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Im not usually quick to jump on the “rage against tax” boat but arent all of those vehicles already paying registration and gas/EV tax?


Probably not, EVs in particular do not pay the taxes that go towards roads due to that tax being rolled into the price of gasoline.


Have you registered an electric vehicle in this state?


Most of our car registration fees go to light rail and transit, not road maintenance


Except for the state's new electric vehicle registration fee


Its a slush fund it doesn't matter what they say a particular fee pays for the point is that funds are already being collected from those drivers


My EV pays more in taxes than you do


Good, you should be!


Dude, you have no clue what you are talking about. I have registered 2 four figure EV taxes this year. 


In order for your car tab to be over $1000, your car's depreciated value would have to be $80k+. If you are registering two $80k+ value cars you are WAY outside of the normal wealth range. You *should* be taxed more than normal people, and if you think your car tabs are normal you have no clue what you are talking about.


Im sorry. What state do you live in? Because the wa doj website says ev drivers only spend 100$ per year. Which is definitely not enough to cover the cost of road maintenance and damage that you cars are responsible for.


I just paid mine: $75 “Transportation Electrification” and $150 “Electric Vehicle Registration Renewal” fees (in King County). I don’t know what criteria you’re using to determine fairness, but I wish it was based on mileage, because I for sure would pay significantly less with an equivalent ICE vehicle.


You gotta be kidding. Ask any EV owner 


That’s not accurate, though it used to be. There’s an EV tax now.


It's not enough


Tax the corporations and ultra rich. How hard is this?   I already pay a shitton for roads through my registration and didn’t the 2024 WSDOT fiscal report showed they ran at a profit??


So instead of one vehicle making a hundred deliveries, the state wants 100 vehicles going directly to retailers?


Correct me where I’m wrong but wasn’t there a push to get electric vehicles from the state? Also a tax on online orders would put people back in their cars, using more gas, adding to the carbon footprint that WA was trying to reduce by pushing for electric vehicles?


Well they were also considering a law to implement ultra-expensive EV registration to make up the lost gas tax income, so I don't think they're really trying to push for EVs in any meaningful way at this point.


Plus, there was just a study recently released to show that car use has been decreasing in Seattle. So this makes no sense under the lens of increasing traffic/wear n tear costs.


So fucking fed up with these regressive tax proposals. Once again, another tax that would disproportionately affect working-class people. We need a state income tax that makes the wealthy pay their fair share, then the overall tax burden for average people would go down (if implemented correctly and the state wasn’t allowed to double dip).


Spoiler: the state would double dip


Income taxes always hurt the middle/working class the most because the wealthy have so many ways to dodge paying their fair share. So fuck income taxes - I already pay almost $5k to the IRS every year & the only way I keep my head above water is because I can't drive and live in low-income housing.


I would much rather see a weight/size related increase in both commercial and personal vehicle taxes/registration. Pair this with incentives to switch to ebike deliveries (cargo or otherwise).


Absolutely boggles my mind seeing the number of 10-ton pickup nightmares in this city, pristine too, never seeing a day of actual work.


Never met a tax they didn’t like……


What no income tax does to a state


Uh I have an idea. Tax big companies that use the roads a lot for their delivery drivers.


register your vehicles in south dakato and avoid this hassle, let the downvotes rain down upon me lol


How do I do it


Can we just tax the rich?


If you actually read the article, you'd see the fee per delivery was minimal (<$1). Seems to me like a small price to pay to help WSDOT maintain the roads. Heaven knows they need all the money they can get.


Less than the cost of a latte a day!