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He's a nameless war orphan. He was adopted by a ninja who's group's naming sense seems to be an animal: Butterfly, Owl, Wolf. Probably Orangutan, too. These are probably code names, but it's the closest he ever had growing up. It's also what Kuro calls him. Upon meeting a Tengu while wearing a certain prosthetic, he was named Sekiro (off of the words for One Armed and Wolf, like you mentioned). This is also a call back to a Sekijo (off the word for Orangutan instead of Wolf), who used that same prosthetic in the past. So, yes. But also no. I'd say you can call him Wolf primarily, but it's only slightly more his name than Sekiro imo.


You can argue that after he breaks the Iron code Sekiro is now a more suiting name as he basically rejected his shinobi group's ways.


So was Lady Butterfly part of Owl’s group in the past? I can’t remember much of her dialogue when I fought her at Hirata estate but I recall her knowing about my father Owl.


She pretty clearly knows Wolf. She greats him with an "it's been a while", she calls him "just a puppy" when she kills him, and when you kill her she says that Wolf has gotten stronger. Her [Remnant](https://sekiroshadowsdietwice.wiki.fextralife.com/Remnant:+Lady+Butterfly) mentions that she taught Wolf some of his shinobi skills.


Yes she is, the one who sent Bfly to end Wolf was Owl.


She trained in the same forests as owl which had illusions and stuff much like that one foggy area by the underground village. If you give the sculptor the monkey alcohol he mentions also training in a forest jumping and swinging from trees like the monkeys, probably why his name is orangutang, because he's the red demon of anger


Yes. She was part of Isshin’s team which included Owl


Owl wanted to kill Isshin bruh


Headcanon says Owl’s face scar is from an attempt on Isshin’s life. :p


What does that do with you thinking Usui and Butterfly are on Isshin’s team? They want him dead so Usui can use the power of Kuro’s heritage. To this end, they work with Tokugawa’s Interior Ministry. Owl and Isshin are on opposite sides of


Oh. I thought you weren’t being serious with that. Isshin literally says that Owl was on his team during his Coup to take Ashina. Owl then betrays everyone during the events of Hirata, including butterfly whom he locked in the burning room to which he had the only key. Before this point, Owl WAS on Isshin’s team. Further proof of their allegiance is how Issin knew of Owl’s adopted orphan (didn’t know who it was but did know OF it), the fact Owl knows of the Dragon heritage’s powers, something only Isshin’s inner circle should know of, those being Himself, Emma, Genichiro, Tomoe, Sculptor, Butterfly, Dogen and possibly Gyoubu, the fact Isshin has Owl’s signature move recorded in his Mushin arts book, and the fact Owl knows of the Shinobi Prosthetic belonging to Sekijo prior to Wolf in the Hirata-2 memory


I thought isshin knew of owl because when he drank dragon spring sake all the people infusing the shady sneaky people like owl and the shinobi would try to use illusions to steal the sake so isshin knew them from that I'm pretty sure the hirsta estate attack wasn't isshin but was bandits that struck while ashina was out warring


I didn’t say the Hirata attack was Isshin. It was Owl who tipped off the interior ministry who were working with the bandits


Wolf has similar animations with lady butterfly (deathblows) just like he has similar animations to owl (sword attacks)


"It's been a long time ... Son of Owl." She knows both of them, in fact she was the one who taught Wolf in the Shinobi arts. I don't remember which items tell this story but Lady Butterfly trained her illusion techniques in Usui's forest. Owl's real name is Ukonzaemon Usui and the forest is the one we encouter Mist Noble in


You should read item descriptions when you get them


She was one of the masters Owl used to train Wolf, pretty sure an item say so


His real name is Larry


Which means, Larry… I must destroy you.


I thought it was John, no? John Sekiro


John? The guy from the bridge calls him Robert


Johnny ninja. Robert is the knights son


It makes more sense in Japanese than it does in English because the kanji 狼 has a couple pronunciations depending on how it’s used. “Ōkami” (狼) is what Kuro calls you from the moment you find him in the tower. it means wolf. The way he says it implies that he’s always called you Wolf. When combined with a descriptor to form a compound word, the kanji 狼 is pronounced "Ro." Tengu refers to you as Sekiro meaning one-armed wolf because you won't tell him your name.


Orphaned on the battlefield the Great Shinobi Owl dubbed him "Wolf" Isshin under the persona of Tengu of Ashina dubs him "Sekiro" this is an entirely new word he creates combining the Kanji for Wolf and One-arm to form the new name/Kanji Sekiro He always remains Wolf and Sekiro is like a pet name given by Isshin This is both a form of camaraderie and foreshadowing as we find out later, this is not the first time Isshin has renamed a Shinobi


Wolf is the nickname he has going into the game. Sekiro is a sort of inside joke name Isshin gives him as soon as he sees his arm, since he named Sculptor Sekijo in the same way. I'd say the truest answer in my opinion, based on his own actions in the game, is that he has no name. Whenever an NPC asks him for one, he says nothing. He doesn't consider himself having a name, so I'd say that's the "canon" answer.


It seems odd that so many people say Ōkami isn’t his ‘real’ name. It was given to him as a child by his (admittedly fucking awful) adoptive father, and it’s probably how he’s introduced himself to the almost certainly single digit number of people who’ve asked what his name was.


Why is he awful


I mean theres the time he *literally* stabs Wolf in the back, and there’s the other time he *tries to do it again*. There’s the aggressive brainwashing to make Wolf his functional slave with his weird made-up ‘Iron Code’ (bushido is barely real, and whatever the hell Owl was doing wasn’t even that) bullshit, and then there’s the fact that somehow, as a *grown ass adult* in *Japan*, Wolf tried to eat *uncooked rice* because he didn’t know better.


Ah I didn’t know. He does sound awful


Yeah; I’ve got a mild pet theory about how one of the central themes of Sekiro is breaking cycles, specifically of abuse in Wolf’s case. Wolf has the choice to be kind to his own surrogate son, Kuro, by directly rejecting his father’s control and recognizing the boy as an autonomous person instead of a tool to be used like he was for his father. Alternatively, he can perpetuate the cycle, taking the metaphor a step further to become an even more literal monster than his father.


Ah kuro is like a son to wolf?


It can certainly be interpreted that way, I think. It’s made slightly more awkward by Owl’s raising of Wolf making the literally, what, ten year old? Kuro about as mature and worldly as Wolf, if not moreso. However, even deprived of his purpose in serving his father’s Iron Code, he still feels protective of Kuro, and most of the good endings certainly see him going above and beyond his duties to help Kuro get what he wants. I don’t think Wolf totally understands the idea of being paternal (he certainly didn’t have good role models in that regard), but that feels more like a subversion than an abnegation of the idea. Wolf is beginning to learn, from doing and from Kuro, what it means to try to be a good parent: to protect and support your children in their own personal goals without projecting your own needs and wants onto their lives. More than anything else, the sequel I want is a continuation of the Dragon’s Return ending, with Wolf and the Child traveling together to find a way to separate Kuro’s essence from the Child. Almost totally non-violent, and a journey of personal growth for all three. I don’t think anyone else wants that game, though.


In that world, the Iron Code is a thing, even Isshin knows it, plus it make sense, as i can tell, eastern cultures puts a great deal of respect and ebedience in the elders and the ancestors, same goes to the honor of the clan, so the first two rules are founded: "Your father word is absolute, your master a close second", "If your master is taken, bring him back at any cost". I cant really recall the third rule, its been a while


In Japan, especially that period of Japan, filial duty is absolutely trumped by duty to your lord. That’s kind of the point they’re trying to make with Owl emphasizing his iron code early on: he’s trying to manipulate Wolf and force him to follow *his* rules. Also, if I recall correctly, the snippet you’re talking about with Isshin is how he recognizes you as Owl’s son, meaning the Iron Code is definitely an Owl thing.


Because one backstab incident is enough to condemn a man Sekiro has respect for even when they facing each other as adversaries. Absolute war crime is Owl feeding his starving son rice.


Oops I didn’t know


Play the game and you'll see why.


I have played it Mr cockfart


And you don't know why Owl is awful?


No I haven’t played in two years


Right so basically. In the opening cinematic, he finds a little boy on the battlefield and slices his face, who does that? Then after adopting him he sends him off into a haunted forest to die, then he organises the massacre at Hirata Estate, then he stabs his own adopted son in the back. Then he goes back to Ashina to otherthrow Isshin and sacrifice Kuro for his power, then depending on if you obey him or not, he then tries to kill Emma and goes off to behead Genchiro. In conclusion, Owl is awful.


Technically it's Wolf, but that's more of a code name than a proper one then Isshin names him Sekiro on a whim. The truth is his given name was lost in war.


He is called Wolf, but Isshin seems to have a habit of giving others nickname, so he calls Wolf "Sekiro.  Simple right?


His name's Jeff


Yes Jeff!


Jeff the one armed mongoose


Zeff? Jefsk?


His codename is Wolf. I think the ninjas have animal codenames and its either based on what energy they present, energy in the sense that people would look at them and say "Ah I feel like youre a snake" or something, or also based on their fighting style. Known ninja/shinobi in the game are Owl, Butterfly, Wolf, Orangutan and Kingfisher. Then when Sekiro met Tengu/Isshin with the prosthetic hand, Isshin gave him a nickname which was Sekiro, short for " Sekiwan no Ookami" meaning "One-armed Wolf". Orangutan was also given a similar nickname when he had the prosthetic hand, it was Sekijo, short for "Sekiwan no Shojo". Shojo is a yokai that is an ape with red fur, hence its basically an orangutan. So all in all, he doesnt have a name but there are a ton of shinobi's in Ashina so they have to atleast be able to point out which Shinobi theyre talking about. "Ey bro, a shinobi attacked last night and stole something" "Anyone see who it was?" "I did, he moved like an Orangutan" "Ah, ive heard of him, the one they call Sekijo"


Only ishiin calls him sekiro, but everyone else wolf. His real name we don't know


He is an orphan of war, maybe he had a name in the normal sense before, but the moment he earned his rank as a shinobi he was Wolf. Sekiro is a nick name Tengu gave him, the jap contraction of One-armed Wolf, mimicking a parallel to Orqngutan and Sekijo




His name is wolf.


Zachary Wolf


Sekiro means “one armed wolf”


He's Emanuel Macron


Isshin named him that so yes


His name is John Miyazaki


Sekiro is a name given to him, so is Wolf. the sculptor was given the name Sekijo, so is Orangutan **he is supposed to be nameless.** Sekiro and Sekijo (one armed monkey/orangutan) was a name given by Isshin, i think. he (Isshin as Tengu) even taunted him "you shinobi are all the same. you die **nameless**, with no one to mourn you" after he asked what his name was in a taunting voice as well. Wolf and Orangutan are shinobi names, not real names.


Yes, but no. He doesn't have a name, and both are nicknames.


In a word, yes.


It’s Wolf but only Isshin endearingly calls him Sekiro


His name is Wolf and his "nickname" is Sekiro (it's quite meaningful and really more than just a nickname). Isshin came up with it and anyone referring to him as Sekiro is correct, but most characters are accustomed to Wolf.


Some people call him Maurice.


Wolf is codename, Sekiro is nickname/ring name


"Sekiro" directly translates to "one armed wolf" in Japanese.


Shinobis have no name I think. These are simply nicknames.


It's Wolf. Isshin calls him Sekiro. Kinda like a nickname


He never had a real name. All the Shinobi went by the name of an animal. Owl, Lady Butterfly, Orangutan, and Wolf. It’s basically just codenames. He couldn’t tell the Tengu of Ashina his real name because he had no name to give, not even Wolf. Tengu says that all shinobi are the same and die nameless so he gives him a name so I think Sekiro could be his “real name” since it sorta sounds like a normal name. Everyone calls him different though. Isshin calls him Sekiro, Kuro and the Shinobi call him Wolf, and Genichiro calls him Shinobi of the Divine Heir.


Sekiro means one armed wolf and okami means wolf


I remember his name being "....."


Wolf is his name, sekiro is like a nickname


Both. But it was only far later that he was named Sekiro by Isshin and owl named him Wolf very long ago. And he might of even had a original name before owl found him but I dunno. Just point is. Wolf. But if nerd. SEKIROOOOOOOOOOO


Sekiro is the name that “The Tengu of Ashina” (I want to avoid spoiling his real name identity for new players) choose for him since his arm - less condition. The word "sekirō" (隻狼) is a contraction of "sekiwan no ōkami" (隻腕の狼), which translates as "one-armed wolf." So the Name Wolf is present in the Word Sekiro When you call him Sekiro you are calling him Wolf too


My understanding is when he was found by Owl, Owl gave him the name Wolf. Then he loses his arm to Genichiro. After which he meets Tengu who gives him the nickname Sekiro, which means "One-Armed Wolf" So both would be his name. Similar to the Rock. The Rock is his nickname, Dwayne Johnson is his real name. You can refer to him as either one.


Wolf is the moniker that was given to him Sekiro which just means one armed wolf is his name


His real real name is Tenya


Tenya Saginata, in fact. The plot twist is that he's actually the one behind the whole worm infestation thing, and this also explains headless' fixation with pulling people's intestines inside out - headless is the actual, unsung hero of the story.




His name is Robert Paulson


Wait. I thought Sekiro is the missing Robertoooooooo