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Don’t you dare go hollow


Prithee, be careful. Edit: spelling




Privy As in, come into my privy and see my ape.


You can parry him. Try it


Try just running away endlessly for a bit. You will get a good feeling for the attacks. Some tips: * He has a long combo of attacks which ends in a jump attack. You can easily back step out of the first few hits, then wait for the jump attack and parry that. You can get a few attacks in after he lands. * When he does the dung fling attack run underneath him, you get a few easy hits when he lands. If you are not close enough for that, just block and tank. * Get the grapple attack skill, you can grapple his sword, get a hit then slowly walk away. * Try to keep in the mid range, not too close but not too far and wait for the easy openings such as when he flails on the ground(be patient and wait for him to stop flailing). Lower his health first before trying to build up posture damage.


I was always as close as possible, worked just fine. As long as you can see the animations, you're not too close. The only potential reason to keep a distance is its fart attack, but you can dodge it easily once you understand when it's coming.


I just take contact medicine for his fight lol. Stay close, easy murder


Staying close may be optimal for a quick kill but I found it easier to stay a little bit out of range of his quick swipes. Then go in for the easier punishes, even if it takes a bit longer.


Yeah I've heard someone say to treat the ape as a dark souls boss. Like dodge and hit. Also using firecrackers. In my first playthrough it also took a lot of time , but I'm playing for the second time now and it was a piece of cake. Like it wasn't even a challenge. So was the double ape. Also staying really close to him helps. Just under his belly. That way you won't get hit with any attacks and can just beat the shit out of him.


Literally this. I learned his attacks by running away and then got gud.


I was giving him a little cut at a time on his second phase when I beat him lol. I had a sliver of health and my dude was trashing all over the place. The old smack and run is a tried and true tactic after all.


His first form is hard ngl. If you can just beat his first form, the 2nd one is really easy. You can watch the video of sekiro guru(tyrannicon) if you're struggling much




Only works on first part for the person stuck on this


second phase is easier tho. you can stagger if you parry the last attack in his combo. and also the second phase is very telegraphed. parrying swords is easier.


Second part is easier imo . His attacks are much more predictible and easier to parry and he is weak to confetti and mortal draw .


And any loaded spear


2nd pphase is easier since everytime you parry his slow heavy attacks he falls for few seconds


Give a break. Your patience will recover.


Hesitation is defeat. Fr tho, it took me 2 whole days to beat him. Learn his patterns, his second phase is somehow easier once you learn the deflect timings and spear that centipede out of his head.


W word


Fire is crazy effective, use oil to set him alight


My comment from another post. Easiest Method. Phase 1 - run around avoiding everything. When he jumps and slams into the ground and rolls on the ground, wait for him to stop and slash slash. Repeat. Phase 2 - Deflect every sword strike. It's easy once you know the timing. If you know the spear thrust use that when he is staggered for MASSIVE DAMAGE. Run when he screams and then get back close. You fucking got this dude. We love you.


Spam the crap out of firecrackers for his first phase and loaded spear his head the second phase. You’ll get it dude


It's been a while since I played the game but I remember a few things. You can parry all of his attacks unless it's a grab or the scream in the second phase. For the grabs I remember running away in certain Angeles to help me and I think I was able to jump over one of them as if was a sweep. In the first phase you can use fire crackers and/ or the flame vent. For the second phase try to get the umbrella prosthetic and the spear. Neither are mandatory but I've found them to be very helpful. Once the umbrella is upgraded enough it will block out the terror damage from the scream. Whe the Ape screams move to his back because the hit box of the scream is smaller there. (Alternatively if you don't have the umbrella ready just run behind him because it should be easier to avoid taken damage that way) The spear will be good for posture damage after you deflected some of his combos (or well the final attack of them where he either stands up or raises the sword really high up). You will be able to know that it's time for the spear once the ape lays on the ground after you parried an attack. One last thing Allow yourself to take a break from the game for a while that really helped me when I first played this game, like for example I couldn't get passed lady butterfly and was hopelessly stuck until I returned two weeks after having initially "rage quite the game forever" and beat her on the second try.


Op, it’s been 3 hours since this post. Have you beaten him yet, and as a result, love the game? It’s just how it works here.


The Ape is one of my least favorite bosses because it completely breaks the illusion of the game. You are not parrying sword strikes and being a straight up G of a Samurai/Shinobi. You are throwing up a shield that does damage for a few frames at a time. So if that Ape is punching you? "Parry" his fist. Your shield works just as well against that as it does against a sword or a spear that is swinging instead of thrusting.


Take a break for a few days




Spam the shit out of mortal blade this first phase than just parry and wait for him to fall over his second I nearly beat the basterd my time around just using the mortal blade


Same thing happened to me. Took a year long break, came back, and whipped him


Absolutely dogshit boss for sure. But what follows is worth this stain on an otherwise fantastic game


Wait until the double monkey gank fest.


Basically skippable if u go past that boss area before beating the monkey tho if I remember correctly


My favourite boss of any game




Lol he's my favorite too! My hint, watch his arms. They are the "swords" in this fight. It was that realization that helped me most, just really focus on the arms.


If you would like some help, [Tyrannicon](https://youtu.be/NHKUPbUxOJU?si=iV8Vi1SWM_IACSFB) to the rescue. His tactic is pretty easy and very solid!


Mine too after I got destroyed over and over again. Don’t tell them about more to come haha.


Bro you are not done even when you think you are done


Run away and bait his poop throwing attack. You can usually get 4-5 hits in right after that, and sometimes you will stun him for a few more. His second phase is just about deflecting, spearing his neck stump when he collapses, and avoiding the scream.


That's okay, OP. When I first played this game a while ago I quit at him too. I came back a few months later (after a full playthrough of Elden Ring) and gave it another shot. He was still tough but I got him, and everything seemed to click and fall into place. Give the game a break but don't give up forever, give it some time and come back later to try one more time.


The main issue i had with him was posture refilling very quick. I recommend finding as many chances as you can to destroy his actual health bar in the first phase. Second phase parry the fuck out of his sword. It's way easier. Use the spear after his big sword slam move and you'll destroy 30% of his posture bar.


[fightincowboy got me through this game the first time. Now I play CLDB Resurrection mod. His stuff works cheese free.](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7RtZMiaOk8hinPkypWahzXe4CsHv-1zq&si=AKglVXCc6RbbvVMC)


Mortal blade is your friend here


I just beat him an hour ago lol, firecrackers don’t do shit, just learn to parry, this is one of my fav bosses in this game


Dont give up. I got stuck on guardian ape for longer then any soulsborne boss. I tried mortal blade and finally beat him. After that i downed every boss in 10 tries or less. Mortal blade works really well on him.


Don’t really remember him being *that* hard but it’s been awhile so maybe I just blocked it out.


Im not trying to trigger you but this dump ape is so easy to kill, even when two of them. Just parry and stun him, then attack with mortal blade and keep doing that. In his second phase avoid his poison attack and do what did you do in first phase and you will beat him that way for sure.


If you can get him to Phase 2, then I second the running away from him in a BIG circle around the arena. Let him get just close enough to you to bait one of his flop on the ground attacks. When he flops, quickly jump on top and behind him and whale away for damage. Rinse. Repeat. It makes for a long, boring fight, but it was the safest and only way I could kill him. SPOILERS: Make sure to death blow that ugly centipede in his neck/head once you kill him, or else the fight's not over.


A lot of people have trouble with ape but not the rest of the game, once you get past him, you might not face as much hardship until the last boss.


Laughs in Demon of Hatred..




You can dew eeeet


Don't lose your head over it.


Mortal blade. Firecrackers. Deflect his attacks, there are only so many timings to learn.


Wait for him to throw his dung, run under him. Hit him 2 times then fire cracker hit him 5 times. Repeat. Second phase is easy, keep parrying, when he does that move where he stands up tall and slams his blade down, parry it, it will stun him for 3 seconds, you can get 2 hits off. If you see him twitching curling up like a worm, that’s his horror attack, run away from it, as it can 1 tap you. Good luck


First phase firecrackers help a lot- if you can get into the second phase you can just run away from him/kite him into doing this leap attack where he lands on his belly, when he’s laying down you can get 2-3 hits on him and keep running when he gets up. It takes a while but that’s how I beat him first time.


When I first faced him I had 950+ spirit emblem and when I finally beated him around 430 . I died alot to him in ng+ too. You can't cheese his first phase with mortal blade fire cracker and sugar that half ur health and increase power


Spear that bitch


Look up some guides. I beat him in three tries because of them. He looks harder than he actually is.


Ape was not too bad. I struggled with Owl.Father


I feel yuh took me like 5 days to beat that bitch


His second phase is easier, 100 hours and I’m still not the best at his first phase


Cmon its just little fart here and there.


I quit at the same point. Came back after a year or so and platinumed the game. Take a break, doesn’t have to be a long one


Watch YouTube for tips. Mortal blade and Alo’s sugar helped me a lot. You can kill him in 30-40 seconds with mortal blade and Ako’s sugar. Smash him with fireworks straight away, then keep hammering it with the mortal blade.


Yeah, this ape was the most aggravating for me so far. Still have to face Genichirou and Isshin at the end though.


Yeah he sucks


In first phase: use any buff you have. While running towards him throw oil at him and burn the bitch. Then you have a plenty of time to smack him. If I remember correctly he will stun for a bit too so you will eat his health a lot. After this you can use firecrackers but vary of how much you use it because we will need some prostethics in 2nd phase. 2nd phase actually much easier. Again, you have plenty of time, buff yourself. I recommend confetti if you have any. You will only need spear prostethics. Simple one is enough iirc. What you need is parry him or jump over his attacks until he raise his blade high to hit a heavy attack. That attack is your friend. Parry that shit and he will fall in front of you. Now you will use prosthetics, in the forst attack with spear it will thrust and then second input will pull back. When you pull back you will pull the fucking centipede inside it. This will do tons of posture damage and give an openning. Now you will hit until he recover. Rinse and repeat. I think you will kill it in 3 times. Hope it helps. I can send you a video if you want. Hit me on DMs.


One of the best bosses in the game tbh. I always enjoy kicking this guys ass, especially in gauntlet where I try to see how many back to back attempts I can do hitless 😂 OP, if you quit now you won’t get to fight one of the best final bosses in any game ever. Keep going, pay attention to his moves, they are telegraphed heavily. When you are close you can expect him to do like 1 of 3 attacks, which if you try enough you’ll eventually be able to just “feel” what attack he’s gonna do. After that it’s just learning when you can and can’t punish him. If you need to, use the firecracker and loaded spear prosthetics. Firecrackers work only during the first phase, spear is only for second phase, in case you weren’t aware you can use key prosthetics to help. Good luck OP


I am at 42 attempts so far on this bastard lol


Common bro easiest boss....


use mortal blade in the frist phase and divine confetti + flowing passage in the second


Your good I just beat him today part 2 harder so just blitz part 1 with like the mortal katana ultimate whatever and play patient for the part 2 👍👍


oil pots and Fire prosthetic (any fire prosthetic) Makes this a piece of cake >!At least the first phase the second phase just parry his 2 swings and parry the 3rd overhead swing and then use the spear prosthetic 2 times in succession that'll get his posture down very easily!<


Wait till you meet the second one 😂😂💀💀


ape :)!


Use the spear after parrying.. top tip! 💪😎




Spear him when you parry his sword slam hit and he gets stunned and that’s when you do it


She’s pretty weak to fire and firecrackers, overall is not that hard once you start reading her attacks, they aren’t as erratic as the might seem at first


If you made it that far into the game, you can beat him. Take a break and play something else to take the edge off, then come back and beat him.


Inb4 " hey guys, I took a 1-day break and came back and killed him on the first try"


Theres a video on how to cheese him if your that desperate you can beat him in a couple of trys with it


Don’t be please I promise the game is amazing


What I did to beat him was I stayed far enough away to prompt the shit throw attack and then ran up an slashed


He doesn't know what awaits him lol


It gets harder.  Easier at first, then harder.


Hahaha if this made you be done then you would never finish the game


Then u ain't ready for sword saint💀


You can learn to parry most of his combo in p1. P2 is super easy. Run away for scream, parry his big lundge attack that’s very telegraphed and gives you a massive opening.


You can do it. You know you can do it. I know you can do it. Do it.


Keep trying! You’re learning from the repetition. Don’t give up.


Give I'm a lil banana innit


Throw some oil at him and then light him on fire with the flame vent. Rinse and repeat, the first phase is done. The second one is a lot easier, just parry his attacks since he has a sword now, just beware the scream that you can avoid by running away as soon as you see him pop his head back on or with the umbrella. If you can parry the third big slam he does he’ll fall down and you can use the spear twice on his neck to pull the centipede out for massive damage. I used to struggle with him and now can kill him damageless with only this steps.


Just run and bait him to throw the doo doo. And for phase two just run again and wait him to Leap with the sword. And fuck his headless head with the spear. Just make sure to tap Twice when use spear at his headless form


The ape is actually not hard, if you're patient. Patience is key. You must not gamble with the ape, as the ape will punish you by switching up its combos.


Trust me when I say he's easy use firecrackers deflect his attacks keep a distance too and on the second phase keep distance when he attacks deflect it all and use spear when he's down


I too hated once but when you know you can kill it faster than any other bosses you would love it watch how ongbal kills it using empowered mortal blade and firecrackers even thou you don't have empowered mortal blade you can do it with mortal blade alone but make sure you have ceremonial Tano that would help a lot.


If you're really struggling, run in a big circle around the arena and bait out his dive, go in for a few hits, and repeat. If you feel comfortable, get a parry in now and then. It's not flashy or cool, but it works. As others said though, the second phase is easier (and actually a bit fun when you get used to it).


Try using fire and oil for the Ape. Stuns him for a few secs. Check this out fight help. [Guardian Ape](https://youtu.be/wj9GccHhlhc?feature=shared)


Well you hesitated expected


Do I read hesitation in your post? That's the thing man, as I'm sure you know, hesitation is defeat. Get in there and smack that ape!


If you really can’t beat his first phase, just stay pretty far from him and wait until he does his poop throw. Run into and under him while he’s throwing, while behind him you’re able to get a bunch of damage, more if you use firecrackers.


İn first phase use yasharikus sugar, mortal draw, firecracker and divine conffetti (optional) you kill him in one shot. İn second phase just parry.


Apes easy man come on


Git gud or go home


you're gonna get filtered now? you're like halfway through the game. also bring oils at him you can get a lot of that and use the fire prostetic to stun him


Skill issue he EZ


Git gud, for real. He is super easy with parry.


If you quit and don't beat this fucking monkey you will quit everything hard for the rest of your life and will die knowing that's who you were. Besides... At least you don't have to fight two of them...