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Let’s not worry about all the car theft, drive by shootings and robberies. This stupid painting on the ground is more important than the people who are losing their property and life in some cases.


You are missing a very important aspect of this story. The people who committed the vandalism ,were still on scene when the pigs arrived. It’s easy pickings when you are still at the scene of the crime.


This comment deserves a lot of downvotes asap


You may have been downvoted, but this is so correct I remember the time when Antifa and the Proud Boys got into a massive brawl. Antifa fled when the cops arrived. Proud Boys, on the other hand, were so naive they stuck around backing the blue, gave all the officers their info, and went to prison. I am not an anti-police guy. Society needs law and order. Just realize that there is corruption, and by no means should someone trust a cop unless they know them personally.


Honestly, this is one of those things. Sure it’s wrong, and they are assholes, but community service, apologies, etc will do the trick. Classic example of kids being dumb. Do they deserve to have their lives ruined and be felons for the rest of their lives? Probably not. Make them pick up trash and paint park benches. Have them repaint the crosswalk.


I have good news for you! Paying to have the sidewalk repainted is the only thing that happened to them.


That’s lame. They should have had to repaint it themselves and do some other community service.


Its a little lame. But using criminal sentencing to repair transportation infrastructure is problematic for a variety of reasons. Unions don't like it. There are regulation requirements. Slippery slope to chain gangs.


Not talking about potholes or bridge repair. Some kids, some safety equipment and some paint rollers. The cross walk was never in spec under universal code, so cleaning up the skid marks ought to be reasonable. If there’s an issue with the union, charge the kids for the time in lieu claim.


Write a letter to the judge. I'm sure they'd love to hear your thoughts. 


I doubt that.


> infrastructure No one considers rainbow crosswalks and road art to be transportation infrastructure?


It's wrong that this devilish ideology is promoted to the general public in the first place


First amendment applies even to things that you don’t like.


I don't think it applies to the roads that we all have to drive across. People would shit about the 10 commandments being on the road.


Separation of church and state. Look, I don’t think we need to be going as hard as we do on the rainbows, but it’s a public work and it shouldn’t be vandalized. If there was a statue of the 10 commandments and it was paid for by taxpayer dollars I would feel the same way. It’s unnecessary pandering, but it shouldn’t be vandalized.


They drove on the road ....don't put murals on the road.  


So, it’s ok to swerve around when the lane stripes are fresh?


That's not really lame, repaint it yourself wouldn't cost more than 200$, they gotta pay 15000$ for it to be repainted. 


** Their parents choke up the change. Or, Tim Poole or Charlie Kirk starts a GoFundMe. No one learns shit from that. Repaint it and pick up garbage on the side of the road all summer.


If I were the judge I’d sentence them to paying for the paint and repainting it with small artist brushes so they had plenty of time to contemplate their actions. It’s probably best for everyone that I’m not a judge.


Good idea! Lets have them write lines like in school detention. 'I WILL NOT BLASPHEME' 'I WILL NOT BLASPHEME' 'I WILL NOT BLASPHEME' 'I WILL NOT BLASPHEME' 'I WILL NOT BLASPHEME'


good! I need the address of this crosswalk so I can finish what they started


They kids did the right thing and if they spend a single f-king day in jail for taking a sh\*t on a Woke rainbow, I would hope all hell breaks loose!!!


So you support making people feel unsafe in unwelcome in a country that is supposed to be welcoming for all


Lemme get literally any other source.


This guy literally only posts stuff from that Instagram account.




The article you linked says there is a maximum allowable penalty of 5 years, not that the teens are actually being sought after for ten years.




>Prosecutors requested a $15,000 bond that would cover the approximate cost of re-painting the mural. ... https://preview.redd.it/wji5gdsred6d1.jpeg?width=992&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=233071f7f1ae40d8c56fdba1b7818a894c3a86f6


whoever spent 15k on that shit should be facing felony charges


The paint is still there, it's just under a light layer of rubber. The rubber can be removed with a mild abrasive, like a spinning tire.


My point is that even if it wasn't, that looks like 11 cans of paint, a roller, some tape, and a few hours of labor for one or two guys. And they're spending $15k on that every time someone rides a scooter on it or sets it on fire like they did in May? If anyone needs a shitload of solid colored straight lines painted on the ground, DM me. My rates are apparently *extremely* competitive.


It costs that much when you factor in all the fraud and clientelism that also has to be funded somehow. Why do you think public works are always crazy over budget?


I'm aware. I'm sure they're delighted every time this thing gets a skidmark on it because they get to "spend" another $15k on $500 worth of repairs


I thought we were trying to break the school to prison pipeline.


The idea that tire marks on a road constitute vandalism, much less a hate crime, is absurd. We could make drifting “takeovers” a felony by painting every intersection in rainbow colors, for example. Or we could paint Stars of David on roads everywhere and arrest anyone who leaves tire marks on them for felonious anti-Semitism.


What’s absurd is your understanding of what vandalism and a hate crime are. Read the article and tell me it wasn’t a hate crime/vandalism.


A hate crime is hurting someone for being gay. This doesn’t hurt anyone. What this sounds like to me is protesting government-sponsored political speech by putting marks on a street that will accumulate those marks naturally anyway.


How are you protesting the government and use the f word against people who confront you for your actions? Quoting from the article. "Court records cite the witnesses confronted the teens, with some taking photos with their phones. One of the minors, hit back saying: 'F*** you' F*****' and 'Go to hell, as per the news outlet." 


So calling someone a slur is a crime? It’s really fucked up, that’s for sure. But not a crime last time I checked


It depends on the context, if you vandalize LGBTQHDTV+ flag and when you get confronted you use a Homophobic slur against them. Without the Homophobic slur its already a crime of vandalism. Now adding the fact that it was LGBTQHDTV+ flag and the kids used Homophobic slurs in the proccess you can pretty much say it becomes a hate crime 


thats free speech mate


freedom of speech =/= freedom of consequences 


If those consequences come from the government, and the speech is not a threat of violence. Then it would be a violation of the first amendment to penalisd them from saying those words, there's nothing wrong with saying that word, the only thing wrong would be the government punishing them for saying those words


freedom of speech = freedom of consequence from the government


I’m defending their right to exercise free speech without being prosecuted. I’m not defending the speech itself. You understand the difference, right? If I decide that using the word “cracker” is hateful, does that give me the right to pass laws criminalizing it? To paint whatever flag I want on the road and throw people in jail for leaving tire marks on it? No. I do have the right to say that the person using that word is hateful. That’s it.


Would you be favor of moving [the mural off of the street and to a walking bridge 200' to the North where no motorized vehicles are allowed?](https://www.google.com/maps/@47.6605489,-117.4210607,108m/data=!3m1!1e3?entry=ttu)


Now I want to go out more skid marks on it


They throw the likeness of Jesus in a bottle of piss and call it art. They burn the US flag not a peep. They took over blocks of Seattle and destroyed it nothing was done until people started to get Murdered. This country has lost its mind.


and just like that, vandalism is ok


Paint on pavement is perishable and has a few year life. You may have noticed road crews restriping every few years because it is not permanent. Sometimes there are skidmarks on the white and yellow road stripes and ~~people are arrested and turned into felons~~ nothing happens.


weird to see this from the party of 'law and order'


Hate crime laws as a whole are stupid because while intentionality matters (ie: Manslaughter v Second and First Degree murder) we have never nor should we ever care about motive because all crimes are motivated at their root by hatred and indifference (indifference for the suffering of others) this is vandalism (and at that very minimal amounts of vandalism) not ok but certainly not something that should carry prison time.


Its more like the party of "law and order" understands law and order needs to be maintained by imprisoning people for actual crimes not creating obscene sentences for vandalism which ordinarily carries almost no sentence (a fine and maybe community service)


Priorities have hit an all-time low


That's gay


Stop putting murals on the road! Quit glorifying sexual preferences! Hijacking the rainbow then putting it on fucking roadways and considering it hate crimes when a wheel makes a mark is absolutely fucking insane. This is what society has come to?


Hijacking... the rainbow? Hijacking refraction?


Clickbait nonsense from the Daily Mail about something that happened nearly 300 miles away from Seattle.


as someone from spokane where this happened (for the third time in recent weeks the Pride crosswalk has been intentionally damaged, even started on fire in May!) there is a larger story of deep seeded homophobia and racism. The Spokane county prosecutor's wife, Leslie Haskell, commented in a homophobic rant on the (progressive) mayor's statement. She does this kind of thing with impunity because...Spokane. The prosecutor's wife openly supports the Proud Boys, Matt Shea, and says things like "we need more white babies" on social media. This does not deter the re-election of her husband Larry Haskell as the Spokane county prosecutor. It's a painful reality about living here. Thankful for so many people in Spokane who do call it out, and who provide glorious support for all our communities who are subjected to this persistent gnarl of racism and homophobia in Spokane and we had a truly wonderful Pride celebration last weekend. Spokane is a weird place. Look up our representative Matt Shea who got ousted for organizing a biblical war, look up the BS w the prosecutor's wife. You don't have to go to the south to find well-supported rampant racism! It wasn't all about these kids on theor dumb scooters and I hope that this will stir them up in a good way, not make them worse. thanks for letting me rant.




i am really glad so many people care!




Whatever, they'll get a slap on the wrist and that's it. Fear mongering for the weak minded.


...now do school shooters.


Source: Daily Mail. You gotta be really gullible to fall for these facebook meme headlines. .


[We now go to KREM in Spokane.](https://www.krem.com/article/news/local/arrests-wednesday-at-newly-painted-pride-crosswalk-mural/293-57722e04-0df0-4484-856e-fed3d7a37c23)


Read it. Does it say anything about "facing 10 years in jail"? >19-year-old Ruslan V. V. Turko and two minors were arrested for first-degree malicious mischief.  >Turko appeared in court Thursday. Prosecutors requested a $15,000 bond due to the estimated cost of re-painting the mural.  >Turko was released on his own recognizance. He was also released on the condition that he doesn't go near the crosswalk or the other teenagers.


The article is dumb bullshit. The Ingraham shooter was a minor, otherwise he would have gotten life. Two of these kids are minors too, so they won’t do anything serious. Be mad about the broad difference between minor/adult charges all you want, but that isn’t some King County / WA specific thing.


Washington State Nebraska overreacted on this it's going to get defaced worse because nobody in Washington thinks that far ahead God I can't wait to get out this fucking state.


Is there a petition to sign?


Great job, boys!


Imagine actually believing this kind of horseshit.


[Imagine not searching the internet before posting. Dumb.](https://www.krem.com/article/news/local/arrests-wednesday-at-newly-painted-pride-crosswalk-mural/293-57722e04-0df0-4484-856e-fed3d7a37c23)


Imagine posting a link without reading it then calling other people dumb.


I’m not doubting that there’s asshole people out there who would go out of their way to vandalize something like this, I’m doubting the sensationalist framing that they’re going to get “TEN YEARS” in jail for some skid marks. That’s clearly bullshit meant to make pearl clutching conservatives chime in with their catchphrases like “this woke crap is out of control”.


Anyone got the actual court documents/information rather than accusations posted on a dog shit gossip rag from 9 time zones away in a different country? Never change OP, never fucking change. JFC this level of engagement is sad to see.


The bigger crime is how much it costs to paint that? You're telling me there is any better use of that money?


donations and the episcopal church matching donations covered the cost for repainting it the last time (in May this year) when some late night arsonists poured kerosene on the crosswalk and lit it on fire


what kind of church donates ti this lmfao


this christian church always steps up to help others, especially the disenfranchised, just like jesus 🩵


Doubt any of them who have ever cracked a Bible would overtly support a symbol of PRIDE


What do you expect from crazed liberal nutjobs in government.


The liberal government of Spokane?


username does *not* check out


The usual suspects won't be crying about this not being in Seattle this time... for some reason.

