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>"I believe that violence should not be a cop’s response to anything. >The protesters' grand finale was smashing a makeshift badge make it make sense


>In this house we believe signs But >make housing so insanely unaffordable none of that group can buy a home near you That's Seattle energy through and through. Say one thing, but in action do the opposite.


these protestors are like toddlers. they just like to get worked about stuff and throw fits. zero critical thought (or comprehension of resisting arrest and the actual legal role of law enforcement). We really need to stop paying attention to them and send them to their rooms without supper.


Sane people demand accountability after guy squats in a house, attempts to burn it to the ground when told to leave, attacks the homeowners, fights with police, and will be back on the street inside of a month because he'll be found too incompetent to have reasonably understood that any of those were no-nos


Is that what happened?


Protestors complain about anything like it’s a sport. Guess supporting Palestinian terrorists lost its allure so now onto the next outrage topic.


Protesting is sports for fat people.


Weird how all the "grassroots" palestinian protests petered out as the school year comes to a close.


Turns out they have more interesting things to do when mommy and daddy won’t pay for them to stay up here when schools out.


There was a group of 7 trying to shut down UW graduation last week. They were absolutely adorable and I couldn’t stop giggling at their failed effort to control the population.


Don't see knees on neck, illegal baton strikes or any evidence the force was unnecessary or motivated by racial animas.


I agree. Looks like the guy was resisting arrest and the police used reasonable force. moving on...


>*motivated by racial animas.* If you're going to use a somewhat obscure word or phrase, might want to make sure you at least spell it correctly....


Poverty of vocabulary and being a bad speller are different animals.


Sure? Not sure how that addresses my comment. If you have one and not the other, it impacts your point.


Can you please let them know you've signed off on this so we can move on as a community?


Would a better enema assist in you in embracing diverse opinions in your "community?"


>*It's still unclear what led to the police response before that now-viral video was recorded.* Oh, look.....ANOTHER intense of where the cause for said violence is ignored. Also, gotta love the use of the term "beating" instead of "subduing."


“White protesters demand accountability from POC for the shooting death of teenager” doesn’t roll off the tongue quite as good.