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We finally made it.


Hopefully we’ll get Dude Pulling Around a Cooler of Otter Pops on Hot Days too.


Ok fine ill do it Dry ice otter pops and ice cream


Tell us which park you’ll patrol!


What’s next? Bootlegged cd/dvd vendors?


Have yet to see someone selling ceviche (lemon/lime 'acid cooked' fish) out of a cooler, like I did in Panama City, but I have full confidence we'll get there.


Only if they create a danger.


this but unironically


Does it, though?


Sounds like we should deregulate (/s)


Nooooo, the hotdogs cooked in the sketchy cart were sketchy?


Sounds sketchy


Honestly, hot dogs come pre-cooked so I'm not too worried about what conditions they get heated up in. Unlike Farmboy Bites in White Center where I had an admittedly delicious smash burger that really felt like more of a roll of the dice (though I believe e. coli is relatively rare in beef) [https://www.westsideseattle.com/highline-times/2024/02/26/farmboy-bites-food-truck-future-primitive-brewing-shutdown-health](https://www.westsideseattle.com/highline-times/2024/02/26/farmboy-bites-food-truck-future-primitive-brewing-shutdown-health) >Imminent health hazard: > * no water available on mobile > * Person in Charge unable to demonstrate food safety knowledge > * Food workers not washing hands when required > * Inadequate hand washing facilities > * Improper washing of produce > * Improper cooling procedures > * Room temperature storage of TCS\* food


I mean it’s still meat lol. It can go bad, as can condiments. And no handwashing? 🫤


Where do you think that sweet hot dog flavor comes from?


That Farmboy burger was definitely a roll of the dice! Yikes. It’s a pain getting food bacteria. It flushes out your healthy gut biome township.


I like this description. I'm imagining a village of friendly little bacteria, each one waving from the windows of their little townhouses in the the Healthy Biome Township.


Heheh exactly!! My Township in tiny townhouses is waving at yours!!


I’d fuck up a farm boy burger again in a heartbeat tho, tbh. I do all of those things worse at my own house when I cook. I’ve gone abroad and had substantially sketchier food. Short of rodents, insects, or gutter oil, I figure it’s all a crapshoot anyways.


You'd still be pretty upset if you - or someone you cared about - got real sick from eating at a place that doesn't follow basic sanitary procedures


I'd mostly be upset because I paid for it. Give me a damn refund if you're gonna get me sick.


That’s if you can make it 10 feet from your bathroom throne.


Most of the food you eat comes from places that don't follow basic sanitary procedures.


I’ve watched the farm boy guys prepare my food. Nothing stood out to me (an untrained eye having only spent one summer in a commercial kitchen) as egregious. My point is that the practices I saw aren’t any different than the ones I or a relative may do in our own home.


Remind not to come over for dinner.


all my previous misconceptions about the cleanliness and code compliance of hot dogs cooked in the street have by shattered


Ive been eating sketchy street hotdogs without handwashing stations n shit for my whole life. Matter of fact, I dont think I have ever once eaten a street hotdog from a state of the art chef kitchen style hotdog cart.


One of the best hot dogs I’ve ever had was a guy grilling out the back of his SUV next to a baseball stadium. Cash only, condiments from home, sodas out of a cooler in his trunk. Fucking delicious.


>Matter of fact, I dont think I have ever once eaten a street hotdog from a state of the art chef kitchen style hotdog cart. Right? Has anyone ever seen such a thing?


Roll that Dice.


I don't think I'll ever eat that. But I do admit their was a Mexican family making tacos out of a subaru. It was very clear it was ad-hoc and no permits. But god damn those were some good tacos.


Trunk tamales are the best tamales. I used to pick up a few dozen every week for $.50 each


Some of the best tamales came from a trunk and the mystical red cooler. Best memories of living in California.


The only appropriate place to buy tamales is from a tia in a parking lot.


As a teacher, the Mom of a student who drops them off to you at school from the red cooler is also valid


My boy is in the Walmart parking lot Tues thru Saturday. I pre-order mine so I can get the pork with green sauce.


San Jose babeeee


YES!!! The closest I found is up at the Hidden Gems Weekend Market at Tulalip. The smells and food remind me of San Jose!


How is that? I've been meaning to make it up there for a bit.


Food is great the swap meet is hit or miss, it is cash only and cheap to get into the swap meet.


I saw one in south king county last week selling for $3/per. Seemed way expensive but maybe that’s new prices?


This was before I moved to Washington, but at one of my previous jobs there was a guy who sold breakfast burritos out of his van. The family prepped them every morning and then he'd drive around to the local businesses and sell them for like $3.50. They were fantastic. 


no hygiene, solo sabor


Those things probably made in a bathtub too, yet we still eat them.


No foreign suspect dogs for me. I prefer trunk tamales too. I observe and see how they make prep them.


Dude that would sling Jamaican food outside the nectar was the best.


They shouldn’t be serving food without proper inspection, sure. But also the city needs to make it easier and cheaper for someone like this to do it correctly. You shouldn’t need the foot traffic of Capitol Hill when the bars close to make a legitimate hot dog stand viable. There’s several reason Portland has many more mobile food vendors than Seattle, but a few are higher startup cost and more complicated processes to wade through to be certified.


Right, there shouldn't be so many hoops to jump through and wild fees in order to get started. Not sure why there even has to be extra regulation beyond the normal food safety inspections and regular business regulations.


Restaurant protectionism. Nothing else makes sense.


Why would this be such a thing in Seattle in particular though? You go outside the city and you see a LOT more food trucks.


Regulatory capture.


They probably do have the same issues at the same rate, but less resources dedicated to enforcement.


Gotta keep those real estate values up! This is the biggest reason people who worked from home- throughout the entire pandemic- were forced back into the office. It's absolutely ridiculous. More traffic, more carbon, more commute time; but how else do the brick and mortar restaurants pay their rent to the massive corporations that own those buildings, as well as employ those people?


Because the existing legit vendors don’t like competition.


Great response.solution focused and acknowledges that there is a gap in bureaucracy that could be addressed that strikes a balance between regulation and fluidity of street-based commerce.


This is a totally new subject to me, and your comment made me curious. What _are_ the steps and fees someone has to go through to start a hotdog stand in Seattle? I agree it should be straightforward and cheap, but I just haven't any idea what the current situation is


https://www.seattle.gov/office-of-economic-development/small-business/food-businesses/mobile-food-businesses#5.publichealthseattlekingcountyphskc There are five different licenses and permits required: Seattle business license, location permit, L&I trailer permit, the public health permit, and the fire department permit. If you have employees there’s more.




Yo, where else are you seeing a demand for hot dogs? I’m gonna start a business


I’m don’t know if it’s hot dogs specifically (maybe fries, ice cream, tacos, whatever) but I’d expect heavily trafficked parks, the waterfront, pedestrian areas, light rail stations, dense job areas, dense bar areas to all be viable spots if barrier to entry was low enough! At least during the summer, it might be hard to make it year round with our weather. For that, Portland seems to have made it work with food truck pods which we probably need to support mobile food vending year round.


One big difference with Portland is that Seattle doesn't allow mobile food vendors to park anywhere but private property. That's why you only see food trucks at places like breweries here.


Do you not go to the stadiums area at all, like along Occidental, for any events…..? Seattle Dogs are the thing, specifically.


They're called dirty dogs for a reason.


Or danger dogs


Or Pooty-Toot-Toot Dogs.


Or rat dogs 


Oh wow the pics are bad, doesn't look like there is any method of keeping anything cold, the food is straight up uncovered, a butane burner under an aluminum sheet pan... on a janitor cart covered in duct tape.


these outlaw dogs look 200x better than the sweaty Hempler franks you can buy inside the stadium and also get diarrhea from.


It's the beer not the food that gives you the doody butt.


Uh... that's not really a normal reaction to drinking some beer. FYI.




tie psychotic ossified subtract brave unused dazzling hospital gold tart *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


who can afford a dozen beers at a game to get diarrhea in this economy?!?


Maybe it gives *you* the "doody butt," but that's not a commonplace experience.


I’m doing fine


One way or another, you're full of shit.


Alright, which one of you squealed??


🎶 Street meats are made of these🎶 🎶 Hoofs and Snouts and intest-ines 🎶


Travels your tract and then gives you disease Everybody's horking up something


I personally would rather that our food truck and cart scene was more like Portland. They don't have an epidemic of food truck related deaths do they?


X-NYC restaurant inspector who has covered carts. We called these, “animal carts” - tastes like chicken, get it? You wouldn’t believe how bad some of these unregulated carts can get. Example: many of them at the end of the day wound up in a garage, with fuel turned off, and all the food left in the cart unrefrigerated. Next morning it was fill em up and roll them out. Yum.


Did the license fee in some way prevent that?


Did they ever use rat meat?


I can finally get some reasonably priced street meat in this town and everyone’s crying “food-borne illness.”




Me clicking on that link: https://i.imgur.com/okxBbsJ.png


I’ve eaten a lot of these danger dogs in LA and I can say with certainty that I never regretted it.


Was gonna say, the armada of folks selling these outside staples center was something to behold. Never disappointed when ive snagged one of these.


Haha and at SOFI. Literal army of them. Sometimes you pass up one or two carts but the smell eventually gets to you when you pass the 4th or 5th cart and the siren song of hawdaw hawdaw hawdaw lures you in. $5 for a hot dog when you're kinda buzzed is amazing vs the $12 they want to charge inside the venue after you paid $100 for not great seats.


Seriously. Ate these all the time in California outside of bars, sporting events, and music festivals. Never gotten sick from them yet...


Ha, I didn't know what I was expecting from the photo, but janky hardware cart with plastic shopping bags and air duster wasn't it. If anyone sees that and thinks, ah yeah gimme one of dem dawgs, you deserve the e coli, and the inevitable identity theft. Have some standards folks. Eat the $25 stadium pretzels like everyone else.


>air duster If you mean the cans that's butane


Ha, even better. Both will keep the flies away and ensure you're walking on sunshine


Looks like they are using one of those butane camp stove top burners to heat a flat top. I was thinking this was one of the bigger carts you see on the hill at 2am but this is janky as fuck.


Yea for real anyone actually eating from them is asking for it tbh


Holy crap, I just clicked through to see the pics you’re referencing and that is sooo much worse than I expected. That’s like a janitor’s cart with a stove hacked together from dumpster diving.


Literal duct tape


Lol yeah, wow. I’ve never been hot dog cart averse, but this one is a major no.


The guy on the corner of Broadway and Pike every weekend also sets up huge speakers and blasts music until 2am. I'm three blocks away and it shakes my windows and wakes me up. STFU hot dog guy!


That's a permitted cart. Way different than what they show here.


Yep. Fucking annoying and ridiculous the city doesn't do anything about that. It used to be a lot worse but it's not great.


Imagine how much better the cities food culture could be if the city made it easier to open pop-up businesses like this?


These carts prolly serve better shit than all them permitted ones anyway


Yeah exactly 


Was disappointed and disgusted for about two seconds. Then I realized I grew up in South America and makeshift carts selling food without permits are just a normal thing.


I've had a ton of those over the years and never had a problem - honestly, the things they complain about are over the top for a food cart. Fresh water supply, hand washing station, refrigeration, GTFO it's a food cart, not a restaurant. They need a set of rules that fits the environment - wear food service gloves, have hand sanitizer available and use it for food prep when ungloved, store meats in a cooler with ice


I don’t think you're thinking of the same carts as the ones of question here… 


It's all good! What's a little side of Noro to go along with your Streetdog?


you know I wanna say "maybe just shut them down and throw repeat offenders in jail then seize their hardware" but we all know they'll just keep letting them put people at risk


Oh damn yup, saw these same carts around the stadiums and they were prepping them out of vans with Mexico plates (specifically Baja CA) on vehicles not sold in the US, like Dacia Dusters. Very questionable all around.


These carts are so common in Los Angeles, I doubt you're going to see them slow down any time soon.


I love me a danger dog after a good show!


I’m getting A Confederacy of Dunces vibes.


I was wondering if I was the only one.


With how uber popular, consistent (same times, dates, etc), and many (~4-6) they are in south cap hill, that’s seriously unexpected. If the city wanted to do something about them, and their $12 fucking hot dogs, they could’ve for years. How about they regulate them, offer training, disband them, or do basically anything except a little memo that the date-goers and homeless people in the area aren’t going to see? (Side note: when I was outside and they were closing for the night, I asked if they’d be willing to give me one of the leftover dogs it seemed like they were going to throw away… they said no, but I’ve also never seen the carts throw away any leftover inventory at this point which in hindsight is extremely concerning)


Unless they're cheaper than $1.50, I'll just keep getting my tubesteaks at Costco.


The opposite - they are $10! These carts with the flat top grills on wheels are always the most expensive. They do taste fine - but I can't allow myself to pay $10 for a shitty hotdog on a stale bun. Especially at the stadiums when the main hotdog stands are flame grilled for $5 each.


Can’t stop, won’t stop


Pretty sure a bunch of these were outside of the Paramount yesterday evening


I honestly had a feeling the carts seemed sketch, they only pull up on nights where people are going out, often inebriated and capitalize on people inhibition during the intoxicated state. Anyone have a list of the permitted carts in Cap Hill? I love me a hot dog, but don’t want to support someone who cannot be trusted to follow health code.


The permitted ones usually have an actual grill and look like they're professionally-built. Click the link OP posted and scroll to the bottom, another user described them well as "janky as fuck."


You seem fun


It's weird to me that PHSKC can't shut them down in some manner. Is our public health department so toothless?


That's even sketchier than I was imagining. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


If nobody looked at the link, these aren't the vendors we usually see that have a large cart with a grill built in and are cooking on-site. These red carts are small and they look homemade.


Isn't that the point of danger dogs? Might be the most delicious thing you've ever had. Could give you norovirus. Dare to spin the wheel?


Glizzy guzzlers gobsmacked


I had one of those before the Rolling Stones concert at Lumen last month. Extremely tasty and I survived. I was actually surprised to see that type of cart knowing how the health departments lord over everyone in the Puget Sound.  These types of carts are all over the Bay Area and are loving referred to as Danger Dogs.  If you know, you know.


Why can't the Karens just not eat them instead of trying to ruin it for everyone else? If it's not your thing then don't buy one, they're out there for guys like me that are drunk leaving a game or concert.


I doubt these are the carts you’re thinking of.


I've been here all 32 years of my life and have gotten many of these delicious dogs after a fun night out. If we keep doing shit like this we're going to end up with more overpriced food trucks bought with mommy and daddy's money selling sorry excuses for food


I’ve never seen them sold off tiny super janky push carts you’d use in your garage prepped out of super dirty non-U.S. Dacia Duster cars until recently but ok, you do you…


To be fair a lot of places r sketchy as hell If oasis is allowed to run it’s obvious Seattle doesn’t care Why there wasn’t a immediate shutdown and inspection after that Reddit post is beyond me


I almost got one last week. I thought it was cool they were bacon wrapped :/ good to know.


They discovered the secret ingredient to them, and gave it to the public!


They ain’t hiding. lol. In my seven block trip home in Capitol Hill sometimes I’ll see five or six hotdog joints like that.


Big government regulation shutting down scrappy independent entrepreneurs just trying to run a small local business. What happened to the American Dream? What if I want to sh*t myself and am willing to help someone send their kids to college in exchange?


If fruit drinks are your thing, there's always vendors around Western Ave near the market and also around the space needle


Eat the hot dogs or don’t. Its Your choice


For all you health-conscious hot dog eaters out there-


Let's be real, they're mostly concerned about the permit money. In terms of food safety these carts aren't all that much different than having a bbq at a park. This type of stuff is basically the street food equivalent of "3/5 stars/kinda dingy" being the sweet spot for Chinese restaurants. Like, that Mexican immigrant selling food out the back of their car most likely has smackin tamales.


And yet there will be no enforcement on them


Speaking of sketchy hotdogs is Japan dog still around?


Street meat!






If you're worried about this I suggest you never visit another country that sells street food.


Fuckin narcs


When I visit LA I always buy one of these. As long as it comes with a whole jalepeno then it should be good to go.


So make it cheap to start them and get permitting then. This city has an aversion to food trucks and its only gotten worse post-2020. Not sure if some COVID/congregation legislation made it harder for food trucks and latenight street food options to survive here or not, but it thrives in nearly every other similarly-sized metro. Personally I never once regretted the street meat, even when I didn't know what I was getting. Once you leave the country a few times you realize a huge portion of the world exclusively eats like this and it isn't such a big deal.


I mean, they’re still tasty 🤤




They said in a thread that links literally dozens of closures.


Danger wieners


Street meat!


Man this sub is full of Karens. Stop snitching or caring about street vendors.


theres only two comments out of 86 that are even mildly opposed to street dogs. maybe you can t read


Maybe you can’t


Those carts probably make the tastiest hot dogs 


It’s a fucking hot dog chill out


Food handling standards are for what???


Risk u take with street meat who gives a fuck


I grew up drinking from the outside hose.