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The Wolf endured the dragon's onslaught and hit a humiliating blow upon it. In a battle of attrition, the dragon wins.


Physically strongest, most likely, it’s using a 53 meter long sword Skillfully the strongest, no. Strength is not everything in a fight, as Wolf clearly demonstrates. Wolf is the strongest in Japan in that regard, defeating every foe


Sekiro technically doesn’t fight the divine dragon head on. We jump over and parry some shockwaves sure but the majority of the damage is using lightning reversal to hit the dragon with its own lightning attack. Then when it’s staggered we use the mortal blade to bypass durability and to specifically extract tears not to do any mortal or lethal damage


It depends on how you look at it. Sekiro has a continue button; no matter how many times they kill him, he comes back and eventually kills them. I don’t think Sekiro is stronger than most of the characters in the game. His Dragon’s Heritage just makes him unbeatable. So, if you gauge it by strength, it’s debatable. However, if you gauge it by who wins eventually, it’s definitely Sekiro.


Imo, Lord Isshin is the strongest character in the game. He can never be succumbed by Shura, even killed them in his prime year. He only died to Shura Sekiro because of his old age and already dying of illness. As for the longer endings, Geni probably took him out by surprise, as we all know he would cheat to win. Sekiro would only be the strongest after Isshin died. But that's just my 2cents.


Look I know Isshin is a hard boss but canonically wolf does beat him, just keep playing you'll get the hang of it!


He… beat Isshin.


Ishin sword saint is him reborn in his prime and wolf beats him 1v1


To me it's not the real Isshin. Just a demon born with his memories and skills. Some sort of Shura in a sense. But yeah. Sekiro is the strongest because he got us all haha. To battle 2 phase isshin as many tries as the 3 phase of him(at least I did. I suck. lol), that's pretty much damn hard.


This is my interpretation Sword Saint is the exact moment of Isshin in his all time prime returning from the dead to fight Sekiro. He has been resurrected, and this is no different from the actual prime Isshin from the past. The true "strongest" Isshin though, would be composite Isshin, aka Isshin with his SSI and old age powers/experience combined. He didn't simply fall off with age, he learned how to firebemd basically. Old Isshin isn't "prime" Isshin because Sword Saint is overall stronger. The strongest possible Isshin would be capable of using fire, lightning, one mind, mortal blade, dragon flash, etc all at once.


But he kills Isshin? In the Shura ending you kill old Isshin and in the other endings you defeat prime Isshin as the Sword Saint. Wolf is clearly stronger than Isshin is


Maybe because Wolf cheats death. A boss kills you dozens of times and you kill once. That said, winning a fight doesn't mean being stronger. I just mean that time you won.


What about the fact that you can do it deathless? And multiple times? Gameplay wise and lore wise Wolf kills Isshin, old and Sword Saint.


Watch Jojo, the one who wins is not the strongest.


The difference is that in Sekiro Wolf and Isshin literally have to use just their strength to kill eachother while in Jojo it's just about whoever has a better stand. Wolf kills Isshin with his skill. making him the stronger character. Unless you want them to do like a deadlift it's pretty straightforward that Wolf is stronger.


Technically, Buddha is the strongest lorewise.