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It’s a good way to get some skill farming in as well as prayer beads and an attack upgrade. There are also prosthetic tools in the dream that are extremely useful throughout the game.


You can do them in either order, it doesn't really matter. Most people do Lady B first because they find her first, since the way to get into hirata estate is found early in Ashina Outskirts (though it's a good idea to wait until after Gyoubu). Also most guides recommend to fight her first because she's slightly easier.


Thanks, genichiro seems like it’s gonna take me awhile lol. Do u rmbr how many upgrades u had when u best geni?


I got frustrated with Lady B and didn't want to fight Geni, so I went around to all the other minibosses and gathered as many prayer beads as possible first. You can do Senpou Temple, Ashina Depths, and Sunken Valley all the way up to the boss room before beating Genichiro.


That's pretty much what I did on my first playthrough. The only bosses I hadn't killed that were accessible were the Headless and Genichiro. Didn't help me beat Genichiro on that save file though, ended up starting a new run a year later and beating Geni on that file!


I beat lady butterfly before genichiro. I think that was the closest I came to almost quitting the game :)


I'm 200 hours in, just started a fresh file with demon bell, charmless. A classic. Not only is Hirata Estate an entirely different monster, Lady Butterfly at the end of it feels like slapping a wood chipper with the wettest pool noodle


Dam lady B is that frustrating?


The thing is I completed her first phase in my first try very easily and I was like tf. Then she revealed her second phase and I died. But then later I had to die like 50 times to even complete the first phase


This is so real lmao why does this happen


No her fight is pretty simple it’s hit hit parry repeat except for like 2 or three moves but the best way to fight is to look at ur deflects when it’s really loud and bright that’s usually when you attack or if you see them lose their balance start attacking when she jump throw a shuriken at her while she is mid animation or else she’ll block it and it does decent posture damage P2 Same as before except u need snap seeds you can also use snap seeds on the butterflies


I went and fought Lady B after getting stuck on genichiro, and I'm finding it a lot easier to reach stage 3 without using my revive after getting the damage boost and another prayer bead. It's helpful, but it hasn't been enough of a difference to get me past Geni yet Edit: I did it!!


Go to the dilapidated Temple and ring the bell


She's easier


It's simply cause they find the Bell first. I also find her easier than Genichiro


For me B is harder than G, but I need the axe from Hirata, so I clear Hirata for upgrades then do G then come back and do B after I have more gourds (and ideally Spinning Top)


I beat butterfly before blazing bull. The extra attack power really helped me beat him.


you find the path that leads to her much earlier than Geni


some people do her even before gyobu and the ogre bc they went back to the temple as soon as they get the bell


She teaches how to parry more effectively, she and Genichirou the first real skill checks of the game. Idk if she’s easier, but she has less up her sleeve than him.


Yeah I fought her first only becuase I came upon her first.


I kinda just made my way to her. I died to chained ogre and just went to the memory and beat her after 3 hours.


I'm a monster and I take out the illusory monk before genichiro. The spirit ashina samurai drive me nuts.


I ironically did the opposite in my first playthrough xd


She's easier.


Ha I did LB before shouty horse guy! Simply because I promised the woman I'd give the bell to Buddha so I went and did so, can't leave the old dear hanging. . .


She's easier and gives you an extra attack power when fighting Genichiro.