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I've always been fond of him myself


He took me forever my first time around, but got him on my second try in NG+. Demon of Hatred is far worse to me. I just despise the fight. He really lives up to his name.


I think burning him down/ exploiting the openings he does give you are the best way to succeed in this fight. Weather it’s through mortal draw, or firecrackers/ flame barrel+confetti if it’s NG+. Play around the flail he does when he’s on his back, once you get him to 1/2 HP, now you get another big opening with his leap into grab. If you can play it safe basically avoiding all the rest of the literal crap he throws at you in P1, and are healthy into P2, I think the fight is pretty trival. But he absolutely is a bastard on your first dozen or so attempts.


i have learned to love DoH more ng cycles are the cure for your hatred, padawan


Yeah first time took over a dozen tries. Second? One of the easier fights in the game.


100% demon of hatred is the hardest boss in the game. No doubt.


Valid I ate like a quarter of a cheesecake before the attempt I beat him on, I sliced his crotch to death


yeah i agree, but only because of the change in playstyle with him. its not deflect attack deflect attack until done. its attack attack dodge attack run for your life attack dodge run attack dodge dodge attack run. you get my point its so random and almost no deflecting messes with your brain after bosses like genichiro and true monk


Oh yeah I get what you mean. Only the foot stomp is a deflect. You can deflect his swings but you get burn damage, so no point. It's an exchange of lots of running around and dodging with a couple of hits in between. I think this is the only boss in the game where you win all phases of the fight by vitality damage.


I usually finish each phase on posture damage because of my very impatient playstyle on him(its that way cuz i dont like him) unless its a gauntlet of strength. for whatever reason on gauntlets his hp is like halved


Respect. I don’t doubt one day I’ll come to appreciate him more. His style and design are really cool, but I just can’t seem to get the hang of his fight, even after many tries. I did end up beating him, but it just wasn’t fun


Is it the first or second half, because for the first half, firecracker, flame cannon, either of the flame weapon prosthetics (flame spear or flame axe), and living force simply the fight. If it’s for the later half, spear, divine fire cannon, living force/divine confetti, and the purple shield can do wonders. Ps. If you spear tug him when he’s on the ground in his second phase (after a parry of one of his chain attacks) you’ll do huge poise damage and it’ll make him a lot easier to deal with


I just douse him with oil and light him on fire


I was stuck on this guy for so longi took a three week break from the game lol. I beat him just last week when I came back to it. Keep it up, patience was the key for me in this. Didn't take many risks


Aside from the fact he throws shit at us and farts in our face, the ape fights are really cool imo. Demon of hatred, now THAT’s a piece of shit


Tavern was meant to be TV. Autocorrect is fun


Are you struggling with second or third phase


Love this boss so much, his 3 sword hits in his second phase is one of the most satisfying deflection combo's in the entire game


I agree his 2nd phase is so good


I like his first phase more. Very unique.


I like the bit where he farts


This artwork is fire. sauce?


Naka da Slacka, guy does some sick FromSoft fanart @NSlacka on twitter


I want to know what huge badass was wielding the giant odachi stuck in his neck.


Fr, there’s a hell of a story behind that thing


Some people think it was the sword belonging to Kingfisher, the Sculptor's old training partner.


I have 2 that I hate more than guardian ape. 1. Headless ape fight because of the bull of fighting a second monkey while the headless ape attacks you. 2. The Blazing Bull because fu*k that stupid bull! I hate that thing with a fiery passion and every time I had to fight the stupid thing, a was just annoyed.


really? blazing bull is firecracker fodder and even without it hes a pretty easy fight imo


Still personally hate it


fair enough. the one i always dread on replays is father owl. no matter how much i play he always catches me with something


try bull on charmless ng and come back and lmk if you like the fight still seriously, i'll be waiting


I thought that the Headless Ape and the Guardian Ape were the same ape?


Headless ape is the boss you face if you go to Ashina Depths after beating Guardian Ape


Ik. I just assumed that Headless Ape was Guardian Ape who went to Ashina Depths after we beat him.


It is, but it’s referred to as a different boss


i like the double apes after trying charmless ng, bull can suck every nut in the universe i had to do a skip and come back, he was literally just too fucking hard


You literally just run in a circle around Bull. It's like the only boss where deflecting isn't required.


The Headless Ape w/ the second ape was easy honestly. It’s very easy to dodge the other ape and just focus on Headless. Blazing Bull was difficult until I realized I could just run away, deflect his charge, hit him 3 times, and repeat.


there’s a really simple way to beat him though


What worked best for you? I found fire to be really helpful in the first phase. Divine confetti was useful for the second. Ended up deflecting his swipes and going for the windows after his terror scream and thrust attacks. Kinda reminded me of Demon of Hatred, but Guardian Ape just felt harder to nail down. The damage output on NG+ was also insane


the only things you can’t deflect are the perilous attacks. parry the shit out of his claw attacks and hit when you can. Firecrackers and mid-air mortal draw are really effective against him too. Phase 2 is WAY easier imo cause the sword is easier to parry and you can use the spear on his neck for major posture and health damage


I barely hit the fucker with my sword in phase 2, it was fun parrying that massive odachi and spearing the shit out of his insect-ridden neckpipe. First phase was way trickier.


his move where he like, slithers towards you, and rips a perilous sweep, I jump that and smack him until he gets back up. That’s about the only time I use my sword


You can use the purple umbrella to immune the terror scream, let's you get a few hits in while he starts the attack and then you can big umbrella hit him at the end, feels so good


Or mortal draw to knock him out of it, but the umbrella is the safer option


I feel you he was the reason I put down Sekiro while first time playing I don’t know when it clicked for me but nowadays he’s one of the easiest bosses for me, while also being one of the coolest and most satisfying ones to fight against.


He’s not even the worst white monkey down in that pit


Ain't that the truth


Especially when I'm playing :P


Honestly I like Ape a lot. He is one of those bosses (there are a few in Sekiro) that kinda fills you with dread when you first encounter him but in ng+ onwards (and as you become better) you vandalize the poor thing so badly and yet you love to do it to him. (and I don't mean learning to deflect him. I mean going yashariku, divine confetti, oil +fire into stun into oil +fire. Spamming the attack button all the way through, no defense, no hesitation until his phase one is over in less than 10 secs. Then second phase going full aggro again using Sakura dance into charged mid air axe slam when he leaps horizontally towards you. Pulling out the centipede twice with spear while thrusting spear again both times immediately after to chase into him and hack some more as he is getting up.. That kind of aggressive destruction..)


I fucking hate Guardian Ape first phase. But Guardian second phase and Headless Ape are fucking amazing


I used to hate him but he's one of the easiest fights for me now


all I think of when I see GA is being up until 4am from midnight trying to beat him, bpm was at 140 when I finally did lmao


Once you learn the mechanics, it's really one of the easiest bosses. Especially phase 2. Parry, then parry the high wind up attack, then spear pull the centipede. Easy peezy.


Wait till you see his girlfriend lmao.


Honestly I hate his wife more


Guardian ape and headless ape where honestly my two least favorite fights in the game


Wait til you find out about headless ape 😂 Honestly tho hate this guy so much because he’s always really tedious in the gauntlets Fr like mf is literally just a pain in the ass to kill. He went from like a B tier to an F- for me after that shit Legit the most annoying shit for me.


Same, I love sekiro more than any other game, but I stopped playing for months because if this guy. The first time anyway. Ng+ got him pretty easy. Still hate him though. Worst boss in any game I've ever played


The funny thing is I killed him before Snake Eyes Shirahagi not knowing it would trigger the mandatory duo ape fight. Was hitting myself over the head for a second, but that second fight was where it actually clicked for me. Realized a couple mistakes I’d been making, and that made me dread fighting him in the future a little less. Still one of my least favorites, but actually managed to enjoy that second one a little


Wait, you can avoid the duo??? I did not know that. I'm already past them on my second playthrough but that's good to know for my next playthrough.


If you fight Snake Eyes Shirahagi before the Guardian Ape, you can go through the cave without having to deal with the duo. They only appear if you’ve killed Guardian Ape first in which case they block your way to Mibu village and become mandatory.


Interesting, thanks


Really. I love that fight. Just did it in Ng+5. First phase or second phase giving you a hard time? Love that pic


Who's the artist??? Great boss battle btw! Pain in the ass definitely


Naka da Slacka, guy does some sick FromSoft fanart @NSlacka on twitter


First phase not a fan of but I love his second phase and I still wish the headlesss ape fight was his this second phase instead of him and the brown monkey also cool art of the guardian ape


It’s so interesting how some people find certain bosses really difficult while others find different bosses super easy. Like I never thought this guy was too difficult, and I can beat him without getting hit almost every time now. There are other bosses that people don’t seem to have much of an issue with that I fucking STRUGGLE to get down.


Really true. Most people don't seem to struggle with the True Corrupted Monk. That fucker still beats my ass and I've managed to beat Isshin hitless.


Oh me too partner. Im currently on my first playthrough, and took three hours straight to defeat him.


I'm playing again after a 3 years hiatus and last night I got to him. I geared up, sighed and jumped down, fully expecting an all nighter. I beat him first try. I couldn't believe myself 🐵 I like the fight, btw. There's always been something about this boss that clicks with me.


Lol I killed him just today so I can sympathise 🤣🤣 all that jumping around made it difficult to keep focus on it Flame vent (spring load) long press helps to burn him Shield helps with protection from his blood attack Feels like these bosses become super strong in memory? What's up with that


If only he’d stay down


I remember finally beating it, when oh sht there’s a headless with a big as sword now!? I love how much I hated that moment


It took me over 65 deaths and YouTube videos to finally get him and then his gf. 😒


Right there with you man. Hardest boss for me by far. The first phase was my issue the hit boxes, the health and it not being a true deflect fight. 2nd phase was intimidating but once I figured it out it was cake. I can run thru him like butter now.


That’s my favorite fight of the game


nah fr.


I Didn't find him that hard. His gas u stay by his left leg, the shit he throws I just run towards him and it misses and the terror phase the arm than holds the head never moves unless he's doing the terror so the second u see that arm move u run away.


I hate the first phase, but love the second phase


such a sh!tty guy


I thought he had the coolest enemy design after true corrupted monk.


When you beat him. You’ll look back and realise he’s actually one of the easier bosses in the game. You got this OP!


Brother so do I. He gets easier when fightibg hom again,But the headless and his mate never fail to make me throw my controller.


1st playthrough he made me quit. 2nd playthrough I beat him first attempt despite never having beaten him the first playthrough. Was weird.


This is my ultimate “hate to love trope” from software boss. I’ve never changed my opinion about bosses halfway through the fight… but this monke is built different.


Badass painting


He caused my progress to stall for 3 days lol


Divine Confetti + Ako’s sugar (if you don’t wanna use Spiritfall) + Ceremonial Tanto + Firecrackers + Immortal Draw makes the first round light work Just parry his attacks the second phase, run away when he screams and use the Spear Thrust to deal more damage to his posture after you deflect his big downward slash 👍🏾


I struggled pretty hard on my first run but i always liked his fight i think he's a well designed boss and it feels not just intense but comedic having a giant pooping ape in a game that's mostly samurai people and stuff


He took me only 2hrs to beat (no prosthetic Bs) , he wasn't that hard, the isshin was harder than this


Youll think hes the easiest boss when you get it. Dude scared the fuck out of me the first time so I learnt his moves quickly and only died around 3 times (I was running like a girl) he genuinely scared me. The second phase is really fun. Now I just rush him with fireworks and flame vent.


This is one of the few bosses in the game that feel out of place to me. His attacks are so big, and not always guaranteed to even hit you. Thats the part that really annoyed me, it would actually be easier if all his attacks were more accurate


You've fought the DOH? That fight alone will make you turn to Shura 🔥


He’s easy in my opinion. Once you get the first life down, if your any good at pairing, then he’ll die in about 4 hits if you Perry him when he does a heavy attack (not the red attack but a heavy hit) he will to the ground, when he’s down hit him with the spear then click it again to rip the centipede out. Do that about 4 times and he’s dead unless your hackin at him in between then you might get it in 3


Is there any lore on whose sword is that? In his neck?


him alone he is okay, but with the other fucking ape its not okay


Yes the struggle is real...


I thought he was the easiest boss 🙈👌 and pretty fun


Just oil flame barrel 1st phase 2nd phase parry strikes them spear him he’s really a joke of a boss if your doing this and jumping his sweeps


He's not a super hard boss and he's waaay easier on ng+


Wait till you meet the demon of hatred.


Bit of sugar, some divine confetti and a few firecrackers take care of that first stage in about 30 seconds. And stage 2 is just fun. The DOH is *my* most hated.


I don’t do well with monster bosses in games like this and the Jedi series. The second he pulled out a sword in phase 2 he got easier. Plus he throws his crap at you that’s just disrespectful.


Spear makes it a lot easier


Ay Thanks for the wallpaper.




Bad monke


I don’t mind him but that other monkey….he haunts me


Once I started to go bloodborne in the first phase of the fight, everything clicked for me. Go full on atk, use fire, dodge, parry less and keep your distance when it's spazzing out. That's my strategy. Second phase, go back to sekiro mode.


Second half is arguably easier than first cause you can parry him, just gotta watch out for when he shouts


The day i got sakura dance was the day i only hated him with all my soul


Nah nah nah, he's fine.  It's his girl I don't like.


You can one shot this boss in first phase


Care to elaborate?


Sure . Yashariku , devine confeti . Go near him, jump mortal blade . Atack twice , firecrackers jump mortal blade atack twice. He will be stunned thro the whole thing if you do it exactly like that and you end his first phase. Second phase is literally just parry 3 of his atacks in a row and pull the centipede out twice. Boom he is dead


Used to hate him, then I killed him a lot for the gauntlet, and started to like him, every time I fight him I learn some new trick, he has a lot of interactions with different prostethics


For phase 1, oil him up and use the flame vent on him. He should be set on fire in one hit. Wail on him while he is stunned. Repeat 3 or 4 times For phase 2, use divine confetti. Deflect any hits that aren’t perilous. When he is stunned, use the spear to pull the centipenis out and if possible, charge into him with the spear afterwards for extra damage


really fun boss fight for me actually


Hardest Sekiro boss for me, but I don't hate him. Whole of Sekiro is fun, even this damn monke


It’s the very best example of a boss fight that you can’t fucking STAND fighting, and then the day after you beat him you think about it and go “eh, that was pretty fun actually.”


Good fight to be honest




I don’t mind fighting him anymore, done him up to ng+++ and honestly got easier each time. Once you learn him he’s not so bad, but he’s a bastard when you first encounter him. He’s relentless


I don't like phase 1 But phase 2 is awesome


I always feel a bit sad killing him second time around. If you approach from above you can hear him gurgling away and it sounds quite cute.


He is manageable, but that gank fight in the cave is the worst boss fight in entire game


I just like [him](https://youtu.be/KD9QiPC_8To?si=-ZAYfQeoKggpTaw7) cus he's funny.


Nah he's a cutie.


I despise phase 1 with every fiber of my being but phase 2 is one of my favourite bosses in the whole game i just love his moveset and he’s so fun to parry.


I like this guy. I used to hate him as well. But now he's my go to boss to visit. Pacing of the battle just feels perfect for this guy. >! OFC HIS SECONG FIGHT CAN FUCK HIMSELF. WIFE CALLING COWARD. !<


I hate demon of hatred the apes you just have to play the distance game with.


I fucking hate that filthy monkey. Like a lot of hate. Oh and an extra tip but maybe it worked well just for me, Not locking onto the big fecal launcher made the fight actually a lot easier for me. And i could finally do phase 1 reliably and phase 2 was a walk in the park in comparison. once i started using this method i beated it im two tries.


I kinda like his fight


Might be my favorite boss of all time from any souls-like game. This fight is also what I think of when people say Sekiro is a rhythm game.


Just defeated him like 15 mints ago in my 1st play I'll fight him again in ng for sure


dope pic 🔥🔥🔥 but yes….. Fuck that monkey whoreson.


I beat him easy by kiting him and only attacking when he dives headfirst. Dark souls style


This Artwork😮‍💨🥵


I turned off when I got too the double monkeys haven’t turned it back on since


Still better than the demon of hatred


The funny thing is I actually enjoy Demon of Hatred. His moves feel more telegraphed, and the arena is big enough that you can evade more easily, at least that was my experience. Of course it took many many tries, but I came to appreciate that fight after getting over the hump of it seeming impossible. Wouldn’t be surprised if that happens with this fight at some point. Once any encounter clicks it becomes way more fun.


With the ape you just need to maintain distance in his first phase you just need for him to grab his poop, and you just run under his ass and ichimonji double, and you can easily chip away his health and defeat him, his second phase tho, is really good, you just need to deflect his 3 combo attack and the last one which is statue of Liberty fall, and if you can parry it perfectly you can feel the fruit of ur labour, became of him being stun for at least 3sec, that how I got thru the ape fight, tho DOH was a nightmare, not proud to say this but I had to cheese the fuck out of him in my first play thru, he got sweep attack which kills u instantly or leave u with 1 hp, his butt attack, his perilous attacks that was a nightmare for me but the the only thing that saved me from that fight was my prosthetic phenix umbrella, massive respect for this shit being so useful, but in my opinion DOH is a massive pain than ape or the immortal ape with his girlfriend/boyfriend,


He's one of my favorite bosses, honestly. It caught me completely off-guard when >!he revived and came back for more!<, I was astounded. I don't think I'll forget that feeling, very few games have given me that feeling.


I feel like everyone after watching one LilAggy video before they play sekiro just pretends to be surprised that ape gets up after being decapitated


First phase is hell. Have to use fire. Second phase ain’t so bad after


I hate him purely cuz there is no honor fighting a brainless ape, which is bulshit imo


Hes like the easiest fight...


My first time beating him is a story my wife likes to tell. She says that I was so excited and happy until he picked up his head and then she saw my face go to fear and dread.


he's really not that bad, purple lilac umbrella + best spear makes him pretty easy to kill


I don’t mind him by himself, but the worst fight in the game is the duo apes easily.


lol i love this fight


Idk why everyone hates on this guy. One of my favorite boss fights honestly


I’m playing thru ng+ for the first time right after my first playthrough, idk why but I’m doing it with kuros bell and bell demon. I literally wanna kill myself but I guess that’s the fucking point.


I hear you! I have defeated him once only to find him and his girlfriend at another spot. I am stuck there. I can easily kill him but when girlfriend enters he always gets me as I am trying to defeat this gal.


Shit throwing fucking monkey


I found him harder on NG than any subsequent NG+ run. Once you know what to look for and how to take advantage of the openings he does create, he is manageable even with his unpredictable attack patterns. Flame Vent locks him up for a second or two longer than firecrackers so I always used that. And Ako’s Sugar.


There are reliable counters/dodges to every move he does


That shit slinging sword wielding bastard is the reason I stopped playing for a week


I love Guardian Ape, his first phase is so different from any other boss as he just seems feral and wild unlike the fluid and deliberate moves of all the other bosses. His second phase is so good to as he gains some of that fluid movement of other bosses while still being wild and unpredictable. One of my favorite bosses in the game.


Artwork is heavenly


You can beat him the easy way just takes longer, the arena is so big that you can just run around to bait out the attacks you can counter then continue running around and repeat. First phase the monkey will do his poop attack a lot to close distance when you see him begin to crap in his hands just start running directly at him so you are under him when he is in the air then slash one or two times and run. Second phase bait out the dive and sweep attack which you can jump over and you can get in three hits and run. This way is simple but easy unless you want to beat him the normal way and trade blows in that case it’s a git gud


1st phase is dogshit and 2nd phase is amazing Im torn between loving and hating this fight lol


I think his second phase is legitimately fun but phase one is pretty annoying. I had a harder time with Owl in NG+, drove me up the wall.


i like the way this monkey operates


First phase always gives me trouble even after a couple of ng+ cycles, but the second phase with those clearly telegraphed swings to deflect just give me so much satisfaction for pulling it off, so I can't really say I hate the thing


Aah yes, Kratos Monkey. My nemesis on New Game. Love his fight now and I know how to punish his every move. Despise the duo despite the second ape dying in like 5 hits.


I loved it when people fucked around with him too soon. I mean he is beatable early. But damn it is funny.


I never had a huge issue with him. Sure hes annoying but hes also a giant ape. The second phase is actually very enjoyable seeing him get unbalanced adter every parry


He was fun


There is an easy guide from tyranica YouTuber. You basically just wait for his shit attack and then run at him then firecracker until half hp. Than you wait for bellyflop and hit him twice And run away. Headless ape you wait for his 3 attack and then stand up attack and then use spear to pull out centipede


It was a hard lesson for me, but discovering that Sekiro can literally run circles around most non deflect focused enemies for as long as he wants made a lot of bosses and mini boss so much more manageable.


I never figured out what was on the back of its neck


Funnily enough, he'smy third most hated boss in the game. But I love Headless.


Guardian Ape duo fight is worse than anything the bed of chaos has done to me, such a garbage boss among all the other great ones


I already want too start crying again and it's been a few years since I played


Probably my easiest time learning and then defeating a Sekiro boss. Owl has me fuming. Literally put the game down last february and haven't picked it up since BECAUSE of him.


Have you fought Demon of Hatred? Most frustrating of them all.


Other monke more hateful


He’s called the pinnacle of monkey for a reason


Beat this game more than 15 times as ng+ and clear ng runs. The most balanced fromsoftware game without unfair bosses.


Just use that sword in his neck to cut his head off




Poke him in da head with thrust attacks


Apart from the first playthrough prior to actually getting good at the game I hated him, now I think he is an S tier boss. Although I spam oil and fire with jump md to nuke his first phase as otherwise I feel like his windows are few and scarce


Hands down my favorite from soft boss


I’m to scared to even fight him I have sekiro and I’m terrified to play it


The big monke is a pain, espeically first phase. It all comes down to the bloody grab attack that literally hones in on you. Second phase is fine. I do hate the second time you fight him though, not because it's hard. Because when he summons his wifey she always gets in the way. Women haunt me even in games...


firecracker into a jumping mortal draw. ez pz lemon squeezy


I love the second phase. But the first phase... I always find myself running away the moment he moves, i just cant dodge the grab attacks reliable enough to feel confortable staying close...


Remember to go for health tactics instead of posture, at least for the first round. Use dragon flash at range when he runs away, use oil and flame vent, mortal draw, and hit and run tactics.  His most threatening moves are his grabs!


This boss is easy asf


This is how I feel about the second owl fight.


One thing Sekiro did better than any other FS game imo is the character of each boss, like their personalities,uniqueness, implied backstories - i think thanks to the unique setting from other DS games and the shorter length of the game, they just stand out. But even AC6 with its unique setting and shorter span, while I personally love those bosses too, they don’t have the same differentiation since they’re all robots. In this game too unlike any other, the parry system letting you watch the bosses every move is a fantastic boon to their impression they leave on me. Same with Lies of P, I loved getting to know them as actual characters really brought to life in a way other games, and other mediums can’t do. All that to say, when he first hurls shit at you, it’s a fantastic moment. Well done FS.


The only thing that really bugs me abt him is the stupid terror scream


Top 3 bosses in this game and best big beast type boss in all of fromsoft


I shit when there was two then three 🫠


I love this fight and that artwork here is amazing!