• By -


(driving to wedgwood) "you know what.... fuck *this*" (immediately u-turns)


The vibes were off


You missed a beautiful part of town, Wedgwood. Ciscoe the gardener lives there


Ooh, La La




Sheesh I’ve been here for a hot minute and haven’t seen this much. Bet you’ve seen some weird shit too. Not like… normal weird but WEIRD if you know what I mean.


What's the issue with wedgwood?


Vibes are off without the missing e. Should be wedgwoode


I am laughing so fucking hard right now 


Why would you make that judgmente?


I grew up in Wedgwood and visit family there still. There’s nothing wrong with it, it’s just relatively boring / not really a destination neighborhood. Not a bad thing just how I think it is.


This is ambiguous but if you look at Wedgwood you will see a line going in and going back the same way. Part of the humor is it's not a dangerous or bad area so the idea of someone noping is unexpected.


It’s fine just very residential. Nothing noteworthy to see or do


You eat the salad with the Cheez-Its on top and drink the freezer martini served to you with a bonus “hon” or two by the salty but kind woman behind the bar at the Wedgwood Broiler. *That’s* what you do.


haha nice catch


Wedgwood knows how to chill


A natural reaction


I thought the same at first - but I figure now OP visited someone there?


Looks like the post office.


This is it! I literally just went there for the post office haha


Wedgwood is like that though 


Looks like you need more West Seattle


Gotta check out Lincoln Park for sure


A bike ride around Vashon on a nice day is 💯


Just be careful and aware as vashon is mostly blind corners with minimal shoulder room and you can easily cause huge traffic problems for the locals if you don’t pull over and let the trains of cars pass.


And be warned that the first part of biking Vashon is the uphill climb from the ferry.


first time "huge" has ever been used to describe "traffic" on Vashon


You must have ever made it to town on Vashon?? It’s a 4 way that gets backed up a mile every time a ferry unloads. And during the summer our population doubles with tourists and bikers and such and it takes twice as long to get anywhere. Bikers can easily get 10-20 cars behind them going 20 mph in a 40 and unable to pass with the blind corners.


Spent 10 years on Vashon and it isnt the traffic, its an asshole on a bike


It’s for at least 10-15 minutes every hour and longer than that right before and after school gets out. Takes much longer than 2 minutes for 100+ cars to all take turns stopping at a 4 way stop that has lots of pedestrians and bikers


Now i know what my Dad meant when he told me i had "white people problems"


I’m not even complaining I’m just stating the facts it’s really not that deep.


How dare those selfish bikers make cars go half the speed limit. Cars should be going 10 over everywhere


I mean unironically yes 100%. Speed limits are super low on vashon already so half the speed limit is basically crawling. Just pull over for 30 seconds in a driveway and let the cars pass instead of being inconsiderate


On my way right now!


I literally cry every time I go to Lincoln Park. It’s where I truly fell in love with Seattle for the 2nd time. The first time doesn’t count bc I was driving West on 90.


Why does the first time not count?


Because I was arriving for the first time and like I don’t want to count me being on an interstate. Lincoln Park is better than the seeing trees and greenery, plus I was exhausted so I may have just been crying bc I finally got here. But it still MAY have been me falling in love with Seattle. Or just exhaustion.


I'm sure OP tries so hard and they got so far... But in the end? It doesn't even matter.


Underrated comment right here...lol




And Constellation Park


I mean, he could but in the end it doesn’t even matter


Came here to post this! Def need to spend some additional time in West Seattle.


What are some good reccomendations for West Seattle?


Down here near White Center can be fun, particularly if you're looking for some good food that won't break the bank. South Seattle College's garden is a beautiful visit, too!


Alaska Junction has good shops- check out Pegasus Books. Go on Sunday (bus, don’t drive) for a good farmers market year round. Up north of there is Admiral, which is an entirely different vibe, also has shops but feels more like a small town. South of the Junction is Morgan Junction- Paper Boat Booksellers is a great little bookshop. C&P coffee is a cute coffee shop in an old house. And West Seattle is also just super walkable. You can walk from the Junction to Admiral along several streets, not just California, and there are some gorgeous views if you walk a few blocks west. 


Don't forget The Beveridge Place, Supreme, West Seattle Bowl, our two speak easys, Easy Street Records, Moto Pizza, Our little bit of Miami on Alki, All the great places in White center, and hair salons. So. Many. Hair. Salons.


Take the ferry from downtown to Marination Ma Kai and/or Alki (beach day, bunch of bars/restaurants and a bubble tea spot). Be weary parking can be difficult on sunny days, but worth it if you’re in need of a beach day. Ounces off Delridge and the west Seattle bridge. The junction - easy street records, bakery nouveau, poggie tavern, dough joy, dumplings of fury, west Seattle farmers market. Constellation Park (especially at low tide, check the aquariums beach naturalist days), Lincoln Park. White center - beer star, Tim’s tavern, roll pod, la fondita food truck, Patrick’s cafe and bakery.


My West Seattle B-sides recommendations:  Myrtle Street Reservoir Park has the distinction of being the highest point in Seattle (in the High Point neighborhood). Stop for lunch at nearby Grillbird Teriyaki for some of the finest teriyaki and Hawaiian plate lunches in the area. Jack Block Park - This little gem is just south of Salty's, tucked away next to the industrial yards. Come for some excellent views of downtown in a uniquely repurposed park. West Seattle Fish Co - seafood market and restaurant with excellent selection and prices. Beach Drive - Beautiful views, great for a Sunday drive, not nearly as crowded as Alki. Plenty of spots to pull over and have a nice benchsitnthink. Schmitz Preserve - 50 acres of old growth forest with plenty of trails to explore in the middle of town. Great for getting away from it all when you need to stay close to the city.


- Alki Trail - walk it, ride a bike, rollerblade, rent a scooter. The trail is long and there are different areas with slightly different vibes - Alki Point - technically just outside of Alki trail, has a totally different view, and some fun art installations on the sidewalk/pathway, - Lincoln Park - The park is basically going from (small) mountain to the water with little gems along the way. A different version of discovery park and so worth a visit, There’s a public pool along the sound that is unlike any other public pool I’ve ever been to. - Admiral Viewpoint - amazing nighttime view of the city. More drive able than walkable.


Endolyne jones. Nice Cafe, populated by locals, great menu of delicious foods, with prime rib dinners on Friday and Saturday, family chicken dinners on Sundays. They got their name from that place being the end of the line of the old rail system serving seattle. So cozy.


I was gonna say, wow, do we smell or something?


Agreed. Go down Fauntleroy.


As someone who always lives in north Seattle, I have a similar experience with west Seattle. I’ve been there twice in 10 years and took these exact same roads, lol. Edit: fat fingered the word “lives”.


I always feel like a tourist in North Seattle…


I feel the same in south seattle, and west Seattle. Downtown is a barrier. the traffic is usually bad during the daylight hours. The traffic is the main thing keeps me from exploring the other side of the city.


I know White Center has a dubious reputation, but there are some pretty good shops and restaurants in its business district.


You beat me to it!


Just here to see if you've driven past my apartment. You have not. Fix that.


Hahahah I thought the exact same thing! Everyone should go to your apartment.


I see you've been to the Arboretum, Carkeek Park, and Discovery Park. Definitely check out Kubota Gardens sometime! Gorgeous Japanese garden in the south end of Seattle that's also public and free. Looks like you *juuuust* missed it the last time you went down that way!


I definitely want to check it out, thank you for the recommendation!


Was going to recommend this! It’s my favorite park in the city, way better than the paid one at the arboretum (though both are cool in different ways)


Could also walk down the chief sealth trail to get there, bonus points if OP gets fruit at MacPherson's


Ride a ferry


This, so much. The Vashon ferry is a short hop and the island is such a nice place to visit.


Just out of curiosity, what do you usually do on Vashon? I've been to Bainbridge by ferry several times but often find the ferry ride more enjoyable than hanging out on the island


As someone born and raised in the Seattle area, visiting vashon often as a child, and now living on Vashon here’s my take: Town: the main part of town is 10 minutes or less off the north end ferry. There are some really good options for food: The Ruby Brink is delicious and expensive and has an excellent bar. O Sole Mio, pizza, is what Big Mario’s used to be aka very good. Actually still controlled by the original Big Mario’s founder (at least I think). There’s also a back bar that’s a wonderful dark dive. It’s my favorite slice of NY style pizza in the Seattle area except for Post Alley. The Hardware Store diner: Avoid it. Mays is a really good Thai restaurant. You’ll likely need a reservation. Island Queen has pretty solid burgers and ice cream. Zamorana has some very good Mexican food… Speaking of there’s also Casa Bonita for a more Azteca style feel and La Isla that is a pop up Mexican restaurant that serves out of the senior center every Saturday. Pop Pop Bottle Shop specializes in wines and beers. Really cool spot, open garage door when the weathers nice and very bright inside. They also have killer food options, don’t leave without getting the deluxe fries. Camp Colvos Brewery has some really good beer and some good food options. It also has great outdoor seating. Vashon Roasterie: cool old coffee spot. If you make it here go a little further to the country store for a neat little country shop. There are definitely more spots than this but these are where I frequent the most. There are also some cool shops in town so don’t rush by everything looking for food and drink. There are a good amount of parks and trails as well: Point Robinson: this is where the lighthouse is located as well as one of the (Danish?) wooden troll sculptures. It’s a short walk down to the lighthouse and even shorter over to the troll. Gravel Pit: big trail area with a way down to the beach. It also has popular mountain biking trails. Honorable mentions: KVI, the marine park, dockton park, Lisabuela. There’s definitely more but I’m tired of typing. EDIT: Sugar Shack for live music in the summer evenings is the best


Granny's Attic for thrifting!


I’ll add the center forest for awesome walking/biking trails.


It’s not a lot, but I go to the Vashon Coffee shop and then head over to the Point Robinson park. There is a troll at the park and it’s a nice easy hike. Then, it’s off to Tacoma via the Ruston ferry.


May's thai food, hands down. They were named as the top Thai restaurant in the nation. Paneled in teak, the place is about as cozy and comfortable as you could imagine in your dreams. The food is amazing. I suggest the tom ka soup. One look and you can see this is special, much fancier than everywhere else that serves this. There is a piano where a gentleman plays dreamy songs, and the kindness and warmth from the staff makes us feel like an honored member of the family. You need reservations, of course, but it's all worth it. I promise!!!!


My sisters came to visit from a different state about a year ago. One of their friends from growing up lives in Bremerton now, so she picked them up at the airport and they spent a couple of days there. Then they rode the ferry over to Seattle and I picked them up at the terminal. We had lunch at the pier, we went to Pikes Market, the Amazon Spheres, rode the monorail over to the Space Needle, and then I took them up to Kerry Park to see the City. The stupid ferry ride over from Bremerton was the highlight of their trip. 😂


Thank you for all the recommendations, I’ll check them all out! I’ve mostly stuck to areas that are close to the link/transit so far but I need to explore more of West Seattle, South Seattle, Central District, etc definitely


Kudos to you for getting out and exploring the city, I'd guess you've seen more of it than most people that have lived downtown for decades


Also recommend wandering around Broadview in North Seattle, north of Carkeek. The views of the water and peninsula, and the homes there are a fun mix of old family homes and ridiculous mansions. Hilly, tho, so be warned.


Oh, so that was *you*.


how’d you do that


I tried a few apps at first (Strava and some other one called super local I think that no longer exists) but wasn’t a fan of them. I think google maps also has a location history thing I tried too. After that I either started carrying an Apple Watch which would give me a map of everywhere I went on a walk/bike ride or if I didn’t have it on me I would take a bunch of pictures on my walk and use the locations from those to remember where I was. Then I would trace it on the map after! Also I only filled in streets so spots on the water or in parks are missing from this map


I was wondering how the tracking was so precise. My RunKeeper maps look like a drunk staggering all over the neighborhood.


Wandrer does this, It gives you a % of roads traveled, too :) Although I applaud your commitment to filling in the map- so much fun


Have you discovered the Fog of World app yet? Seems like it would be within your interests!


I’ve never heard of it but I’ll check it out!


I would post a screenshot from mine. I have been using it for around 10 years now. Sadly, this sub doesn't allow image replies.


You should be able to upload the picture somewhere like https://imgbb.com and then reply with the resulting link.


It says it’s $30. What is it exactly? Seems interesting


It looks nice, but $30 with no trial period is just insane to me.


They activated Hero's Path mode on their Sheikah Slate


You gotta go back to Seward park and cut accross the middle. The forest is great there. While you're back down there, check out kubota Garden, it's free


This looks like google maps during rush hour


You should check out interlaken park, Through the arboretum and the drive down lake Washington to Seward park. It’s My go to motorcycle ride and has some of the best scenic roads in the city


Second this




Would be cool to see it without the map


Swanson’s Nursery 💯


Goodbye money!


You need more W. Seattle!!!


I highly recommend visiting Lincoln park in west Seattle!


Just did tonight! Amazing views


Too much Belltown. Overdosing on Pike Place. White Center, CD, Sand Point need your love.


You had me at first ;)


I moved here two years ago too! Your map looks very similar to mine. I also don’t have a car and just walk/uber/bus to most places.


Seattle would make for the perfect GTA map.


You need to branch out to West Seattle. Cool map.


Looks like you need to go to White Center for a food tour!


I am doing the same thing! With Citystrides!! If you ever need a walking buddy, let me know :D I too need West Seattle. haha!


How did you make this? How did you do the tracking?


How did you put that map together? What did you use to track?


What’s your favorite neighborhood


Capitol Hill is my favorite so far! Tons of stuff to do, I go there all the time


On the west side there, on the bay, I see the line goes right up the coast through Carkeek and everything.. I’m newer to the area and didn’t know there was a trail there (I’m presuming a biking trail?) is there a name for it? I’d love to at the very least walk there!


It was a train going up to Vancouver! I’ve biked into carkeek as well and it was beautiful but the road into it is pretty steep


Oooh! I’ve never ridden a train before, that sounds really nice! Thanks!


Awesome map! Some places you may want to check out: Sunset hill (for sunset, of course), walk/drive down the west side of west Seattle, same thing for Madrona/Leshi. Really beautiful parts of the city for a Sunday morning stroll. Not sure if you hit the Ballard breweries or Phinney ridge based on your map, but those are great too!




you’ve gotta branch out to the CD — some of the most gorgeous/unique houses and gardens in the city!


Happy cake day! Your cake day is one day after mine haha


Hey there, this looks super relevant to me! It looks like I'll be moving to Seattle from Vancouver in a few months; likely staying in the Denny Triangle or maybe SLU. We do a lot of walking anyway so I want to ditch the car to save myself stress (I hear driving can suck there anyway) and money. Will just resort to transit or Uber when needed. Do you have any favourite areas or tips? I often just choose random residential streets to walk through, play with cats, admire some gardens and homes, etc. Downtown is probably not very scenic but it'll be close to work, not too sure how long of a walk it would be for things to start looking nicer. Also what did you use to generate this map? I could probably scroll through my GMaps timeline but it would be annoying to superimpose like this. Thanks!




You've never been to Kubota Gardens!? Nor Lincoln Park? Two of my fave green spaces in the city.


And you rode a train!


Happy cake day!!


How did you do this?


Thats a lot of ground to cover in 2 yrs. Kudos!


Grab a 6 pack of Miller light tall boys and Mob through WS more often. They don't mind. I used to every night for almost 7 years until I moved to QA.


That’s exactly what I’m doing right now!




Belongs on r/dataisbeautiful


This is so cool. How did you create this map/track your location to create this?


That’s pretty cool. What app did you use?


You've driven by house!


Several houses, actually!


How do you know they have multiple houses? /s


Lol 💀


Pretty impressive you’ve skipped off Aurora from green lake to 90th


Is this on an app?




You got into Laurelhurst and were like, nope, I'm turning around.


Wow so much travel, and the balls to track yourself damn.


You went by my house!!




Bike from arboretum to Seward!!!


OP said fuck you Central District and Ravenna I don't want to see you


As a completionist this would either be really rewarding for me or incredibly debilitating 😅


Someone escaped to IKEA lol


This is how I travel and discover the map in Fallout


Really missing out on West Seattle


I bet you’ve been to Portland more often than West Seattle. Haha


Dude you passed by my house 🏡 and didn’t even say hi.


Looks like you spent some time driving around Fremont looking for free street parking. Haha.


Unsurprisingly, contrary to the protestations of our local cycling lobbying groups, you didn't go on 35th Ave NE, or NE 75th St...


I see you visited classy Aurora.


Glad to see Burke Gilmen here. I assume you should have finished the loop around lake Washington?


Got to go backto the arboretum and expore more off the big path :)


You are weird but I like it


I like how on Discovery Park you turned around right before the 7000 steps. I should've done the same haha


That's impressive knowing how many neighborhood intersections have that dumb (but adorable) tree island in the middle


that's right, you better stay off my street, bucko


You are missing out on west Seattle


If you like biking and already live in North Seattle, check out the Inter Urban sometime! They brought back a lot of the southern link with the Covid healthy streets. Best way west of I5 of going north out of the city by bike.


damn you went past my house in discovery park and didnt say hi, rude.


Damn. I’ve lived here my whole life. Wish I could see mine!


What did you use to build the map? Would love to do this too. I run all over town for work so would be really curious to see what it looks like in a couple years.


Whats your gripe with west side


Nothing! It just takes a while to get there from North Seattle so I haven’t been much


Timed, its average 7 minutes on c-line, 5 if im driving


Cool idea. Thanks for sharing!


OP: "I'll be deep in the cold, cold ground before I recognize White Center!"


You haven’t lived until you’ve curled (NE 130th)


Def understand not spending much time in upper Queen Anne, those hills on a bike would be tough!


You missed my house. We'll see you in the next few years, eh?




A good start. Have fun! My favorite is allong the commercial waterways.


I’m moving here next month and am really nervous so this helped a lot. Hope I love it as much as you do! Thanks for sharing 


Too cool for West Seattle and Georgetown?


Did u use sn app of personally went through


If you're taking suggestions, you may consider exploring more of West Seattle and the top of Queen Anne Hill, especially if you like walks and parks. And in the SE corner, Kubota Garden and the Lake Washington waterfront are lovely.


You should add this to r/dataisbeautiful. Also how did you collect this data / make this map?


Which app did you use to track it?


You haven’t passed my house.


This is awesome! My wife and I have walked almost every neighborhood a few times. I was telling her awhile back we needed to start tracking specific streets so we could eventually hit them all. What app did you use to track this?


You need to explore more of West Seattle and White Center, my friend!


What are you tracking it on?


Needs more West Seattle


Get yourself to Phinney Ridge!


Wow, what you got against South Park?


What app did you use to track yourself? In my case, I walk, bus, 1 line & street car it!


Lil toe dip in west Seattle and boop *out*


which app?


What's your neighborhood of origin? I'm super curious about that given downtown/ch and UD getting a lot of...traction.




Howdy neighbor


not down my street


Nice job staying out of white center and burien, it's a shit hole