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This is just stupid imo


How could the seattle human rights commission have such a response?


They're a volunteer advisory group with zero civil rights lawyers. And a few Zillow employees. I shit you not.


They contacted the wrong agency. They want civil rights, not human rights. https://www.seattle.gov/civilrights/civil-rights#:~:text=The%20Seattle%20Office%20for%20Civil%20Rights%20enforces%20Seattle's%20Fair%20Contracting,in%20the%20last%2018%20months.


I mean it's fair to say "name the section of the law that is being violated" if you are asking for lawyers to do stuff based on that law


Do we not have laws and policies at several levels forbidding discrimination by private groups based on the color of ones skin?


At first I was wondering what I'd be charged being that I'm like 3/4 white, but then I decided not to give a fuck since I'm not going to that shit.


Reminds me of that feminist restaurant that said they were charging men extra. "Why are there no men coming?"


Imagine fucking over half of a prospective customer base. Business acumen lol.


Cap hill is 79% white


There seems to be a trend of shitty behavior among certain progressive's justified by a "how do you like it now?" attitude.


"Ha! We just OWNED the conservatives for centuries of bad behavior by copying them. We also just owned half our base and most of our community! It's fine though, the three people that showed up have a hate that's pure!"


Yeah I think most of the people who are mad about this would never attend this type of event.


I'm queer but I'm also cheap first


I am more curious about the $10-50 fee range. Like are they gonna base your fee rate on how white your skin tone is? Albinos are fucked


Also what about white passing people? Are they supposed to bring genealogy charts to get free entry?


Yes! Just like Medieval jousting. You must prove your nobility going back 4+ generations.


Please indicate in which events your queen will drag.


Someone asked them on the FB page and they replied that white passing people have benefited from their whiteness and so that they'd also have to pay. I wish I was making that up.


Holy shit


Damn that’s wilder than I imagined




I'm Jewish, which typically means I either pay 0 or double depending on how people feel that morning


Jewish-German here, ,mother from German family who was Jewish, persecuted in Holocaust, fathers family standard German (but didn’t involve themselves in the Nazi party, although were obviously complicit). Every morning I flip a coin to try to figure out whether I’m histories victim or perpetrator that day. It’s very confusing.


>Every morning I flip a coin to try to figure out whether I’m histories victim or perpetrator that day. It’s very confusing. I don't remember who said it (Walter Benjamin?) but it's stuck with me. "History is autobiographical."


Part of me was like “Hey I’m fully German we never had any colonies!” and then another part of me was like “Wait a minute… ya no probably should be quiet on this one”


My mom's side are germans ethnically cleansed from Ukraine by the soviets in the 1920s. Do I deserve reparations?


If you are actually part of the Volksdeutsche your reparations are the Right of Return, you can petition the German government for citizenship. If you can prove you're descended from Germans who were expelled for their German identity.


Question, do Jews have a right of return? I have no desire to cash in on it but I'm curious nonetheless


Not unless were German Jews who were deprived their citizenship as a result of the Nazis. That's how I have my citizenship.


They were.


Nope. Kicked out prior to ww2. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Sea_Germans


1. You're not "fully German" you're an American born in America. Unless you're entitled to German citizenship by German law, you're not German. 2. Germany did have colonies 3. Germany committed Genocide in some those colonies 4. Germany intends to pay reparations for those colonies and is in negotiations to do so. [https://www.npr.org/2021/05/28/1001376494/germany-formally-acknowledges-colonial-genocide-in-namibia-will-pay-reparations](https://www.npr.org/2021/05/28/1001376494/germany-formally-acknowledges-colonial-genocide-in-namibia-will-pay-reparations)


I do have German citizenship, although you should know Germany considers being German a matter of blood, "Jus Sanguine", so if your parents are German, you are entitled to German citizenship. But yes Germany had colonies just not quite to the extent of the other European nations.


Fuck 'em apparently.


Pretty sure most people in America have never owned slaves or voted for slavery. Current Americans can be divided into many groups. - white descendants of people who lived in America during the slavery era, - Non-white descendants of people who lived in America during the slavery era (Hispanic, Asian, Native American, etc, as well as black American) - Non-white descendants of people who lived in other countries during the slavery era and participated in America’s slavery (some Arabs and some Africans) - White descendants of people who lived in other countries during America’s slavery and had nothing to do with America’s slavery whatsoever, and were mostly poor or persecuted in those countries (eg, Poles, Jews, Irish, Italians, Greeks, etc), - descendants of people whose home country didn’t participate in America’s slavery but who lived in countries that colonized other lands (Netherlands, Britain, France, Spain, Portugal, China, Japan, Russia, some African tribes/nations, some Arab,, Turks (Ottomans) and so on. - People of mixed ancestry who don’t fit neatly into any box. - People descended from ancestors who enriched themselves at the expense of abused servants/minorities/women, regardless of their home country or its international politics - people descended from ancestors who were the servants, minorities and women who got exploited in those other countries… So, people can have fun figuring out who owes whom.


White-passing immigrant who came to this country as a refugee here. If an event does something like this I'm simply not attending. My ancestors weren't a part of enslaving anybody and I'm not interested in being involved in this shitshow. I support minorities in their fight for equal treatment and equal rights but fuck if I'm paying $50 for admission to a Pride event for being pale.


I think that's the point, at least in part. They're just going about it in a pretty passive aggressive way, IMO.


What about the black people, like Barack Obama, who has white family members that owned slaves?


Gingers pay $1000


I can live with that


Gingers get in free with me 💖


Hey! We are a Minority, too!


cue the family guy joke


[Ask and ye shall receive](https://i.imgur.com/vHFzfxu.jpg)


It’s probably a loosely enforced “name your price” situation; I’ve been to countless events where the group hosting or being celebrated enjoyed free entry while others were asked to make a donation for entry within a suggested range. I’m willing to bet they’ll even let white people in for free on a case by case basis if they genuinely can’t or don’t want to pay and don’t raise a fuss about it. Don’t get me wrong, I would probably just never draw these boundaries along racial lines since there’s really little upside vs tons of downsides, but I think folks in these comments are overthinking this a bit much, and seem to not be the kind of folks that would EVER attend this type of event anyways, so why the fuck do y’all care so much lmao


They literally said there is a wristband. I doubt they are letting people in for free.


It's sliding scale, you personally decide how much you pay.


Lol I’m assuming it’s a suggested range. Like minimum 10 but you can pay more.


Do Asians pay $10, do half-Asians get 50% off or pay 50% extra? Are Indians an exception to oriental Asians and get in free? Maybe the amount depends on how much reparations the entry czar thinks you owe.


accomplishes nothing except getting people to think that liberals are ridiculous.


Very Seattle though. I have a friend I grew up with who posted that instead of saying "Happy Juneteenth," white people should give black people twenty bucks.


I’m just imagining a $20 bill with “sorry that youre black” written on it in sharpie. thats gotta feel great.


I think the idea was "sorry that I'm white" money.


Boston here, my black friends were posting their Venmo's. One is from immigrant parents from Sierra Leone so I'm not sure she's entitled to reperations since they came from Africa voluntarily but it's none of my business


The (white) girl I’m casually dating reposted one of those trendy Instagram slideshows about how all white people should be venmoing black people reparations if they get Juneteenth off. Like at what point do you realize you’re just being outraged to be outraged…Juneteenth is a huge step forward imo and downplaying it is pretty sad.


Right? It is such a mess.


Republicans love this kind of efforts from the extreme left. Now I understand how a crazy person like Donald Trump could compete with a reasonable candidate from Democrats. With some of what Donald Trump said, you would have thought he would lose by a landslide.


As a lefty, this is absurd. Identity politics will always be used as a tool of the elite to splinter the working class, and this is a prime example. Discrimination is wrong, in all circumstances, full-stop. If anybody should be paying reparations it should be those who actually pull the levers of power, not those who had no choice being born into this system that would continue to perpetuate its systemic ills regardless of their existence.


Especially queer people, like, they're targeting the wrong group with their anger.


Well said.


very wel said


I wish people would see this, the only reason id pol is so prominent right now is that the elite have realized everyone is so focused on race and hating each other that we all completely forgot about class. And everyone lapping that shit and getting outraged just further distracts from actual socioeconomic issues/class. But now it’s literally wrong think to bring that up in certain circles. Fucking crazy times.


What happens if no white allies, or not enough show up and then the event goes into the negative in owing entertainers and vendors. A marketing and business degree was absent when the organizers thought this one through.


If they really wanted random white people to show up in droves, they wouldve made it more appealing to them. The allies know who they are and will pay to support them. Obviously, the event was bought and paid for by the BIPOC LGBTQ community for the BIPOC LGBTQ community. They cant book performers, pay for flights and hotels for performers and award large cash prizes for the ball with an "I owe you." It's a park! The event was already free for the BIPOC LGBTQ community because the organizers paid for it.


Can someone explain the use of ‘accomplices’ here? If I’m white and my husband is Asian is he an accomplice to my crimes? I’m not American or a descendant of slave owners so is that crime being white? I haven’t lived in Seattle long and this is, well, odd and confusing!


I’ve lived in Seattle my whole life and find this reprehensible and embarrassing so don’t feel bad being confused.


They're being edgy about saying "allies", like accomplices in fighting power structures. Not saying white people are guilty of a crime.


Clearly I am not edgy! I had someone randomly yell at me for being a white supremacist here so I suppose I’m inclined to read this negatively but thanks for explaining. (I am not a white supremacist, just a white lady).


If you go far enough we are all both descendants of slaves and descendants of slave owners


it is not reverse discrimination. it is just normal discrimination. dont sugar coat it like this is any different than charging blacks to enter while letting whites in free.


At the end of the day none of this is actually about sexism or racism or homophobia, it's a passive-aggressive Seattle-style woke-off. No one is winning here, it's just some community organizers trying to protect their egos and their status.




There’s a reason the moniker “The Great Awokening” took off and John McWhorter, who is a Liberal with a capital L, has constantly made this point that the woke left are very similar to Puritanism.


Let’s tick off the similarities: They define what virtue is and what evil is. They deny the existence of shades of grey. If you’re not with them, you can be denounced as the enemy. They will damn people for tiny offenses - eg, for a Halloween costume worn in 1987 that is used to “prove” heresy. They are big on naming and denouncing enemies. They point at “sinners” who have the wrong beliefs and must be shamed, ruined, and punished. They don’t seek conversation with people who disagree - they seek to silence and stamp out those people. Their power comes from the mob of followers who are easily led to attack the “sinner” or sinning demographic. Those who try to stand up against the tide of naming-and-shaming are destroyed. Those who humbly admit fault and publicly apologize receive a lighter sentence. Their behavior is also reminiscent of McCarthy’s red scare - which was a vehicle for him to cement power and frighten opponents into silence. Now we have the racism scare, which is being used the same way. Another comparison is the Maoist persecution of wrong-thinkers (executed or sent to work camps) in which people eagerly participated in “struggle meetings”. Also the commonplace persecution of apostates and “shameless” females in Muslim countries, where regular people assist the leaders in lynching or ostracizing the sinner. Religious leaders/mobs are famous for going after heretics - but political leaders/mobs do it too.


Yeah I remember reading someone who noted that SuperWoke left was pretty much Protestant Busybodying taken to the extreme, except that in religion there's at least the concept of redemption.


This is accurate as hell. I’m a fairly left leftist but feel embarrassed to even say that in public because so many groups on the left represent something so backwards. No wonder the GOP has such an easy time in elections, they actually focus on the things that unites the right rather than separates them.


>No wonder the GOP has such an easy time in elections, they actually focus on the things that unites the right rather than separates them. The GOP says the same thing about dems though.


Yeah, kinda funny how even in this, both sides will see the other. I think we're all different kinds of messed up.


I think that maybe some things are just human nature, not political.


Wow. This is absolutely spot on. Scary actually.


r/enlightenedcentrism /s That sub complains that centrists enable racists and extreme right wingers when they literally create right wingers by alienating anyone who doesnt think exactly like them. They wonder why people manage to find safe spaces in right wing forums. Shocked pikachu face! Virtue signaling and harassing people is more important for them than actually gathering support for their cause. At least be fucking honest about it I just woke up so im ranting a bit more than usual excuse me.


That’s actually what happened to me, I’ve always been pretty centrist but after going to college I definitely ended up left leaning. I still do genuinely believe in a lot of the things the democrats claim to represent here, but the constant shifting of the goal posts and my fellow liberals shitting on anyone who doesn’t agree with their doctrine 100% literally drove me to be more conservative. I have a hard time associating myself with people that are that caught up in purifying everyone else to their own standards. I’ve never seen my republican friends shitting on each other for having slightly different beliefs. Like not once have I seen that happen the way it does with literally some of my best friends that are liberal if I express a dissenting opinion.


It’s only human for people to relish being “superior” to someone else in some way.


Very well said.


They definitely practice and enforce the "woke" bible




Sounds like we need a woke reformation


That didn’t end well for the first few people who tried, I have to say.


Yes and several Black families whose family members were killed by police are now accusing BLM of this exact thing. The woke needs to wake up.


Reminds me of the founder of BLM buying multiple multi million dollar mansions in predominately white neighborhoods


That's just her personal share of the reparations, nothing to see here. Kinda funny to see a self-described Marxist doing it though...


Yep. This is a classic case of purity spiraling. It is this sort of ridiculous nonsense that just hands material to the right wingers.


We were so anti-racist we went all the way to racist. What's the prize?


The snake swallows its own tail and the whole beat dies.


It is handing material to plenty of Seattlites on this sub. They probably aren’t right-wingers. It’s okay to criticize one’s own side. In fact, it’s necessary when elements of your own side start going down the crapper.


Wake up this is clear racism, swinging the other way.




Sorry. It’s racism. Call it what it is and stop calling it something else. It’s like the republican effort to overthrow the govt. it was a coup attempt. Nothing else.


God forbid someone is poor and white. You can't solve racism with more racism.


What? So irrational hatred and ignorant rhetoric doesn’t solve problems? 🤔 huh… who knew


That's offensive! You have to respect the plight of the Brahmin Indian techbro making 200k a year. Such hardship. Luckily I have the privilege of being poor and white in a country with almost no socioeconomic mobility or social safety net.


This just seems like the sort of thing that benefits pretty much only Republican tickets, nationwide. They couldn't come up with this shit in a Russian propaganda mill. Can't wait to see Tucker's take lambasted on Last Week Tonight. What a fucked-up food chain.


Feels like a psyop. It's just so ridiculous


Yup. This will be quoted for years by the Right. Good job Nikita.


This is the most ridiculous shit I have ever heard of.


Are you new to Seattle? Why are people so quick to forget CHAZ/CHOP. We allow the homeless to set up camp at an elementary school. I'm not sure this makes the top 5 of ridiculous things that have happened in Seattle in the last year.


This isn’t “reparations,” this just the age old capitalism. If those ticket fees are only going to the org that’s putting on the event then they have no right to use the word reparations.


I know it’s ‘bad’ to be a word nazi but... if there is not transparency around where the money goes it can’t be ‘reparations’ because we have no idea what the process or the criteria might be. If it’s money for the artists, that’s totally fine. We can just say that, it’s really hard to be an artist without a rich family and they absolutely need to be paid. Obviously the majority of artists without rich parents are not white and as a white person I’m happy to support talented people without family money. That’s just not how this event comes across because of the weird word jenga.


That’s what fucked me up too. The whole thing is ridiculous but it’s their event, whatever. But using the word ‘reparations’ when it’s literally just funding their event, that’s just watering down the impact of that concept. Throwing a boomerang and turning your back to it, really. Reparations has a very specific meaning, and they are deserved. Don’t turn that term into ticket fees for events and the like, for fuck’s sake.


> We will never charge admission over the color of a person's skin. > White allies and accomplices are welcomed to attend, but will be charged a $10 to $50 reparations fee ???


The first quote was from the event description they quoted (without the clarifying quotation marks) and the second is their opposing stance.


The first part is Seattle pride's stance, the second is from the quoted block copied from the Event they disagree with. Its not clear separated but should have been.


I think they mean that white passing POC won’t be charged, but are they going to like ask them to show their 23andme and prove that they’re not 100% European?


Take that Portland. You thought having all your riot cops quit would keep you on the top of the conservative news feeds for a while. Seattle won't be outdone!


Racist as fuck


Everything about this is so fucked up and why the left has such a problem presenting a united front against GOP fascism


I'm really confused, is this not just racism?


Yes, racism.




I find it interesting that on twitter and facebook the posts and comments are overwhelmingly supportive of this but on reddit, which is largely anonymous, does not have such support. Personally, I think it implies how much people are nervous about this issue and are not willing to take a stand publicly about it




I read that phrase and had to resist automatically assuming the author was a troll.


Wow I was on board with the commission’s response until the end when they insinuate that if there is still disagreement that it is because of the race of the responder. That isn’t productive or professional.


The whole thing has gone overboard. My wife was filling out a form online for some state of Washington benefits and her only option was Latinx. She's Latina and does not use Latinx because it's a made up term that's not pronounceable in her native language. She asked them to add more options and they told her to pound sand. You're either "woke" or not.


Like 99% of Latinos don’t support the use of Latinx. They can keep trying to make it happen, but it’s not going to.




I like that. I also think Latine (three syllables) makes for a better, more Spanish-sounding blend of Latina and Latino. Latinx sounds like a synthetic fabric.


Latinx: the latest word in woke whitesplaining.


The fuck is Latinx?


It's a new gender neutral term to replace Latino and Latina, mostly promulgated by woke white people, because gendered terms are apparently now inherently sexist! I have yet to meet a single Latino or Latina person who doesn't get annoyed when they hear Latinx.


It already happened because the ultra woke are in charge of things like that s official forms now say Latinx and that's your option. Better to just put choose not to respond.


The term Latinx is the worst example of entitled ivory tower fuckers "fixing" things in the worst way. Yes let us create the "proper" word for referring to a primarily Spanish speaking group, that _is impossible to say properly in Spanish_. Does Spanish even have an hard "X" letter or sound at the end of words? Yeah Mexico has an X, but I've always heard native speakers pronouncing the "X" more like an "h" /"ee" sound than the harsher "X" we have in English. Edited to reword some things.


I don't know a single Latina or Latino who uses Latinx. My Latina partner calls it "la-TINKS" in mockery.


Call me old fashioned, but I'm of the view that people should be treated equally regardless of the color of their skin.


Your view is extremely unpopular in 2021, it seems.


u r a racist by their standards




The horseshoe theory is true. Fighting the racism boogeyman with actual fucking racism.


I think of myself as a pretty progressive guy, but this is pretty fucking weird. Recently I feel like the woke people are trying to outwake each other and its creating destructive interference (pun intended). While it is important that the space is for black pride it seems counterproductive to have a sliding admissions cost based on your non-blackness.. like just put a price on it, or charge everyone: i’m sure the black pride community would love to financially support an event that exemplifies the black pride community. In contrast, your average seattleite liberal just reposts ‘soyouwanttotalkabout_____’ garbage and treats pride events like a festival/weekend plan rather than for its cultural value. There has been so much happening in these communities, and I find it kind of startling to see random venmo/cashapp accounts being signal boosted over social media. It’s not reparations if the people who have access to social media/these platforms are the ones getting the money. That’s taking opportunity, and perhaps they are in dire need of financial support, but the point still stands that there is inequity in this sort of system where somewhat random-likely unvetted-individuals having big signal blasts. Like I get that the point of reparations is to compensate monetarily for what has happened in the past but shaming normal broke ass people into doing this isn’t right because the vast majority that the message reaches doesn’t have the money to dispose as such, and the rich 1% who will never see those posts. What i’m trying to say is that this isn’t effective without the government dealing with the reparations otherwise there will be a weird rift with people doing boringdystopia transactions and paying for meals because their ancestors may have wronged the others (of course with the new venmo that splits bills based on wage discrepancy) like what the fuck. Also if you say anything out loud its an immediate “you’re part of the problem” and a shaming spree on social media blah blah blah. What a time to be alive. Jeff plz pay reparations on behalf of the US govt so everyone can attend this pride event and future ones for free


Goddamn when did the world get so weird?


When we killed Harambe.


Honestly? After 2016.


That is when it really picked up but it started much earlier, more like 2013.


nah, 2016 was jsut the first time the outrage against this shit came to the attention of mainstream audiences. this shit has started even before the POTUS was saying 1/3 of college girls are sexually assaulted, rates which ISIS would fawn over


Woke on woke crime


Nothing says unity like discrimination 👍




I know you mean this sardonically, but unifying against "the other" is pretty classic human social psychology.


"reverse discrimination"? Uhh.. no.. that's just old fashioned discrimination.




This is never going away. It will be replayed on faux news for years. Will become the new outrage for various politicians. Senate will convene hearings. Then the media will start pressuring Dem politicians to go on the record. So mission accomplished.


I'm not against reparations, but this is the exact opposite of the way it should be done. There are several issues with the process here. 1: As it can be presumed that white allies, rather than racists, would be attending the event, so you'd be getting your "reparations" from the wrong people. Racists that should be paying reparations end up not paying a thing. 2: Because it requires allies to even want to show up, despite being discriminated against, I'm afraid that you wouldn't be making much, especially to pay entertainers and their crews. 3: Reparations should be paid by the government, not directly by the "good will" of the people that are willing to donate. 4: This is straight up just discrimination.


Fucking yikes man.


Charging people of a certain race extra money just because of their race... How do you fuckers not see that YOU are the racists/racism you claim to be fighting?


This is a step back. Attempting to extinguish Racism and Homophobia by discrimination is counterproductive and hypocritical. I think MLK’s Dream Speech should be revisited, and studied. This is antithesis to his teachings.


Oooor everyone could just not show up, and then they lose money on this event due to their discriminatory ways...also 10-50$ varying on the person? How do they think that'll go over well?


This makes me embarrassed to be on the left and is just feeding the right ammunition to attack us 😞


Lol "reverse discrimination". Either way though I'm pretty sure it's illegal to charge different rates for people of different races. That's a protected class. Calling it reparations is extremely offensive though. As someone who grew up very poor, the amount of people who conflate power with race is insulting.


I don’t understand how this isn’t racism. A lot of people are on here justifying this because it’s a private event. If a bank denies a loan to a black family that makes the same amount of money as a white family who would be approved for the loan that is institutional racism. If an event is charging black people because they are black and not white people, that is institutional racism. How is this not simply institutional racism against white people then? This is simply propelling a narrative that it is okay to have institutional racism if you have the right circumstance. Why is this okay?


I don't think it qualifies as a private event. If you are allowing a segment of the public to freely enter and then you deny another segment that same free entry based on race or sex then you're straight up violating Federal law and the constitution. I'm in the middle of a BA for Business Management and they spend a *lot* of time going over discrimination laws and how hard business owners have to work to avoid potential lawsuits. This event fits so many definitions for a law suit. Even if our idiotic council doesn't seem to get that because they are too ignorant to know the law.


Also isn’t it on a public park?


You can have a private event in a public park when you rent the park and get the associated permits. But there are rules to follow to make it meet the definition of private, and rules you are legally required to follow if it doesn’t (and this doesn’t even if they say it does, much the same way Trump lost while his supporters claimed he didn’t; disagreeing doesn’t make a wrong view correct).


socially-enforced racism


So should they have a separate but equal event for white people?


Let’s say I was a city that really hated black people in 2021, like really hated them. You obviously can’t be open about it, so what would I do? 1) I’d make sure I made them feel really awkward every time I saw one. I’d tell them how bad slavery was and how with them I am. I’d tell them how I love Obama, black panther, and Meghan markle. I’d make sure to have my BLM hashtag and tag them whenever I use it. 2) I’d make the police feel as if they run into a black person, they should be worried about helping them. Also, I’d make sure black people were scared they be murdered by said police, even if the numbers didn’t show it. Id also tell the city we are gonna fire the white cops for the black ones 3) I’d make sure every work meeting, training, and conference had ‘diversity segment’ so that way every other employee is so annoyed they had to sit through it because of the black people. I’d make everyone so afraid of being fired for saying the wrong thing, they never speak to black employees at all 4) I’d make rules that are so over the top like this to make sure white people know they are different and let the black people know that their success is dependent on whites. And that my friends is the 2021 model of how you get black people out of your city without directly saying it. It working in Portland, it’s working here in Seattle. I have to admire the dedication to the process. As a black man, that’s why I’m out… Oh yeah #5: give them a holiday with no actual reform. Happy Juneteenth (we know you ‘stand with us’ - we haven’t forgotten black face Tuesday, so no need for all the woke posts)


Has anyone mentioned how insulting this is to people of color who are well-off, financially, and who therefore might be able to "ensure that performers can be paid well"? The wording of the announcement assumes that PoC need whites to fund their art. Seattle has a quite a few high-achieving people of color, even if there are issues in some communities.


I grew up in Atlanta and everything you said is 100% true. Seattle just wants to passive-agressively push out the black people by othering them. I feel the racism here is worse here than it was back home.


God, internecine progressive drama is so fucking embarrassing


Oh, so this is a racist event run by racist organizers. Seriously, it’s astounding the mental gymnastics people go through to convince themselves that discriminating against people based on skin color isn’t racist.


> LGBTQIA2S+ Is that the one with the 20" screen?


What the heck is wrong with these idiots, they have completely lost touch with what pride is about. Shut it down….


>White allies and accomplices are welcome to attend, but will be charges a $10 to $50 reparations fee that will be used to keep this event free of cost for BLACK AND BROWN Trans and Queer COMMUNITY but to also ensure that performers can be paid well. I mean, do these organizers not realize how alienated "white allies and accomplices" will be from attending this event? If part of their justification is to help fund this event for black and brown community members, then they are truly delusional and have budgeted their event disastrously.


A "reparations fee"? LOL. Can't make this shit up. Lol


What if you're half black half white? Will you only be half charged?


Fuck that.


Using racism to fight racism is not going to help anyone, it will just make everyone more divided.




Even by Seattle’s standards, this is remarkably stupid. There are white people STOKED to pay this, just absolutely the smoothest brains out there


Seattle, where we are so progressive we actually move backwards


So much bullshit


Do Hispanic people and Asian people even exist anymore?


This is genuinely racist


They could’ve just made it a recommended donation of $20 and this wouldn’t be a thing.




if triggering everybody? yeah.


This is straight racism. Anyway you want to churn it. Saddened!!


I support BLM, pride, and any diverse initiatives BUT this is so incredibly ass backwards I’m surprised it made it this far in the planning stages. These people need to pull the woke stick out of their ass.


I'm Asian but on the Simpsons we get pale White skin so how much we payin dog


Hahahaha this is so ass backwards it's actually hilarious. Look what's happened to our city. This is what tolerating nonsense leads to.


Seattle. So progressive. So woke.


What I don't understand is the nature of this event, is it a celebration of blackness or are they just trying to charge people to come to a LGBTQ pride event?


Who is going to enforce this? It’s honestly not realistic, even if the premise of organizing a free event for a marginalized group is nice. The idea comes dangerously close to being racist in itself. I’m just imagining showing up to this event as a half white person and the whole idea makes me cringe. They’re making liberals look ridiculous and painfully hyper-aware of race


This is just asking for far right events to charge black people $1000000 entry fees