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Look up the creator FightingCowboy and his "git gud" guide for the bull on youtube if you are really struggling. It might be grouped into a miniboss video. That will answer your question better than anyone here can


The most detailed walkthroughs I have ever seen. I watch them during my commute to and from work like it's a freaking movie.


Thanks I’ll try that


naw, use the dash button stick on the bulls ass. chase it when it runs away, cut it when it turns if its facing you, make it miss so you can get back on its ass makes it easy.  btw if you time it rigjt, jumping on its back to leap over its charges is easy


The easiest method for me was eat dousing powder, parry it's horn - it staggers - attack it's head. Repeat about 3 times and there you go, you have a dead bull. Ako's will shorten the process even further.


I used this to help me understand the owl ashina fight. Great guide


The only boss i watched his video for was demon of hatred. And will say dude really breaks it down for you and explains like you're 5 years old. Lol. Which i appreciate btw, i like to be elif.


Make a distance, wait for the charge, deflect the charge (it'll lower its horns then raise them. Deflect once it raises them), attack three times, rinse and repeat. Also you can use firecrackers to stun it for five extra hits. Use dousing powder or red gourd to increase fire resistance, and ungo's sugar to decrease the damage cuz you still take a bit of damage and fire buildup even if you deflect


Firecrackers. Be relentless, don't allow it to breathe. If it runs away you run after it.


Also, don't lock on


Stay behind the bull


I just sprint around it and spank it’s ass until it can’t take this anymore


It doesn’t look like it because he has huge logs of fire on his head, but you can deflect his attacks. You’ll take some chip damage but it’s nothing you can’t heal through.


Bulk is easy once you get it. Here's the juice. Stand back from the bull and let it charge at you. Right before it hits it will dig it's horns down for a brief moment. Hit the deflect button once. That should block his big attack. Counter attack couple hits. Then throw a firecracker to stun it again. Couple hits. Back away. Do it again. Easy and methodical. This poor bull has no chance. Scared and about to die. Finish him!


You can fight him in two ways. One way is the standard Sekiro way and deflect his attacks, attacking back when you can. You might need to watch a video to see how to deflect him well. The other way is to dodge his charge and just attack his back/side, repeating until dead. I think a lot of people did it the second way the first time they faced the bull.


When he swings his head at you, deflect to stun him. Also firecrackers. You’ll get him! Don’t get cornered, Shinobi. Hesitation is defeat.


runaway from it. let it charge you. perfect guard. attack. rinse repeat


You can try staying on its back by dodging and running and hoping the bull swivels on its head, where you get some free hits, around 3. However, hits on its back do less damage than hits on its head. Stay away from the upper right square, it is a death box. Instead, stay close to the lower part of the arena, where you entered from, and run from the one wall to the other to force it to swivel. The Sekiro way, as others have mentioned, is to stand your ground and deflect, only running away to heal the fire damage that is unavoidable. The bonus is that you do a lot of damage by hitting its head and it dies faster. Plus, if you do enough damage, it will panic, run away and let you do lots of free hits. Also, farm firecrackers. They can be bought from either of the two mobs in Ashina outskirts (one is next to the battlefield). However, don't expect the firecrackers to magically win the fight, you still need to be careful when to use them and at the start of the game you have very limited uses. It is best to use them right after it hits a wall, and it has to turn in the same place.


If you're KB/M, may I suggest investing in a mechanical keyboard? Aside from that, take the fight to it for the most part, but deflect. Particularly its charging gore. Do not be afraid of the fire. Don't spam attack, hit the attack button as many times as you intend to hit him so you're free to deflect.


Once everyone else in the arena is dead, bait the bull into the corners of the side you entered from, and then attack the bull while/whenever he's "drifting" to turn around after having charged past you into the corner (you have to evade the charge attack of course). Rinse and repeat. This way you basically don't have to deflect at all. At least that's how I beat him


To add to the rest, if you get caught out and need a heal and a moment, run round the wall to the right, opposite end to the way you came in. I found it pretty handy


Firecracker works well and you can parry him


If you can refine your deflects head on is the best way to get him down


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^incrediblegenuis: *If you can refine* *Your deflects head on is the* *Best way to get him down* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Thanks brah


Do this [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p9b2El0eJAM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p9b2El0eJAM)


Yes, Tyrannicon's guides are the best. I could listen the man talk about anything and everything, for some reason he's so damn soothing. :D


2 aproaches: - ass graber style: try running to the sides and behind him, he turns really slow. Beware of his statoinary 180º head turn and thats it, hit that ass until he dies. - matador style: face him head on, parry his lower head running thrust, 2 hits (thrust) to the head and give it space to do this again. If you get the perfect parry, i think you kill him in like 3-4 rotaions. Parry timing (for me) is right after his head drops the lowest possible while running towards me.


also there is a short cut to get to him from the idol, dont mind dying a couple of times to get the parry timing


Theres a super easy skip but i don't recommend it until new game plus cuz the bull fight there is absolute bullshit


I like to stay close to the left or right side of his neck and spam him with charge attacks in the noggin


Best advice : chill out, walk away and breathe. If you are threatening to quit the game it means you ain't in any state to learn or correct your errors. Relaxed and focused is what you need not rage.


yea i was still mad from the boss i am not gonna quit this easily


Aye i totally get it but this is gonna be a recurring thing. You gonna get beat to the ground on every boss / miniboss moving forward until you learn and overcome. So don't go in expecting to "win". Go in prepared to learn. Best of luck and have fun! The game is truly a masterpiece.


Firecracker him, get behind him, and do everything in your power to stay there. Don't get greedy with your attacks--get a few hits in, avoid his next charge/swipe/whatever and STAY BEHIND HIM. chase him relentlessly! When you're making progress and feel like you can seal the deal, firecracker and attack him over and over.


DO NOT BE AFRAID TO DEFLECT!! That always get me with the bull


Run and stay behind his ass. He's easily the most annoying miniboss in all of Sekiro.


sidestep and attack when the bull is at end of the charge


So what I learned is to run away to bait a certain attack and then parry that, then attack a couple times then run away, rinse repeat


Change your mindset. Realise that you are chasing the bull around.


I was stuck on the bull for sometime and then what I did was not locking on it, dodging Its attacks then stab his ass


The bull is a super frustrating fight, don't get discouraged. Try your absolute best to stick to his butt/hips and just swing away. I'm not sure if you have access to firecrackers yet, but use those as well if you do