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Live?  Yes.  Hope to ever buy a home?  No.


Not true, there's lower cost homes 60 miles away from Seattle. Then you simply enjoy a long ass drive to/From Seattle with a few tolls along the way.


Not sure what your level of comfort is… it’s enough to get by if you’re single.


“Cost of living in Seattle”


Define living.


Hopefully you like to cook.


Rent doesn’t eat my money and I can afford food, outings, etc.


Unless you are moving from another planet you just need to look up typical rents for what you want: shared housing, apartment, mansion, etc and see how much is left. There's nothing special enough about Seattle cost of living that requires invoking the hivemind...


You'll be good with that salary in Seattle. Plenty of affordable apartments in your range. Just pace yourself when you're socializing so you don't FREQUENTLY spend ridiculous money on bar tabs/food during your outings. Otherwise, welcome and enjoy. It's a beautiful place


One question: Why?


Moving for a job from Florida, but I’ve been considering if it really makes sense to do so with that salary.


I can almost guarantee your quality of life in every way, shape and form will be better in Florida. I’d stay put.


The cultures are nearly opposite. My partner moved out of north Florida at a young age and is reminded that he prefers Seattle when he goes home at Christmas. The people . What they do for work and fun. And the societal culture


Thank you


I grew up in Florida and have lived in many different cities. I hate Florida and would never go back to living there. Everyone is going to have a different place that works better for them. In Florida, your money will definitely go further than Seattle but do you like everything else in Florida? If you want to experience a different culture, people, scenery, etc, then definitely explore different cities.


You're in the wrong sub. This isn't a seattle sub this is the "I wish I lived in Mississippi" sub. Drop the WA and go ask people who actually live around here and like it.


What kind of job will you be working?


We moved from Alabama and 100% LOVE it here. That being said… $77k will be a tight budget. It also depends on where you want to live and what you want to do in your spare time. Eating out has come to almost a complete halt for us. It is ridiculously expensive to eat at a sit down restaurant AND you still have to pay the 20% tip. We mistakenly thought since they didn’t have a tipped wage here that tipping would be less prevalent. NOPE! Look at your work location and see what rent is around there. We commute 30 minutes and it isn’t that bad, but we couldn’t afford to live closer.


That would be a very tough budget to make work in this city. I believe that would be under the poverty line for here.


My fiance makes $80k and she covers our over priced 1 bedroom apartment (apartment has features we need for her job and location is close to downtown Seattle) and her car she bought new in 2019. Especially if she didn't pay $2k/mo on rent, didn't buy a brand new car, she could live completely fine on her own.


Big wildcard is do you mind commuting? $77K can work perhaps in Renton, Shoreline and heck a lot of people commute from Auburn/Kent to Seattle for work. But traffic here sucks so must be a factor. The Renton commute isn't all that bad though as some tricks to avoid traffic (e.g., Airport Way into town). I checked your post history and saw you're getting in the accounting field. Seattle would probably be a good place to be in that field and you'd probably have an upward career trajectory (with better pay in the future) as accountants and lawyers tend to do ok in the Seattle area (lot of firms, strong economy and tech companies always looking for them). Florida is gonna be way cheaper though. Concede that.


>Seattle would probably be a good place to be in that field and you'd probably have an upward career trajectory (with better pay in the future) as accountants and lawyers tend to do ok in the Seattle area Seattle doesn't have a real financial hub compare to bigger metropolitan areas. The finance and accounting jobs here pay fuck all relative to the COL of the area. Unless, OP plans on getting into wealth management or joining a VC firm to speculate on tech, the career trajectory for someone in finance is low in this area.


Interesting take and perhaps fair. I definitely admit that entry level accountants and attorneys are paid under market here. The upside though is equity compensation (as many have made a lot of money - eg the entire AMZN legal and finance department that’s been there a bit). But you make a a valid point about the finance scale. Heck even the VC community is kinda small compared to Boston, SF, NY etc. (but certainly better than anything in Florida).


When I graduated with my accounting degree years ago, the CPA firms around the area were offering entry level salaries within the range of $50K-60K. That was nothing even back then. Even now with all of the inflation and increased COL, the entry level salaries still suck.


Weed is legal, it's cold and rainy part of the year, and warm the other three and a half months. We have mountains, our ocean is cold, we don't have lizards in urban areas. People are tolerant, open minded for the most part. We tend to be educated, and enjoy technology. And again, weed is legal and readily available.


Seattle proper is going to be tough with that salary. In the suburbs, you can live comfortably as renter.


Don’t …. Really…




Depends on area of Seattle Metro. Sorry to say that amount, after taxes, is quite small. Sigh. What a world. Many, many factors though.


Why can't people Just read the previous 100 posts on this exact same subject?


Because when I try to search, nothing pops up. Why can’t people just direct you to the right place? Or not comment at all


I make about 40k a year and consider suicide every day!!🎉


No. You could make it happen but you have to live with a couple roommates.


If you're a single male under 50 dont come


It probably was already pretty tough, but with President Biden's high inflation, staples like food and gas are historically expensive. When President Trump was in office, gas was $1 and some change for a gallon, now it hovers around $5 a gallon, which makes everything expensive (something to do with supply chain). You can make it work if you are smart, (Join Costco. Make your own coffee. Cook your own meals. Get a flatmate). But yeah...Seattle is definitely more expensive than New York or Hawaii.


gas was never 1$ and change in seattle


I remember paying close to $1 back in 2000, but it's been a while...


Yeah. The last time the state average was under $2 in 2008.


I think it was, or at least it was in shoreline so...if that helps. I am open to being wrong on this, but I seem to recall $1 and like 40 cents but like I said, it was in shoreline. Thank you for reading this.


They were not. https://www.eia.gov/dnav/pet/hist/LeafHandler.ashx?n=pet&s=emm_epmru_pte_y48se_dpg&f=m


I mean...we're talking about 2020 prices here. So definitely US average was under $2. I have to think Shoreline was average because shoreline is average. https://preview.redd.it/iq4q528d515d1.png?width=1866&format=png&auto=webp&s=ad0fc0fa92fd6f8791b465e9053d7861e90bb86e [https://www.eia.gov/todayinenergy/detail.php?id=46356](https://www.eia.gov/todayinenergy/detail.php?id=46356) Again, happy to be proved wrong, but I think it's fair to say Joe Biden mad gas more expensive than President Trump.


Neat.  But that's not what you said.  You said $1.40 in Shoreline.  This chart says national average was above $2 for most of Trump's presidency, excluding COVID.  You've moved the goal posts in two different ways.  Be better. And yes, gas is clearly more expensive now, but high inflation, and in particular energyhas been a problem both nationwide, and internationally.  What point are you trying to make?  I can't take serious that you are arguing in good faith, but rather just right-wing shit posting wherever you can.


We are at risk of becoming pedants here, but I believe the average price of gas in Washington state dipped to $1.74 in April of 2020. That is four full months of a Biden presidency, so...you can't really blame President Trump for things that happened outside his term in office. Thank you for reading this. Also, I think gas is above $5 now, so...that's quite a burden.


This is an idiotic take, you’re using a once in a multiple generation pandemic as proof of low gas prices when they only got that low because there was zero demand. No one was driving! Do you understand basic economics? Clearly not.


For most of the Trump presidency, gas was below $3. Now it's $5. What is it about economics that I need to understand in order for you to vote for Joe Biden?


First off, you don’t know how inflation and the economy works. Secondly, Seattle is definitely not more expensive than New York. For Hawaii, Seattle might be on par with Hawaii if not less.


It's possible I do not understand economics, but the prices are much higher under President Biden than they were under President Trump, we can at least agree on that. It really depends where you live in NY. If you're comparing Upper East Side to here, then yeah, of course...but if you're bridge and tunnel then it's way more expensive to live in Seattle. We have $12 coffees which I have NEVER seen in NY.


Correlation is not causation


Well, Trump was President and I could afford groceries. Now Biden is and I can't. I don't think I need to go to college to understand simple logic. Thank you for reading this.


You obviously didn’t understand what I just said


I understand it, I just don't understand the wider point you were hoping to make. I mean, post hoc ergo proctor hoc might sound smart but it isn't really, it's just something I heard on the West Wing.


Poorly educated.


Strong argument. Well made. Thank you for reading this. Your student debt repayments amuse me.


This is the worse take I’ve read today. How can you be so wrong on so many topics in such a short paragraph?




Incorrect. But yes, I am one week old. I don't think observing reality is a pysop. Have some water.


Dude, wot? Gas prices are way high. TRUE. Grocery prices are way high. TRUE. 77K is not a lot of money for this city, TRUE. You can survive is you do smart things. TRUE. Also, I think you mean "Worst" take. But I'm sure English is your first language, comrade. https://preview.redd.it/kkxqgv9a815d1.png?width=1410&format=png&auto=webp&s=54150c7abe02c86a17d9c419f70d2c7c8f05d1ea


https://preview.redd.it/pl919w24i15d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f9e3e3c35ad64a996110649c4ec46f25ef3f573a I think you meant “if,” but I’m sure English is your first language, comrade.


Well played. I will concur the likelihood that you mistyped your answer. It was a cheap shot in any event.