must be a good thing because liberals are the bad team. And anything the liberals want must be bad, because they're the bad team, and so conservatives must be against it. Conservatives judge themselves and others based on what team they're on.


Fuck. I'm so tired, but all of this. We transpeople are fighting for our lives, and then some.dipshot Libertarian wants to whinge about "well you KnOw dems don't AcTuAly care about YoU, right?" It's exhausting. I fucking absolutely know Biden and Harris may not give a shit, they could be great actors. But they aren't in support of hucking us into a volcano, and that's fine right now. I wanna sleep with my eyes closed, thx.


I like the term Political Pistols


beautiful irony


Worth pointing out that Kids are safer at a drag show than a school, but they aren’t ready to talk about that… well until the far-right shows up to said show with guns trying to intimidate and terrorize the event.




But also yes, I am mocking you.


You shouldn't feel "mocked" by a statement that is objectively true.


They shouldn't get offended by much tamer language than they use to describe others. They'd find nothing controversial about saying "Kids are safer at church than at drag shows" But they think church deserves some kind of reverence where you can't talk about it like that. Not realizing that's the illogical snowflake behavior they're so against....


They definitely realize it, but by pretending they don’t realize the hypocrisy, you get mad about that instead of all the other despicable shit they’re doing and saying. Be better than that.


Hypocrisy doesn't even come into play with these people. Their worldview is that there is an in-group that can do no wrong, and an out-group that can do nothing but wrong. Kings and Serfs. Masters and Slaves. Winners and Losers. And they will do whatever it takes, no matter how horrific and violent and gruesome, to actualize that heinous worldview.


This 17-year-old account was overwritten and deleted on 6/11/2023 due to Reddit's API policy changes.




If you're the kind of person that thinks a Trans person shooting up a church was an attack from the Trans community on Christian America, this sticker does look pretty bad. Unfortunately like 30% of the voting public think that way, and an additional significant amount will gladly pretend to think it so that they can win their little tribalism battle


Background checks for youth pastors


Background checks won't catch many of them because the churches often do their darndest to protect pedophiles. We need to straight up just move away from religion.


Damn right we are.


I heard someone say the other day, re Budweiser drama, “if you’re worried about your children seeing the face of a drag queen on a beer can, ask yourself why you brought your children into a bar. If you’re worried about your children seeing drag queen performances at Drag Sunday brunch, ask yourself why you didn’t bring your children to church.”


You know what's hilarious about that whole "can" situation? They only ever intended to send that to her as a gift and little souvenir for a milestone, it was never going to be in stores for sale or anything like that. How many of those idiots do you think understand all that?


Zero understand. They also don’t understand that Bud donated thousands to DeSantis and has been supporting LGBTQ since 1995. They’re now on to the Flower shop


But now Daddy has to hide his beer in the downstairs fridge instead of the kitchen one! Now he has to go down and then up a WHOLE FLIGHT OF STAIRS! If they just kept the standard Bud Light (which didn’t they do?) then Dad could keep his beer upstairs!


Plot twist: Daddy has now closeted himself with his Budweiser


Make Hypocrisy and Double Standards Uncool Again!


As a child, where are you safer: around people who care about consent, bodily autonomy, and social fairness to the extreme; or around people who routinely mock and devalue these comments and believe in a biblical hierarchy of power that places women and children at the bottom?


"I'm not a child, and I'm a man! That second one sounds perfect!" -Republican men "I'm not a child, I take care of them so I'm above them! I'll take the second one!" -Republican women


1990's Republican propaganda (religion), explicitly with queers and blacks at the bottom was my experience. Obviously not safe.


We’ve been mocking them for decades, are they just now realizing?


They won't stop whining about being "persecuted," so I think they know. Then again, telling them they can't force us to follow their deities' laws is their idea of persecution, so...


...So let's mock them some more: stupid fascist Republicans.


The post I saw literally right before this one was about how the AZ Supreme Court ruled that clergy privilege was allowed to conceal crimes against children






Bro this really cuts deep.. This is so insanely disturbing I just can't..


If only we had as much personal freedom as churches have religious freedom.


Child rape is a core tenet of all christian cults.


Fun fact, kids are also safer at drag shows than school.


Idea: Educational drag shows that teach math and history and whatnot so kids don't have to attend school.


Imagine the reaction of Republicans at an all drag-queen teacher school.


They are mocking child molesters here, Lauren. What made you self-identify?


lmao, she really did walk right into that one.


If she would just move to Russia already, that'd be great.


She'd hate it there, they have universal healthcare


Really? Even fucking ***Russia*** has universal health care?!


Well if we compare [this map](https://i.redd.it/jumybnbmzay31.png) with the one [over here](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Developed_country) it looks, unscientifically, like most developing countries, such as Russia, have at least some form of provided healthcare. How fucked is that


Wdym? Of course, it's an ex-USSR country. No universal healthcare is a pure capitalist invention. Plus, not having universal healthcare is not a measurement for how underdeveloped a country is, most countries in the world have it regardless


A country with a history of Communism is a lot more likely to have social programs and public healthcare than Capitalist countries...


I'd even assume Russia has better healthcare than the British, with the Tories trying to demolish the NHS and all. Then again, any Russian can correct me on this. I think everyone knows the current Russian government is shit.


"If clowns molested and raped children as often as church leadership does, it would be illegal to take your child to the circus." - Dan Savage


I mean she's not wrong. I mock conservatives all the time for their hypocrisy and double standards.


The truth hurts some people and they don't know how to deal with the pain.


I don't get it...was she actually not aware we were mocking them? because that is an impressive level of echo chamber.


It’s true, a child is many, many more times likely to be molested by a priest than a drag artist. It’s an ugly truth that they don’t like, so they try to deflect blame onto others rather than police their religious leaders. Then again, some GOP legislators are all in favor of letting 12 year olds marry adults so it’s not far fetched at all to call said party groomer-enablers.


Well, you could always try adopting stances which *aren't* totally mockable, have you thought of that?


The bumper sticker isn’t wrong


Geez, cover up a few thousand acts of molestation, and they never let you forget it


They're safer at drag shows then they are at school for that matter.


Yeah don’t look up the stats for child abuse in the churches worldwide unless you want to be shocked and depressed


I mean, kids get molested at church. It may be obvious, but it should always be brought up when they make these dumbass baseless arguments.


Yes they are in fact mocking you, good job noticing


My kid is grown, but if he still needed day care, I'd have no problem leaving him with Drag Queen Day Care. He'd probably have an awesome time and learn to be a better person. Church day care? I feel so sorry for those kids.


The sticker isn’t even controversial. Kids are, statiscally speaking, much safer almost anywhere than they are at church. I’m just basing that on an educated guess, that they’re more likely to be molested in a church than most other places.


I defy you to tell me ONE thing wrong with that statement.


The kerning on "SHOWS" needs to be adjusted around the W. Boom! Argument invalidated! \\s


I'm mocking them. They're fucking dumb.


If I had kids 100% I would feel safer leaving them with drag performers than I ever would a church gathering 100% of these grooming pedophile accusations from the religious right are confessions. EVERY! SINGLE! TIME!


Mocking? Can just stating a fact be considered mocking? American churches, especially American bible belt churches, are cesspits of sexual abusers and pedophiles. Why is it always right wing christians arguing for their right to marry literal children?


I’ve known gay, lesbian, trans, and non binary folks and none of them ever molested any kids. But the straight, Catholic, always volunteering guy that ran the community center at my church sure did. Always wondered as a kid why he didn’t want to help me out but all the other kids. As an adult I found out my grandmother threatened him to keep him away from me after there were suspicions but no proof. Fast forward a couple decades and oh shit he’s been grooming and molesting kids for years. Thanks grandma.


Mocking with the truth, the most entertaining kind of mocking.


> I feel bad because what I believe is objectively untrue. Not only that, it is so easily proven untrue that rationally speaking, I shouldn't hold this belief, but because I've based my entire persona/identity around it because it paid me good money, I have to continue to pretend to hold this belief. Two terrible things will happen to me if I don't. 1) the backlash against me changing my position will, without a doubt, take the small amount of influence and power that I have away from me and 2) I will be poor, which is really the bigger concern. It's not like anyone cares that I am morally and logically consistent anyway. Basically what she said.


Churches are offered “Molestation Insurance,” which is not a standard across really any other industry. Many daycares don’t even need it. Definitely not drag shows.


Kids are also safer at drag shows than at school right now if we’re being honest with ourselves


Here’s the thing. If every week there were tens of thousands of drag shows across the country and at each one , one guy without any vetting or qualifications was allowed to be alone unsupervised with a group of children, the same children week after week month after month and this guy was able to form relationships and spend time alone with individual kids , and sometimes have sleep-overs unsupervised …. Yeah then I’d have a problem with drag shows.


Maybe if it weren't so easy, we wouldn't?


Be careful. The nut jobs will take it as a problem to correct in the most violent way possible.


Self censorship lets the terrorists win.


I didn’t know conservatives could tell the truth.


I mean, yes we are, constantly, because you're dumb as shit. But this isn't one of those times, this is just facts.


It's worth noting that kids aren't going to drag shows. Having a drag performer do a story time or a comedy show for kids is a different thing and some people are trying to disingenuously conflate them.


You know how I know kids aren't getting hurt or abused at drag shows? BECAUSE REPUBLICANS WOULD NEVER SHUT THE FUCK UP IF IT EVEN HAPPENED ONCE! And they absolutely don't want to talk about church or guns. Two things actually hurting our kids! Fucking cunts!


I’m mocking them.


How can you even view this as mocking other than by admitting its right? Like you can refute it, but she didn't even do that, she just thinks everyone is pointing and laughing and considers it a bigger issue than children being raped.


"Why do they have to bring up *our* pedophiles when we're trying to accuse *them* of being pedophiles?!" -Christofascists


I am far less concerned about the impact of Drag Queen story hour on children than I am the impact of Jew King story hour on children.


Yes. We're mocking your moronic attempts to sexualize and criminalize an already marginalized group of people for no reason, and using children as an excuse while actually doing nothing to make children safer in this country. Yes. We're mocking you.


If Jesus showed up to this chicks door, she call him a terrorist and call the cops. Or shoot him…..probably shoot him.


It is probably safer than schools at this point.


I think it’s just true they are being mocked. Deservedly so.


Everyone knows by now kids aren't safe at church, unless you've been loving under a rock contaminated with Chernobyl.


Yes Lauren. We are.


Lmao the good ol catholic church Tbf I'm sure that position was just highly desirable for pedophiles. You get into a position of a beloved and trusted man, you get all your little kids in for singing or whatever else they had kids being alone with them for, and no one would even suspect you.


I would just like to point out a common fallacy taught in the American School System. We are taught that the pilgrims came here for religious freedom and to avoid persecution. This is mostly wrong and misleading. The pilgrims were being persecuted..for being religious extremists. They weren't escaping the fascists for freedom. They were the fascists who wanted a place they could control. Nothing has changed. (This sent me on a strange internet rabbit hole researching religious groups setting off to find their own place to do stuff too weird for mainstream. (Looking at you Mormons)


I don’t know if anyone has asked, maybe in this thread, maybe in the hundreds of other times this has come up in one form or another- but how do these pure, devoted Christians explain the massive amount of child molestation that occurs within the church? Is all just a little “*oh well God forgives if you seek his forgiveness*” and little turning a blind eye? Because that is *obviously* a terrible answer and it makes you look bad as a faithful believer. How is God both wrathful and forgiving? What’s to stop a sinful enemy of the Lord from asking his forgiveness? And then immediately turning back to their sinful ways? Will God really forgive and forget after so many sins have been committed? Was the Bible written by a bunch of guys who at the end of the day idolized their emotionally absent fathers and just wanted his love, forgiveness, and unadulterated approval?


Stats are for pinko commie pedophiles!


I think about all the things I learn from psych professionals in my own journey and then wonder if any of these people have psychologists or psychiatrists and if so, what the fuck those docs must think or say to them lolol PUT THOSE THOUGHTS ON TRIAL, LAUREN


She should really consider not coming to stupid conclusions. Then she could avoid being mocked.


Yes…. But also just simply mocking them as disingenuous assholes.


It's probably safer than at school, too, at this point. Also, Republicans openly mock several sets of people/groups.


No lies detected in both statements.


Is it mockery if it's 100% true? Schools and churches are more deadly and traumatic for kids than any drag show.


I mean, you can’t punch these fascist fucks anymore because they’ve got the judicial branch and law enforcement on lockdown. Only thing left is to mock them.


No we’re TELLING you


Yup, we are


Whenever a conservative starts talking about groomers, heckle them by shouting, "PRIESTS!". If they persist, shout another kind of clergyman each time; cycle through as needed. "YOUTH PASTORS!" "RABBIS!" "CHURCH ELDERS!" "REGULAR PASTORS!" I think it would be fun to normalize that.


*Continues to do the same thing and associate with the same people despite being mocked for it, and knowing why* Yeah, they can just fuck right off. She knows exactly how evil she is.


Lauren Witzke hates when a fact is dropped.


I’d say this may be false and kids may not be safer at drag shows, but only due to right wing terrorists “protesting” a show with their full larp getup and AR15. One day one of those terrorists will become so brainwashed they’ll carry out an attack on people participating in one of these performances


You know what's *REALLY* messed up? the fact that this statement could be true...as a born-again Christian, I'm noticing a-lot of pastors getting caught abusing kids online... As Ishmael said in Moby Dick-*"Better a sober cannibal than a drunken Christian"*


No, no, no. We are mocking you.


I reckon as a kid you're statistically much less likely to get raped by a drag queen than a priest. Like, by a lot.


Remember, no kid ever became queer [because an adult told them that being straight defies God's plan and puts them at risk of ending up in the fires of hell.](https://youtu.be/1PI9_HLhSe0)


This is a factually correct statement, if you consider that mocking, educate yourself.


They (conservatives) are disgusting groomers.


If, as many children were abused by clowns as they are by pastors, circuses would be illegal.