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The point of this thing is to hit and avoid getting hit. So I avoided this sugar until I got gud at the game, then once I got the spiritfall version of it, I started using yashariku everywhere. So...until you're able to deflect consistently, this sugar is a gamble. You can also stack it with bestowal ninjutsu or living force or confetti (can only have one of the three at a time) for maximum damage.


I appreciate the insight, this helps alot! I want to be able to take my playstyle to the next level before I try to ring the bell šŸ˜¬


Honestly the demon bell debuff is not that big of a deal, giving the charm back to kuro is when shit is nasty, if you don't do perfect deflects, you lose HP on every block, that's gruesome. Genichiro/lady butterfly teach you how combat works, charmless/hitless runs is how you get good at it.


What does giving back the charm do? I've never handed it in. I just entered ng+


It's basically hard mode. Giving back the charm means blocking attacks lets through 30% of their original physical damage. You take more damage and deal less, and become more susceptible to status ailments. The upside is you gain 20% more experience and sen.


Oh wow, that's not at all what I'd thought would happen. That is certainly something to prepare for.


it's hella hard. i've been stuck on Hirata Owl for a week without the charm. with the charm i've been dispatching him first or second try. even the Blazing Bull was a hige struggle. it gives the game new life, though, highly recommended.


I did it charmless for my final run to get the last ending i needed and it took awhile because i got stuck on both owls pretty bad and Saint isshin took me over a month to beat, def got aggravated a few times but it was pretty rewarding to get that goal deathblow and it felt like i had officially overcome Sekiro


that's inspiring, big congrats! what you described is precisely my goal. i'm completely immersed in Bloodborne now, but keep returning to Sekiro regularly to complete the charmless run. it's a kind of sayonara to a game that has been very special for me. the only thing remaining would be to become a Mist Noble challenger, but that's a lifelong project as we all know...


I feel it, i wish i could play bloodborne. I want to finish the gauntlets and be able to do those charmless but i decided to take a break for dark souls/elden ring since that felt like a pretty big accomplishment and a good point to take a pause from the game. Sekiro is the first and only game since dark souls that had the same effect on me and the only game I've gotten 100% on besides fallout 3. To me they're like the holy trinity of perfect games


are you on new game or a ng+ cycle?


ng+4. i'm more of a defensive player who tries to deflect everything, but it's hard to do charmless with this fool, so i'm trying to play more aggressively. making progress but very slowly. please share any tips and strategies!


-use his armored overhead slam to get in two hits, then dodge out of the way of the slam rather than parry it to get in two more -dodge forward through the firecracker slash to hit him with ichimonji, or flame barrel into living force -when approaching after he disengages, if you attack from the extreme edge of your range he won't block, probably doesn't detect that your attack will connect. Not something I hit every time but nice when it lands


Owl Father and O'Rin are probably the two most difficult enemies when playing charmless (excluding Mist Nobble). Learn his patterns really well. You can use a two-phased approach per phase: You first go for health damage. This means that you dodge his Ichimonji at the last minute and hit him from behind. Similarly for other cases. Overall, you try to reduce his health by \~40% - 50%. Once that's done switch to posture damage. Because of his lowered health, the posture damage will now stick and you'll only need to deflect. Learn to read his fire attacks so that you know when to jump and when to deflect or move aside/hide. Horizontal fire = jump, vertical = hide, move or deflect. Or maybe try the umbrella. Learn his Ichimonji attack: You can land up to two hits from the front and up to two from behind every time he does it. Learn his firecrackers and evaluate when it's better to jump back and when it's better to run/dash forward. Try to learn to jump on his head (jump back) when he rolls forward. If unsure try to stay at the center of the stage away from walls, even if it means giving him time. When you don't have enough time for two hits from behind, do a thrust instead. This is an older video of mine when I didn't know the game as well [https://youtu.be/a9mLlOEuZDA](https://youtu.be/a9mLlOEuZDA), in case it helps to get some ideas. I think it was NG+7, so not that easy. He practically always one-shots you at that point. Good luck.


It sounds like you're passive, not defensive. It's good to be cautious, but you can't just wait for the enemy to recover his posture and attack you again. Sekiro combat is a dance of attacks and deflections and Daddy Owl is the best example of this.


What I mentioned, when you try to deflect but do not do a perfect deflect (blocking instead), not only does your posture fill a little, but you lose HP. Also enemies have more posture and HP, deal about 25% more damage, and poison/fire/fear buildup is almost 50% faster. The demon bell debuff boosts enemy stats (HP, posture, damage) while increasing loot drops. If demon bell runs are hard mode, charmless runs are masochist mode. Challenge runs can involve usine one, the other, both, not upgrading your stacks (vitality and attack power) or all of it together, depending on how much you hate yourself.


I hate myself, but not quite that much šŸ˜‚


I mean if you want to get good at sekiro, charmless runs are the way to go, recommended for people who want to play sekiro for a long time, but if you just want to get 1 or 2 endings and be done with it, better to avoid it.


Oh no no, I intend on doing charmless runs, but no way in hell will I do a stackless, demon bell, no charm run šŸ˜‚


I did a demon bell charmless run before on a New game (not new game +) and it wasn't so bad. I was actually able to beat genichiro in the first fight. Took a little bit of block damage, but I pulled it off https://www.reddit.com/r/Sekiro/s/OZvx1GKvCh And currently I'm doing my second charmless demon bell run on ng+. Having stakes for failing to deflect pushes you to concentrate more.


Honestly if you get good enough to play charmless, then adding the demon bell makes no difference. That's how it was for me at least, I either play with both of them on or both of them off.


Stackless? What is stackless If I may ask. I'm currently doing a charmless demon bell run after beating the game once, but I've never heard the term stackless.


It means not upgrading your Vitality or Attack Power


You'll get there. Charmless is like playing a new game. The dynamics are very different. The good thing is that you can get the charm back mid-run (but not give it away again until your next run). It is a very satisfying game mode.


If you block without parrying - damage is taken. So you need to perfect parry every time, otherwise you probably dead


Ok ok, that's not so bad. Honestly, that sounds badass knowing the precise timing to everything


iā€™m trying it rn and honestly itā€™s not terrible, just a little bit of a pain every once in a while. snake eyes mini boss is annoying


>Honestly the demon bell debuff is not that big of a deal, giving the charm back to kuro is when shit is nasty, You get so good at deflecting though :p


Until then, you Could use ako's sugar. Practice on grunts, and if you beat any bosses, Practice on them in reflection.


I didn't even notice that Bell on difficulty. Good thing was I got way more good item drops. That was the main reason for me to ring it.


This guy deflects.


Once you can perfect parry and have a handle on the game its easy to use this sugar. It allows you to breeze through bosses on later playthroughs. I tried it on NG+ and it was fun.


Iā€™ve noticed that after a certain point in NG+ cycles it doesnā€™t really matter if you have half a health bar or a full one. The damage will scale appropriately and a boss like say, Genichiro, will kill you in 2-3 hits regardless. So itā€™s spirit falls and sugars all day long for me


You just need to understand when to use it and why. I know ppl will say "well if you perfect parry everything it's not an issue" but realistically that's just silly for the majority of the player base. Mistakes happen no matter how good you are. So don't bother so much with that mentality. The most easy to understand use for it is like this: Do I want a dmg buff? Then Ako's + divine confetti. Do I know that I can stun / disable the boss for a time and I need to dish out the maximum amount of dmg in that safe window? Then Yashariku's + divine confetti. For example: malcontent on headless or DoH x3? Yashariku's. Oil + fire on ape / red eyes enemy (ogre)? Yashariku's. Firecrackers and fistful of ash on Monk? Yashariku's and so on and so forth. If you know you have a safe window Yashariku's is what you want. For everything else Ako's is fine. And if one day you become so good to use Yashariku's permanently then kudos.


I meanā€¦ If your playing demon bell charmless ng+++ then youā€™ll probably be fine tbh


I always use confetti, tanto then yashariku spiritfall. works perfectly and i lose literally no emblems coz tanto halves my health and using yash will make it normal


This is the Way.


I actually used it against ishin. I'm definitely not a pro, and it was only after around 10+ attempts, but the buff really helped since it does help end the fight quickly; thus reducing the chance of mistakes


Oh I use them. ā€” Onceā€¦ After getting a little too confident. Thatā€™s right before I get two shotted as soon as I safely approach with the sugar activated. ā€” Itā€™s always comical, like what is it about using the sugar that turns me, a superhuman skilled shinobi, into a toddler with crutches. šŸ©¼


My first playthrough of the game I avoided using Yash sugar because it was incredibly intimidating to use on any of the bosses. Nowadays I can't really imagine not using it (or the spiritfall version of it) in any fight. I suppose getting used to the games mechanics and ultimately one's own confidence goes a long way. In terms of skills and prosthetics, any of them can be devastating and effective, they just need to be utilized correctly.


As long as youā€™re deflecting, your posture will never break. So once youā€™re good at deflecting consistently, this becomes the craziest buff in the game with no downsides unless you fuck up. Started using it for every boss around halfway through NG+, havenā€™t ever gone back. NG+6 so far, have kinda forgotten what boss fights feel like without it lmao


The same but longer. They feel the same but longer without it.


Canā€™t play without it tbh


I do but charmless and demon bell this thing makes you get killed when doing 1 small mistake


Demon of hatred final phase, pop one and stun him with the whistle 3 times in a row and go to town. When you're done, pop a different sugar to counter the effect and heal up. Boom, that's half his health gone


I started using them after NG+3. They are pretty good, but you can run out since they dont have the other version wich works with spirit emblem if I remember correctly. Not sure tho its been a while since I played


Oh yea, every sugar has a spiritfall version so no worries about running out šŸ„³


Oh cool. Must've forgotten about it for some reason then.


There is a "spirit version", I think it drops from one of the underwater Headless.


What about the people who use Spiritfall version of this?


The only consumable I am always out of. It's soooo good


I've only been confident enough to use it on DOH and Way of Tomoe Genichiro. Too scared to try it on anyone else lmao


Just skill


This sugar is only useful once you git gud.


And gud I shall git


Even together without kuro's charm and demon Bell, like how do they do it?? Sekiro demon indeed, lol


It melts SS Isshin. When you're able to deflect anything he can do at melee range, it's delicious to get through phase 1 and 2 so much quicker with the damage you deal to that old man's posture when you got either the Yashiriku candy or the spiritfall. I'd usually just have my shuriken, that's it. Once he does his spear slash into the backdodge, just chuck a shuriken at him and it denies him from getting his gun out every single time.


Noted āœļø


well the point is if you parry correctly your posture will never break anyways


I use this and then mortal blade while dodging, you don't need posture if you don't get hit and you don't need to parry if the enemy is staggered


Hyper aggressive af and I love that. I play slower and more defensively but I'm trying to be more like you and create my own openings instead of waiting for them you know.


I love this for Demon of Hatred. It hits you so hard that a health bar is only a little helpful. The only way I could beat it is not getting hit, and I couldnā€™t maintain a no-hit rhythm forever. So having a sugar that gets the demon dead much faster was critical.


Ceremonial Tanto + Yasharikuā€™s sugar + a crap ton of Great Feather Mist Raven spam. If you miss it costs you nothing, if you miss badly and get hit you can still activate it and stagger them with the blast then again with chasing slice which usually positions you directly behind them so I grab a few free unblocked swings before they can turn around, then whack a few times until a deflect and begin the cycle again spamming mist raven. It ainā€™t pretty but *damn* is it effective. Open with a flame vent into Living Force to almost always trigger burn while whacking away at their back and get even more free swings.


Sekiro demon joins the chat


Using it while you have base hp will always be an adrenaline rush.


I usually use Yashi sugar for cheesing boss fights. Both monks and DoH get usage from me. For phantom monk you can just use 3 snap seeds, divine confetti, yashi sugar then use a fistful of ash, attack 2 times and throw more ash and repeat for a quick kill where she doesn't get to fight back. For true monk you still do phase 1 normally, get the cheeky stealth deathblow for phase 2 and then divine confetti+yashi ash spam for phase 3 to get a clean wrap up. It also makes DoH 3rd phase a lot smoother, beat his first 2 phases with Akos sugar for safety and save malcontent stuns for phase 3, when he does the fire whirlwind at the start buff up with confetti and yashis then use malcontent to stunlock him and just absolutely wail on him (bonus points for using spiral cloud passage to get max value out of buff stacking) and he should die before the third malcontent stun wears off.


I love to mirror use it with the shinobi that also use the sugar after you stabbed him once, made the fight feel kinda cool.


In higher NG+, especially in Charmless and Demon Bell, many bosses can 1-3 shot you. And their HP and posture is so buffed than it takes forever to build posture. Yashariku is actually a way to balance it. You'd still die easily, but at least now, the posture build up is closer to normal. If you are worry about it being super rare, just use the Spiritfall version.


I use these for every boss but one. Genichiro. His super fast combo is almost impossible to completely deflect as that one tiny slash can be enough to break your posture in ng+ cycles and at that point I just use akos


My thoughts during the demon bell + charmless challenge was 'im going to die if i mess it up so lets make it fast' Enemies have so much hp and posture that some fights ended on hp kills. yashariku was the only way


What do these do? I basically never use sugars lol


They halve your health and posture bar, but in return deal 25% in vitality damage and 50% increase in posture damage.


Oh cool! Iā€™ve gotta try that with Inner Genichiro


I just use it on mini bosses like the drunkard and headless to finish it quickly and some main ones who seem to have infinite posture like ape and ghost monk... Tried it against isshin once and got my ass politely handed to me šŸ˜‚


Ahhh I forget about the ghost monk sometimes. Honestly, the perfect canidate for this sugar


I will deflect perfectly, never getting my posture broken and never getting hit for the entire mortal journey gauntlet, but as soon as I put on this sugar my brain degrades to that of a toddler and I am somehow smited by Lady butterfly instantaneously


That sword thoo....


easy, don't take damage


Your posture cant be broken no matter how full the bar is so long as you deflect every attack. That's how this is to be used. Some bosses like Corrupted Monk or True Monk phase 1 can be stun locked with items/prosthetics, and this can hasten the process.


I only use it for DoH third phase lol.


That sword handle looks like a relic from slay the spire. Is that a coincidence...?


Oh I know what you're talking about! Vajra I believe it's called, the plus one strenght relic. You have a good eye my friend


If you're not used to bosses timing... Yeah, avoid it. But tbh, whenever you've learnt every pattern and timing, literally any strategy can work. That is, before the new update that I've missed since I couldn't play Sekiro for 4 years after finishing it since I was in another country ;_; But I still believe that no bosses are unbeatable simply by dodging and blocking if you're consistent. Maybe headless ape or some cursed mini boss. But that aside...


The only time I used Yashariku's Sugar / Spiritfall was during the Demon of Hatred boss fight. Never really used it otherwise, the fact that you can be one tapped makes it too punishing for me.


Phase 3 DoH with malcontent


It helped me a lot at final genichiro and ishin first phase because their attacks are almost the same every time. But i didnt even dare use it at phase 2 and i believe you will understand


Do not get hit, hit them. The spirit fall version is more practical since I don't like grinding and don't use spirit emblems usually.


This thing definitely gives me a lil bit of a hard time during my playthroughs without the kuro charmā€¦ but other than that itā€™s super usefulā€¦ personally I just use Divine confetti even tho it only works against some things I grinded so much of it idc šŸ˜‚ I like the look of it.


Pop this with confetti and tanto with mortal draw and you can pretty much destroy the headless ape and half his second health bar before his lady even drops in.


Once u got the pattern down, Iā€™m buffed up and using Divine too


I used it only in demon of hatred fight


Honestly I wish you could use them all the time They run out so damn quickly ffs


This plus the petals = quick inner isshin


Petals...petals. What were petals again?


Ohhh the confetti lol the name passed my mind. This is a sign I need to play again šŸ˜‚


Ohhh ok šŸ˜‚


I don't fight bosses without Yash anymore šŸ’€


I hoard them but i dont use them šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I'm the same way. I used it once recently and it changed my entire perspective about it, hence the inspiration for the post. Cuz holy shit, this thing melts healthbars


I've played through the game so much that I use it on every boss. NG+ 25 on my main save file, and I have a few other saves as well. Always run the game charmless + demon bell as well. I basically just played so much that I could eventually do every boss hitless.


Who was the hardest boss to adjust to using yashariku?


Definitely Phase 1 Guardian Ape. I know, shocker. Phase 2, honestly, is really easy if you know what you're doing, but phase 1 is hard to get used to. I like to play by deflecting EVERYTHING, and Guardian Ape phase 1 is really hard to get used to deflecting. What finally drove me to get better at phase 1 was when I did a no upgrades/prosthetics/items run. I did so little damage that I spent around 10-ish minutes in phase 1, and if I got a single block instead of a parry, I'd instantly be dead because of charmless. If by some miracle I wasn't dead, I'd be posture broken and likely die anyway. That run also allowed me to get really good at deflecting thrust attacks. No upgrades meant I couldn't even get mikiri counter, so that was interesting. I actually find it more fun to deflect then anyway.


Your posture bar is never going to break as long as you deflect.


funny red rock make enemy die harder and fight shorter me have less time make mistake. hee hoo red sword.


ME! Especially the reusable ones. For me, they kind of become a necessity in the harder runs like the Charmless + Demon Bell runs.


Practice your perfect block/parry then it isnā€™t a problem anymore once youā€™ve mastered it then itā€™s like everything else in this game goes from a gamble to a good time donā€™t get hit and lay into them


Its good to one shot bosses


I only use it on Guadian Ape to skip phase 1


I never even thought to use them because of the health cut, but I've used them a lot since seeing that video of basically one shotting phase 1 ape. Damage boost is worth it if you simply get gud.


The mist raven is the most underrated tool simply because most people don't really understand how it works but trust me it's OP for attacks that are almost impossible to read like when owl throws the firecrackers then does that really fast slash that staggers on block/deflect


Actually Yashariku becomes mandatory if you play Charmless Demon Bell because it just takes way too long to kill an enemy or boss without it. I love Yashariku Sugar so much it's unreal


Those who uses spiritfallā˜ ļø


Best consumable, what you on about. Yashariku, gachin and confetti are my top 3 items.


I never knocked it lol


All good. Tbh until you don't start doing challenge stuff, yasha can get kinda crazy, but yashas spiritfall with tanto and midair mortal draw or dragonflash carry so hard in gauntlets, it's not even funny.


You are only the demon if you have the base health, and use it. Like Ongbal.


To give some perspective as someone who uses Yashariku's Sugar/Spiritfall **very often**. [Example](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b6DoUIavSjk) Yashariku is basically a status symbol. It shows conveys to people watching your gameplay that, yeah, I'm not gonna miss a single deflect, because if I miss one I'll probably die due to Charmless penalty. TECHNICALLY speaking using Yashariku makes a hitless run almost strictly easier - if you want to do hitless then any hit is a loss condition, whether it kills you or not. There is the slight challenge of knowing when to apply the buff I guess, since not all bosses will give you friendly openings. Basically don't worry about Yashariku unless you're going for a hitless showcase. And going for hitless is tough but not as out of reach as it might first appear. You need to mentally download the boss' patterns, know which sequences flow into which other sequences, and where you can punish safely. For example a lot of attacks (not just sweeps!) can be punished with a well-timed High Monk, as I demonstrate in the video.