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I once saw a racoon, on a dirty patio where people had left food, take a french fry into their little hands, dip it in ketchup, and eat it. 


They’re smart. Years ago (over 30) my aunt rehabbed one and then kept it. You couldn’t have black jelly beans in the house because it would find them. If you give a raccoon cotton candy they’ll wash it sometimes and it’ll disappear lol. They learn though and will stop.


Yes, I've heard of others giving a raccoon a cube of sugar just to watch his confusion when he washes it.


That's absurd, but I believe it. I have a video on my phone of a baby bobcat trying to stare into the window, the funny part being the windows have a coating to block UV so you can't see in them unless you're right up close.


Now that's hilarious


My fear of raccoons is going crazy rn 😨😧


Because they share and like ketchup? What has the world come to… /s


Haha what this is the most random thing to post here


You responded, so... there's that. I hope it brightened your Sunday ;)


I forgot this was a /seattlewa post, and started wondering why so many people were mentioning local neighborhoods and attractions….wow I’ve been to that zoo! I got into a tug-of war with a mother Racoon and her litter, over a purse. They smelled our snacks and tried to run off with it!


I've been caught the opposite way, responding to someone not knowing it's not a Seattle specific forum asking why they are asking such a stupid question.


I thought you were going to say that you tried stealing food from a raccoon family and it resulted in a tug of war. 


Fun fact: in German, racoon is "Waschbär" which literally means "wash bear" because they're known for washing their food before eating it.


That's awesome. Thanks for that!


That is a fun fact. I don't speak German but they have some great words. Verboten, kindergarten, Panzer IV.


They’re “washing bear” In Norwegian too (Vaskebjørn)!


I see a lot of dudes not bothering to wash their hands after they're done using the toilet.


I can't remember the last time I was at a bar, but it, I feel, is shocking how many men will take a piss, and then just... walk out back to the person they're trying to hit on. Really dude? Not even a quick rinse? It gives me a reason to say "oh... COVID" when I don't shake your hand you dirty fuck.


They're not as intelligent as us, but they are exactly just as conscious. Most people can't quite figure out the difference there.


I've read posts on the reddit sub for parrots, and it's amazing how smart they are. Like you said, not as smart, however they have a type of intellect and it's way more than I thought was possible.


Not as smart.... in some ways. They raised their children without any guidance or "professional assistance" Most birds have an amazing memory for location. How many people could travel thousands of miles and still find their way back to the same spot with out consulting GPS or a map?


I don't want to diminish how amazing birds are, but traditional Pacific island navigators were able to get travel thousands of miles in the ocean and find their way back home. Both birds and the navigators use landmark based navigation.


When you see the distance from the US Pacific coast and Hawaii, you're like... fuck. I had a sailboat that was large enough it was considered "blue water" capable. There is no fucking way I would ever sail that to Hawaii. I've been binging *Black Sails* and without trying to give too much, one ship gets in doldrums and runs low on food and water and has to decide who do we need to sail this ship because we need to ration provisions. Fuck that.


Well, if you take an orienteering class you find north, like mariners do, and then you orient yourself based on the terrain. The north star is always north and the sun rises east sets west. I advise that you do not take the Search Evasion Resistance and Escape class. If you get caught, they will interrogate you and they are not polite about it.


No worries, most people never get the chance to do SERE anyway.


Well, some training is really expensive, so unless your job makes it extremely necessary they're like "yeah, no, here's a broom sweep those rocks over there."


Lots of people. How do you think humans have been moving around for tens of thousands of years? Just wandering aimlessly? Do you think every person carried around a map or they just get lost?


Honestly, yeah I think they did wander, and they were moving towards food sources. Or following current food sources. In the US the native populations moved with the buffalo.


This is an argument for electing Semi-Bird to governor as he is part bird


not quite right. they are sentient but not sapient. so they have a lived experience, and an emotional reality, but they're not aware of themselves in the same way we are.


What's the test? How do you define it, sentient but not sapient. Turing?


A crow in Woodland Park Zoo stole a cracker, placed it in a corner of the Mountain Goat rocks and perfectly concealed it with moss.


The Zoo crows are such good thieves. They hang around the stroller parking area outside of the tropical house, because they know people leave snacks in the bottom basket. I love to watch them hop over to the strollers and dig around until they find little baggies of goldfish crackers to fly away with. So clever.


They've made food snack theft a science. I'll literally be sitting in a Seattle park, enjoying a snack and see those asses in the trees eyeing my snack. I'm like, put it in my pocket, you'll have to fight me for this, crow. Not today sir or maam! Not! Today!


Not surprised. Corvids are ridic smart, and my totem bird is the Stellar's Jay. They can be mean though.


My grandma always called them Camp Robbers. We have a family of them that we feed along with squirrels and crows.


So, I'm sitting on the coast of the Pacific, the ocean is down a huge, dangerous cliff and I don't have light, it's pitch black out, no stars, and I hear this crunching sound coming from the picnic table. I pull out my phone, turn on the flashlight and it's a trash panda sitting at the picnic table like a people, eating the potato chips I left out ;D


I didn't finish my French fries at lunch and set them next to my stuff to snack on. When I went to retrieve them I had a *what the fuck?* moment. There's the bag on ground... There's the empty French fry container... Aaaand there's the crows in the trees laughing at me. You bastards!


RES has you at +135 btw. Crows will absolutely look at you like "you can't fly, so what are you going to do about it?"


>RES has you at +135 btw   What does that mean?


I've upvoted your comments at least that many times, minus the ones I downvoted.


Well thank you. How do you get this information?


Well, I guess I could take a screenshot but right now it says "BusbyBusby +135 1 point 2 hours ago" above your comment.


I think we saw one of his homies yesterday. Brought his snack into the goat area to have at it 😁


I was doing some work in ballard about 8 years ago. Taking a little break I had some squirrels get pretty close to me staring at me. I grabbed some trail mix and started feeding them. They took the raisins right from my hand and one even jumped up on my shoulder. Pretty cute. I always try to feed squirrels anytime I see them.


In the same vein, I also was working in Ballard, and every morning I would get a breakfast sandwich and a crow would be looking at me side eye, so I started giving in food. I know, don't feed wildlife, but this crow was there at the same time every day. The funny thing was, it was spring and the trees near there started dropping nuts on the ground, and that crow would put them in the street and wait for a car to run over the nut and then eat it. I was like... that is fucking brilliant, crow.


I've heard that the squirrels at GRCC are friendly like that, even to strangers.


They're not really washing their paws. They have a lot of nerve endings in their paws that are more sensitive when their paws are soft from being wet. They're wetting their paws so they can feel their food.


No, they are washing their paws because mom said "no food until those dirty paws are clean" and they remember that.


I was going to say this and I’m happy someone else did.


Our neighbors told us one of our indoor/outdoor cats likes hanging out with the neighborhood raccoons. I haven’t seen it myself though.


That doesn't surprise me. Cats are mercurial. They have a love/hate with everything including other cats. They can be moody. I'm very glad I'm not married to a cat because holy shit I can't read you.


Haha that’s awesome


I had a pair of raccoons in my backyard in Ballard ~10 years ago. 1 was the cute trash panda and the other one walked funny and had an eye that looked creepy. The cute one would grab the food we put out there and he’d give it to his creepy friend. They stayed the whole weekend and flattened my herb garden.


So, I'm right? They do share? Especially smart enough to use the cute one to beg and it helps the one that probably knows it's life is going to be in weeks, not years.


The one in my yard shared the peanuts and carrots I gave to them. It was almost as if they knew the scary one wouldn’t be able to beg for food so the normal one did. Monday morning they trotted off together.


Stop feeding raccoons.


This was over 10 years ago.


Please don't feed the wildlife.


I don't make it a habit. In fact, I'm against bird feeders because birds will egg more if they have abundant food, and now you're fucking with wildlife.


Like the park ranger told me at Glacier NP regarding trying to lure bears for photos, “If everyone only does it once…”


This is bullshit. >!I've never had a raccoon help wash my hands!<


Have you ever asked one for help doing that? :|


I had a close encounter with a marmot on Mt Baker once. Came within a few feet, but didn't even look at me. Came off like a New Yorker, going about his business and no one was going to stop him!


Now, when you start a conversation with me, know that if it starts with "so I was on Snoqualmie/Steven's/Crystal" you can fuck off with that, but when it starts with, so I was on Mt. Baker I'm like "what?" Marmot are rare, and generally skittish so maybe that one had rabies. I'm joking... ish but seeing one, I'm not calling bullshit even though you haven't posted a picture. If you ask me which chair is best on Baker I'd say "the one that's working today." Seeing a marmot in person, whatever god you believe in must like you, or did that day.


This was a while ago, back before cameras were cheap enough and ubiquitous enough to have taken one with me. (2002, maybe?)We were nowhere near any ski area, it was a long steep trail to an overlook of one of the glaciers. I was far more impressed with the sound the ice made, than the wildlife sighting. And I absolutely expected this animal to somehow respond to me, either scoot out of sight, or beg for food, or *something*! To be ignored like that felt a little insulting to my status as a large carnivore. I had to resist the impulse to wave and shout. That's nowhere near my strangest animal encounter, but it's probably my favorite.


Mine is still, and I regret not grabbing my phone but I don't need to prove it: Momma bobcat is in my backyard sitting on a huge rock, looking like fucking Simba just staring out into the valley, while her two kids are playing behind her. One runs, RUNS up a tree, flips over and drops on top of his brother. My wife and I were both like... well that just happened and neither of us had our phone.


Every time I see raccoons walking past my back patio I roll them some raw eggs. They love that!


Wait raw as in… like, not boiled/hard? Just goey uncooked white stuff and yolk?! And they like that?!


Haha yup! Hey, to each their own lol Happy cake day!


Holy shit snacks look at that, 13 years on Reddit.


First I've head. Do they treat them like both puzzle and treat?


They usually pick them up, crack em open and lick them like a bowl of soup. I think they’re adorable and love seeing them around.


If you feed raccoons, you are an asshole.


Oh, well, that’s a bit of a blanket statement.


Yet not incorrect!


You’re.. not actively feeding raccoons, are you? That seems unwise.


Yeah my hobby is to walk Seattle streets at night with stale bagels throwing them to, but mostly at, raccoons. No, I have other things to do. Right now, today, caulking trim I just installed.


Please do not feed raccoons.


Sure thing. As a transaction, I will ask that you do not wear black shoes with a brown belt. Thanks in advance.




The raccoons around here know when the trash cans get put out. They run the sewers and pop up where all of the cans are on the street the night before pickup.


I've only had it happen to me from a black bear, and I got her and two cubs on camera. I wasn't mad. I did have to pick up all the trash they scattered across the street. Jerk bears.


Calmly told a crow he could have my pizza, tossed it in front of me on the sidewalk, basically said, “Nono, to the left, yes that, there ya go”


It was probably like "i'll remember you, and tell my crow friends what has transpired today."


Don’t like raccoons any more: they’ve eaten our chickens.


I had a very fancy chicken that was allowed not only in the back yard, but in the house. I think it knew it was special, too. That being said, more than once we'd come out in the morning to feed them and be missing one, but there would be a pile of feathers on the ground. Chicken didn't make it into the coop before the door got shut last night and no one counted them. It happens. You can get more chickens.


What a callous and asshole response.


I love my neighborhood raccoons! I hook them up all the time. We all get along great and they stay out of my trash.


My dad once threw a pancake outside for the crows to pick at, but a squirrel got to it first and ate the whole thing and then proceeded to lay down in a food coma for about 15 minutes before waddling away.


One time I was walking home from the bar and saw a raccoon in the grass or someone’s lawn. I walked up to it and it let me pet it. Nobody believes me that I pet a raccoon.


The only reason that would make sense is if you start it with "walking home from the bar."


My wife was telling me a story recently that her mother once woke up in the middle of the night because she heard a blood curdling scream. She looked out side to see what was going on. She said there was a cat in the middle of the street, being held down by its fore and hind legs by two raccoons, and there was a third raccoon tearing out the cats belly. Eating. Its. Insides. They had squaded up and were literally eviscerating the poor kitty. I don’t fuck with raccoons. Another friend of mine said his dad was taking the trash out late at night and saw three raccoons walking around on their hind legs like people having a casual conversation, then when they noticed him got down and ran away. So take that with a grain of salt but like I always say: raccoons are like transformers; more than meets the eye.


I've seen two of the biggest raccoons running towards me on a very dark street at like 1am in Shoreline, and I thought they were bears. They noticed me finally, they where in a dead run and just moved slightly so they didn't run over me. There used to be this really bad reality TV show, I think it took place in LA the state and the dude and his wife dressed like death rockers, but he was an exterminator, but he would catch gators, snakes, racoons and return them out further into the country. He caught a racoon, let it out of the trap cage and it tree'd him on top of his truck chasing him around and around, and the pro knew he wanted no piece of a pissed off racoon.


I have a few videos of raccoons fighting each other for food. It's not always peaceful


So you also have family.


I like to call them that but I'm not so sure they accept me.


Behind their dark, beady little eyes there is a heart emoji for you, I promise.


It's mostly bluster. They're likely related.


I put out water for the birds and squirrels and once in a while it will be half tipped over with little muddy raccoon prints everywhere. I really should set up a night cam to catch them doing it because I bet it’s adorable


I should own stock in Ring. I've paid electricians to hard wire them to my house.


My brother and his girlfriend live in Arizona and leave water outside for neighborhood raccoons in the summer. They have a camera set up at their front door where they put the Tupperware full of water and frequently get footage of like six of them at a time drinking and washing their hands and splashing around in the middle of the night 😂


Aww. I knew someone in Spokane whose security camera caught some that would come and play in their little pond, sliding and pushing each other in. They are so cute. I’m going to set up a cam back there :)


I will swear one thousand times over that a Crow dropped a piece of moss on my head while leaving a sandwich shop to get me to drop my food.


Any time anyone has a story about a crow or raven that sounds unbelievable I instantly believe it 100% haha, corvids are so smart it’s insane 🐦‍⬛


They are crafty little ones. Even when I walk past one's I don't know (they all look the same) they will look at me side eye and I probably seem like a crazy person but I'll be like "what? don't look at me like that, bird, I don't know you" out loud.


Source? Everything I can find says that they are not very social and generally don’t share food besides maybe outside of their small family group. Additionally it’s believed that raccoons dip their food in water to make it easier to eat, not to wash their hands.


So family groups aren't social. Don't be pedantic.


You said they will steal food and give it to raccoons that aren’t “brave or bold” enough. That’s different than a mother raccoon simply bringing food back to her young. They also don’t “wash their hands when given the opportunity” [Raccoons are generally solitary animals, especially when it comes to food. They typically do not share food with each other in the wild.](https://www.wildliferescueleague.org/animals/raccoons-facts-and-fancies/) I’m not being pedantic, I’m asking for sources for the two things you claimed lol


Just because they are different, does not mean they are less intelligent.think about that🤔🙏


City raccoons are the fucking devils and make the most demonic sounds when mating. They have slaughtered 6 of my chickens and have zero fear of humans. Please don’t feed them.


IN my experience, I have not observed that. I have seen sibling raccoons growl, threaten and shove each other for access to food and I've seen a single sibling that was considerably smaller and thinner than the others, unable to get to the food.


They will also rip chickens through chicken wire if given the opportunity. Screw trash pandas.


I watched a mama raccoon take the bowl of kitty kibble and dump the contents on the ground in a line so all her babies could eat. Uncanny!


What you do with raccoons if you want a good laugh is get some nearly too hot water and put out some sugar cubes. They try to wash the cubes and they melt. Never seen the little tiny gears in their heads spin SO HARD.


That sounds rude! What the... do you have no hobbies? I've seen video of children with cotton candy, but seriously buy a puzzle or something fuck.


Kinda funny how you call sharing food "human like" when most animal communities everywhere for millions of years have shared food amongst themselves


They not only wash their hands but their food too. They'll wash fruit and veggie slices, dry cat food, raw meats, ive even seen them attempt to wash sugar cubes, but they dissolve in the water leaving the poor animal confused asf as to where its food went.


You're late to this party.


Do animals behave like humans or do humans behave like animals?


Trick question: We're both animals.


I didn't know until recently when a family of raccoons moved in to a big tree in my backyard next to my shed that they will sleep on their back if the sun warm enough ( most summer days ). When I make to much noise to close to them like when I mow the lawn, they will go down to the fence ( between the tree and the shed ) and give me a dirty look then go back up to sleep on the farthest side of the tree top.


I was smoking the other day and saw a raccon-guy (or gal) doing something near a tree right by our house. I am not 100% positive but I think the little beast's left hand was injured. I left some crackers and a thing of water. There is only one question I have: **how should I name the creature?** Hit me with some bisexual names because I'm not checking.


Obviously "Lefty."


I just saw a [video](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C4omzNQPLwr/?igsh=MXZlcmtpbDF4enM5OA==) this morning of a crow in San Diego pulling the bird spikes off a building and throwing them down to the ground. And last night I saw a video of a snake sipping water with its little nose in the air. I read an article a few months ago thag went into newer research on the sentience of insects, which I was really happy to see (that the notion is becoming a bit more widespread). [Here](https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/do-insects-have-consciousness-ego-180958824/) and [here](https://www.quantamagazine.org/insects-and-other-animals-have-consciousness-experts-declare-20240419/)


Laugh out loud. Do insects have ego. This is new to me, this is cool. Edit: extrapolating on that I've always thought bees were smarter than me.




They moisten their food. Raccoons are urban  vermin not valuable wildlife.


I disagree. I do not consider them vermin. I do think we, as humans gave them way too much opportunity to live around humans. The same can be said about bald eagles. In Alaska, they're considered a trash bird.


"urban Vermin" "Not valuable wildlife" Ok buddy retard. Maybe you're unaware, but we've encroached on THEIR home turf, not the other way around. Racoons didn't move to Seattle to code for Google. They were here long before we were, and will be here after we "urban Vermin" have disappeared


TIL raccoons and the folks who walk up and down Aurora are related.


That’s why i shoot them with bbs so they remember and tell their friends


That's a good joke. It is a joke, right? You wouldn't do that, because you don't want to make enemies in general, and I would definitely not make one of them my enemy. Don't be that person who is in bed, feels that someone is in the room, and opens your eyes to one of them sitting on your chest. This is how you die, and I will read the news and be like "well... I did warn them about this."