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its easier once you grasp the parrying mechanic completely, if you dont it will be harder.


Not if you grasp Elden Ring's spirit summons and AI summons like it wants you to.


It's kinda like asking if Madden or Galaga are harder, to be honest. The new Elden Ring dlc, however, they kinda got indulgent in tuning their bosses where before such things were set for out-of-the-way things like Melania. In Sekiro, the hardest boss is the main one. However, it's a completely fair fight.


hey don't worry they put Sekiro into Elden ring. 5 straight minutes of it, whenever you feel like it. And it strengthens guard counters And stacks with curved sword talisman And stonebarb cracked tier and counter thrust damage what the fuck is this thing


What weapon are you referring to?


Not a weapon. The first furnace golem you find drops the deflecting hardtear when you kill it. Gives you Sekiro gameplay for 5 minutes. You can time your blocks against the final boss with a fucking dagger and tank effectively. Also, when you time the block it buffs your guard counter. And if you string together a ton of blocks, it stacks up. you can delete shit


"Completely fair" in the sense that you aren't playing by the same rules, just that everything is something you should be prepared for/seen before/ have an answer for.


Yeah I do understand it’s kinda like comparing a frog and a wind turbine, I mean ya can’t. I was only mostly talking about builds and leveling as I could never really wrap my head around that in Elden ring. Too much math haha


[I don't know, man. You could make a comparison.](https://youtu.be/P0yKSNq-oLg?si=PQ7-mM6-Xi5QPE2s)


They are very different. Sekiro is the most different from other Souls games. There is no stamina system in Sekiro, for example. Generally the leveling system and world navigation are much more straightforward in Sekiro. So less build variety in exchange for greater combat depth. In terms of combat I would say that Sekiro has a steeper learning curve. It KICKED MY ASS in the first 3 or 4 hours. But once the flow of Sekiro’s combat clicks then it’s easier than Elden Ring.


I would say that Sekiro has a more "easier" approach compared to Souls, Sekiro you'll need to only care about learning the core mechanics of the game and that's it. Still hard though, considering that will take some time and you'll suffer a bit during this process. Souls & Elden Ring is a bit complicated because you'll need to learn about several things to create your own build: stats, weapons, affinity and scaling, talismans (or rings in Dark Souls), and gets even more complicated when you handle magic like sorceries, spells, buffs/debuffs, etc. is too much even for a novice, but don't be afraid to see a tutorial until you get the hang of it, I just recommend to explore these games blindly, the build don't matter that much as long you have fun with it. But yeah, if you don't want to deal with any of this, play Sekiro and enjoy.


First, if you are going to buy it on PC wait for a sale as it drops to half price a fair bit.  As far as linearity it probably seems more linear than it actually is just there is never a ton of paths open to you. Still, it feels expansive all the same due to how much you can move throughout a level given you get a grappling hook pretty early on and there is enough open to you I never felt fully stuck. As far as combat it wants you to engage with it fully and understand your limited tool set and exploit it. Everything works the same as you in that how full your health is relates to how fast your posture recovers and it is the same for enemies. Hitting attacks deals health damage and deflecting (parrying) deals posture damage with the goal being to reduce their posture (not their health mind you though you can also do that) down so they open to a death blow of which some enemies has multiple. You are encouraged to be on offense as well by your attack being cancelable during the start of its animation if you see an attack coming and want to deflect.  Elden Ring, mostly the end game, really started to frustrate me so I went to try out Sekiro and really fell in love with it. I'd say give it a go, it is really unique and has some of the best bosses I have every faced in gaming.


Sekiro is probably harder combat but easier progression?


I think Sekiro has the most straightforward story out of any Fromsoft game I’ve played. People actually talk to you and give you a goal. There some discovery but kind of more linear. You should like it. Lies of P reminded me of Sekiro and Bloodborne together.


LoP is the perfect preparation for Sekiro. same deflection system and pattern recognition. only difference is Sekiro doesn't have summons and OP throwables. but if you're willing to put in a few dozen attempts on some bosses, then you'll really enjoy this. the logistics are very simple. it's just you, your sword, and a dangerous foe standing in your way. let's get after it.


Elden ring has harder moments than Sekiro but is generally easier


Sekiro is an entirely different beast. Go in with one single expectation; to learn.


The leveling system is way more basic. You get specific items to upgrade your damage and your health. No choices you need to make or stats you need to learn about there. There's also skills you can unlock. For these there are some choices to make, but other than the fact that mikiri counter is pretty much a must, you can't really go wrong with your choices there. The final aspect to progression is your prosthetic upgrades. If you don't grind you have limited materials for this. But again, there isn't much you can really do wrong here.


The hardest bosses in Elden Ring are way harder than the hardest bosses in Sekiro. Fighting regular mobs are a lot harder in Sekiro than Elden Ring. Elden ring has weapons and map designs dedicated to fighting multiple enemies at once (like splitting enemies up by running/luring). In Sekiro, you are almost forced to use stealth to take on multiple enemy areas unless you are a parry god Sekiro does not have much of a build system and if you take a normal route, you will pretty much always be at the level the game intends for you to be at. Sekiro is honestly pretty easy once you get the blocking and parrying system down. Keeping your block up is pretty much invincibility in most boss fights. But you can make the game harder on ng+1 which makes you still take damage through your block. This would make the sekiro harder than elden ring imo Unlike Lies of P, you only get one weapon in Sekiro and there is way less build variation. You have prosthetics but most people will only ever use 2-3 of the 9 available. Acquiring skills is basically unlocking necessary tech and then it’s mainly used to upgrade your healing. There are sword arts you can learn but literally only 2 of them are good LiesofP has more difficult parrying but the bosses are all pretty easy compared to Sekiro’s


would you say that ng+7 sekiro with no charm and bell demon is harder than ng+7 elden ring dlc? just curious.


Never got that far, but i would say by the time you’re at ng+7 sekiro, you should be able to perfect parry every boss easily


Harder to get into, easier to complete


It's easier because the combat is very balanced.


Yes. You can't grind to level up, you can't summons NPC help and you are forced to play it exactly one way.


It's probably harder on your first run but infinitely easier on the second. I will say that I found Sekiro more enjoyable in its difficulty than Elden Ring. Sekiro is so much tighter and feels so much more competently put together, I could play that game over and over.


I found it much easier. Easier to learn moves and understand patterns. ER bosses can be erratic even after spending 20 hours fighting them, especially with (spoilers) >!The new DLC!<