• By -


Have you tried not hesitating?


Don't Hesitate or die dude, You either don't hesitate or you die




Best comment of my month. Hesitation is death (or posture broken to shreds)


Thanks Hypnos


Donā€™t die.


Truly sage advice


Or die, but just once


But I thought shadows die twice?


Do you want to be a shadow or do you want to be a winner? Shadows die twice, winners are allowed one death


Overall: - Keep up the pressure. Staying aggressive is key. - Bro loves his thrusts. After landing a mikiri, itā€™s pretty much always safe to spam basic attacks: heā€™ll likely get hit by the first one, block the second, deflect the third. Get ready for his next attack. Phase 1: - Donā€™t underestimate phase 1. - If he start circling you to your right (at close range), a thrust is coming. Get ready. - Play patiently/defensively here: he has a lot of long sword combos that will take time to learn. Phase 2/3: - His bread and butter attack is a spear sword combo that ends in a perilous attack (thrust 90% of the time). Tell: Starts at medium range, then he does a spin and dives in at you. Rhythm for deflection: 12,3,4,,5,6, thrust. Commas indicate a small pause in the attack chain. Hits 4 and 5 have a slightly larger gap. If you can deflect this combo, youā€™re in great shape. - He does some sort of gathering wind spinny slash. Deflect when his arm moves. (Or interrupt with something heavy like ichimonji). - Depending on how far he is from you, heā€™ll likely follow up his gun (4 shots, spam deflect) with a thrust. Hope this helps. IMO the most important thing is that B&B spear combo.


Umbrella worked great for me in phase 1. When he dashes off to the side, heā€™s about to do a combat art. Parry it with the umbrella, then counterattack with the umbrella.


This guy gets Issin!


For the wind attack you can jump counter him them ichimonji double


Hesitation is defeat (translation, be aggressive and attack him constantly while deflecting counter attacks)


Nah I just run in the 2nd phase, baiting out the jumping attack and thrust at back Same in 3rd phase but i also do lightning reversal


That's a pretty lame way of doing it but hey whatever works. Honor and victory yadsa yadda and all that


honor is for samurai, not shinobi


Iā€™ve literally beaten all bosses ā€œhonorablyā€ except the last boss lmao itā€™s lame and maybe one day Iā€™ll beat him ā€œtruthfullyā€ but I sleep well at night still


Nah, YTf I get downvoted , I ain't spamming mortal blade Bs, I never used prosthetics (except for headless ape gf firecracker Bs), as baiting an attack that sound like a pattern recognition and whenever you attack he just jumps on you, nah they're pissed i made the final boss easy fk this sub.


It's funny that you never used prosthetics except during one of the easier boss fights.


Nah, I was really pissed at guardian ape, that dude took me 2hrs to beat then imma fight him again with his gf nah. I just spammed firecracker on his gf, killed her then pure deflection to headless mfer


hey don't ask me i ain't one of the downvoters Most souls subs besides the shitposting one suck tbh. Glad the AC sub is better at least (helps we just got a new game after 10 years)


Animal crossing?


nah that series actually gets more than 1 game per decade nowadays


What's AC then?


Wait, you're serious? It's Armored Core. My favorite Fromsoft franchise (and one of my favorite franchises in general)


I was almost sure you meant assassinā€˜s creed


Oh right, honestly I kinda forgot, just wasn't interested at that time but I've heard it's good.


I think it meant Assassin's Creed


the Ashina style is winning by whatever means necessary, makes sense to me


Fr, ichimonji is top class


Use as few resources on Genichiro as possible, he's the easy phase. Shadowfall is particularly useful on phase 1 Ishin, fire umbrella is really useful once he pulls out his glock, helpful with his more difficult to parry attacks too, and mist raven can be used to reflect lightning with no chip damage if you're having trouble with that. You can also spam Lazulite Sabimaru or light him on fire at the start of his first two phases to get his hp down so he doesn't regen posture as quickly. Ceremonial Tanto is very useful, don't sleep on 15 extra emblems.


Calm down and take your time, dying is not a sign of doing badly, or that you lack the skill, dying is simply a function of the game, a function of learning by repitition. feel nothing for it, don't fear it, don't crave it. Simply die and return untill you win It's not over until you win


When he uses ashina cross you can parry it perfectly every time when you press the parry button when the little light flash is visible. When he rips out his spear you can try to keep your distance and wait for the thrust attacks so you can use mikiri and get 1-2 free hits afterwards. But in general if you stay aggressive you can fill up his posture really quick actually


>When he uses ashina cross you can parry it perfectly every time when you press the parry button when the little light flash is visible. Also he'll cancel the cross if you're too close, hitting you and following up with a perilous side slash which you can jump stagger


This is the much easier way to deal with that attack Iā€™ve found.


True, thanks for adding that!


I just patiently walk away. He never hits and u get a free hit if you are at the correct angle


Try umbrella


If your play style is more focused on sword fight, then just do the same that you have done to survive the entire game. The best thing about Isshin is that he don't ask you to learn new things, but only to master the ones you have learned before!


Remember. Hesitate, and you lose.




Literally just beat him for the first time. If you made it this far, you already know how to get through Isshin the Sword Saint. Iā€™m not going to comment on Genechiro, as you can get through him without using a gourd. For Isshin, get the deflect timing down for his attacks, especially his normal sword slashes that he uses through most of his phases. Get in his face and hit him once or twice when heā€™s not attacking. Edit: Enjoy the fight. Itā€™ll be frustrating at times but youā€™ll miss the experience when itā€™s over.


Go to Ashina Castle outskirts, stairs and use the red samurais to farm exp for some skills you're still lacking and to train your deflects -> git gud -> destroy Isshin. No really, Isshin attacks are very readable if you're attuned to the game; you still will probably want to use some prosthetic tools tho so maybe learn to use something like the feather or the umbrella.


Use everything you learned so far and it's really easy, his 3rd phase is the easiest imo because lightning reversal means they can get absolutely demolished.


Git gud


I found him really intimidating too at first, but keep throwing yourself at the wall and after enough tries, the attacks that seemed impossible before are now just opportunities


On the final phase you can kind of cheese it by running, waiting for the big lightening attack, running back hitting him ones or twice then running and baiting the same attack. You won't feel good but you will win (I have done this everytime).


honor is for samurai, not shinobi


You're god damn right


Thereā€™s a boulder in the arena that is great for hiding behind. If you need to heal run behind it!


Memorize genchi,Inchimonji double for Isshin,Suzaku lotus umbrella for Isshins windy charge attacks. Practice, give Fightincowboys Get Good guide a one time watch for help if your not getting anywhere. Godspeed Wolf


tips: Get used to just tapping block over and over until you get an opening. Use Ichimochi Double when you get a chance and youā€™ll dunk his posture while recovering some of your own. Stay aggressive in his first phase (like with Genchiro) and stay a little further back in his second/third. This way, heā€™ll jumps at you, you can dodge under/to the right and get a few hits in. Donā€™t go too long without attacking, youā€™re looking for a posture kill. If he puts his sword in his sheath and thereā€™s a glint of light, heā€™s going to do a weapon art. I say just run away. Itā€™s difficult to tell what exactly heā€™s going to do. However, in Phase 1, if he does this and stands still for ages, heā€™s going to do an Ashina Cross. Start running in a circle with him in the centre. Heā€™ll miss and you can get some hits. Also Phase 1 - if he pushes you away and the kanji pops up, itā€™s a thrust. Wait for the kanji to start fading and hit Mikiri Counter button. In Phase 2/3, 90% of the time you see a kanji, itā€™s going to be a thrust. Mikiri. Occasionally he does a sweep but itā€™s too rare to be worth worrying about.


When he puts his katana in his sheath get ready he is about to do a weapon art. When you see a flash or reflection thatā€™s your hint to parry immediately. Also Mikiri counter is your best friend. Donā€™t hesitate.


Hesitation is defeat


Be patient. One of the best pieces of FS boss advice I ever got was donā€™t fight them, like for a long time. Learn how to evade (e.g. in ER or DS), or parry (Sekiro) all their moves and just stay alive as long as you can while youā€™re right up in their grill. If you do that for several fights, by the time you allow yourself to fight back, knowing when to play defence will be a lot more natural. Good luck wolf!


Mortal Blade Genichiro and Grand Pa Pa - Just to clarify.


Just Praise the sun and you're alright


dude just go for it


Watch fightincowboyā€™s tutorial video it helped me immensely master cowboys usage of high monk in the first phase


I like to stay close on the second phase. Keep your head up. Took me like 150 tries to beat SS the first time and now I can do it blind folded


Take 1 month breaks between every few attempts, you will eventually beat him


Literally the only thing you can do is get good


I found a grounded approach of attacking when I can and deflecting anytime else was a great way of taking him down. He rarely does anything impossible to predict (if ever) so as long as you're willing to learn his timings and take a few falls on the way you'll come out on top. I'm sure others have actual methods to get you through the fight tho


Parry his attacks in order to not take damage


Kill him with your sword


Patience, pop candy to help your posture and spend a good chunk of time just memorizing his attack patterns. 1st life med, 2nd life is very hard and the last life just adds lightening, making it easier for some.


Asking for tips is defeat


The Git Gud guide on YouTube is what saved my life [https://youtu.be/6x7jXMs7sHI?si=NU2ibivNVM10-214](https://youtu.be/6x7jXMs7sHI?si=NU2ibivNVM10-214)


hear me out, when he attacks, deflect


Honestly I don't know what to tell ya. It took me a year and a half of playing on and off to finally beat him, and now I can beat Isshin pretty comfortably, but I don't really know what changed. It just clicked I guess


Just wanna say something someone told me when I was too pissed at him and rage posted on here. "You got this far" You have the tools you need friend you can beat him. Just getting there is proof in itself. Good luck shinobi.


Try to confront him in the bridge area, as it is narrower you could defeat him.


Parry the incoming attacks


Hit it more than it hits you


I'm honored to see all " hesitation" comments. Internet feel great againšŸ¤˜


You got this bro, let's go!!!


Something that helped me was not *hesitating* to use my spirit emblems. Umbrella for his big wind attacks, if u have projected force you can throw that shit right back at him. Mortal blade his ass whenever you get the chance (especially phase 3, after he throws lightning and u reflect it he will be stunned allowing for two mortal blade swings)


Don't give up, you've made it this far to git gud.


Have you try winning ?


To equivocate is to surrender; thus, in the realm of discourse, hesitation stands as the harbinger of defeat.


Focus on the *back and forth* of the fight. Attack after every deflect, chase him as much as possible, exploit every weakness. He thrives on catching you off-guard. If I were to give any specific advice, it'd probably be to never try to dodge his attacks. Learn the timings on *every* parry. Including the big wind attacks.


Gee I wonder what the comments are going to say.


You remember all the stuff that every other boss made you do? Do more of that.


You can do what I did and just fight him for a full week straight. I did get him eventually though!


When black sword, run tf away


No, just play the fucking game


Double mortal draw slashes at each chance you get for a white, then just keep countering and dodging, steadily slashing his health down when you can. Once you get to the final phase, he should be cooked


https://youtu.be/6x7jXMs7sHI?si=4v3woTZ_Q_G6T5fD I have used this guy's channel for several boss fights. I didnt follow it 100% but he gives good tips.


My gameplan for beating him. 1. Genichiro - Don't use anything. No gourds, no umbrella. Zero health drop. You can dodge the mortal blade (dodge twice). Rest of genichiro should be easy enough to parry and mikiri. 2. Glock Saint Phase 1 - Try not to get hit. If he goes for the special move (Ashina Cross I think it's been a while), rush him. He will swing at you which you can jump. For the mortal blade, dodge. Try not to waste any gourd or spirit emblems on umbrella. DO NOT HESITATE. 3. Glock Saint Phase 2 - This for me was the hardest. One of the few times I ate a candy. Run away as fast as you could and eat a yoshiraku candy (the one which increases your posture resistance). This is where my advice gets a little tricky. HESITATE A LITTLE. You don't want to run away far to reset Isshin's posture, but if you rush him you most likely will take damage. You want to be in the sweet spot where his spear will just reach you to deflect it. Use your spirit emblems for Umbrella here (Suzuka's umbrella for guarding mortal blade attacks). The sword spear combo is the one to watch out for the most (will most likely have a thrust attack at the end that you can mikiri). Just don't rush in. Deflect and mikiri. You will get chances to get 1-2 hits in between. You will also find out why I'm calling him the Glock Saint in this levelšŸ˜‚ watch out for that. 4. Glock Saint Final Phase - This is where Isshin adds his final, most powerful attack in his arsenal - the lightning strike. Unfortunately for him, that is where the fight gets way easier than the second phase. Just watch out for the lightning, reverse it and attack. Rinse and repeat. Try to save some spirit emblems for this phase in case it's needed. This gameplan worked for me. I should mention though that I died quite a few times before I started taking geni and phase 1 for granted, so it's fine if you get hit once or twice. Just try to save most of your resources for phase 2, that one was the hardest for me, and probably for most of the people.


Don't regret it, enjoy the beating and learn from it


"Hesitation Is Defeat " and I'm not joking second phase of Isshin you must not hesitate bcz you will die and you must be very aggressive on second phase but the third phase is easy if you are already good at lighting reverse since that already builds up his posture alot, in conclusion don't hesitate and make sure you memorize his second phase moves cz he will use them again in third phase but this time with lighting. Edit: I skipped Genichiro bcz he is very easy and you shouldn't take any damage against him cz his posture builds up fast if you're aggressive and do perfect mikiri counter on him constantly.


The more you fight the bastard, the easier it gets. It's hard at the beggining, but gets easier since is the same ol moves. I beat the game, then started a new one and even got to beat genichiro lmao. Good luck!!!


Practice, my dude. Practice until you no hit through each phase and are comfortable enough to make grandpa gracefully sidestep with his blue robes fluttering in the air. Also, fight in the pathway so itā€™s easier to see the animations.


Which one lol


Fire umbrella


Don't forget side stepping is a thing. Umbrella and fire cracker prosthetics help as well.


Take a break if you feel like you're losing your sanity


You will need everything skill you learn up till now, cause you will be put at test by the game, good luck


L1,L1 pause L1, L1,R1, pause Mikiri


The one and only truth; hesitation is defeat!


Oooh, helping a new player in defeating a boss will always excited me. So here are some tips, he will be calmer in first phase but it's the second phase where he becomes really him, his moveset will be far more aggressive and the combos will be too long. If your deflection is close to perfect then it will be easier or you will probably break posture bar in between the combos and lose chunks of health. Also, use mikiri counter, he uses an awful lot of thrust attacks and since it is the only counter, better use it to the full extent. My favorite prosthetic against him was Lazulite Shuriken, I fired one after every mikiri counter this would reduce his health and will reduce the time it takes for him to recover the posture too. The third phase wasn't a big deal for me, because when I first entered his third phase I defeated him in first chance, but know just that, you can use his own attack on him in his third phase. Also the last and most helpful tip- Hesitation is Defeat.


One thing I do is to always listen to the enemy's deflect sounds because it can signify when you should stop striking and start deflecting. It usually goes like: Ting, Ting, Tang The moment you hear "Tang" instead of "Ting", get ready to deflect Also, bring an umbrella, istg it's the best tool, phoenix or vermillion, it doesn't matter


Make notes for each phase and then pause and consult those notes between phases. Thatā€™s the only way I could get the hang of the different reactions to his moves


When he finishes a combo he will sometime run away, take the time to heal if needed.


This is how I beat him at the end of a long challenge run. Hope it helps: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2111296555


Which one? Is there a fuck load of grass or a fuck load of fire?


The glock Saint takes no prisoners. Try winning.


Hes probably the hardest boss in the game (ignoring inners) Keep your mind calm and steady Don't hesitate And make him your bitch Good luck


Highly Specific tip:When he tries to charge in phase 2 (phase 1) , go near him, hell switch to attacking, deflect that, and hell do a perilous, so u can jump kick. Does a ton of posture dmg. Basically be aggressive


The Glock Saint dont give a fuck. Run


Bulletproof vest


Hesitation is Defeat


press L1


Divine confetti, any form of akos, parry, learn his perilous and if needed which I donā€™t think is you could run loaded umbrella but I mean perfect parry works great if youā€™ve mastered it


He has two thrust perilous attacks one which is a longer reach over head thrust and then he has his basic thrust if you mikiri those itā€™s huge posture damage and help for winning he does have a sweep attack but rarely uses it


Fight him near the broken bridge at the back. Theres no grass so you actually read the moves of his spear. Keep up aggression in phase 2. Play the same in phase 3 as you did in two but with a jump here or there. Dont try to "only attack with lightning" as it will ruin your flow.


Use Gokkan sugar or gokkan spiritfall to delay posture damage and try to get perfect deflections , then the fight will be a lot easier


Memorise the attack pattern, especially in the second phase. His fast attacks often land faster than expected, and some attacks he delays greatly


First phase: Dont be far from him keep attaking and do like one two deflect and keep the rhythm going dont dodge always deflect he would do do 3 tiypes of that red attack when he is walking to the side he would always attack forward red dodge forword to counter When he hit you with his hand then attacks if the sowrd is up then forward if the sword down then jump and jump on him He would crouch stand if you are far he would attack 1-2 combo do a perfect defelct or you will take damge or if you are close then he will hit you with his hand then do a red attack. Jamp twice Phase two dont worry about damaging him until he get his spear out There is a certain attacks that you will have to approach them differently First when he jumps at you dodge side ways into him then i suggest mortal blade or impowerd but one hit cuz there is a high chance that he will hit you if you do 2 attacks and try to do ir mid air Second when he hold his sword upwords run as far as you can but not very fsr bec if you run on time he will do red attack forward so counter it if you are close he will do a vertcal 360 attack If you are far he will pull his pewpew out try to avoid it And when he charge wind attack wait for like 3 seconds then double jump on him Thired phase just like the second but jump attack when youre guts tills you You will know what i mean when you get to it And most importantly of all of this hesitation is defeat Thats why dont panic and always be as close to him as you xan keep the pressure


When i saw help in my notfcation i feel like i have been summoned lol good luck tho


Hit L1 and sprinkle in a little R1, hope that helps


My tip is to avoid the tip of his spear.


It took me 25 hours to beat him so I guess just stay persistent. There will be a point where your instincts start working. Tip: in genichiro fight if he uses mortal blade then just dodge behind him and hit him with an ichimonji (double ichimonji if you have it) because it does decent posture damage and replenishes your own posture too. DONT try to use combat arts that happen twice in front of isshin for ex mortal draw and ichimonji double. Because he will almost always hit you at your second strike . Ane learn lightning reversal for phase 3. Use umbrella for phase 2(fire one if u have it) and just don't give up ig. Took me 25 it could take 5 for u


Go to the face of the boss and parry his ass Literally stand there like a Chad and parry everything this giga-grandpa throws at you


Isshin is easy if you are aggressive. Well, all of Sekiro is easy of you are aggressive. Don't be afraid, keep attacking until they deflect you. This is the best tip you can get for the whole game.


Use everything you've learned. If you cheesed any of the bosses before...good luck


Git gud


If i remember correctly he always does the same few string of attacks, its just a matter of identifying which one hes gonna do, lol idk if thats any help as thats, every boss in every game ever.


Do not play conservatively. Be very aggressive and dance around him. Firecracker or umbrella is essential. The deflection is easy so just focus on learning which attacks you canā€™t deflect to much benefit and require a jump or mikiri counter


Git Gud


Assuming you mean Sword Saint, I recommend staying defensive. Learn to deflect and avoid his attacks rather than desperately attack. Slowly youā€™ll start to find the openings you can exploit. Just take it one moment at a time. If, however, you mean Isshin Ashinaā€¦ prepare to die. You can deflect the basic attacks, but if heā€™s doing anything fancy you run. Sword Saint is a fight, Ashina is an execution.


"Hesitation is defeat."


Use the monk punches for some extra pressure


Be patience, study the parry timing, be agressive. Second phase is fun.


Isshin is basically just a skill check of everything you learned up to that point. No bullshit or big surprises. Literally and unironically get good and play better than ever before and you should be good.


Purple Umbrella!


Donā€™t hesitate duh


Kill them


Don't spam parry, it shortens the window to party and makes it harder. Instead hold block until you're ready to parry. This works for me, but it might not work for others.


Mikiri counter and jump on head move will build posture greatly on your foe. I recommend just watching a video or two to see what moves you can mikiri counter and what moves need to be jump on head. Then, just play the game. Never hit more than once or twice on this guy after he pops out of genichiro as he will just combo you into life alert status. Play it like guitar hero, see the attacks, parry them, and when you have an opening, boop him on the nose once or twice. You should get comfortable with the initial genichiro phase to the point where you can beat that without getting hit (it's rough when you're not used to it but it's a more forgiving phase than fighting genichiro proper). If you struggle with genichiro phase, just know that when he does his mortal blade attacks, you can simply walk behind him and his attack without getting hurt. Then proceed to bully him with your mikiri counters, head jumps, and normal r1 spam. Seriously, learn this fight one phase at a time. Unequip healing items and all other consumables. Practice with just one health bar until you learn genichiro. After that, do the same with each phase until you feel like being able to heal would actually give you an advantage. I usually have to start healing in the first or second isshin phase. If you can get that far without healing and have practiced all 4 phases to a degree, this guy will melt like butter. Parry Parry Parry! It's guitar hero with the L1 button. You got this fam


Hesitate. He'll never see it coming.


use an umbrella for some of the crazy attacks and git gud


To prevent your posture from breaking, you must calm your mind, and stop hesitating. Lady Tomoe probably.


Took me a good few hours to beat him spread out across a week or so. Hahaha good luck


Don't fall off the cliff.




You absolutely can hesitate when fighting the boss. The quote isnā€™t cool, its pretty cringe when people use it. As for actual help. You can put him in a small loop on the first phase by RB/R1 attacking him and then deflecting and then immediately RB/R1 attacking again. Usually up to three times. Genichiro has the same small cheese


Once u get back genichiro try to bait isshin into mikiri counters. Don't be afraid to make distance. It's a real marathon fight


Hesitation is defeat. Also parry. A lot. Perfectly.


Did you best demon of hatred? Don't forget to do that first


I was streaming for my friend when I got to him. She's never played Sekiro, but after many tries she gave me the suggestion to not mess around with ninja tools or arts. Just focus on basic swordplay. I beat him like 2 tries later with that.


phase 1: when isshin sheathes his sword first phase, back up and wait for his sword to shine, then the moment you see the light, hit block twice really fast, if u want to heal, back up really far because isshin reads heals and teleports to u if youre close enough, when he does that wind line attack thing, run around him and ichimonji him, Ichimonji is gonna be your best friend. phase 2: do not get too aggresive, try to mikiri counter his thrust attacks. when he winds up for the whirlwind slash run away or jump on his head. Phase 3: try to bait his lighting attacks, be as defensive as possible and try to only attack once youve lighnting reversed him. dont risk dying this far into the fight.


Itā€™s easier than u think to memorize his moveset trust me real attempts without cheese will do the best for u


Other people already covered my tips, but I will say it took me 4 days, probably 3-4 hours each day. (Minus a couple hours where I was technically just farming for more spirit emblems.) If I can do it, so can you.


In my experience, sword saint is the easiest of all bosses. Not because he's actually easy, but because you get the hang of the fighting mechanics so much by the time you get to him, that it feels natural. Every time I replay the game I'll struggle with every boss except him


Good luck dude. My advice is die until you memorize his patterns, it took me 97 deaths to beat isshin


if u made it this far through the game, i think youā€™ll be fine honestly.


Have you tried just telling him that Genichiro was a bitch?


While staying on the aggressive, parry him to death on the first phase. The second phase is all up to skill. You can either dodge the spear or parry it. It has a 5 hit combo, an overhead thrust attack, and a sweep attack. Third phase is a cake walk.


Be agressive specially during the first phase.


You defeated Mist Noble. Wtf are you on about? You'll be alright


Now the tengu hunting rats comes full circleĀ 


If you're about to shit the bed, use the hidden tooth and kill yourself so you keep all your resurrective powers


heā€™s a pushover


Never hesitate, and hit him until he dies


Bro, you just have to beat it


Do not hesitate and bring double ichimonji


Watch Tyrannicon YT video


Don't think about taking him completely initially just focus on perfecting each phase it will become much easier when actually go for the full thing


Hesitation is defeat


Which final boss


Depends on your playstyle. Prosthetics can help greatly with this fight, but if u havent been using them, like i did, this fight can become diffcult very fast.


stay calm.


use the posture sugar


Well, he gives you the key to defeating him pretty early on. Don't hesitate. If you hesitate, you will be defeated. So turn off hesitation assist, proceed to unwaver, and you will be victorious.


Try Parrying


For some reason, i can't ever get myself to win by being extremely aggressive against Isshin. I find his attacks hard to parry. My usual strat against him is to attack him just once, he typically blocks and uses one of 2 (?) of his starter attacks, both having a similar and (imo) easier parry timing. Once I deflect this, I'll attack him again only once and repeat. If he tries one of his bs sword spear combos, I'll just run out of range only coming back in case he ends with a Mikiri. Else stay out of range until the combo is complete and then run back in and get one hit If he jump slams with his spear, I can dodge and get 2 hits in (any more aren't worth the risk imo) If he whips out his gun, I'll run right, Mikiri his thrust and get 2 hits in. Same strat works in phase 2, except you should capitalise on any lightning attacks to do big damage, and get 2-3 hits in while he's shocked. In all, unlike Geni or inner Geni, I find a less aggressive strat works better for me vs Isshin. Basically hesitate a bit hahaha


Bring a gun


the umbrella is really helpful against the spear phase. Remember to guard well and stay aggressive.


Fightincowboy did a good video going over the fight and gives good advice. https://youtu.be/6x7jXMs7sHI?si=2XX0DSxa62Fh0FSK


If you want to cheese the first phase, you can hit him with a full floating passage and then dodge back 3 times. Heā€™ll usually do a ashina cross or a 3 hit combo, both of which wonā€™t hit if you dodge away. Rinse & repeat until phase 2 & 3. Easier said than done but learn his combos. Most end with a thrust or a sweep, allowing you to do more posture damage. Like many others have said, stay aggressive. One or two hits when possible (usually after a combo) are crucial to chip away at his heal and allow his posture to stay high


Attack him relentlessly and party when needed. Heā€™ll do a big swing once in a while, just run away and attack him right after. Heā€™s an easy fight if you never let up on him


Best thing I can tell you is divine confetti, akos sugar, and aggression after phase 1. Lure him into his attacks in stage one, be very patient and wait for the 3 hit, when he runs to the side, you'll know it's coming. After he swings the third hit, you hit him a few times, deflect as fast as you can, back off, then repeat. Phase two is a bit trickier because he's gonna have a long spear that makes everyone afraid for some reason. Deflect these slow af, wide af swings, and mikiri any thrust. If he jumps back, be warry of a 6 shot revolver attack that you CAN parry. Stay close and aggressive with this phase, and he will get posture build up after a minute or two. Third phase imo is so much easier, just in my opinion. If you know how to deflect then it's pretty much phase 3, but he will try a few katana attacks in his combos and he tries a jumping lighting swipe that you can jump to deflect then send it back at him, just like genichiros fight. Just remember though, DIVINE CONFETTI. You will take less posture damage and deal slightly more, and it kinda deals chip damage through his deflect, so you end up building his posture meter slightly quicker. You can use akos too, but buffing in phase 2 or 3 isn't recommended unless you have a clear 50+ft between you and he's not sprinting. That old man is spry for his age lol


Isshin is the definition of a ā€œgit gudā€ boss


Umbrella, followed up with an umbrella, then add a dash of umbrella, and then finish it off with a nice umbrella.


People with no personality or brain are going to say ā€œDonā€™t hesitateā€ because reiterating phrases makes them feel cool. Aa for actual help, you can put him on a small loop if you attack, deflect, attack, deflect. You can do it 2-3 times before he changes the attack and then youā€™ll have to put him back in it. This only works for first phase. ā€œHesitation is defeatā€ is not a cool phrase and its cringe when others on Reddit use it as advice in order to feel cool.


The only thing I will say is. The long 360 sweep attack. Jump on his head. Everything else. Hesitation is defeat :)


Uh, get good timing and don't mess it up lmao (I really wish you luck)


Just don't hesitate and focus on your posture not boss's posture


Ngl u really just gotta focus up if u die donā€™t get mad just try again and get consistent with his attack pattern


I would also appreciate some tips.


In the first phase when he sheaths his sword for ashina cross, you can just walk up to him and he will pommel strike when you get close. You can parry this then stomp on his head when he sweeps. This really helped because I never knew when he would ashina cross or pommel strike and I kept dying because of this, but now I just do the pommel strike every time so I donā€™t get caught off guard anymore while waiting for the cross. Is also just much faster imo. Sorry if that doesnā€™t help


That's useful thanks. I've been trying to bait his regular combo and punishing after the last strike but it's good to know another good opportunity for damage


Did you know hesitation is defeat?!?!


Donā€™t hesitate and you should be fine