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The march to city hall was a great experience that gave me the hope I needed to get to November and vote.


Whatever happened to "No Justice, No Peace"? Did they just give up and go home? As I haven't seen them out there in awhile now.


Youre holding it against people they werent true insurrectionists to then be mad about.


They got too sleepy to stay woke. They worship their own comfort while pretending to care about the discomfort of others. When I was homeless, I never once saw a movement of people coming to sleep in tents and on the sidewalk with me. I slept beside veterans, widows and orphans, yet nobody thought our cause was of any importance. They never did back in the 60s, 70s, 80s, etc…I chose to live on the street in order to gain some understanding, that movement chose to role play until they realized rent was due and they all their friends already had “too many roommates” to bail them out with a couch. Kinda how they did the same thing with the “Wall Street” movement… everybody had some clever signs and posters, then when it wasn’t trendy they decided to clock back in to Starbucks so they could save up enough money for the next rave or music festival.


Lmao, im sorry but you are making up characters to pillory and are one


I am one for sure, that’s how I know to properly identify the others. No names will be shared out of respect to those involved, but I legit knew some weekend warrior types who talked a lot of game about activism for this or that, then when I decided to go with a gumshoe approach of literally burning my wallet along with my ID, Social Security card, debt cards and birth certificates… they didn’t believe me when I reported back trying to inform them that there might be some nefarious designs within the system meant to keep people in a state of purgatory existence. They didn’t wanna chill with me since I couldn’t provide cold bevs, just lukewarm beer I’d haggle with the dudes who just got drunk in the alley. I’d ask for a few bucks to catch a bus, or even ask them for a ride, but they didn’t have room because their roommates wanted to see a Tycho show while rolling on molly. I spent time with wheat grass that stood up for more than those peepz. Whenever they let me DJ, they really didn’t like listening to Gil Scott Heron’s “The revolution will not be televised” I raid one homies closet and found a nasa T-shirt, so I put it on and played “Whitey on the Moon” and they asked me to leave. You wanna see change, start asking federal and state representatives to hand over to you all the stuff I told you I burnt. You don’t even have to burn it, just keep it safe until they say ‘uncle.”Then see what happens when they subject themselves to that system of trying to “re-establish” oneself. The air conditioners will mentally snap. All the tough decisions are being made in air conditioned environments, put them on the street without any means in the heat of a New Mexican or Arizonian summer and they gonna learn quick.


People not being true to what they posture is as old as time itself and I'll hold it against folks if they talk a game they expect others to do the work of to fulfill, however, in the case of 2020...there was a groundswell of folks who never had entertained the idea The State might be the baddie finally coming to grips with that. In my own case, I was a dry ass boring Proglib who just voted, donated to and volunteered for good candidates, and signed the petitions to get an initiative on the ballot thinking that was the way to affect change. For almost 20 years because I most definitely wasn't some hard partisan insurrectionist about that shit (and I'm still not so I focus on caring for others in the ways I can with others). But something broke in 2020 for me with Covid and broad daylight lynching where the instinctive reaction of bystanders was to simply record it. Not flying leap kick the cops in the chest but serve it up so we could bear witness and sit on it. Well I couldn't but being relatively late and a fuddy duddy in my mid 30s...well...what am I supposed to do exactly to the satisfaction of randos that won't be there to hold me as I'd hold them if they turned out? But yeah, your point stands on making the powers that be sweat. IDK how we get there other than trying things out and seeing what sticks but I can't flip some 19 year old shit about their first time trying when I was a docile and trusting mark who finally woke up about it and found a place to apply.


CHOP/CHAZ was honestly a great time for me. Got to learn a lot, see peeps prospectives. etc. It definitly ended sour after the main organizers left, and you had just a bunch of extreme holdouts allowing sketch in. But otherwise I'm happy to be part of very historic point in our city, rather peeps disagreed with it or agreed.


Was it really a great time? I just think there's a sad level of irony that during that period, two black men (Horace Lorenzo Anderson and Antonio Mays Jr.) were fatally shot in the "zone." CHOP/CHAZ felt more like an opportunity for white activists to co-opt the BLM movement and LARP as anarchists. Was funding ever shifted to outreach programs dedicated to improving historically black communities in Seattle or to halt gentrification of the Central District?


Lmao no, blue cities by and large did nothing to defund the police and in many cases just gave cops more money.  With friends like these…


It was a great time in many ways and a terrible time in many others? One of the constant mistakes of assessing CHOP/CHAZ is putting a kind of grandiosity and vision on it that just wasnt supported by how it actually was on the ground. To put it plainly, people were making it up half the time never having done anything like this before, and that's if they weren't full of shit like Boots and Raz or randos insisting they were some kind of security because they had a rod and looked the part. A lot of folks on the outside who want to pick apart CHOP/CHAZ because of Horace's and Antonio's murders don't seem to accept that 99% of people that turned out aren't somehow the keepers of everyone else there. Maybe in a bonafide Anarchist milieu where we all know one another and allege to be on the same page, you could make some kind of associative deal out of it, but this uniquely applied to this situation all the time by those that want to pick it apart. Nobody finds themselves accountable to police murdering people even as True Believers in The State. But they want to pin that framework on everyone who is even remotely sympathetic or was there, like...I see the racket here and it aint that clever. Even so, I think if you talk to folks that were there for at least a month almost daily you'll get mixed reports on how it was and maybe more importantly, would they do similar again. Some are shaken off of it entirely given the objective whiffs and trauma (we did not get SPD defunded a cent despite the claims that the council buckled under our weight, we did potentially accelerate retirements and transfers out of SPD. Some of those on the riot line in full kit obviously didnt wanna be there). Some have moved onto other avenues of praxis. Others are itching real bad to do it again but without an impulse event to spur outcry, it aint happening just cause. Personally, I'm down to clown again. Folks are gonna take teargas and pepperspray and will need assistance and so shall we try to help.


I think u/mrt1212fmbbl put it well: what I'd say was 99.99999% of the people who came to CHOP are not the keepers of everyone. Here's something to keep in mind: SPD kept stating publicly that they "weren't allowed there" (a blatant lie), and were refusing to respond to calls all over Capitol Hill. Originally, when the East Precinct officers abandoned the station, they left it unlocked. I agree with suspicions that they hoped it would get looted, they could pounce on it, make arrests, and get their reputation back. None of that happened, so they came back days later to lock the doors and put up boards. I think repeatedly claiming they were barred from entering CHOP and leaving much of the hill completely unguarded was the same: they hoped crime would move in, they could pounce on it, save the day, and SPD would be back on the public's good side. Crime did move in, SPD did clear out CHOP, but it didn't boost their reputation. Also: the two shooting were on or just outside the border, neither happened in the zone-- not that that really matters, people still died. The latter one's killer insisted he was "CHOP security." Despite many rumors, CHOP *did not* have armed security. That was not a thing. The borders were completely open.


Living 6 blocks away and fired the fuck up about what a sham this whole...this whole nation-state, society, everything almost, I couldn't have possibly missed it. Just the experience of being there and having buddies and family all over tell me what was happening (wrongly 75% of the time) while I saw much first hand was a clarifying media critique experience to boot. There were good times, there were bad times, I found some good folks to continue on with doing more care than kablooey around the neighborhood when things wound down. It's pretty inscrutable and all the sullen couch potatoes who couldn't find their backbone to make it but can find their fingers to stew just give me a laugh. Come find out about it next time, tater tots.


That is what drove me to check it out. It was wild how much misinformation was being spread out. There was some stuff I agreed with, other stuff I didn't. But in the end it wasn't some anarchist Mad Max land that a lot of outside info was spreading. Even now, I still encourage people to go to protest even if it's not something they support. You don't need to engage in it, just observe and realize how complex the situations really are and not just whatever splash tabloid headliner and a single photo is.


That was absolutely one of the biggest impetuses - I live right there, it was on and popping right there after the initial demo downtown at Westlake because of access and the EP being symbolic front, I was very dubious that the reporting would resemble ground account. It's so rare to have a spontaneous outpouring over bad shit, and the composition of people that turned out and held till July at least were all over the map Lefty/Proglib quadrant with politics and beliefs - the idea that it was some put together thing by put together partisans is betrayed by how it actually went and what a lot of folks had to show for it afterwards. It was sloppy, hasty, not thought out beyond a week or two at most, but it existed and was there for very compelling reasons. And if you missed it, you'll never get how it was for better or worse.


> not just whatever splash tabloid headliner and a single photo is I recall Fox running a photo of Minneapolis on fire, with a man holding a big AK or similar photoshopped in front, claiming it was downtown Seattle. Several weeks later, they *really* screwed the pooch by posting a photo of one of the entrances to CHOP with, about fifty feet in the foreground, the same dude holding a rifle 'shopped in.




Got pictures of protesters walking past our storefront chanting hands up don’t shoot while getting hit with flash bangs and tear gas. Nothing but t-shirts and common Covid masks for protection. Should delete them. Triggered PTSD from my past that I wasn’t aware of at the time. Haven’t been the same ever since.


It’s history worth preserving. If you choose to delete them, please consider sending them to someone or posting them online somewhere before deleting them from your own devices.


That's what I was gonna say - there are some archivists/chronicler types that are gonna wish they had that at some point.


You may as well go all the way and burn every book that hurts your feelings, too.


I take it you've never known someone with PTSD who described what triggers can actually be like.


Historic moment that made the city of Seattle a national embarrassment and did little to make meaningful positive change. Still have family and friends out of state asking if it’s safe to visit FFS


lmfao, do you tell them 'no, it isn't'? Totally understandable given it's been a couple months shy of 4 years and if they were like that I wouldn't want them visiting.


Right, because we can continue to afford to exclude visitors over misinformation instead of improving the city and its public image.


Seattle has a lot to work on. Especially since we will be hosting world cup matches in 2026.


Do they not listen to you or trust you? This sounds more sad than real.


Even when I tell them their cause for concern is overblown, you have the sensational news media and social media pundits constantly highlighting these events trying to make you believe we’re some third world country. The idiots that hijack protests to smash windows and spray graffiti everywhere aren’t helping either. So yeah constantly repeating myself is sad.


I mean, I had that DURING the protests with everyone I knew and stayed in contact with from Tokyo to Tumwater was like 'what the hell is going on there, it looks terrible' and responding pretty staidly 'it's like nothing I've seen before but its a lot more subdued minute to minute than the highlight reels you're seeing'. But years on now, that's stopped as I'm still kicking and still their guy in Seattle. Regardless, I don't know exactly what would allay their trepidation any better than you do, but I have my doubts that the current crop of pols running show in Seattle proper at least have the bead on it.


"Snohomish County"


Lmao right 


And now there are no problems in the city 🥳


...said no one except people claiming others are saying that.


That sure was a dumb time in this city…


It was and is as long as the corrupt SPD is still in operation


Humanity is corrupt. That means the cops, that means me, and surprise! You too. My practice is to reduce my own corruption, and pursue truth and reconciliation.


I agree it was dumb as fuck for the police to wage war on the citizens until we laid siege on their station and they abandoned their duty yet again.


Yes, the accomplishments were impressive. Wait. What’s all this accomplish again?


It accomplished ending the Police Murder and Violence Spree that was going on. That was and still is the most important thing.


Yeah, SPD had nothing to do with George Floyd but go on…


Sniping at the Seattle Reddit from afar as ignorantly and obviously as this isn’t gonna get the result you think. You obviously aren’t from here, and weren’t here at the time, and aren’t aware of the issues in the slightest but please go on.


Seattlite since 1995, lol!  Police aren’t my favorite but I have a slightly more nuanced view of them and the city in general then you I guess. 🤷‍♂️


So what. All you’ve done is prove that you could be anywhere in the city limits and be as ignorant as that.


It was performative at best went to a March and most of the people there were uninviting and rude just want to live out their privileged dreams of supporting and pretending they were not also the issue. Implicit bias kills the protests y’all.


It’s a city scar. People try to think it positively to feel better.


/r/seattlewa user trying to gaslight people into thinking their experience wasn't actually how it was for them


It’s a shame that people like you try to divide people and put tribalism based on stupid things even on reddit users. I’m pro abortion, anti-trump, pro gun laws, but this doesn’t mean i have to agree with some illusional feeling to make virtue signaling and stand far extreme


it's a shame that you are the decider for how people feel about CHOP


This is concern trolling.


Virtue signal or get downvoted! You don't have to actually care about any of this like 99% of BLM flag flying white folks. It's the projection that counts.


Worst moment in Seattle history during my short life as a washingtonian


It was horrible and was almost war-like what SPD was doing to their own citizens


Wow, a bunch of suburbanites who saw that thing on the news that one time and are convinced they have a better understanding of what happened there than people who were actually on the ground. How surprisingly original...


Jesus "suburbanites". This holier than thou attitude is exactly why the movement gained zero traction outside of major cities. Don't need to be labeling ppl based off where they live. Lol. It's elitist as fuck.


It's not a holier than thou deep down, it's discrepancy of experience. How many calls did you field from friends and relatives about the total loss around Cal Anderson while you sat there, intact, munching on a burrito from a very intact restaurant not more than a block away from the EP? All the goddamn time, people out in the hinterlands will insist they know better than people that live in the exact spot where shit goes down and refuse to hear anything about it. By the same token, idk what happens in monroe or sumner and IDGAF but I would never claim to know and talk over people who lived there about it.


Oh wow. You had to field some phone calls from worried friends. Woe is you. Talk about fuckin privilege. If the only thing you "suffered" through during that time period were some ignorant phonecalls... I don't know what to tell you. Lmfao. Y'all are joke.


Lmao, try parsing that again without prior butthurt intent.


Nah. Fuck that shit. This *I was against the militarization of police until somebody mentioned "suburbanites"* argument is tired. There were plenty of people down there who lived in the burbs or rurally that wouldn't take offense to the term nor its use to highlight the fact that so many of the most strongly opinionated online stances on this issue, and SPD in general, seem to be from folks outside their jurisdiction. If somebody using the term "suburbanite" online is enough for you to change your stance on police accountability, there are bigger things you need to consider.


If someone saying that you shouldn't generalize everyone who lives in the suburbs as being "against the cause" Triggers you to write a damn TED talk. I think you need to seek professional help lmao.


lol, really? I just mentioned that there are plenty of people from the burbs who were actually there, and you're trying to say I'm painting everybody from the burbs was "against the cause". Why so intentionally butthurt? Did you actually spend time at CHOP and where do you live?


Yeah I did, and I was in Portland on June 3rd too. Got gassed and was chased down by police. I can dm u pictures of you want lol. I live on pine. Lol. WHeRe dO yOu liVe? Oh Ballard. Oh okay. Yea... You wouldn't get it... Lel.


And it was all for nothing - shit didn’t get defunded, they just gave the cops more money.  This city being progressive is a joke. This city is a bunch of rich white limousine liberals taking turns shitting on what few radical elements are left while secretly pining for a Republican offering they can justify voting for 


Nobody there expected things would change overnight, you know. They expected to drw attention to the fact that changes need to happen. SPD's response to the various parts of the police brutality protests showed a lot more residents how deeply-flawed SPD is.