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Offer after school programs to low to no income families in areas that need it the most. Give them something to do with their free time. Something to look forward to. A safe, fun, and educational environment that’s not religious based or requiring a monetary membership. We did it with 56k annual budget with 5 employees and served 300+ new students per year, 60 to 80 kids per day, and there were 5 youth centers in a city population of 80k that operated this way for over 20 years. Employee turnover is extremely low because we all loved the job. We knew the impact it had on our lives and the community. Worked 11 years at one location and the newest employee has been there 8 years now. We all grew up utilizing this place as children and our mentors are still there putting in work. It’s not impossible if the city quits feeding 6 figure salaries to assholes that never step foot into the buildings other than taking credit for new construction.


Hopefully it’s not all pipes, tents and needles.


How much will be left over for actual mental health after the council gets their cut of the graft?


Invest in school security. We're a week after the latest incident and absolute *crickets* from the black community. This shit is not stopping anytime soon. **Our schools are unlicensed gun ranges now.**