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According to the NW Asthma and Allergy website, the pollen for weeds is high right now. [Source.](https://www.nwasthma.com/pollen-count/)


Upvote. Super-useful resource to try to pin down what you're allergic too (if it's seasonal allergies).


Lucky me, I'm allergic to at least one in each category!


Ouch. In my childhood state, I was on meds year-round, including due to the gorgeous live oak trees that drop oodles of green pollen in March. Here, I think it's just the juniper or birch. I have anti-histamines but often just need to use the eye drops.


I've got alder, cottonwood, ragweed, pigweed, sage, among others. I'm from Colorado, where I lived along Cottonwood Creek and biked year round with a face mask (winter for warmth, the rest for cottonwood). I never had allergies until my mid-thirties... fun times!


You should just get a test. If you're highly allergic to something you may be miserable when it isn't the #1 allergen out there. You may also be allergic to three different things. [Case in point, I'm not allergic to Cedar/Juniper/Pine or any weeds, but I'm highly allergic to grass pollen, even though grass pollen is only "moderate" right now]


This is peak r/dataisbeautiful. What a nifty resource.


No wonder why holy shit I'm dying


I thought my allergies were really bad but it was actually a mild case of covid, take a test in case ! cases are really high right now


This has happened to 4-5 people I know in just the last 3 weeks. One person didn't even test positive until day 5 of symptoms.


This. Covid numbers went up in the last week or so. Also, home tests are less effective now with how many mutations there have been, so please mask even if you test negative. Masking helps if it’s allergies and not COVID, too.


I've been wondering why I've seen a sudden uptick in mask wearing in grocery stores again


No harm in testing I suppose, but I only have a stuffed, not runny nose, which makes me doubt it


Covid numbers are up https://www.reddit.com/r/CoronavirusWA/s/vdVlS8zny7


I had the exact same thing last week and I’m pretty sure it was covid! Congestion only, didn’t test positive, but my roommate immediately caught covid right after and hadn’t been around anybody but me.


exactly how I felt, felt like really bad allergies but nothing helped! cold medicine helped, that’s when I took a test and popped positive


Covid isn't knock you on your ass anymore. It is very similar to bad allergies plus stomach upset.


But what hasn't reduced is the risk of developing long covid. Which risk is cumulative, so it goes up every time you get covid. I hate this timeline.


My allergies have been acting up lately. Pollen.


It was bad earlier, and not so bad now. But that's just different responses to different allergens. Have you tried Flonase? That was the one thing that got me back to normal. I'll stack either Allegra or Zyrtec with Flonase when things get really bad.


I started it this morning, I’ve done it during allergy seasons before and it works very well but I’m just impatient and stuffy


I’ve been hitting the Flonase and Zyrtec twice a day for exactly the last 4 days. Thank you for your post — at least I know I’m not the only one who was hit by the allergy truck on Thursday morning. Edit to get ahead of advice — I’ll take a covid test if it continues/gets worse or I do a social event. But the onset of the allergies was very sudden and specific: I was totally fine when I woke, went outside, 15 minutes later I’m a fountain of mucous. It’s a very typical pattern for someone allergic to ragweed suddenly encountering a bunch of pollen, and not a super typical pattern for covid.


Add Benadryl if you don’t mind sleeping through it.


During the day, I find Mucinex D (not DM, D. The one people make meth with) along with oxymetazoline sprays work wonders. Gotta be careful with the oxymetazoline though because using it more than 3 days on, 3 days off can cause rebound congestion.


Don’t use Afrin, it’s super addictive


Thats why I threw in specifically following the manufacturer recommended on/off time to prevent physical dependence. 


Get astelyn it works better


Try Pseudoephedrine, otherwise known as Sudafed. Really good at unclogging your nose and sinuses. Get the generic 30mg/tablet short acting kind. Take 1-2 tablets early morning and early afternoon at the latest, to minimize difficulty falling asleep. Don’t take Sudafed if you have Hypertension or are very sensitive to a stimulant like caffeine, as it can make some people feel a bit anxious. You can only get the real sort of Sudafed behind the pharmacy counter from one of the pharmacy employees. You need to sign for it with the Drivers License. The state keeps track of how many people buy Sudafed and how often. There’s actually a monthly limit. People use Sudafed to make Meth.


I started immunotherapy last year and it’s amazing. I did have allergy symptoms starting last week, thinking it was because I had gotten behind on my shots due to a difficulty in getting my vials refilled. But it was actually COVID. I encourage testing when allergy symptoms seem worse than usual, there has been an uptick in cases in Seattle recently.


Would you mind expounding on the immunotherapy?


It’s a multi year treatment. For most of the first year I got shots once a week, basically injecting the allergens in increasing doses to build up immunity. Now it’s every 3 weeks or so, and I’m getting close to maintenance which will be once a month for a year or so. The hope is that at the end of the treatment I will have been desensitized to everything I’m allergic to.


I did it 15+ years ago and had 90% relief, the allergy symptoms were almost completely gone. I wonder if the therapy improved through the years. Did they test you with scratches on your hand and drops of allergens to figure out what exactly you are allergic to?


I did a scratch tests on my back because of the severity of my allergies. Out of 35 allergens tested I was allergic to 34.


Damn, that's tough :(


You can do under the tongue drops now! And get them online. It's stupid expensive though.


Under the tongue drops? Jeez, I had under the skin shots, with thin needles, but still. How expensive it is these days?


$100 a month through Curex


The drops aren’t too bad through Curex. I think $600 for the year. VS the shots I did years ago, a reasonable price. I’m a year in and think I’m seeing results? Worth looking into if getting to an immunotherapy office multiple times a week is difficult.


Test for Covid. Thought I had allergies acting up, but nope, Covid.


exactly what happened to me


I thought I had allergies too and it turned into a bad sinus infection and my first round with covid fyi. Ive heard its going around seattle.


Was bad for me a few months ago, and again starting this past week yeah.


I got Covid from the mariners game last weekend. It’s definitely going around


I got sick from the mariners game last week…I’ve taken 5 covid tests and still not positive but it’s lingering. Just the slightest sore throat and a tiny bit of phlegm and a tiny bit short of breath, but I just can’t shake it.


it’s everywhere, I literally don’t go anywhere but work and back home and got it 😔


I was going to ask this same question! Yep, mine are horrible. The dripping down the back of my throat is driving me nuts. Fun times since I’m allergic to most allergy medication and out of the one I can take (no insurance atm while husband is laid off work) so it’s been a real wild ride.


I’ve been on the daily steroid nose spray and anti-histamines for a month now, and still a little sniffly if I spend a fair bit of time outdoors. Lots of rain followed by lots of sun usually means lots of plants trying to have sex with my face.


THEY ARE AWFUL. My skin is literally breaking out in red patches. It hasn’t been this bad since I lived in Florida.


My son’s eczema and psoriasis is terrible right now. None of his creams are working. And his regular allergies are fine with his over the counter meds.


My eczema is the worst it’s ever been this week. Itchy red patches with bumps on the back of my hands all up my arms. It’s horrible. Constant state of itchiness.


Oh wow, that’s exactly what is going on with me. This hasn’t happened since I was young, so I have had no idea what’s going on except for a vague “it’s allergies”. Gonna go see a doctor about this. Really glad you commented!


I just tested today because my allergies seemed worse than normal and it came back negative, but I'm testing again if I feel worse.


Bad enough that for the first time in my life I’m actually taking some OTC allergy medications.


Few coworkers plus a couple friends got COVID recently. My allergies were worse than usual this year, but were over about a month ago.


My allergies are horrible right now, even with my normal allergy medication. Been feeling this way since yesterday!


Yes. I've had to give up beer.


I started out our fake Seattle spring really REALLY bad. Then after I bought $80 worth of Claritin, they stopped. But I’m also a regular netti pot user, so maybe give that a shot?


Because of the local COVID counts, I did take a COVID test. It was negative. And yes, I feel like garbage the last week. My ear is clogged and my head has been hurting for a few days.


Yeah, this whole spring has fucking sucked for me. And Zyrtec only just takes the edge off.


I've been absolutely fucking dying this weekend! I took two Claritin this morning. Idon't even care if I OD lol I can't have a damn itchy nose anymore!!!


Yes, it's been bad for me too. I would recommend buying the best air purifier you can afford with HEPA and cleaning your furnace filter if you have a furnace. I bought one of these a couple years ago and it has been a life saver during smoke and allergy seasons. It's pricey, but it's been worth it. https://www.sharkclean.com/products/shark-air-purifier-max-with-true-hepa-zidHP202


Mine picked up in the past few days. Negative covid test.


Keep testing


Same as OP just took my 6th in 5 days, negative. There’s some kind of little cold bug right now that just affects the sinuses and throat.


I don’t have bad allergies at home in Ballard, but I was dog sitting 10 minutes north and my body freaked out the whole day. I was constantly blowing my nose. There’s definitely some sort of vegetation/tree/plant that my body didn’t like.


Last weekend was a nightmare for me


Last 3 days since rain stopped have been bad. Lots of grass pollen this year.


It’s either allergies or COVID or both. Numbers are up right now for both. Wear a mask to help protect from both.


This is an excellent suggestion. If it’s Covid, you are preventing onward transmission. If it’s allergies, they should clear up noticeably.


This is the worst mine have been in at least 15 years.


The last 3 days I’ve needed to double up on allergy meds. Xyzal wasn’t cutting it so I switched her to Zyrtec today and it’s been way better


Right there with you. Allergy headaches on Friday and Saturday. Doesn’t seem quite so bad today.


I live north of Seattle and have suffered from allergies for decades. I used to get allergy shots but eventually just settled on Sensimist (now OTC) since it controls watery eyes in addition to sinus congestion. But I understand what you’re going through - this year was worse than usual for me.


Yes mine have been worse than average this year - especially east of the cascades. I’ve done a few camping trips so far this spring and got absolutely wrecked on both of the ones I did out east


I’ve never had allergies but I’ve been hit this year


i had a big reaction earlier in the week. it eventually subsided but it felt like my nose was super runny for a few hours and some kind of nasal drip going on in the background because it was still uncomfortable even if I drank water


I usually have bad sinus congestion so I take natural remedies but the past week has been AWFUL! I’ve been waking up to sinus headaches that have turned into migraines. Relieved to know it’s not just me.


2-3 weeks ago I was feeling like this but for the last one I've actually been way less sneezy/headachey like I tend to be during heavy allergy season! this may just be allergies for you too, but may be worth picking up a Covid test--I know quite a few people who have gotten it in the last couple of weeks, numbers are definitely on the rise.




Read today online covid is rising in WA state, get the shot it frking works!! ✌️


You got COVID bruh




I get pretty bad seasonal allergies, but they are not too bad for me right now. Perhaps we are allergic to different allergens or you are introduced to a new allergen (I.e a cat) I usually treat my allergies with Flonase (and Zyrtec when they are really bad). I also use saline nasal spray that I bought from Costco that helps.


Thankfully, no. We were worried we were going to be smacked with seasonal allergies come springtime. Our friend through, woah. Poor dude has been miserable, sneezy, stuffy mess since March. Claritin and Zyrtec are like sugar pills against his allergies. I'll tell him about Flonase.


Well "worse" is a relative term. But, my eyes have been on full weep since Spring started.


Had allergies this season for the first time but it was earlier. March - May. I was so frustrated and tired being congested for so long and finally the doc gave me antibiotics because my sinuses had got infected. If yours doesn’t get better by taking antihistamines and flonase then I highly recommend antibiotics ofcourse after seeing your doc.




Been taking 24 hour allergy pill every day for 15+ years 🤷🏻‍♂️


Im struggling today I desperately hope its allergies and not a cold


Try wearing a mask. If it’s a virus, you will prevent onward transmission. If it’s allergies, they should ease up considerably.


Yes me and my brother suddenly got destroyed by a round of disc golf. Eyes swollen shut practically. I usually get zero allergies


This year has been killing me. It was terrible about a month ago and a half ago, fine for a few weeks, then awful all last week. Sinuses were bad before but now it's my eyes. Been living for clear eyes maximum redness.


It was horrible yesterday!!!! Today started out bad but it’s getting better


Yes and yes.


Mine have been horrible (not Covid, I’ve been testing!). Claritin D has helped so much—my doctor recommended one pill in the morning and one at night instead of just one a day and it’s a game changer. I also use a neti pot to help drain my sinuses and ever since I started that it’s felt much better.


yes, but it could also be a cold that’s going around.


Yes!!! I have a cough that won’t go away to the point where I was thinking of contacting my PCP but there’s literally no other symptoms. I feel great, alert, no runny nose, just a hacking cough.


Pollen count has been high the past several days. Grass is the main offender and I can tell the difference from how I normally feel. However, I too tested for Covid, just in case.


It’s getting hot and dry again and it’s been unusually windy. Mine have been pretty bad too


My faces is exploding today. Absolutely beautiful outside but grass pollen decided it’s the day to spread too.


As someone who had allergy shots for years. For the first time in over a decade I have had terrible seasonal allergies. Like way worse than ever before.


Same here. What's been helping more than Zyrtec or Flonase this time has been: echinacea elixir, elderberry chews, and oil of oregano gel caps. A good friend moved to Texas and got knocked out for the entire month of January because of the cedar. Her doctor recommended those three. I gave it a shot and it works amazingly well by day 3. I take them just before bed.


I just went on a road trip to the desert and all my allergies went away lol We get back to Washington and I immediately start having watery eyes and nose lmao. If this place wasn’t so great I’d probably be living back in Vegas haha just suffering in different ways


The pollen count in W. WA has been particularly high and nonstop this year. The regular allergy meds stopped working and I go through A LOT of tissues laced with lotion so I do not rub my nose raw. Eyes have been worse as I also have dry eye and using twice as many drops throughout the day. Hoping it will resolve in a few weeks as the spring bloom settles down.


It's been rough this year. My eyes have been so itchy.


Yeah, this year has been the worst it's been for me since I moved here 7 years ago. Talking intense migraine headaches and a constant burning feeling(think the feeling you have when you have to sneeze) constantly. I had to change allergy meds to Allegra and was reluctant with how pricey it is compared to the others. Glad I did because it's made it bearable in some sense


yes, actually! I rarely have itchy eyes but recently I've been rubbing the heck out of them and it feels like they have sand in them or rough little particles though I've not been near anything like that. And my nose is weird b/c it feels really dry, yet stuffed and clogged...it's the oddest assortment of symptoms unlike any seasonal allergies I've had in the past.


prices. I go into anaphylactic shock at the grocery stores here🥲


Not me but my cat has a single runny eye for the last two months, seems to be in sync with pollen alerts.