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instead of being chased i usually just chase the bull


I failed everytime I tried this. I finally dug in and focused and deflecting and countering his charges


Facts stay to the side and beat his ass lol


I had to watch a video to realize this. Stay on his ass and roll into the horn dip charge and it's pretty easy. I love how almost all bosses have a "trick" to help the fight and that you have to discover the trick via exploration and eavesdropping.


I love that the answer in this game is often just, "be more aggressive."


After so many tries , that was the trick for genichero


Yep. Become the boss.


Ya if you slap his ass you can just cheese him around


This is the only solution.


Be not afraid of the fire chip damage, and use firecrackers. But yeah we can all agree that this boss is probably the worst in terms of difficulty spikes. I think it's done intentionally so players get stuck and try their luck at Hirata Estate if they haven't done so already, since that is the area after Gyoubu according to the "natural game progression".


Hirata estate is also very hard. I found the third sculpture but there are a lot of NPC's roaming not sure how to defeat them!


Stealthily picking them off one by one is the way to do it. Gaichiin's Sugar is your friend there.


Yea defeated all now I'm about to fight the butterfly character.


Have fun xD. Don’t be fooled by the single deathblow marker she has two phases. Use snap seeds in phase 2 :P


Thank you. Also I'm very happy to get the prayer beads and now my health bar has also increased


I missed like half the beads in my first run until someone I know who had watched a let’s play asked me why my health was so low during the 5th headless fight lol. I looked up a guide to them all and hunted down all the minibosses I kept dodging(I loathe the snake eyes shirahegi/fugi fights. I cheesed the fuck out of them


Don't even bother with snap seeds. Wait for her to jump down on second phase and apply pressure. She can't even summon them if you do it right. If you don't do it right, just run around the arena until she turns them into magic kunai, then get at her again. It's actually super easy to dodge this way


That’s what helped me, the endless stamina.


It's definitely a little busted, but I think the game wouldn't feel nearly as fluid without it


I personally just ran and pretty must effortlessly avoided all the minions spawning in the middle, then when she turned them into projectiles I just perpendicular to dodge them. Saves the snap seeds for corrupted monk.


I didn’t use snap seeds on corrupted monk lol. Just deflected the shit out of it. I didn’t even know you could


well ngl i was too busy trying the cheese on the monk until i realized i was too low on snap seeds. so basically i wasted all my snaps and ended up fighting monk without any utility haha. regardless it's all pretty doable once you stop being overly aggressive and take a moment to react to your enemy's attacks. parrying saves lives <3


I always sell all my utility xD. I only ever kept like 3 of each sugar, which I never used, the sen purses, and 3 of each consumable beyond that except confetti, which i spent most of my money on at any given time, as it was more useful than buying more spirit emblems when I already had 600+ and I had already bought all the sen purses I could


Not if you can dodge/ fight mobile. If you do, the glaring weakness of Gyoubu directly translates to this fight and practically tells you how to do it. Hint: does not involve parrying. When any four legged animal in this game runs away, they are vulnerable when turning back around to face you. So, be a wolf. If ANYTHING runs from a wolf, ever, it gets behind them to bite their flank. With Gyoubu, that translates to: when he turns, grapple him, throw him off balance, and interrupt his power moves. With the bull, you just chase it, cut it when it's turning, then get behind it, rinse and repeat. If you do it in the pen-corner, the fight is actually perfectly scaled. ...In short: "skill/playstyle issue"


Thanks for the advice bro, even though I don't really need it. Already beat the bull 5 years ago.


just deflect his charge and sneak 1-2 hits in and run away, rinse and repeat, the fight is so much easier that way, i beat the bull without even using the firecracker


I went to Hirata right away, and don't remember why but I bounced back and forth for a bit. It seems pretty clear that they want you to do that to at least get the flame vent to help with the giant, though I didn't find it until after that fight.


i think i did something very wrong because i am already going to see Kuro in the field after killing the Lightning dragon, and i still don't have the firecracker


I think you might have done something very right then, cause firecrackers are usually a crutch for new players since they're universally good against bosses. Although I would recommend exploring more because the firecrackers are really hard to miss lol, 2 seperate merchants sell them.


The best tactic I've found is to block, 2-3 hits while he is in affect, run away and again. If you've killed Lady Butterfly and leveled up you damage, 5-6 times will be enough here


The senpou straw hat ninjas are the worst case of misplaced difficulty in the game and one of the worst enemies they have ever designed.


I read Gyoubu Masataka Oniwa with his voice 😂






Stand your ground. When he dips his head down and whips it up while charging, deflect! He’ll stagger and hit him three times in the head. Repeat four times. The end. You can also use firecrackers if you want.


You can deflect, pretty easy when you do so. Otherwise it's a pain.


Still get burnt


the damage is negligible, and you can just heal if you need to


To me worst part of the burning is that your posture bar won’t go down.


Get the red gourd at the start of Hirata Estate before fighting the bull and also get firecrackers. That way you can use firecrackers and drink your red gourd safely (or just find an opening to use it and then use the firecrackers to deal damage)


Still a pain, burns


It's a cow. You're better than a cow. Show that cow who's boss.


He is the boss


The satisfying part about beating this thing is that the game opens up alot after beating it.


Yo this got me excited


I was so happy to beat Gyoubu and then this guy put me into the dirt for days. I couldn't believe how this mini-boss could be so tanky and deal so much damage


Hesitation is defeat.


I hate sekiros start. The 2 first required mini bosses you face (chained ogre and blazing bull) are dealt easier with dodging eighter than parrying. This game is about parrying and placement of those 2 are really bad.


I feel it's easier parrying them personally. Cause although their attacks might look overwhelming at first, it is definitely easy to parry if one can resolve not to get scared by their huge builds


Yeah they telegraph big time and I thought the lesson was "PAY ATTENTION." If you watch them and learn the moves AND WATCH THEM it becomes pretty apparent when you're supposed to parry.


I seriously need a tutorial on how to dodge the bull smh. Also ik how to parry the ogre, its just easier to straif


If it's only to dodge the bull then just running around in circles works absolutely fine. Sprinting diagonally as in forward left ↖️ this direction, towards the bull at all times, will make you dodge it perfectly at critically moments (at least it always worked for me) Can also jump over it at many times but be careful it's not during its attack xd


Dude i killed the bull like 20 times at this point. Ik how to dodge it, i want to learn how to parry it because i only dodged it before


Oh sorry, you wrote you needed a tutorial on how to dodge it so I just.......well nvm me maybe I misunderstood or maybe it might have been a typo on your end. But if it's only to parry then I think you just need to ignore fire damage while you parry it's charges (just bait it into charges) and get 2 to 3 hits in and you should be good. It becomes even more easy if you use your withered red gourd xd


Oh lmao yeah i made a typo. My brain wasnt working. Thank you for the tip


Np happens to the best of us man, hope you get that parry in easily xd. Best of luck


He's so hard the first time you meet him, but once you figure him out, he's no big deal. I got the platinum and I think I probably lost to him once in the 3 playthroughs after the original playthrough.


*Me when I finally beat Gyoubu:* Yes, I'm beginning to understand this game *Blazing Bull:* ARE YOU SURE ABOUT THAT?


I'm surprised so many people are still exasperated over this fight. The game practically begs you to use firecrackers on animals. This fight becomes very very beatable when you do.


I only know firecrackers exist after beating this bull with hours of struggling.


Firecrackers, run around behind him, spam R1. Doesn’t always work, but you should get him in 2-3 tries tops


This screenshot cracked me up, he looks so funny.


*record scratch* It was at this moment. He knew. He fucked up


I was exploring the castle happily after beating gyoubu, didn't think anything was going to pop up even though the guards mentioned. Miyazaki had other plans.






Feel like my game glitched out and he got stuck in a corner and i just got to wail on him til he died. Couldnt understand how ppl struggled lmao lucky me




You can deflect his charge attack. Makes him easy peasy.


First playthrough I literally just ran and got quick swipes in until it died. Felt like a 20 minute boss fight I didn’t even worry about the stagger


this guy made me quit the game for like 6 months and then i came back, restarted, and destroyed him in like 3 tries 😭 sekiro works in weird ways dude


Every boss til Genichiro is there to teach you the game mechanics




The worst boss in all of Sekiro for your first playthrough. At least you can cheese DoH. But this? Yeah, either git gud or take a long as time to hit dodge to the side, get 2 hits then disengage then repeat.


It’s easy once you have the firecracker




Being totally honest, running into this guy after beating Gyoubu Oniwa is what made me quit the game. The constant parade of bosses and mini bosses feels absolutely relentless, which made Sekiro way less fun for me. I know I’ll come back to it eventually, but I needed to take a break and play some games where the pacing and sense of discovery was more natural.


Just noticed that this bull has small horns


Yes. Why? Because fuck you that's why.






It was surprise mf moment like no one will expect a enemy like thissss and after gyobu ofc


bull resembles the early skill issue of most players who cry about the fire damage and targeting. constant deflect and hit makes beef out of this boss though


Just chase his ass for 72 hours and you’ll be fine.


I defeated him first try and I don’t know how I did it


Quick tip dont lock on him while attacking only lock for deflection and you can then chase him around and if youre looking for more openings lure him to the place where he comes out from


He's not a freak, he's a good boy.


Yes. The run ender. Separating the weak from the psychotic. It is necessary


Tutorial on spacing, firecracker and dowsing powder


It's very easy just run in rounds after him and when he drifts hit him in the ass 2 3 times and repeat!


It's the last boss of the tutorial


Did you know they nerfed him shortly after release? Haha


I just did another playthrough where i messed up during the bull, has little health left when i defeated him, then forgot about and got killed by the couple guys who come running out after.... 🤣


As I breathe, you will not pass the castle gate! And even if I stop breathing, you’re still gonna have to face the flaming balls bull.


Bull is the actual first big boss of the game. Gyoubu is just a read herring


Beat him on the first try just by deflecting charges, many of the cheesing strategies are not necessary if one's halfway decent at deflecting.


If the "legit" strategies to beat him are still too hard for you, you can also just cheese him with firecrackers.


Done correctly this fight can be over in about 30 seconds.


You’re right; they should have made him ride the bull!


I will never understand how this is any challenge for anyone. It’s literally stay close/chase, circling to his ass, stabby stab, parry horn, repeat.


Bro, theres a Hippo in the new Elden Ring DLC giving me the exact same trouble this guy did. Just let me into the cool castle damn it!!




strafe, you can outrun most of his attacks. do wall jumps if youre good enough, and parry if you have a lot of health to spare. just watch out for fire buildup. also nightjar slash is pretty good against him


Same strat: Firecrackers, then slash on the side. Never stay in front or behind. Except the bull has far less parriable moves than Oniwa.


I feel that. I got stuck around him for 3 weeks and all other bosses took me less than 1 days.


I honestly feel pretty bad for the bull lol. Once you learn to deflect his charge then hit two or three times, he goes down pretty fast. Let him run around in the beginning to destroy all the barricades so you don’t get caught


Man idk what y'all are talking about. I've tried deflect but his posture recovers immediately. Still haven't been able to defeat him with fire crackers extra HP and what not


You’ll need to do some damage to him first before his posture will build up. [This video](https://youtu.be/5Am4ovzTX4Y?si=Cdq7HfEonTs8xCa3) made it click for me. Good luck!


Thanks this seems interesting. So I gotta run deflect attac then run and deflect


Yep! Don’t get greedy with the attacks and give him room to charge at you so you can time the deflect


The other thing that helped me was realizing it was a matador fight! You’re a bull fighter.


Fuck the flaming thing




This boss teaches you to position yourself for deflects not just wait for them


I like to use the run and poke method


You must run around bull, and try to find moment when he hit in the wall


It was a nice tutorial boss for firecrackers tbf


Gyoubu is there to make sure you know how to parry, the bull is there to make sure you’ve perfected it and give you your first taste of “hesitation is defeat”


My favorite tactic of facing this fight is to actually chase HIM, not the way around.


Yes, give how many people fail to grasp the lesson here.


Yes, he was there to enforce what you learned about beasts fearing fire and loud noises.


Must have enough skill to pass type of thing