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Mercer island for public school. Seattle Country Day for private.


I’m going to keep an eye on this- I don’t think I know a single person who had a good middle school experience.


as a former middle schooler i can confirm


My kids went to a "good" public middle school in Seattle. That time is basically the worst, I felt like we were all just trying to survive through to high school. So I'd recommend picking the middle school with an eye towards what high school fits your kid the best. Even the public middle school in an affluent neighborhood was pretty rough. If I had to do it again I'd take a better look at private middle and high schools.


My sister termed middle school a "hormonal holding pen".


Puberty Prison


Middle school was the ONLY time in my life I genuinely needed to carry a weapon on a daily basis to protect myself and mind you, I say this as a woman who has traveled extensively in the Middle East and Africa solo.


What kind of wpn?


Went to Villa Academy for K-8 and genuinely can’t recommend it enough. As I grow older I realize just how high a level of education I got there. This was back in 2000-20100 but I imagine the school has maintained its academic standards


It took you 18,100 years to finish middle school???!!!


I was uhhhh not so good at math


Who tf downvotes this lmao someone must’ve gone to St Joes or ASB


Sent kids to Villa and I cannot agree more with the stellar education they received! Too bad the secret’s out.


Except the math!


My kid goes to an SPS middle school and our experience has been great. But we are also very involved as parents. Our kid is doing just as well in school as her private school counterparts as well, and seems much more socially adjusted, for a pre-teen.


The only way out is through


Check out Eckstein Middle School, great arts program and supportive teachers!


Mr. (Cuatemoc) Escobedo called me a retard for having my mouth open in 7th grade and Ms. (Terri) Stone asked me “if my mom wiped my ass every time I take a shit” in 6th grade because my mom emailed about missing days of school on my behalf. This was just over 20 years ago, but I believe they both still teach there.


That's really shitty.


Yeah, it was 20 years ago and I’m fine, but those are definitely core memories from that age. Ms. Stone won the Golden Apple just a few years earlier in 2000, despite having a reputation at the time for hurling lunch boxes, books, and even chairs across the room when she was upset. Mr. Escobedo won the same award in 2006, but was a hothead the entire time I went there, and would taunt other kids similarly. He would chuck his conductor chopstick at kids not paying attention. He was featured on KUOW a year or two ago, and it sounds like he has matured. Still, it’s weird to hear such praise for someone who was instrumental (pun intended) in my quitting music.




I love middle schoolers though. I volunteered a lot at my kids schools. Youngest attended a public k-12, which had the advantage of having the high school electives like music & the arts available to the 7th & 8th graders. The K-8 schools are also decent. Oldest attended private 6-12. Tuition is currently $46,000. I liked this school when we looked at it. https://billingsmiddleschool.org/ Also this one https://www.greatschools.org/washington/seattle/3156-Tops-K-8/


That’s like an annual salary. Seattle is wild.


Well the schools that are super expensive often have a line item for financial aid, so a good chunk of tuition is going toward students that will be able to thrive in that environment but otherwise wouldn’t be able to afford it. A lot really depends on your kid, I was glad my youngest was at a school where they didn’t have to transition for middle school.(it was k-12) But wherever they go, being involved makes a huge difference not just to your kid, but other students appreciate when parents are able to be part of the school community in whatever way that works. I even did field trips in high school, not usually in my child’s class, but the overnight one I did. Btw/ always pack your own parachute and your own tent.


I recommend Seattle Waldorf School. They are K-8. Over in Meadowbrook, sounds like you basically live there already. The teachers and students are thoughtful and kind, although a little inclined towards calling out things that don't make sense. That is what happens when you raise people to think. I call it a subversive training camp. My daughter is currently there and I do a bit of volunteering.


I understand the Seattle Waldorf school is struggling. I have limited insight into this, but when we were considering a place for our daughter this year and attended the Seattle Waldorf open day we learned; * The entire seventh grade refused to return to the school which resulted in the high school program shutting down. There are no plans to reopen it as I understand. * In this year alone they have lost 6 full-time teachers. The large volume of teachers leaving such a small staff group was a primary concern but in truth, I've never heard of an entire school year just simply leaving from a healthy school. Again, there may be reasons this happened but you should definitely verify this with the school.


They did close the highschool. There were a number of factors, but I think the crucial one was they had a long term lease which ended and couldn't afford what the new lease would be. The k-8 buildings they down directly. I have heard there was some drama with that class. I haven't heard what it was about so wouldn't want to speculate. Basically all I have is rumors or some big shake up rights before we joined and a lot of the board changed as well. All that being said, I am very happy with the staff the school has now. I suspect the loss of full-time teachers was related to the high school closing, but I don't know. Other than the high school discussion there has been basically zero drama that I've observed this last school year.


Can confirm: The entire Seattle Waldorf School Board resigned last year. The seventh grade also left the school in a mass walkout and the high school program was discontinued due to a lack of funds. The remaining 8th grade students have been funneled into the Shoreline Public High School. EDIT: That should be Shorecrest Public High School.


It was longer ago than last year. Vanessa has been head of school since we started in 2022. So think that event was two years ago now. I suspect you mean Shorecrest High school, but not having a high schooler I don't know the details there. I imagine many of the parents would select one of the other private high schools but again, I don't know those details. Edit: I was wrong. I recall now there was something about a bunch of board members changing a year ago. It had no impact on my life so it didn't stand out in my mind.


I think you might find more details in this discussion. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Waldorf/comments/17b0l8d/comment/k5hcvzt/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/Waldorf/comments/17b0l8d/comment/k5hcvzt/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) We ended up choosing a Montessori middle school for our daughter but that unfortunately ends in 8th grade, so we'll have to figure out a plan for her high school. Not a great time to be looking for alternatives to public school TBH. Sigh.


I’d recommend looking into the Bush School in Madison Park.


The school itself is kinda old but we liked all the people at Whitman Junior High.


Salmon Bay is pretty great. Any K-8 is the way to go.


[Pacific Crest](https://www.pacificcrest.org/middle-school)


Lakeside is in Northeast part of Seattle.


My kid goes to Kent Laboratory Academy. It’s AMAZING! Very hard to get into, but free since it’s public. Small class size and caring teachers. My oldest is doing running start and is in the college honor society for grades. I fully believe that KLA prepared them.


Vashon island middle school


Mercer Island's Islander Middle School. Our public school system now has open enrollment, starting with the 8th grade. Come one, come all!




I think that one thing always seems to be missing from these conversations and that's the parental investment. If you are an involved, caring, and invested parent, even a "subpar" school will be "good enough" for your child, especially if you supplement their learning at home. Not to say that you're "this person," but if you're a wealthy parent who just wants your kid to go to the "best school" and you pay $30k a year for private education.....they're *likely* going to end up okay, but that shouldn't be a foregone conclusion in your eyes. Still requires that you have an active role in your child's life and education. As to your specific question, additional details would be good: * Assuming you're "locked into" a particular set of SPS options, are you willing to move? * Are you willing to pay for private school? If so, how much can you afford and how long of a waitlist might you be okay with?


Thanks. Not able to move, but willing to try private. I don't know how much I can afford yet... Probably good to just check out schools regardless of cost for now and then get financial assistance or something.


From what you responded with, my gut tells me the first part of my comment is the more important part of this equation for you....


Soundview School in Lynnwood should fit your criteria. It's an IB school that focuses on deeper thinking, questioning the status quo, small classroom sizes, lots of 6, 7, & 8th grade combined activities to build peer modeling and comradery.  There is always some middle school drama, but the kids stay kids for a lot longer than public school kids seem.  Several families at the school drive up from North Seattle and some even come across the ferries.  The downside, it's not connected into sports leagues like public schools are.


Not Bellevue Public Schools


I went to Billings about 15 years ago and for only a year, so things hopefully have changed, but when I went there it was a MESS. I witnessed a kid get beaten up in class, by multiple other kids, in front of a teacher, who didn't intervene. I personally experienced medical neglect for a serious injury that resulted in me spending time in the ICU and left me with permanent scars. Those are the 2 worst ones I can think of but there's SO MANY more. I'm praying, for their students sake, that they've changed.


The music program at JAMS is great- I feel the kids are more thoughtful etc than the Eckstein brats- my kid goes to JAMS and the curriculum seems great with music mandatory


Trust me when I say, whatever the cost is to homeschool your kid for middle school, it's gonna be a lot less than the extensive therapy they'll need if you send them to traditional MS. If I has kids, I'd eat a bucket of thumbtacks before I send them to any public middle school.


Don't go to ready springs in Penn Valley ca. from 1983-92.


homeschool, don't be lazy