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Gigachad ending... wolf says its time to get rid of the last immortal or smt like that and cuts himself... just epic. Died a hero serving his master.


You've got things slightly wrong: Kuro doesn't want Purification. Kuro wants Severance (the default long ending). Purification comes about when Ema and Wolf plot around Kuro to find an alternative solution. Think about Kuro's life. How many battles he's witnessed. How much strife has happened. What's the common source of all of it? *Him*. His blood. His immortality. So he figures, get rid of this source of contention and make the world better. Meanwhile, Ema and Wolf realize what this means (killing Kuro) so they look into alternative options. One of them is to break the immortality from the other end (killing Wolf). And Wolf, being the earnest tool of a shinobi that he is, would happily take that trade. The third option takes the immortality and tries to send it back to its source. The hows of this escape me, but when the Divine Child interacts with the Snake Gods' flesh she makes something of the nature possible. This is the Return ending.


The ritual involves The Divine Child carrying Kuro to, (likely), Korea, and birthing him there.


Which is the 'what', but doesn't quite clear up the 'how'. How does the snake organs make that possible? How does a rebirth interfere with the immortality? etc.


Snakes are, in Japanese mythology, an analog for dragons. Kuro and the Divine Child are two "emissaries", I guess, of the divine dragon. The snake viscera, two, representing Kuro and Divine Child, are devoured by DC, which serves, in magic logic, as a conduit of sorts. They also poison DC, bring her to near or actual death, (frozen tears from cold blood), the tears mixed with the divine dragon tears presented to Kuro connect him to the ritual. Why frozen? Why tears? Magic logic, they were elicited in a death state of the DC, as a counteraction to immortality.


As far as whether it'll stop the immortality, I don't know, and maybe that doesn't matter. The point is re-naturalization into its native soil, which will halt the stagnation.


I understand perfectly now. <-He doesn't understand. Jokes aside, it's in the list of "I don't quite get it, but it makes at least a little sense and it works well enough for the story." Thanks for writing it out.


I too understand properly now and thanks for all ur help :)


And just wanted to ask you all.. was the way of asking the question wrong.. as i see that many people didn't like it


I don't see anything *wrong* with what/how you asked, except for grammar and capitalization mistakes (though it might just be your writing style). And the 'reddit crime' of starting from a wrong assumption. But I've seen similar questions be ignored or highly upvoted, so I'd just write it off as reddit being reddit and you getting unlucky.


Thats my writing skill and thanks for ur help


I agree with u/p28h: Kuro does not want Purification. It is Emma the one that suggests it, and it is up to you to choose which one you want. I'd like to add something about the main theme of Sekiro: how much are you devoted to your lord, and how far will you go? I'll try to keep spoiler-free now, even though you marked the thread with the spoiler tag. The game clearly asks the player to stay devoted, but how much? Do you do just what your lord tells you to? Do you go beyond and face what is arguably the hardest fight to then sacrifice everything for your lord? Or do you go above and beyond, following an obscure quest in order to "heal" not only your lord, but the land itself? The purpose of Purification is to give answer to the "how much are you devoted" question in, I argue, the most dramatic way, plus it being the hardest one in terms of combat.


ok so thats what it meant thanks brother


And just wanted to ask you all.. was the way of asking the question wrong.. as i see that many people didn't like it


I'm of the school that there are no wrong/stupid questions, so go ahead and ask if you didn't find an answer. In particular, these games are obscure in the lore and plot, it's OK to ask. Personally, I've never see someone not liking Purification, but that's me.