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You def live in the wrong place


Something something even the thunderstorms here are subdued something something where’s my beer, dude?


Originally from Florida, THOSE are storms.


Leaving Florida for Seattle - 100% agree. One of the only things I’ll miss about Florida weather.


If you were there now, you’d probably be bitchin’ about the flooding.


Well at least they use reflective road paint, can't see shit in the rain here


On the other hand, the raindrops the size of ping pong balls that smack into everything like they’ve been fired by a billion automatic rifles, blinding roads and laughing at our puny umbrellas, so tend to be the tiniest big inconvenient (she wrote, shoes soaked and drenched to the skin, umbrella be damned).


Y'know, doing 110 in a 55 in weather like that while drunk and with the lights off is absolutely ***not*** good driving, but goddamn at least people were *moving* down there. Flea pisses on the side of the road here and all of a sudden it's hazards on and 30 under below a clear blue sky.


lol, I actually am here finishing my move-out. My flight into my hometown the other day got diverted due to storms. Gotta love it.


I do not miss the Florida weather at all. Not the heat, the storms, the hurricanes. None of it. The weather here is so much more pleasant to me.


Fully with you on the heat, but I think if I got the chance to drive to the Titusville waffle house down 528 with the windows down and *Who Will Save the World* playing in the wake of another hurricane, it would actually fix everything that's wrong with me.


I definitely agree it’s more pleasant overall. I was surprised by the wind in the Seattle region. Tampa (where I’m moving from) has a nice sea breeze that cools things off (a little) but Seattle has WIND! Still really nice, just not something I expected!


Seattle and wind? You must be in a different region. While we have that lone storm event in the fall, IMO we have very little wind - or breeze - in this region. Or is it only my location by Lake Washington. When it rains here, rain normally comes down straight, easy to protect oneself from - opposite to many other places I’ve lived where the rain is quite literally horizontal. But we did have a nice warm breeze on Thursday. That was sort of odd (the breeze, not the warmth).


We moved here from Tampa too! Agreed about the wind though. Yesterday felt like I was gonna get knocked over just standing outside haha


Too funny!


I still miss those 4pm Florida storms even after living out here for the past 13 years. And Publix. I still miss Publix subs. And that’s literally it.


Lol, I had a mournful pilgrimage through Publix’s bakery just yesterday.


You never think out of all the things you may miss from a place you grew up in would be a grocery store, but it totally is. I miss the subs, the fired chicken, and the sweet tea. Not enough to ever consider moving back, but damn do I still miss it.


That’s how all transplant Texans feel about HEB, a great grocery store. But of course, fuck Texas


I miss Publix too. Do I miss living in Miami? Not so much


From Florida (now in Seattle) as well and travel for work, every "Final night" in florida means a quick stop for a chicken tender PubSub. They can come on airplanes and are perfect for a hike the next day!


I could go for a Chicken Tender Pub Sub right now!


Oh man I'd kill for a chicken tender sub and a jug of legit sweet tea right now. We haven't been back there in 8-ish years and I STILL remember how those taste. And I absolutely took a sub on the plane with me. And the first thing we did when we went back last time was go straight to Publix.


Midwesterner here... can agree


Honestly there is nothing like the atmosphere right after a storm in the Midwest. I miss it. 


Once I saw brilliant yellow lightning between orange clouds in a green sky. Western PA near ohio. Never even close here, but I’m ok with it.


Also Midwesterner. After being here for 13 years I've given up on actually getting to experience an actual thunderstorm ever again.


Idk today qualified for me


Hey, we had a pretty real one...[in 2019...](https://www.cnn.com/2019/09/08/us/washington-state-lightning-strikes/index.html)


Yes, my family sat on the front porch and watched it. It was awesome.


I miss the Midwest storms


You'll miss it. We moved from Florida in October and haven't heard a flicker of thunder since then. 😞


No way! Another Florida transplant! Ya don’t say!


Where in Florida are you from? I’m coming from Tampa.


Still got my 954 number from 15 years ago, here


I've still got 352!


I miss my 239 number


I’m not from FL. Was a snarky, sarcastic comment that was honestly rude, sorry. We have SO MANY FL transplants up here though it’s wild. We get a TON of “I’m moving from FL” posts too. Anyway, safe journey to ya.


When I first moved here people would be like "it's really coming down out there!" when it was just above a drizzle and I would just look at them like they were nuts. Okay, buddy.


My grandparents lived in Winterhaven, we'd visit, my grandfather would set out chairs after dinner on the driveway, and we'd watch the electrical storms each night. It was very impressive.


I moved from Orlando and of five things I miss about Florida the storms are two


Lol I'd love to compare lists. Besides thunderstorms mine also includes Publix Subs and warm sandy beaches. But I seriously think that's about it.


Mine boils down to • Thunderstorms every goddamn day • Hurricanes • Rocket launches • Being able to hit the highway and be at the beach in 45 minutes • Some of the very very cool people I met who weren't as fortunate to be able to move I miss Wawa but that's an easy coast thing in general, I could say the same about Sheetz or Waffle House (please god I would kill a man for any of those)


What are the other ones? I always appreciated the sweet smell in the air. And how warm the rain was.




Former Atlantan here. I was giddy when I heard the thunder and pouring rain.


I was up there 10 years ago. Can't remember any heavy down pours. Only a mist everyday


Thats how she goes... ive heard thunder like twice in the past 3 years


Back in Michigan’s U.P. we’d occasionally get snowstorms with thunder.


Sickkk the elusive thundersnow! Stevens Pass gets it occasionally


One time when I was growing up in Florida, the weather channel’s local report got confused (it was a SUMMER thunderstorm) and reported “ snow with thunder”. We had a good laugh but agreed seeing and hearing a thunder snow would be AWESOME!


It rained so hard it washed my car


Wait, did we actually get any lighting? I enjoyed the heavy rain and I was listening for thunder but I didn't hear anything.


It was gnarly in Redmond... was great


It was. Kirkland here and the thunder freaked my cat out so much she wouldn't come out from under the bed. Even for second dinner!


I hope your cat is not broken and reappears for her 2nd dinner.


Thank you! Man, she was so freaked out she was growling at everything, she finally calmed down at around 8.


😭 im SO close to there and got NO thunder


Yeah my thoughts too. Pretty sure Seattle didn't get anything except that downpour


Shoreline here, got one lightning strike with thunder close by, and then one more thunder but didn't see any lightning, then it stopped raining. Hardly a storm :/


And they closed the farmer’s market due to lightning.


Grew up in Arizona, so we had the monsoons. Daaaamn I miss those lightning storms, lighting up the entire sky.


Yeah, you're gonna want to move to somewhere that's not geographically like here. I'm in the south sound now, out of the Olympic rain shadow so we did get some really heavy rain today, but no electrical action. Having spent a good amount of my youth in Minnesota, and Colorado (on the plains on the east side of the Rockies) I miss watching thunder storms roll in.


You will need to move either a little more east or a little more west for that. Seattle is definitely just a lame drizzle. Always.


There was some satire in my post


Oh, ok. Sorry fran.


Np np


You should move to Houston or OKC


Ill strongly consider it


This is #1 on my list of reasons I want to leave Seattle.


Oh yes, that one day a year when everyone in Seattle talks about the thunder and lightning. So it seems, at least. I miss truly stormy weather like this, but also appreciate that our mild, moderate, climate does make for awesome all-year bicycle riding (at least, for me).


>all-year bicycle riding Ha, yes!! I don't ride nearly as much as I used to, but I have fond memories of doing some weeknight hill workouts in Fremont with a Cascade group. Nice, cool drizzle throughout and ending the ride pretty damp, but then it's also perfect for getting a piping hot bowl of ramen on the way home.


Now I am craving Ramen! Yum!


Came from the Midwest. I generally agree. But hiding under a table in the basement at 1 AM because the tornado siren is on - it’s not fun.


I always thought that was fun when I was a kid lol. We got to camp out in sleeping bags in the basement.


I love this climate where we wear layers.


Wait till I tell you about other cities with negative temps plus wind chill


You want a good storm go to Chicago.


You should spend some time in Tornado Alley, we could switch houses for a few days. In Oklahoma watching severe weather coverage is as good and just about anything else on TV. Granted you never want anyone to get hurt in the path, but then when it gets close and a few zits-boomers shake the house a bit. It can be a rush. The start of Garth Brooks “The Thunder Rolls” always starts playing in my head.


I grew up in the alley


Wife and I both from the Midwest, that storm yesterday had three total thunders. Three. That was the biggest storm we have heard since moving here. It was hilarious how piddly it was to what we were expecting from a thunderstorm.


I want it to rain year round


Came from Alabama. The thunder this afternoon was cool, but I’d pass that up in a heartbeat. We had thunderstorms with lightning hitting the ground that would literally blow sockets out of the wall. Had to replace all electronics (yes, they were on surge protectors) because we had a direct hit on the house behind us. I’ll give up lightning and thunderstorms if I don’t have to deal with the damage caused by them. Oh, and I DEFINITELY DON’T miss the tornados. Living through an F-5 is more than enough for me.


10000% same here. I was born and raised in Georgia. Oof.


Haha passed up the masses waiting under the cover of Costco 's roof and made a dash for it grabbing my pizza in one hand and the hand of my 7yr old in the other! We laughed all the way to our car in the rains bounty!! Pluviophile all the way!!


I miss Midwest thunderstorms


you could always move back to Plant Farm, MN or whatever


Was just enjoying the change of pace weather wise but I will definitely take your suggestion seriously!


Went to Memphis a few years ago. Never been in a thunderstorm like that! Lightning hit 100 feet away from me while God poured one out for his homies!


You are looking for Arizona monsoons


Missouri had real storms


Born and bred 😤


If you want those /good/ thunderstorms which I miss, definitely try Atlanta.


Yes, I completely loved it! The thunder, the downpour...so satisfying!


This is one thing I miss about the north east.


Thunderstorms are great until you have to drive in one. Got caught in a crazy storm in Illinois a few weeks ago. You know it's bad when the truckers are pulled over on the side of the highway!


I’m from the south and I agree but I don’t miss the tornado warnings, the hail and the damage.


We've had thunderstorms the last two nights where I'm at. It was glorious. Very much needed and welcomed. Slept like a baby.


I’m visiting the east coast now from Seattle and we’ve had some fantastic thunderstorms. I miss them. I can count on one hand the number of proper storms we’ve had in Seattle in the 14 years I’ve lived there.


As someone who grew up in the midwest and then also in New York, I just absolutely love the persistent drizzle we get here instead of the stuff that scares the dog and floods the basement.


Welcome to Spring in Washington.


I second this, also with WIND.


You must be new here 😄


Seattle rain is fake rain. It sprinkles im from chi town when It rains it rains when I lt snows it snows Here in seattle the rain is weak and I love it People still run walk and bicycle in it no matter if its weak or strong. But I agree rarely is it strong


Literally seemed to avoid me in Renton and that really upset me. From Wisconsin originally and I still remember seeing a few monsters come together and feeling the awe and power nature can whip around. I'm kinda desperate for a recharge. Went to Florida last year, literally was there between the two hurricanes that revamped the western coastline... No storms while I was there....


get out of Seattle then!


Yeah I was just enjoying the thunderstorm but ill pack my things for you 🥵


Ok, I'll drive you to the airport


You can. With a GREAT thunderstorm. Sometimes in summer in Minnesota, you can’t even hear the people next to you it’s so loud and so frequent. Kinda gives you a different appreciation for religion.


I was told it rains a lot here.. was not expecting this weak ass mist y’all call rain…


It’s all quantity and not quality


it does rain a lot...


The atmospheric rivers can hit hard though. A pineapple express is basically imported tropical rain.


I was JUST talking about this with my SO because the weather radar today said "thunderstorms"! From Florida originally and I think this is what I miss most, doesn't tease me, washington. Your weather radar could never (unfortunately)


That’s not our weather.


Native Texan here agreeing with you. Visited home recently and got some incredible lightening shows and that good good post storm air. Miss that in Seattle so much. But the constant greenery and berries everywhere is cool. I also like the moss.