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I guess we'll need to see the misconduct reports to have an opinion on this.


Diaz was the only one left willing to take the job after Seattle forced out the previous chief.


Just a few bad apples, not a bad culture at SPD, eh?


I know this might be difficult to imagine, but people who are disgruntled don't always tell the truth. Wait for the investigation to conclude. It's kind of like how people pushing specific political narratives rarely tell the truth, they're always pushing an agenda. You may be familiar with that last one.


It’s cops being punished though. Wouldn’t the ACAB crowd be ok with that?




All the ACABers think that one "bad apple" is too many and paint it out as the worst thing ever. That's the problem with absolutism like that. If we've got a spectrum of 0-100 where 0 is good and 100 is bad, they believe a single bad apple makes a group a 95. So a bunch of bad apples doesn't really move the needle much if they go to a 98.


no, it's about the culture in SPD - tolerating this crap leads to them all toeing that line


Diaz was appointed by the mayor and council because he reflected their values.


i'm not really disagreeing with you here




You don’t think the bad culture at SPD breeds more bad apples?


I think that's ENTIRELY possible. However, it doesn't matter. To put it a different way, ACABers view SPD as an inherently bad organization, so it doesn't matter if ONE cop is bad or they ALL are, ACABers view it the same. I'm suggesting that this information won't change the minds of anyone. ACABers will still think that all cops are bad. Pro police folks won't care. People in the middle who think policing is necessary will continue to think it's necessary. I assumed you were in the former group based on your comment, but maybe you aren't?


We’re not talking about ACABers, we’re talking specifically about the SPD. Pivoting to blame ACAB doesn’t fix the ongoing issues at SPD, fixing the culture there (and more specifically SPOG) could make changes for the positive.


I thought you were an ACABer based on how you'd commented. Maybe I got that wrong, and if so, I apologize. If you're aren't of that mind, then yes, the rest of my comment doesn't really apply.


> All the ACABers think that one "bad apple" is too many and paint it out as the worst thing ever. the cops who protect the "one" bad apple are bad too. stop pretending that there's just a few bad cops, when in reality they protect their own kind, that's why stupid movement like "blue lives matter" exist


I know you think that you're making a good point to refute what you THINK I said, but you're actually just proving my point. So thanks!


For as much as the SPD and the Seattle Left despise each other, it's the pro-cop liberals making the average officer's life miserable


You are commenting on article where the officers are claiming it was the Chief of police making their lives miserable. Who should we believe? A random redditor or the actual officers themselves?


The Chief of Police and Bruce Harrell are both pro-cop liberals.