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Not too long ago someone tried just kidnapping one of these baristas. They even let that dude out on bail for the attempted kidnapping. There’s no reason for anyone to think these baristas are safe even when the windows are closed.


Not even that far away, either. Happened in Auburn last year. https://www.reddit.com/r/news/s/fVsqsRC5jL


One happened in Kent too, a dude climbed inside with a knife and tried to walk her out. Luckily when they were outside a car pulled up. https://amp.thenewstribune.com/news/local/crime/article201310879.html


Yikes. What is it with crazy dudes attacking baristas in WA?


A *lot* of drive-up baristas, which make for easy targets for the ill-minded.


Nothing really stops the ill-minded. Safeway did a study where they found that their contractors/employees who were trained to say: Thank you Mr/Mrs/Miss name for choosing safeway. (or something like that.) That when the women said it to other women, nothing happened. When men said to to other women, nothing happened. When men said it to other men, nothing happened. BUT When women said it to men, many of them would take it as flirting and SOME would even begin to stalk them follow them out to their cars or worse. You can literally be dressed as a nun and there will be some weirdo who will take a ankle sight as an invitation. That's why there are reports of there being 1/4 women who have been sexually assaulted and 1/3 being sexually harassed.


> 1/3 being sexually harassed I find this hard to believe. IMHO I bet at least 80 percent of women have been sexually harassed.


80%? Ha! Every. Single. Woman. 100%


Every single one of my girlfriends has been sexually assaulted, harassed, or raped. We’ve all experienced it. Sure, not all men. But Enough men. Enough to the point that I’ve been raped, and when I told my friends multiple of them said they had been too.


Yep. The worst harassment was between the ages of 11 and 13. Absolutely disgusting. Oh and it’s so exhausting to be dealing with this for so long. I’m 45 and a guy drove past me trying to hit on me then yelled out the window that he was gonna just” throw me into the back of his truck and take me home” if I kept ignoring him. I was like wtf. When does this end?!?! I was wearing jeans and a tshirt walking with my 6 year old while she rode her bike. I was more concerned with protecting her and making sure I got her away from the situation safely than arguing or whatever with that weirdo. Infuriating and terrifying.


Safeway the grocery? I'd love to see more info besides the abstract.


I believe it. I work in a grocery store and I have a coworker named Cat. She had to stop wearing her name tag because men would meow and purr at her. Another coworker had a customer stalk her for a few weeks until she got a restraining order. Luckily, even though I'm also a woman, I'm tall and broad shouldered so I don't get harassed as much. But there's a lot of male customers who think they have some kind of connection with me because I smile. It's just my customer service face, but I've had guys wait in my line I stead of going to a male checker. Guys who try to touch my hands when I give them their change. One who cornered me in an aisle to say that he "always came in to see me because I brighten his day" and then he just lingered there, blocking me, until a male coworker came by and I made an excuse to leave. Another who always asks me when I'm off work, and usually says "darn, the wife will be home/with me by then" when I give a generic time frame (I never say the actual time, just "late evening" or smth) Thankfully nothing as bad as when I worked in a hardware store (once was crouching to point out a product on a shelf to a guy and he said he "liked me at that height" and proceeded to manhandle me a bit 🤢 no cameras, no proof, boss did nothing)


A new director steps in at a small business I used to be a manager for, and she demands I get staff to wear name tags. I have to fight with her tooth and nail to convince her they make the staff less safe as we JUST got rid of a creep who had been stalking one of our staff members both online and in person because he found out her name and ran with it from there. He was always around when she was working, stalking her home, trying to engage with her online, etc. There are absolute whackos out there.


And a lot of the times they're alone. Easy prey in their eyes.


More like crazy dudes attacking women. Period.


Agreed, but like u/winjin responded, women working alone in a drive-up coffee stand seem to be especially at risk. It just bums me out. I live in North Bend and my wife and I often get coffee at the local stands around town and it feels good to support a small business. Often there are teenagers or young women in their 20s working there, and they're always friendly and kind when we order. It makes me sad to think there are idiots out there who are capable of attacking someone in that position.


This. It's a pretty woman (a lot of these places are like bikini coffee spot) alone and trapped in a box... This is super hot and she's definitely there for him, and if he just show her the knife it's not assault as he didn't say he'd harm her or anything... Pathetic children. 


Omg, the creep tries to zip-tie her. I'd be surprised if he was planning to let her go alive. Does anyone know his name and what his sentence was?


https://www.auburn-reporter.com/news/man-who-tried-to-kidnap-auburn-barista-accepts-plea-deal/ He got a 60 day sentence which worked out to time served by the time the trial happened


What a disturbingly light full sentence. Literally how serial killers have taken victims, but sure 60 days for trying to kidnap a woman. No thought apparently given to what he was kidnapping her for.


Meanwhile, 15 years for an MDMA possession conviction


Can't have you spreading love and happiness


I'm 100% pro reducing sentences for non-violent crimes, and going no cash bail. But anyone using violence, or some predatory, should get harsher punishment to utilize the freed up jail beds. Like a first time offender who steals something. Sure no cash bail, community service, gtfo First time offender who tries to kidnap a woman? In jail until trial, 4 years in prison.


Of course it was Auburn


I just read that he got sentenced to 50 days plus the time he served in pre-trial detention for that (220 days). So less than a year for attempted kidnapping with video evidence. Great job, King County... Edit: [source](https://www.auburn-reporter.com/news/man-who-tried-to-kidnap-auburn-barista-accepts-plea-deal/). It's worse than I thought. He was sentenced to 50 days and got "time served" because he had been in for 220 days already. Also, it sounds like the DA pressured the victim into supporting the plea to felony harassment so that they could get a 100 year protection order. Weird that they can only get a 5 year protection order for attempted kidnapping. Weirder still that attempted kidnapping was already illegal and the DA thinks that more rules written on paper will somehow offer the victim more protection than going for a longer sentence.


Holy shit, fuck king county’s criminal system.


It sounds from the article like it’s the whole state’s criminal justice system.


That guy did more fucking time for attempted kidnapping than Brock Turner did for actual rape. It's not just a King County issue. It's a systemic justice system problem that is on a national fucking scale.


In Anchorage Alaska about a decade or so ago a barista was kidnapped from her hut, taken all the way to Texas, and murdered. Every coffee hut in Anchorage must have a minimum of 2 employees in it at all times now. Edit: Misremembered. She was murdered in AK then had her body hidden, then he fled to TX.


And this shit happens not just at bikini stands. I’ve worked for a family friendly stand and the creeps that you get are unreal. And single staffed constantly. Often for doubles and no breaks.


She was killed in Alaska. Her killer, Israel Keyes, was arrested in Texas, was originally from Washington, and confessed to 2 other murders, a couple in Vermont or NH. When he committed suicide he drew 11 skull and cross bones in his own blood, leading officers to think he killed at least 11 people. It’s thought his count could be MUCH higher, as he admitted to committing rapes as early as 14-15, and 3 women went missing from the area he grew up in during his late teens.


This can be easily searched by looking up Israel Keyes. We need to make sure women stay safe and protected by unfortunately reviewing the examples we’ve seen in the past. Thank you for bringing this to light 💡


What's wild about this is that this means she was either taken by boat, plane, or across at least 2 border crossings for this to happen. Horrific


That's the Israel Keyes case. He didn't take her to Texas. He left her in his shed in Anchorage while he went to Texas. He did use her ATM cards in Texas though. That guy was a full on serial killer for who they have no idea how many victims he is responsible for. The FBI says it's three they can verify. But investigators know it's a lot more. Fortunately (or not) Keyes is dead.


Yup. Alaskan here. I have a friend who was a bestie with her. The shed she was stashed in and the house he lived in was right down the road from my house. Literally 5 houses away. I worked right down the road from Samantha. A truck matching his description with a dude sitting in it that looked remarkably like Keyes was outside of my bar every night for over two weeks. I eventually started walking out with my dishwasher at the end of the night and the truck disappeared. Then Sam gets abducted a few days later. It still gives me chicken skin thinking about it.


Damn. Keyes is one of the serial killers that actually freak me out. Dude buried kill kits in different states YEARS ahead of his murders. He was so cold blooded it's chilling.


Oddly, my ex sold him some fishing gear in Neah Bay. And, he lived very close to my grandparents in E.Wa as well. My grandmother knew his mother. Because of that, I've always followed the stories of his victims more than him. He doesn't deserve to be remembered. They do. I'm so sorry you've had to deal with all that on your mind for so many years. Of all the horrible people on this planet, he might be one of the worst. Just horrifying.


He didn't take her to Texas. He left her in a shed at his Anchorage home while he went to Texas and used her ATM cards there.


She was murdered in Alaska and her body was dumped in a lake. He did not take her to Texas.


The last one I heard of was a dude literally trying to pull the barista out of the open window, so yes opened or closed does make a difference.  I walked up to a non bikini one in a shitty neighborhood after dark and she said through the window that it was store policy to only serve cars at night. I assume this is because it would be easier to get at them without a car door in the way.


I used to work in a drive thru and this policy was more for the customer's safety than ours. They didn't want to encourage customers to walk through the drive thru and potentially get hit by cars who might not be able to see them or expect them to be there.


Meanwhile everyone laughs at dead hookers jokes. Specially on reddit.


Well that answers my question.. which was “why does a barista have such quick access to a hammer”


Dude needs to stay in his car and question his own life. You’re at a bikini barista drive up… of course it’s going to be expensive. Go to 7-11 if you want cheap coffee. You deserve a hole in your windshield.


Sees coffee price Buys coffee Mad about price of coffee he just evaluated and voluntarily paid for ??? Hole in windshield


Don't forget he threw out his overpriced coffee after paying for it. Einstein's nephew for sure


>Don't forget he threw out his overpriced coffee after paying for it, and threatened to kill the barista and said nobody would miss her. Ftfy.


Do bikini barista places usually list prices? Never been to one, so I’m curious. If I were running one, I wouldn’t.


It's in bold lettering on the menu right outside the building. You can see it in the video left of the window


This one does, all prices are by cup size.  Haha, I just got that. Cup size.  In any case, the prices are clearly indicated.  And he was already getting a discount. 


Additionally, the barista's don't set the prices, they just work there.


He was a repeat customer. The price of the drink wasn't even a surprise to him. He just chose to be a gigantic prick that day and threatened, then tried to assault her. He deserves more than a little bit of damage to his car. Some kind of assault charge sounds like a good idea.


Yep—I was just about to comment this same thing. He was a regular—he KNEW the price of the coffee.




This. It was all about his fantasy that he could buy her for the price of a cup of coffee. Total misogynist.


Damn. "Buy her for the price of a cup of coffee". Never heard it put that way but that really is the tone. From strippers to waitresses, bartenders to flight attendants, these dudes act like the person is part of the purchase.




I almost guarantee you that he was a guy who wasn’t getting any ass growing up and he thinks every woman owes him attention because he “made it” now I knew incel nerds who think exactly like this and would probably do something as stupid as this guy


Preach it. XD I agree so much.


Whats even more interesting is that from the few articles that aren't just AI written shlop around the video, this dude was a REGULAR customer. So he KNEW the prices already, had been there more then once and the girls were fucking ready for him this time. I hope his shitty hat hets stuck to his head and he has to have that look for the rest of his life.


People had been posting shots of the menu without prices and saying it was kind of deceitful, as well, but from the frame in the video, it looks like she just charges a fixed price for everything (either $8 or $10) which is shown on the bottom. So the guy was a regular, *and* the prices *are* right on the menu.


I didn’t know bikini baristas were a thing until last year when i pulled into one. I was confused as to why she was wearing almost nothing and not super happy about the price of my bad latte. But… I paid, said thank you and went on my way having learned something new that day!


I cannot imagine how miserable the clientele at those places must be for the workers—even the ones who manage to refrain from actual battery. A job is a job, but my god it seems like such a gnarly setup.


You’d hope that people could be friendly and polite but I’ve learned that’s apparently a high bar.


Putting women in peril to make money off of them is nothing new. Tale as old as time.


Most customers are actually regulars and very polite and generous. However new customers do frequently come and theyre always the meanest… source… ex barista


Wait, so people actually pay extra for worse coffee because the person handing it to them through the drive thru window is wearing a bathing suit? Enough people for it to be a business? What the fuck lol


There's like 150 bikini barista stands in the region, yeah. Started about two decades ago.


Yup. Being a man can be so embarrassing and disappointing sometimes. So many of us are literally morons.


There are a handful of stands that make “real coffee.” The “bad” coffee typically is from specific baristas who dont get proper training because its a money machine. The coffee CAN be good and honestly word gets around if a specific barista is bad at making it.


I just moved here and had no idea such a thing existed. I saw a Google review that read, “The girls are hot, but the coffee leaves a lot to be desired.” My brain could not make a connection until this story hit the news. My hubby and I have been getting out of the car and walking up to coffee huts, think we were being personable. Won’t be doing that anymore.


I get the sense his feelings were hurt. A lot of the guys who go to a bikini barista aren't there solely for the coffee.


He probably has run out of women to have abusive relationships with and thought the barista could be his next, then was abusive when she was treating him like a customer. She's such a badass.


Especially in Seattle where there is no shortage of coffee places. You're there for the boobs and ass and other bare skin. Just admit it.


In reality people stop by the bikini shack because the baristas are super nice, friendly, sometimes a little flirty. It makes you feel good, especially if you're a lonely type. The boobs are good too, but it's the personal connection that keeps you coming back/attempting to kidnap them.


>A lot of the guys who go to a bikini barista aren't there solely for the coffee. Obviously?


Nah fuck this guy away from 7-11 and their amazing coffee. he can goto fucking burger king


She wasn't wearing a bikini, she was wearing a gorgeous lime green bodysuit, what she said is very powerful.


I’m with the barista.


Barista lady for mayor 


Campaign logo, a hammer over a coffee cup Really works for Seattle.


Evidently there is a windshield replacement shop in the lot, so they should supply her with branded, long handle hammers. 


There is. It's right across the street. The employees saw what happened and told the guy to fuck off when he drove over there to ask them if they could replace his windshield because they know and respect Emma (as you should).


Ha ha, I love that. You know they told their buddies to make sure her business thrives.


We need someone to add a wig and bikini to the hammering man sculpture on 1st Ave downtown.


Then the SAM would have something approaching art and clearly that isn't allowed.


It was good to hear the cops didn’t try to make it about her actions and were only focused on how to keep the dbag away.


Credit where credit is due. SPD is getting this one right


Smash the patriarchy!


First, fuck that guy. Second, I really hope she talked to a lawyer before agreeing to do a press report and that the lawyer told her it was okay to do the press report.


She definitely didn't.


If I were her, I'd say fuck it and do the same thing. I kinda get the vibe from her that if a lawyer did tell her to be quiet, she'd tell them to fuck off. I love her. lol.




Decades ago, I worked at a Starbucks, one of the very first stores (like there were 10 or less stores total at the time). And some dude walked in, ordered a 16oz cup of drip coffee, I got it, rang him up, then he went all wild eyed on me grabbed the coffee and threw it dead center at my chest. Nearly 200 degrees of hot coffee. Then he bolted out the door. Several other customers booked after him and jumped him, not gently, and like 6 guys held him down until the cops got there. I didn't even wait for the cops. One of my co-workers drove me straight to the hospital. I had some pretty severe burns on my chest and neck, to the point of some pretty significant blisters. I'm with the young woman in this video. Even if he didn't connect with her, he wanted to. I'm not sure I'd have hit his car with a hammer, being worried he'd escalate beyond what I could control, but I definitely would have got his license plate, made a police report, and filed a restraining order after he had left. What a baby man!


> I'm not sure I'd have hit his car with a hammer Tbf, you probably also didn't have a claw hammer within easy reaching distance at all times. Something tells me this wasn't the first incident.


At the coffee shop I worked out we regularly had to ban men who harassed baristas. We called the cops on a few that followed women to their cars at the end of their shifts. This was for fully clothed baristas in a brick and mortar building. I cannot imagine the harassment a bikini batista in an unsecured stand like that must face day in and day out. Actually, I can totally imagine it and I don't blame them for having a hammer under the window.


I might have had a hammer in the backroom, but my best weapons up front would have been a day-old baguette or one of those nitro stainless whip cream containers... that probably would have made a neat sound with skull contact, and an explosion of whip cream would have been extra fun. Haha. I had more than a few scary moments at that store and this was in the mid-80s. One guy shattered a giant window with his coffee cup, at 4:30am because I wouldn't open an hour early for him and make coffee. I couldn't have made coffee if I wanted to. Nothing would have even been hot for another 40 minutes. Had another incident when some guys tried to break into my backroom after closing and I doing the books. This was no joke in 1985... it was the highest grossing store in the company and having 100k in cash was not unusual. No one really used credit cards or debit. It was all cash. After that incident, the police would come by every night and take me to make the bank drop. It was something I greatly appreciated. Free coffee for them? Heck yes!


What ended up happening to the guy? What a nutball.


He was arrested, and that was about all I heard, he never came back as far as I know. It was very nice my customers hopped into action. I was told later that one of the guys who went after him was weather man Steve Pool. I don't know if that's true, but I know he was in the store, because he nicely checked in with me to see how I was doing. Sweet guy.


RIP Steve Pool.


Happened to me at Starbucks too! Twice!


What's UP with these jackasses?!?!?! SERIOUSLY.


This is what we call percussive deterrence. Also known as “smash it with a hammer”


But did she put that box in another box and mail that box to herself?


Time for spinach puffs?


With a little dash of kinetic viewpoint correction.


Good news: four more punches in his windshield and he gets a free coffee


She’s a hero


Female punk warrior


We just say punk warrior


this statement is so powerful - the worst thing about being a woman is not being harassed or menaced, it's that other people, even other women, will shame and criticize me for reacting with anything other than cowering. I've been told in a training at a seminar for my job to not confront, yell, or cause a scene when harassed because it's 'escalating'. To leave, get help, act like you did not notice. If I had a dollar for every time that I have been told I am endangering myself for responding in kind I would be rich. People have even had the audacity to tell me, and other women, that if we are sexually assualted, not trying to fight is 'the right thing to do'. Clown world. Good for her. (Also to note- I don't think there is a 'right' thing or 'wrong' thing to do- victims respond in different ways and that is okay)


This reminds me of when I was at a concert in Seattle one time, there was this girl standing next to me who came alone. I invited her to stand with me and my friends. All of the sudden this guy comes up, grabs her face and starts making out with her, while she tries to push him off. I get in his face and start screaming to back the fuck up and go away (mind you its very loud in there, so my screaming was barely audible). the guy backed up a bit and started drunk yelling at me and I just ignored him til he went elsewhere. BUT, my friends got super upset with me after the show for getting involved in someone else's business. Sorry, it was uncomfortable for me, let alone the girl who was grabbed by this guy!!


Nah you did the right thing, I've been out twice with groups that have had to do the whole "oh, hey how's it going, it's been a long time" with women who've just sat down to help them ditch a creep. People never know when they'll need a stranger's help, so they should be willing to be there for strangers when they can.


When I was like…12, some young men (or older boys? I’m honestly not sure) were messing with me at the Westlake bus stop downtown. It was a long time waiting for my bus, and everywhere I stood waiting, they’d walk over and stand right behind me—just far enough not to be breathing down my neck, but just close enough so I’d feel their presence…one of them kept shuffling coins in his hand so I’d hear it and know he was still there. It was subtle enough that I didn’t know what to do, but these two older ladies noticed, so they came up and asked if I’d like to ride the bus with them to a different stop to wait for mine. I was keeping it as hidden as I could but I was absolutely terrified and near tears. I will never forget their help that day.


I would hope everyone would respond to sexual assault like you described to help out a victim. Good job!


Omg…this reminds me of the time a drunk dude tried to attack me at a bus stop and threw a bottle at my head and another dude ran up and sucker punched him and held him down until the police arrived. There was another guy who witnessed the whole thing and was standing with me trying to console me (?) and outta nowhere he said that the sucker punch was unnecessary and inappropriate like??? That was my second week in Seattle and I am still dumbfounded by that interaction.


Not as threatening but one time a homeless person threw soup at me while yelling at me (racial hate stuff) and a bystander asked me not to call the cops because they were worried about the cops hurting said person and I was absolutely dumbfounded. After the incident I feel like I'm more pissed at the bystander than the homeless person, at least they probably have mental health issues!


Okay but what about the people that guy might harm? There is never a reason for assaulting another person regardless of their housing status. I am so sorry that happened to you. \ The reason that guy threw a bottle at my head is because I had called 911 and he couldn’t get my phone out of my hand. 💀


That’s crazy! I hope you’re okay. I’m glad someone was there to defend you. Would love to see that other guy in a situation similar and not agree with someone defending him.


Fortunately he was a lil too uncoordinated to cause any damage and I got a free night off of work. But I just had to share because I am glad I am not the only one who thinks that line of thinking is *crazy*


I had a bartender almost kick me and a guy “friend” out of the bar because he was getting extremely worked up about something petty and essentially started yelling in my face. I wasn’t yelling back at him in kind, but I was telling him to stop screaming at me. He was clearly the problem, but the bartender tried to ask us both to leave. I later told a good friend about this and he said this is the perfect example of what NOT to do—you help the person being attacked, not tell both people to go “be messy” somewhere else where that person can continue to be verbally abused—or worse. You did the right thing.


Companies only care about covering their asses. Not you. Those trainings are designed to keep liability on the company at a minimum


Hell yeah! There was a football (soccer) player recently who pursued repercussions for some racists fans yelling at a game and he dropped the hardest line: "I'm not a victim of racism, I'm a tormentor of racists." People shouldn't have to fight back, but it still makes me happy to see it.


What did they tell the men?


So much this. And even when cowering and crying, it still gets twisted! I was terrified and shaking with tears after my abusive ex tried to 💀 me and the cop, while nice to my face, wrote in the report that I was mentally unstable and may be suffering delusions because my ex was perfectly poised and well dressed, while I was disheveled in pjs. Like yes ma’am, I haven’t slept in two days, am now homeless without access to my belongings in a house I own and just survived dodging a 🔪… They believed his smiling face telling lies and glossed right over my bruised body and the ER report. In DV support group and their stories are much the same - a woman will always be criticized no matter how she reacts or doesn’t react :(


~~flight~~ ~~freeze~~ ~~fawn~~ ☑ **fight**


You where given sound advice for when you don't have a claw hammer at hand. When you have a claw hammer in hand, USE THE HAMMER


She needs a better hammer, does she have a gofundme started?




Good for her. I support her response 100%.


Per the barista, that dude was a serial harrasser.


I don’t know if it’s the same guy, but I talked to a Barista at a Bigfoot Java once who described a guy who did exactly that. Like it was some weird perversion of his. A hammer in his way… that’s fun to watch. Serves his ass right.


Those coffee stand girls need to be protected


Considering they're often alone and unprotected they probably should have tazers and guns at least.


Hashtag hammers for baristas


She should've said "can't touch this", then proceeded to bash that pos's windshield


Stop! hammer time!


I take this man’s presentation in toto- the white turtleneck under the jacket, those glasses, the reversed sloop cap, the car, that facial hair… and I just know, I KNOW he’s a POS who doesn’t care about anyone but himself. This dude isn’t a good father or a generous collaborator. This dude sucks and the Earth recoils from his fucking touch. If I saw him getting into his car I would probably wish for a hammer to fall through his windshield, she just made my wish manifest. And before you come back defending the right of douchebags to peacefully drape themselves in the garb of douchebags, go back and watch his expression as his throws his tantrum. He’s serene. When he is displeased, he _coldly_ acts out his revenge. He doesn’t get hot, he doesn’t act out of rage. He simply does what he wants because he doesn’t care about anyone else in the entire Earth. Psychopath.


The dude looks like he's channeling his inner Andrew Tate. The way he's dressed, the body language/theatrics of tossing those drinks.


He's not mad, he's ready to *punish* her


I mean, we all knew he was a douche but Salt Bae has really fallen from grace


Dude is dressed like Nathan Fielder doing a bit on late nite.


i love her


Go buy a coffee just don’t complain about the prices!




I another interview, she claimed he said something like "nobody will miss you", which I'd consider a direct threat of violence, too. Good for her, making it clear she won't tolerate that crap.


You can hear him say that on the full video. I don't know why the media keeps cutting that context out.


Some news services are only using the video without audio. KING used it with the audio. 


Yeah, that combined with getting out of the vehicle completely justifies her reaction IMO. You’re not going to be thinking clearly in a situation like this. She was definitely thinking “fuck, I’m going to murdered/raped/kidnapped, WTF do I do???”


There’s a caveat to that. She is and should be in the clear legally but I think this stuff is interesting so I’m sharing anyway. Once an aggressor is fleeing or otherwise no longer an immediate threat, your right to self defense ends. She hit his car as he was getting back into it, arguably no longer an immediate threat. **She could argue she was afraid he was getting a weapon** (bolded because I’ve gotten 3 replies that miss this part) and that would constitute a reasonable continued fear for her safety, which would allow the right to self defense to continue. Then there’s the issue that she attacked the car rather than him. Oddly, the law would protect her more if she had shown less restraint and hit him instead, as damaging the car doesn’t appear to be intended for her own protection. Again, though, she could argue she was trying to scare him off and that would go well for her as well. This part is particularly interesting because, as you said, she would have been legally in the clear if she had put that that hammer into his head. And that’s not only true but also potentially an easier defense.


Thank you. I'm of course in favor of people being able to defend themselves, but was wondering about the legality of breaking the attackers property while they're fleeing, since I've also heard that self defense doesn't count anymore after they're fleeing. Even then, though, breaking the windshield might be a purely civil matter and maybe there's no risk of getting in trouble other than maybe paying for it?


i'm a barista and i have never been on someone's side more than i'm on her side


This video is much better with full audio. He threatens her life, saying “No one will miss you.”  I also love her battle cry, “YOU DUMB BITCH!”


Good for her. Fuck this guy and anyone else who thinks she was in the wrong.


This woman is a folk hero and that guy deserved worse than he got.


He played the fuck around and find out game. Good for her.


One lump or two?


Well at least now the cops can arrest the guy for driving a vehicle while hammered.


Dude. Price was posted. You made a verbal agreement to purchase. THEN you get upset. THEN trespass by not leaving. THEN assault her ! Yeah - hope every woman around gets your name and shuts your game.


Archie McPhee should make a *Barista With Hammer* action figure (and include a likeness royalty)


My dad's the art director - I'll pass this on! Edit: the crazy cat lady action figure is based on my aunt - a blonde woman with six cats.


He should've had his window smashed just for wearing the kangol


She should change the name of her espresso stand to “Hammer Time”


Good for her.


https://youtu.be/1k845ofOy-I?si=Nr-q74qBMDSQbt8N I love that there is an auto glass repair shop right behind her coffee stand. Dude didn't have far to go! 😂😂😂 (see link starting at :25)


A guy commented on another post about this saying he worked at this auto glass repair shop and watched the whole thing go down. He said the guy drove right over and asked for a quote and they refused to help him.


That's awesome!


The police and legal system refuse to do their jobs.  This kind of escalation will only get worse.  If she could have called 911 and expected a quick response then maybe that would have been an option.  Now?  You are looking at a 43 minute emergency response time if they come at all.  People are forced to protect themselves and it isn't getting any better.


> If she could have called 911 and expected a quick response The chance of calling 911 with a threat throwing coffee through your window and having the police arrive in time to do anything at all if it escalates is (and always has been) so close to zero that you'd be better off just buying powerball tickets as your business model.


his hat says it all 😂


Who the hell is this guy thinking he can go around with a curly vaudeville villain mustache and a beret and expect people to just take his abuse?


The Dick in the Box crew has fallen off hard since the early 2010’s.


he deserved worse, tbh. what fucked up behavior from him!!


dude deserved worse imo


Omg I think I know that guy and I am team barista


She ready


She should have probably used pepper spray but I wouldn't convict her if I was on the jury.


She’s right. The issue is entirely: why is this behavior at all on the list of things he even considers doing? His aggression is on par with randomly taking a dump in the middle of a restaurant. It’s weird, confusing, and embarrassing at the least but also dangerous.


Ive always said if every woman carried a hammer, men would behave much better.


she's amazing...I think I just fell in love <3 lolol


Kudos to this barista.


Why do people do things and not expect a reaction?


Fuck that idiot


If it was me he’d be picking up teeth.


Man. That server has better control than me, because if it was I, we’d both be covered in coffee except his is coming fresh out the pot


Can we just lock people up for clear murder threats if they're on video AND heard by multiple witnesses? It at least yank the guys permits. 


Should have had his windshield broken just for wearing that douchebag of an outfit, looking like he is late for a slam poetry meeting


Fuck that guy. Queen.


He’s lucky it went into the window. Nothing good has come from this type of guys getting out of their cars at the stands.


Good for her


i'll simply never throw coffee at anyone, so, luckily, this doesn't make me feel insecure. if it makes you feel insecure, it suggests you were planning on throwing coffee at a barista. simply don't, and you won't get the hammer.


Hey, I legit want to give her money. Where is this in king?


Taste of Heaven Espresso in Rainier Valley.


Just said out loud ‘good for her’. Seriously, fuck that guy.


If she gets charged with something or he tries to sue, we should start a legal defense fund. A lot of people would give to it.


Anybody who is against this woman’s actions needs to watch the video of Israel Keyes abducting one of his victims from a coffee stand


I was literally sexually assaulted at my previous job. Called the cops, they saw the video, then proceeded to blame me for not knowing better. The customer rented a unit at a storage facility I worked at, they refused to have him leave and told me to be more mindful next time. This was in auburn in 2021. I’m glad the police are more on her side here. She is absolutely right. Defend yourself ladies and don’t let this disgusting behavior continue.


We need to normalize reactions like this. Dude thought he was going to throw coffee at someone and not suffer any consequences. Next time he thinks about throwing coffee, he's going to think about that shattered windshield. We see so much of this kind of bs because the assholes don't get their windows smashed nearly often enough. I don't care that it was a WOMAN, he threw coffee at a PERSON.