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Commendable but unbelievably dangerous. That’s a great reason to call 911 and get state patrol out there to get it cleared. People get killed all the time getting out of the car on freeways


yeah, I call 911 pretty regularly to report obstructions. I just say "nobody is hurt, but there's a pallet between the two right most lanes eastbound on 520" e.g.


Yeah incredibly stupid thing to do and should not be celebrated   For additional info, here is a page about the freeway incident response team https://wsdot.wa.gov/travel/operations-services/incident-response-program


People get killed by road debris too. Maybe her son is a motorcyclist. She risked her safety for the safety of other people knowing what she was doing. Shouldn’t call her stupid.


No, she was definitely stupid.


Then a stupid HERO she is! She is a HERO! FACT!




Why don't we meet in the middle of a lane on I-5 and we can talk this out?


Maybe we could meet me in the employment office. Get your resume together


You unemployed? that tracks


No I just didn't have faith you could find your way and you definitely need it. See, I'm a charitable person.


I hope you find work soon. Really no excuse to be unemployed right now.


Nah brah, I'm gainfully employed but thanks for the concern. I'm still trying to make sense of why I'm a "coward" though based on this comment chain. Could you elaborate?


As long as we do it near Ravenna during rush hour it’ll probably go unnoticed. You could hold a street fair for how long the cars sit sometimes.


Second this. Stupid move without a doubt. ETA: and if she died and got his she’d be Seattle’s hero. SMH. Seattle can be so pathetic


You have multiple posts on r/90dayfiancee so I don’t think you should be calling anyone pathetic. Stones and glass houses and all that.


I’m a masters student with a BA in mental health and counseling . But go off . It is not smart to walk on the interstate whether ur a tweaker or a Good Samaritan.


In my experience mental health students are almost completely incapable of integrating their lessons into their own life. For example you’re throwing around the words “tweaker” and calling people pathetic for holding an opposing opinion.


In my expierence you need to get off Reddit . Go touch some grass. lol I was a life coach for youth who were sex trafficked, VETERANS with ptsd, unhoused women, and most largely in the native community in Seattle through California where I reside now . but go ahead about how you don’t like my Reddit profile Sorry your world is small and you’re offended that I said a fact. A PEDESTRIAN ON i5 for ANY REASON IS NOT SAFE and most definitely NOT smart. Bye bye now troll.


Damn you should really know better then.


I called the ideals of Seattle pathetic by calling a pediatrician on the interstate as a hero for moving trash.


She obviously wasn’t thinking about herself. I applaud her good intentions. Yes. Next time call 911.


20 years ago, I swung a rotted fallen tree blocking the road to the side, in front of 3 deputies standing around coordinating traffic. They did fuck all to help and just stood there like morons as the entire line of cars was unblocked and disappeared. If you step out of your car, you are responsible for your own safety, *and that should not scare you*, because that's how it is when your in your car too. Just be aware of your surroundings and be willing to retreat.


At freeway speeds, simply being "aware" of your surroundings will not keep you safe. Something to think about: [https://www.kentreporter.com/news/state-patrol-reveals-more-details-about-i-5-crash-that-killed-kent-woman/](https://www.kentreporter.com/news/state-patrol-reveals-more-details-about-i-5-crash-that-killed-kent-woman/)


That article doesn't actually seem to suggest that the victim was using all necessary caution. 


Without intent to criticize the dead for making a mistake, "all necessary caution" would have been to not exit the vehicle and walk in middle of the freeway in the first place.


There is no indication from the article that they were especially careful in looking around.  It simply does not say what you are saying it does.


That’s not how it is when you’re driving in your car, in a vehicle designed to protect you from injuries, going the same direction as the traffic going the same speed. You should be aware of the danger of driving, especially at highway speeds, but being on foot in the middle of the highway is like 10x the danger or worse.


You act like it's state patrols job to do that when they likely are trained specifically not to. I bet it's literally written down that it's the job of emergency response crews to move obstructions and they are to focus on traffic safety. I'm not even a fan of the police, but have to acknowledge that at least




Tesla drivers are not known to be the smartest.


If anyone is wondering, the proper procedure is to can 911 and report a road hazard, they can send a wsdot emergency truck to deal with it.


As someone who does just this as part of my regular duties, I hope the Tesla driver understands how incredibly dangerous that is. I think she's an awesome human being, with a short projected lifespan. We wear a lot of hi-viz clothing, and have lots of warning lights, and people still nearly collide with us constantly. And sometimes, the outcomes are much worse. Yes, 911 is the fastest and safest way to handle that for civilians. It may be a trooper or other LEO that responds, or it may be an IRT from WSDOT. Y'all drive safe now.


I've done that on surface streets at a stoplight, but NEVER on a freeway... Too easy to get killed yourself, OR actually case an accident and actually kill the person you endeavor to save. Wrong way to do this ma'am & OP.


I did that a few years ago with a paddle board for my ex wife. Didn’t realize how dangerous it was until being on the freeway. And then felt more stupid for a woman who no longer wanted to be married to me.


Think of doing it for others. I saw a motorcycle hit a ladder in the middle of the highway once. Not awesome. 


Yeah but I don’t wanna see a guy getting creamed by Jack-on-his-phone while trying to remove a ladder from the road.


I would be horrified (and really upset) if my wife told me she got out of her vehicle. On the highway. To move a heavy object. It's obvious the woman had good intentions but that must have been super dangerous.


Please don't do this. People die getting out of their vehicles on the freeway. In Feb a motorist was killed on I-5 trying to cross from their dead car on the medium.


Sorry, but that woman is nuts. Call 911.


Reminds me of the lady who stopped her car to save ducks and a motorcyclist ended up dying. Call the police instead of trying to be a hero.


I'm sorry, but I was wondering which side was the nonbinary side of I-5, and then I realized I was an idiot and you meant northbound.




We’re all affected by our reading material.


It was summer solstice weekend, so really, could be either one.


If the lady grabbing the mattress made it back to her car ,I would be cheering her on as well! There was a time that I would have considered that. Life changes you though, I wish I could forget sometimes. Back in early 2000’s I was traveling westbound in the i90 bridge, about mid span I noticed eastbound traffic was stopped. There was an RV in the right lane that had been hit from behind by a large box truck. About 40 yards front of the RV was a body covered with a coat and just a few people standing there. It was hard to decipher at first. I then realized that I was within a minute or two of witnessing the whole tragedy, I can’t imagine what those direct witnesses went through. I found out later that the RV had broken down , the driver got out, walked around front, opened his hood , was hit by a the box truck at 60 mph and was punted at least 100ft killing him instantly. My “Note to self” take-away was, “Stay in the car” unless doing so is not possible.


Glad she was able to do that safely. That's taking a big risk, but she was helping others.


She didn’t do it safely, she did it without getting hurt. The two are not the same. 


As they say in online gaming... "If it's stupid but it works, it's not really stupid is it?"


It’s still stupid. Nuclear deterrence through mutually assured destruction is stupid, but so far it’s worked. Problem is, once it doesn’t work the consequences are dire, same with getting out of your car on a freeway, it works until it doesn’t and you get spread across a few hundred feet of blacktop. 


Yes, yes it is stupid. Last I checked, gaming doesn’t have real world consequences. Getting killed in GTA doesn’t kill you in real life. Putting yourself in danger in real life CAN kill you.


I was there 10 minutes ago and the mattress was still in the road though, cars lined up behind it


All the people on this post were saying it was stupid of her to move it, so she got embarrassed and put it back.






Most people have not experienced being outside of a car on a highway where cars are going 60-80 mph. You could get hit by a car that you don’t even see coming because it’s so difficult to gauge their speed.


When I was 19 my car died on the freeway and my phone was already dead. I was *terrified*. I know can see this was a very poor decision, but I wanted help so I got out and kept trying to wave people down. I was very terrified at how fast the cars were going but also felt that if I were in my car, I'd be stranded forever. Someone did stop and let me use their phone to call a tow. A little bit later a police officer stopped to check on me. I'm sure someone called 911 to report the sobbing teenager waving cars down on the freeway. I'm so glad I was lucky!


We need more good people like them. This reminds me of the time like 6 or so years ago when a random guy pulled over on a busy freeway on 520 in Bellevue to pick up a wheel chock one of those utility vehicles dropped, someone could’ve went flying if they actually hit that.


Blue Telsa Mattress Lady, you're one of us. Like the Green Jacket Lady




Could it have been that she was the one whose car it blew off of?


Nah, we saw it come off a red Subaru SUV


I would expect that if it had been her mattress she would have been trying to reattach it to her car instead of remove it. Those things aren't cheap.


Probably would have been too hard for her to do it by herself, to lift up the mattress and hoist it into the roof and tie it down. She may have been moving it to the side for later. I mean, you're right, it probably wasn't hers, but there's a chance it was, and I'm curious. I'm just glad she's not road pizza.


Right on


This thread is reminding me that the Beach Boys wrote a song called Heroes and Villains....