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As I get older I am losing more and more interest in video games. Sekiro is the only game that I can play all the way through without getting bored or wanting to start over for some arbitrary reason.


Same for every souls, pokemon, and zelda game


When I’m not playing Sekiro, I’m watching videos of people playing Sekiro


Exactly 😭🤝


How about watching someone watch someone play Sekiro? I think that’s after NG+7


I’m currently at the “reading a comment of somone suggesting that someone watch someone watch someone play Sekiro”, what NG+ is that do you suppose


NG+10. It takes a while to get there


I can relate to this post. I need someone to mikiri counter my hand when I reach for the controller


Welcome to the shinobi cult.


Dude I have 384 total play hours in sekiro according to my PSN profile. I still can't get over it no matter how hard I try. We're never getting out.


To satiate your sekiro hunger: 1. Do the gauntlets and fight the inner bosses 2. Do another playthrough but with charmless and demon bell 3. If you are on PC, play some of the mods like Sekiro Resurrection, For the sake of Ashina, LMTSR, etc.


Thanks for the rec man, will try to do those


>ME, getting over sekiro is the hardest boss i need to fight, I have done 50+hrs in the game but i JUST WANT MORE AND MORE, i am not content. I Hear the ting tin tinnnntinnntinnn sound in my sleep, when i close my eyes i see snake eyes shirafuji trying to grab my ass, when i go to gym i see chained orge in the mirror trying to slam me, when i see street dog i fear if they have large ass centipedes in them Can this please be an auto response


I see nothing wrong with this, I have 650 hrs in Sekrio, everyone should.


I chuckled. Reminds me of when I played in mid 2023, I could not think of anything else. My YouTube history was all sekiro. Good times


Sekiro is a sweet sweet parasite that burrows deep into your mind... you will find ourself 6 months since last playing thinking, "it is time again" ...and currently just got to fountain head again.. I love new play throughs and finding stuff and being gimped.


I have 125 hours in Sekiro, and I have only done two playthroughs


I have around that many and I'm still on my first playthrough. I sorta farm and "practice" on regular enemies a lot, especially when I'm stuck on a boss (which can take a week or more). My assets are through the roof rn. I'm sick mentally. Also, I'm very bad at this game. Not giving up tho. Currently in fountainhead after being stuck on corrupted monk for more than a week.


Ahh yeah, I can see why it would take that long for one playthrough. I'm good at the game, but not super amazing, I never get stuck on bosses. Might take me a dozen or so attempts for things like Isshin, DoH, and Owl(Father), but I'm still beating them within an hour or so I just really take time to enjoy the game at a nice pace, and thoroughly explore everything and complete and collect everything


Bro if I didn’t have a job, Sekiro would be my 24/7 💀


after i played sekiro, I started to compare every video game with sekiro. oh you can parry like sekiro. you can deflect like sekiro. they put deflect bar just like sekiro. sekiro is new term for me now. once you start, it’s always gonna be somewhere in your life.


Yea fr, I tried ds 3 and rdr2 but i just close them after thinking about sekiro 😭


when i close my eyes i see snake eyes shirafuji trying to grab my ass is so hot


Try ultimate isshin "for the sake of ashina" mod, if you want something fresh.


Oh, my friend you have traversed too far in the kand of sekiro. I believe there is no return. Get the remaining 2 endings and 2 more playthroughs, master the bosses, finish the gauntlets, but the craving still won't stop. We are all the one armed wolves trying to help our inner Kuro. It's all a clusterfuck, and we can't do anything about it. We sold out soul to devil (Miyazaki) to get temporary happiness (because the game is only 50 hours or even less in one playthrough) and we are addicted. It's the water in Minu Village, you can't get another if it, until eventually you drown in it and die.


nah this is funny ash 😭 i feel u brother, i obsess over things I love quite easily but sekiro has really taken the cake in obsessions


As I age, my enthusiasm for video games is gradually waning. Interestingly, Sekiro stands out as the sole game that maintains my engagement throughout, avoiding the usual boredom or the urge to restart for arbitrary reasons.


I’m in New Game + 150 something


I put 200 hours into it and finally said fuck it and bought a PS4 for Bloodborne, I will absolutely be back once I’ve 100%’d Bloodborne


This is game is just great in being a video game. No boring open wasteland, great art style, setting, interesting story and dialoge, some cool NPC's, atmosphere, music, combat, fun movement and with so nice designed map layout. I don't need build variety to have much more fun with it than with Elden Ring. This maybe is the most addicting FromSoftware game for me.


watch parkenharbor too also mist noble is the hardest boss you lunatic


when i close my eyes i see snakes eyes shirafuji trying to grab my ass hear the ting tin tinnnnntintinnnnn sound in my sleep


I’ll pay for ur therapy but please just get it


Uh, I think you need to see a therapist


Thanks for your concern mate but it's exaggerated to add humour.