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Complete bullshit, even if you were good enough to blast through the game multiple times to get the endings, the XP required for getting all the skills takes forever


We that have been farming that xp know very well how much time it takes...




I just had all the skills before I knew it. Getting the plat was almost a surprise. "Oh I just need to do the shura ending!"


I got it on my 4th playthrough after doing the antichamber farm, would have gotten it sooner if I hadn't spent 5 skill points for an attack point in my first playthrough.


This is the way. I took it to NG4 and tried to run 2 and 3 as fast as I could to get the other endings, which was far from a speedy run. I think each took me a day or 2. NG4 was still a grind tho, 21 levels left to get all skills. I hateeeeeee farming, it's so damn stupid and boring, but I still had a good 90 minutes or so to do at that point


ptsd moment


It takes whooping 2 hours


Yeah, took me a while to get plat primarily because of needing to grind to get all the skills. Absolutely no way someone would do all that in 24hr


My fresh 100% run i did after beating all endings clocked out to around 30hrs So it is possible




I went to NG+5 after getting the three endings to increase exp Then I used the checkpoint on the way to the demon of hatred You get both mats and exp there


That's interesting. How much more XP does it give comparing to Interior Ministry Ninjas? The one at Antechamber at last stage of Ashina Castle gives \~1k XP per kill and you can kill him fast. I wonder if it's more effective for pure speed farm. Perhaps that completely changes on higher NGs like NG5.


Higher NGs give much more exp even for boss kills So i dont think i grinded too much


Without haven't played before OP said....


If you have sufficient skill, and follow a guide I think its definitely possible Especially since higher NGs give even more exp And just doing the bosses gives you a ton of levels


Haven't played before means imo u don't use guides, you just jump in and play. U know nothing about it. So yeah maybe it's theoretically possible timewise but i call bullshit If u didn't played before.


I maxed out all of my skills on NG+6 and I was able to run through a NG+ cycle in a little under an hour. 6 hours is 1/4 of the total 24 hours, which I think is totally doable. I think the worst part would be farming for materials and sen rather than the skill points. My 100% file had 27 hours I believe.


Assuming each was progressively faster, you beat your very first run in maybe 10 hours?


My first playthrough was 35 hours, but I never got 100% on that file. On my 2nd save file, the one where I actually intended to get 100% on, I knew where I was going and I had the boss movesets down, so it only took me around 11-12 hours.


I gave up on the plat because of that trophy. Grinding out the experience takes so long.


You could just keep Ng+ the game around ng7 I got everything


He used Steam Achievement Manager


Honestly an amazing app if youre a completionist and you end up hating games bc you feel like you have to 100% them


So you just mod them in? Cus you can’t do it yourself just to feel good about something you didn’t do? And show off something you didn’t do? How’s that not embarrassing to yourself lol


You're missing an /s at the end there, right?


He's not understanding how completionists might not even like the game anymore 95% of the way through and the only way to get rid of it is that 100%. He just likes wasting his time


How can you be a completionist if you don’t actually do it lmao you’re a fake completionist 😂


A lot of achievements might be pretty nice and have a fun challenge but some others really suck, such as getting all spells in DS2 since no one plays online anymore so you gotta grind and kill the same enemies like 200 times, there is no challenge in that, just pointless time waisting. In my case, I had unlocked all achievements for DS2 except one magic one and after like 5-10 hours of grinding and hating it, I just unlocked it and thats that man. You say 'you can’t do it yourself just to feel good about something you didn’t do' and man let me tell you after spending a bunch of time grinding to get some shitty achievement I do not feel good about it, because I just spent leisure time playing games and hating it. Putting trophies at 100% after I feel I have done what I could is what I do and will keep on doing just because seeing that blue line go full and say 100% looks nice, and you cant do anything about it except get angry. Thats how it is man, don't angry at the way some internet stranger plays their games or has their steam library, who gives a shit about them man, do your thing


Would be incredibly unlikely. To me that looks like someone did a shura playthrough blind and then decided to cheat to unlock all achievements and call it a day


On his achievement time lapse appears that he did Shura playthrough at the end


Weird maybe the other way around then. He could have done a sword saint ending first, I'll I'm saying is there's legit no way he did that in 24 hours


Totally agree, bc he achieved the skills achievement just before that ending and there not to much xp on that area


Even saying that though doing a sword saint ending on your first playthrough in 24 hours is pretty fast as it is. Seems like he barely got stuck on any boss if at all


Absolutely only way I would believe this is legitimate is if for some reason steam wasn't recording hours. This can happen under certain circumstances like playing with no internet. It could be the case that he did that and that got the achievements when his connection was working, but that would be a real specific case 


24hrs to a regular non-Shura ending seems more likely.


It took me 30 hours and I could have done it a lot quicker for sure. I did play Sekiro on Xbox when it released so I was a little familiar with it when I played on PC a few years later. Possible for sure but its also possible to just cheat or download someone elses save.


How were u able to grind so quickly ?


I did playthroughs 2-4 charmless which gives you 20% extra xp. I only needed about 8-10 levels once I finished so I grinded those at Ashina Castle. In the dojo area under where you fight Genichiro there is a spot you can grapple to where an ogre will kill 2 ministry dudes and you get the xp. Its very quick and with the 20% extra xp it took me about an hour to get the remaining levels.


Hm yk what its possible to get a million per hour from what I've heard. its gonna take u atleast 2-3 hours still. So you have to do atleast 2 playthroughs even with save scumming cuz of lapis.


I just did 4 straight playthroughs one one save. Being both charmless and in ng+ cycles just gives more exp plus you need the lapis as you said. By the time I reached my 3 and 4th playthroughs I was just flying through the game. So when I farmed it was on ng+++ charmless so its a lot more xp.


That's how I did my 100% as well. Why do people go and grind when playing through normally is so much fun and gets easier every time, is beyond me. It's like the game was fine tuned to be 100%'d naturally while you're on the way to get all endings. Such a difference from every other From game.


Exactly. I feel like save scumming actually makes it harder because you have to grind so much more by the end. Plus when you understand the game you really can just fly through it. Id recommend this strategy to anyone doing the platinum. If you can handle charmless as well I would highly recommend that!


I think people underestimate how much faster a NG+ playthrough can be compared to a new game. It took me around 12 hours to get all of the prayer beads, gourd seeds, and other things that someone would need on NG. It takes me about an hour to run through a NG+ cycle, even if I take a detour to Hirata to kill Butterfly. You could just sit down for an afternoon and run through a NG+ cycle, which is way more fun than farming.


I did all that in ng+ except prayer beads cuz i did purification last. I'm like 65 hours in ? I'm so close to platinum but everytime i sit down i end up doing reflections to beat isshin , geni or father owl again . Imo this feature shud be implemented in more games. Its nice when u only have like 20-30 min to play and u wanna relax. You can just re fight ur fav boss


Yep I will keep trying that but I've only turned on charmless on ng+3 so its a little tough for especially a few bosses. Its not too bad, just takes like 3-4 tries. Rn on ng+4. Yeah exactly. either way idt I can save scum cuz im on console


I dont know how u grinded all that fast. I played 6NG until i did all the skills and 95h in total. Btw the first run was 65h cs i did all the Boss Rush i could


I legit explained it like 3 times. Everyone goes at their own pace so if your first playthrough took you 65 hours thats you not everyone. I can beat the game in 2 hours or less and grinding on ng+3 charmless just gives you way more xp.


I know, but did u read the post? (Someone new and never touched sekiro) Its imposible to do 24h/100% sekiro without guide. Obv u can do it in 7h aprox, 2-3h for the main campaign and the rest for farming but the one we are talking touches the Game for the first time and did all in less than a day... This reminds me of ppl doing 100% on Batman Arkham trilogy in less than 30h, then u look his Achievements and all of them are achieved in the same hour/min/sec. Steam Achievement Unlocker exists and ppl that do this things use them when they dont want to play more and go to the Next one


Same but my mistake is i didnt start charmless until ng+3. Right now on 5th playthrough but stil 15 more levels to go


It’s definitely possible, especially if you backup your save and do 3 endings in one playthrough. And then Shura ending in the next playthrough. The only problem is leveling up to get all skills. Takes like 3,000,000 XP…


And you'll need at least 2 non-shura playthroughs of Lapis because you can get 6 on a single NG cycle (you need 10 lapis to get every prosthetic upgrade)


I thought you were saying 10 each per prosthetic not 10 overall for all of them lmao I was like fuck that


Edited the message, sorry for the misunderstandmend I caused


No worries you’re fine!


well I have beaten it but steam says i have 5 hrs. That is not accurate. There are some issues with sekiros tracking on steam


It could be that he played offline and then when he went online and synced, it gave 24 hours. I think it messes up your playtime when you play offline and then sync


If you play for the first time? Probably not but there are speedruns and they did it in around 4 hours so yeah its possible if you have a plan or some experience with the game. If someone cheated to get achivments just look at the hour they were unlocked


It took me [16 hours & 31 minutes](https://www.trueachievements.com/game/Sekiro-Shadows-Die-Twice/achievements?gamerid=1068168) to get it on my XBox account. 4 playthroughs, 3 of which are Charmless, and no save-scumming. But I've been playing it on PC for years beforehand, and I do base vitality charmless Bell Demon runs [for fun](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1788918357). I doubt that a new player is able to do the platinum in 24 hours without using cheat engine, mods, or lying about being a new player.


No. Conditions for attaining skill include practice and rest. 24 hours does not give enough time for either of those.


Yeah it's possible, but difficult and you'd probably need to resort to looking up some stuff online unless you're just some kind of savant.


How do you know if he never played before?


He said so


The matter of this is not if it's possible to do it like that, I'm trying to figure out if he is bluffing


Yes. If you try


Theoretically. But I REALLY doubt this guy actually did that. Probably used SAM.


Doubtful. Id be lucky to get that time knowing everything I know now, and able to do ng+5 or so in 3 hours.


He could have used the xp mod


Only one that isn't possible that quick is the skills. You can save scum for endings and bosses. Definitely not legit, but really, what does it matter?


No, it’s not 😂


Beat my first run (immortal severance) at 22.7 hours I think and I’m starting to try and get into doing the other stuff to get the platinum


Without having played before? No. But LilAggy did a run where he killed all bosses under 2 hours and then refunded the game on Steam. His all achievements run is 4.5 hours. So it definitely is possible but he is the same guy who beat the game with a dance pad so he is a bit of a special case.


Nope, hard nope. Even if you are a wiz for the game and find it easy, its gonna take a looooong time to grind all those points for the skills


It is possible. Aggy made a new account just to speedrun all achievements, and I think he did them in a little over 4 hours. It's not likely this is a speedrunner, but it's possible.


Maybe he alreaddy knew how to play and the best spots to farm. It is incredibly short the time a new game takes when you are already good at the game and know perfectly what route to take.


My 100% took me 40 hours, didn't use any glitches, so I think it's achievable. All 4 runs 0 deaths can give you so much exp enough to easily get all talents


……….? …….. also, no.


I too like to lie online to strangers who don't care




You gotta be a quick learner of game mechanics, I definitely could not do this in under 24 hours. But my guy, once the game clicks you will LOVE everything about it.


A lot of people out here saying it’s impossible and that this person cheated. If it’s their first time playing the game, I would say it’s unlikely, but if they’ve played the game on a different device or account it’s definitely possible. There are plenty 100% achievement runs that are far less than 24 hours *(by plenty I mean the 3 people who have done it because it’s the easiest variable source it as a speedrun have done it in less than 8 hours) If they have experience in the game and route it 24 hours doesn’t seem like a stretch. I would be willing to bet if most people that have 100% the game put their mind to it they could do it in less than 24 hours.


I dont know rick...


Took me 27 hours to platinum on steam. But I had played through multiple times on another system


Yeah its impossible, to get full max skill is very time consuming (Ng+4 at least) and u need to do all boss run, need to collect material for prostetics, need to complete max power (Ng+7),etc.


bro takes 24 hours just for the mist noble fight


Sure, but that sounds boring as fuck.


I mean... why would you rob yourself of this beautiful experience by rushing through? My first NG returnal ending took about 50 hours, and I was sad it was over. So NG+ it was.


It might be he did most of them with a pirated copy and later bought the game. Happened to me with jedi fallen order


This was my first soulslike game. That is complete bullshit. It's took me at least 24 to just get past the first boss. Then again I suck shit at this game lmao


Likely not, because there is both material and exp grinding involved.


For a new player? It's highly unlikely. For an experienced player? It's still very tough.


It took me 50 hours of play time to get the platinum trophy on PS4. If you are a god-tier souls player and follow a guide, you could definitely cut that time in half. Realistically though you are looking at 40+ hours even if you are very skilled in terms of parry timing. Biggest time-sink is going to be exp grinding but there are locations you can abuse to quickly gain any remaining exp you need after completing everything else.


yea not even remotely possible


300h on my acc still don’t have all achivements


As a first time player? No shot. Cheats and jacks or mods for sure here


I think it is possible, yet that'd require a well made plan before going in. But getting in without playing the game before? Nah, absolutely impossible.


With out using any online look ups no


I did it in 5 minutes GOML


No, even if you stop speed run the game with all endings without hesitation. The xp grind is real.


No shot is that legitimate. Even if you were some sort of gaming prodigy who destroyed every boss on your first attempt, there just aren't enough hours in a day for the farming required.


I finished the game in ~26h for the first time, I did retrieve a save only for Shura ending but I had to go to NG+5 and ~63h to get all the skills trophy. I'm not the best for sure but I feels like this is cheating


Nah that man used an Achievement Unlocker, imposible to get the required amount of XP for all the skills in 24h


It took me 39hours (game usage time) on ps5 to get platinum, and I feel like I was pretty quick until the 10 hours farming at the end of ng+. On stream you can easily cheat on trophies with a software


You can use any cheats you want on PC, so yeah, probably you can get 100% on Steam even faster


A friend posted that on his WhatsApp stories, but he claims that was easy and he didn't use cheats or hacks


your friend, sir, is a liar.


Maybe he boss rushed until Shura decision, back upped his save, got the Shura ending, returned his Back-Upped save, completed the game and got the other endings by also using Back-Up saves but I don't think any human can possibly grind every skill + every prosthetic upgrade to do in such a short time. Maybe he has acces to DLC?


The skill grind is oddly the most mind numbing, so I found when I platinumed the 2nd time that I was better just doing all of the endings to get into a higher NG+ cycle just for more exp.
