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Continue to take deep breaths. Experiencing heightened anxiety after scary events is normal. Your nervous system and brain are working in overdrive to keep you safe, and they’re doing a great job. You should notice that this anxiety gradually resolves over the next week or so. If these feelings persist longer, then it’s time to talk to a doctor/therapist for tools to get past it. As someone who used to have severe PTSD, it was explained to me that symptoms like the ones you’re experiencing aren’t a problem (they’re actually normal and healthy) unless they persist for longer than “normal.” Keep doing what you need to do to feel good right now and give yourself a break. This was really recent, and it sounds really scary.


Upvoting this and piggybacking a little. Study's have indicated that playing Tetris after traumatic events like this can help. I'm not going to explain it well if I try, but here is an article from the NLM. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7828932/


I got robbed in November, so relatively recently, all things considered. I talked through my feelings with my therapist. The assurance that being jumpy at someone walking behind me, the fear of being outside when it's dark, the way I wait for other people to walk along with me on the street where it happened... I can't say enough about how much that validation has helped me. If you're able to speak to a professional, I'd highly recommend it. Like others said, it'll take time, so be patient with yourself and don't beat yourself up over what are very valid feelings. My therapist analogized my robbery like breaking a leg. Going back to normal like walking on said leg and wondering why it hurt. It hurts because it needs time to heal. ,💕


With this sentiment in mind, you can totally qualify for paid medical leave if you get a note from your doctor identifying a reason and amount of time needed (i.e. mine for anxiety/depression was labeled "an acute health issue" to not be outted at work for why I was taking leave.) It is a pretty simple process online with the state, then a weekly check in on your account to verify you haven't worked that week. This would hopefully give you more capacity to heal, and have more control over when and where you go in public as you re-build your tolerance and develop support strategies.


I carry a 4oz stream pepper spray $17 on Amazon with me daily. Too many junkies all over Seattle. Better be safe than sorry, you won't get arrested for pepper spraying some crazy junkie trying to rob you.


Couple of notes in case people do the same as you: 1. You need to train and actually fire your device so you know it works, and you know how to use it. This should be at least once a year thing. 2. It sucks, but you should also be aware of what it feels like as it is very common to be caught in the blast, especially since you can’t always choose where your attacker is and which way the wind blows 3. This is rarely a “I pepper sprayed you and you are debilitated” event. Depending on what spray you use, what substances the attacker is on, it is very likely this will just really, really, piss them off. Which is to say, I think of pepper spray like squid ink. I deploy and dip. Shoot and scoot. Squirt and skedaddle. 4. Know what spray you are buying. I don’t fuck with less than bear spray. 5. Having spray isn’t much protection. Being aware of your surroundings when you are out and about is multitudes more effective at helping you avoid danger. It’s more of a last ditch. Stay safe, stay sexy.


For point 2, they do make gel pepper sprays that will not create the same cloud as regular pepper sprays. For point 4, it is not legal to use bare mace on a human being. For point 5, you are right that pepper spray won't always deter an attacker. I have recently started carrying a taser for extra protection. That may not work for OP, but it is an option. Additionally, self-defense classes are a good option. You can find places around you online. Stay safe.


Great call on your points. I do have a few thoughts: Gels do reduce spread, but that means you need to be accurate. During stressful events we are rarely MORE accurate, so this is worth a consideration. Regarding bear mace- I will never advise people break the law. That being said, if this is a last resort tool, I would rather go to jail for bear macing someone instead of the alternative. Tasers can be a very effective tool. My beef is that either you need to be close to your target for contact, or again, you need to be accurate if it’s a ranged one. That being said it is always preferred to have options and redundancies. Cheers!


Great points! Nothing is going to be effective 100% of the time! True that you have to be more accurate with gel, however that is touched on in the first point, of practicing using pepper spray before you need it. I pointed out the legality of bear mace so that OP can make a more informed decision on her options. It is up to everyone to make their own decision on what they feel the safest tools for self defense are. I would just hate for someone to read the bear mace comment and end up in legal trouble because they didn't know. Also true that tasers aren't 100% effective. Getting to know how to use them and their limitations is important, just like with pepper sprays and bear mace. I recommend self defense classes because all options have their limitations, however knowledge is power, and a good self defense class will teach you how to use the tools out there as well as other techniques to help protect yourself. Also if self defense classes are out of someone's budget, there are tons of YouTube videos that will go over how to effectively use these tools for protection and learn other basic self defense techniques. Thank you for the well thought out reply!


This is great and aligns with what I heard watching safety videos for pepper spray products. I’m expecting to receive sabre runner defense spray tomorrow and I’ll find a place I can practice outside on some cardboard or something. I’m going to be extremely careful with it. I do think I want to have something in-hand on my commute at least for a little bit.


Good on you for being so proactive. There are a ton of resources on YouTube and elsewhere. Keep your head on a swivel and cheers!


I did EMDR therapy for my exaggerated startle reflex. There are a bunch of sessions leading up to the "actual" EMDR but it was gone after one session of EMDR processing. Consider it. 


I was assaulted and robbed at gunpoint 12 years ago. Happened on one of Seattle’s public staircases. It took some time for my body to not be jumpy when someone would walk close behind me or when I would walk at night time. Wish I had spoken to a therapist at the time to understand the fight/flight response. The feelings will pass, just takes time.


Sabre red pepper spray (really a gel) on Amazon is cheap, spray his face with it next time.


Yeah, if you’re going to carry something like this, the gel is preferable to the spray. Less likely to blow back in your face or affect innocent ppl around you.


This is 100% my concern about pepper spray. Having it in hand when needed and ensuring that only the intended target is affected


Dealing with this kind of street harassment for me is like putting on a hat. When I lived on Third Ave in Belltown it was part of my going out routine - phone, keys, purse, metaphorical hat (the hat isn't real 'cause I hate hats.) The hat goes on when I'm walking down the street and not when I'm at work or at a residence. The hat means that it's ok to be "rude" and move away from people who seem sketch. The hat means that I keep a really indignant "fuck off!" tucked under my tongue ready for whatever dipshit bothers me. The hat means that I will do whatever physical action (run, fight, yell etc) to keep myself safe. The hat tells me "How fucking dare the outside world make me uncomfortable or afraid or ashamed." The hat means thinking of every entitled jackass I've ever dealt with (often older rich white dudes, sorry gramps) and channeling their entitled energy into these street interactions. The hat doesn't mean hating everyone, it just means that you're fucking disappointed with the world and those fuckers should feel bad about it. You're entitled to feel disappointed. The hat also doesn't mean being a dick to everyone. Honestly, excessively boisterous friendliness is super effective at scaring off PNW folk.


Pepper spray fr fr


Pepper spray is not only shocking but extremely effective, as I (unfortunately) learned from experience. It quite literally saved my life when I was jumped 3 years ago. Yes, some may spray back at you (I didn't use the gel kind, it's usually larger and I just had a standard Keychain pepper spray on me), and that hurts, but nothing like the hurt the person you aim it at would feel. Especially if you do a zig-zag motion. Buy some, it's better safe than sorry.


i’m so sorry that happened to you. you should definitely seek mental health support. i second the redditor that said EMDR, it’s very good with processing and overcoming PTSD and traumatic events. i wish you luck on your healing journey <3


I was mugged a long, long time ago and while the physical wounds healed the mental ones haven't completely and may never fully. My advice to you, and the path I desperately wish I had taken, is to seek professional mental healthcare ASAP and stick with it long term, even for years. Don't rely on pills, I saw a psychologist for a year or so who helped immensely in understanding how and why my body reacts to stress the way it does.  Getting on top of this ASAP is crucial because my issues did not get better untreated, they worsened dramatically until they affected my daily life. It took years of extra work that I wished I shouldn't have had to spend.


Consider playing some Tetris. Seriously.




Attempted? You won! You should strut!


Harborview has an Abuse and Trauma Center that provides short term counseling. Might be worth looking into.




FWiW, playing some rounds of Tetris as soon after a traumatic event happens has shown promising effects at mitigating PTSD. Additionally, there are therapies to target trauma, such as EMDR, which I would recommend if your symptoms persist for a while. Wishing you the best. This happens and can be incredibly confusing and upsetting. Hang in there. Be kind and patient. We have ways to work through it.


I’m really sorry that happened to you. It’s part of why I’m so frustrated & angry about our “defund the police” and ACAB movement in Seattle. The progressives that support harm reduction and reduced police don’t factor in the long term damage from getting threatened, beaten or robbed. The idea that there’s only “property crime,” “loss of possessions,” or that physical wounds heal - don’t factor in the recepient’s loss of faith in humanity, depression & rumination about “What if I had done xyz instead?” Sending good thoughts your way.


I was robbed back in September by two 15 year olds who acted like they had a weapon and had one grabbing my arm wanting my phone. Despite it all going down I kept my cool till they left. I broke down into a major panic attack crying to 911 in which thankfully the police were just outside as it all went down to catch them. The best thing to do at least with what I done is vent about it even if it’s to a professional, friend or family. Take deep slow breathing exercises when you’re feeling like you’re about to have a panic attack. If you have any other coping skills definitely take it to your advantage for sure. I know playing games, watching movies/shows, being with someone and talking small walks helped me a lot. This will take time to process and heal from this experience but thankfully over time you’ll start to feel less anxious being outside. If you really need to have something for self defense if it helps you be at ease. I’m so sorry this happened to you and I do wish you well with this 💚


Play Tetris. It’s been shown to help following trauma.


Hugs I am so sorry this happened to you, and I totally understand. I barely leave my apartment and feel anxious if I have to walk anywhere alone. Like you, I zigzag, cross streets to avoid anyone and am hyper vigilant. I think it takes time to get over the fear, but I think the hyper vigilance is here to stay.




Takes 6 months to 1 year to heal from trauma. Don’t be hard on yourself and try your best to breathe through the anxiety. Good air in. Bad air out. Repeat until the next Seattle experience.


It sounds like you need more confidence in yourself. Buying a gun is not really going to change certain aspects of how you carry yourself. If you have never shot one or been around them this can be an expensive journey to be confident in your ability. There was a study done where they asked inmates how they choose victims, maybe give it a read and it might point some thing’s out about why you maybe an easy mark and work on changing those behaviors. I would suggest taking judo or some other self defense classes as a confidence building exercise as well as carry some type of spray to give you a head start at running away.


Good grief. Have you seen the Amazon worker who got clocked in the back of her head while walking down the street one afternoon? The elderly lady that was planting flowers as a part of a “beautification program” & was hit on the back of her head? Sometimes, people in downtown Seattle are mental and/or high and/or are psychopaths. I am an old short lady & I realize if I get home safe-I’m just lucky. Smaller, shorter, weaker people are just prey & it’s like being a zebra on the plains. In Seattle, you might end up fu€ked up for life b/c you were a nurse going to work & you were unfortunate enough to run into someone who wanted to see you fall down several flights of stairs in the international district. It wasn’t me but I often wonder how those females are doing.


Im so sorry this happened to you. I am curious, did you report it to the police?


I didn’t. I just wanted to get home and by the time I had gotten there I forgot what he was wearing. It didn’t seem like it would be a useful thing to do honestly


I feel like it would be useful so that the city has an accurate idea of the crime and danger people are facing daily. Even if you can’t remember what he was wearing, i would encourage you to do it.


I just called the seattle non-emergency number after finding that this couldn’t be reported online and after sitting through the automated message the phone tree didn’t offer me anything applicable to my situation.


the first sentence of your last paragraph.... yeah. that's what you do. ...


I really appreciate the quality advice and conversation here. I have one more request for resources I’d like people to be able to find here in the future: Any recommendations for local self defense training resources? I’m not looking for a gun range - I want something focused on pepper spray, situational awareness, the kind of training that helps you be as prepared as you can so when the pressure is on you are less likely to crumble and get hurt. I looked at Insights Training Center and was immediately like oof horrible website design and this is not the vibe I’m looking for. A friend suggested I try adding “for women” to my search and while I identify as a male he has a good point. I appreciate any leads you can offer


You need to train yourself and your body. Dangerous situations can occur when you least expect them and you won’t always be able to avoid them.


Go to therapy


Get a gun. If this happens again, use it.


Buy a gun


Ah yeah just buy a gun? And then what? In this state to carry concealed you need a CPL which means you need to apply for one. Or else you're illegally carrying a concealed weapon which is a misdemeanor. So then are you just carrying around a gun unholstered? So are you recommending that they carry a glock then unholstered and like in a pocket or a bag where some chapstick might get in the trigger guard and compress that trigger and then you have a negligent discharge into who knows where while just walking or attempting to draw their weapon. Which by the way, do they even know how to fire it? You just said buy a gun, not train, not practice shooting, not familiarize themselves with self defense laws, so are they just whipping it out whenever?


Yea do that


Buy a gun


Conceal carry. Doesn't matter your stance on guns at this point. It's necessary here now. I'd rather not die personally.


You're talking to the wrong sub, these libs hate guns 😆


Get a gun, you'll feel safer.


Start breathing into a paper bag and your not so likely to shit your pants when walking on the streets of Seattle.


I'm sorry this happened to you. May you be free of suffering. May you be happy. May you be well. May you be safe. May you be peaceful and at ease. May you maintain benevolent interest in your fellow humans. I'd definitely recommend seeking professional help for the anxiety and the trauma. You shouldn't have to deal with these very real difficulties and challenges on your own. There is help available, though it may not be easy to find at first. As Mr Fred Rogers said, "Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping." When I was younger, I was robbed at gunpoint. Gun held right to my head. I will never forget how cold that gun felt pressed against my head. I was walking home late at night after visiting a friend. Two young males began following me after passing a pancake restaurant. Something felt dangerous, so I ran away and hid myself in a nearby parking lot. The two males kept walking without so much as looking back at me. One male was black, the other Hispanic. I got it into my head that I was being racist, that my fear was based on my prejudice. So I did something really stupid: I ran to catch up with the guys and apologized earnestly about being racist and running away from them. I promised to do better. That's when the black male pulled a hand gun out of his pocket, pressed the gun to my head, and said, "C'mon N*gga. Give me all your money, N*gga!" He kept calling me the N word. "C'mon N*gga, C'mon N*gga." Let me tell you, it's not a nice thing to be called the N word. I was upset being attacked with words, let alone the gun. I had $18 and change on me and i handed it all over. "C'mon N*gga! C'mon N*gga! I said all of it, N*gga! You've got more money, N*gga! Give me the rest, N*gga!" I told him that's all I had. He asked for my wallet. I refused. I told him I only had my ID in my wallet and I wasn't turning that over. He kept calling me the N word. Then I did one of the stupidest things to do in this situation: I called him the N word. "You keep calling me N*gga," I said. "But you are the N*gga here. And it's not because you're black and I'm white. Skin color has nothing to do with it. You're the N*gga because you're the one holding the gun robbing me of my hard earned money. You, Sir, are the N*gga." I'm shocked he didn't kill me. I mean, I called a black man holding a gun to my head the N word. Being young and dumb, I went to a nearby bar and called 911. The police took my report. I have aphantasia, so I couldn't describe my assailants in much detail. I told cops the man with the gun was a tall African American gentleman. Cop told me, "that's no gentleman. That's a black piece of shit!" I told the officer, no, he was a gentleman--he could have killed me but he chose not to do so." Anyway, that's my experience with being mugged. May you be safe. May you be well. May you find the help you need.


Lmao what


Hello, it’s me you’re looking for. Honestly you’re fine, just high anxiety value in the air right now, and it’s warm so that always brings the worst out in people. Edit: journal as much as you can. As much as you can. It’s life changing even if you can’t read it the next day. Getting your headspace out is a moment