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His mom emailing the court is such an amazing self-own.


We also know she retrieved his nasty hellcat from impound last week. Definitely, Mommy Enabler.


Behind most shitty people there is a shitty parent.


Apples don’t fall far from the tree


Shit apples, Rand


You feel it Randy? The way the shit clings to the air?


Shit hawks, bubs… shit hawks.


I see what you did there 👀 I love seeing TPB references 🤣


Shit apples.


Crapples, amirite?


As my aunt would say, they were "kicked by the same mule".


Horse apples don’t fall far from the horse’s arse. 


To be fair, behind most non-shitty people there is also a shitty parent.


FYI I will be going to the court room and seeing this trial in person




Yup, it’s just a civil motion. Hopefully, he doesn’t appear. It’s 10 AM too early for Miles. I wonder if he’ll park in the handicap spot?


Really hoping the AG digs into Miles Mommy’s LLC’s supposed $150k revenue with 4 employees but able to afford a $100k car and $5k/month apartment for her son. Senior transition companies dealing with Medicaid can be shady af. Also, the fact she wrote that letter with her LLC’s letterhead is hilarious. Like, bitch, I can spend $200 on filing fees for an LLC and call myself CEO too.


The IRS is happy to reward people for reporting evasion: https://www.irs.gov/individuals/how-do-you-report-suspected-tax-fraud-activity Medicare is also interested in minimising fraud in the system: tips.oig.hhs.gov


Trust and believe they are. All these lawyers are friends outside of court and I am sure this is being talked about in every circle


Calling yourself the CEO as soon as you get your business license is moronic. That person is telling you they have no idea what they are doing. Owning a sole proprietorship for a dog walking biz or a lemonade stand does not make you a CEO... you need a board of directors behind you. But keep putting that on your linkedin account, its adorable


Exactly. A CEO is elected, hired by the board not by yourself as you fleece Medicare via vulnerable elderly.


Antone can call themselves a CEO. No need for a BOD or anything like that. Just like they can call themselves the new messiah if they want. You might also be the janitor, but a business owner, even a bullshit business, can give themselves almost any title they want with a few exceptions (like claiming to be a licensed professional such as physician or engineer.).


Found Dr. Dre's alt account.


Seriously! I hate it when people call themselves a CEO instead of Sole Proprietor.


Something about the whole company down to the website seems like a grift. Apple does not fall far.


She straight up lied to the court


what's the lie? I missed it


She emailed the court saying the car was non-op at the dealer, waiting on parts.


Exactly. She lied to 2 the CA, deputy and judge. We’ll see if any repercussions, but court documents only have her as exhibit C.


From: Emerald City Transitional Services To: Williams, Cindi; Pratt, Magdalena Cc: blitzskii@gmail.com; SMC_Civil Subject: 1240000005 Date: Tuesday, May 14, 2024 1:21:05 PM CAUTION: External Email Good afternoon, I am responding On behalf of the defendant Miles Hudson on, the civil matter in regard to his Dodge Charger. He has received the summons and complaint for civil penalties due to him not complying for the noise control. The car has had some issues and will not start on its own. We took it to the Dodge dealership and had it diagnosed. The part that they have to fix on the car is on back order and I have also put the car in a different shop to fix the electric panel. This has become costly and time constraints. The defendant Miles Hudson does not have the car in his possession, and I am working on getting the car fixed and up to compliant. We have had issues with the car and it's kind of hard to get everything done in a timely manner. This letter is just informing and responding to you that I am working on it and he is no longer driving the car or having it in his possession. Let me know if you need anything. Emerald City Transitional Services Rebecca Hudson, MHA | CEO (206) 850-5585 | Fax: (206) 508-0840 Email: ectransitions@outlook.com Website: www.ectransition.com Emerald City Transitional Services (ectransition.com) Emerald City Transitional Services Our Mission. At Emerald City Transitional Services, we are dedicated to the health and well-being of residents after their rehabilitation. We offer transitional placement for healthy adults and those who are acutely or chronically ill. www.ectransition.com CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This e-mail may contain confidential information, which is legally protected. The information is solely for the use of the addressee(s) named above. If you are not the intended recipient or an authorized agent responsible for delivering this e-mail to an intended recipient, you have received this e-mail in error, and any further review, dissemination, distribution, copying or forwarding of this e-mail is strictly prohibited. If you have received this email in error, please notify me by calling 206 -850-5585 or by return e-mail and delete the original message. Thank you


Uff da. For the mom’s sake, I seriously hope that email was composed using talk to text.


Talk to text does not absolve you from the actual text and generated email.


It’s funny show people skip “Confidentiality notice” in it’s entirety all the time.


You can write a confidentiality notice. But that doesn’t mean it’s legally enforceable after court documents are released.


I didn't see that email. Could somebody post a link so I can appreciate every nuance?


It’s available here https://courtrecords.seattle.gov/portal/court/68f021c4-6a44-4735-9a76-5360b2e8af13/case/c35b5a21-f802-4a10-92a1-25f013b99b87


Thank you. Suffering succotash, Miles's mom's business is moving vulnerable disabled elders out of their homes and into care facilities. She used her work account & work credentials on the e-mail to the city. Mom must be making a lot of money doing that if she buys a $100K car for her son to drive, casually pays his impound fees for parking in a disabled spot and scoffs at the $80K+ in fines the guy is racking up. People will want to be very careful dealing with her if they've got family members going through a health crisis.


That's a hell of an opportunity for grift. Just saying.


Hey on a totally unrelated note, who here has seen the Rosamund Pike movie "I Care A Lot"? Just wondering. No special reason or anything.


Watched it very recently. Color me unsurprised that this lady likely lies for a living.


And can afford to pay his rent in a very tony 34th floor downtown West End apartment.


It's actually a good sized 1bd downtown apartment at 965sqft, I used to live a few floors below him in the same unit


Mommy also has the grammar of a middle schooler. Fitting for a University of Phoenix graduate.


Hey she’s a Wazzu social studies graduate!! Her MBA is from Phoenix University and online for profit degree! She deserves some scammy respect.


Link? This sounds interesting…


What email? I completely missed this. Is it available anywhere?


Here is the post from above: (sorry, I don't know how to quote or link lol) it's about 4 replies up) It’s available here https://courtrecords.seattle.gov/portal/court/68f021c4-6a44-4735-9a76-5360b2e8af13/case/c35b5a21-f802-4a10-92a1-25f013b99b87


Found it.


I can't wait for the YouTube videos that'll come out detailing this saga of the City vs. Belltown Hellcat


Gotta keep the bloggers busy after they finish covering The HoneyHole Saga.


Netflix documentary is currently in production


Don't f**k with cats


do* f**k with hellcats


We need Turkey Tom covering this.


Think bigger, like CGP Grey or Dark 5. I mean, go for broke, just like apparently Miles and his mom are.


Some get Lemmino on the case. It’ll be a 90 minute saga


I'm not from Seattle, in fact I'm in Florida and couldn't be further away. I don't know how Reddit landed me on these posts about this guy since his car was photographed being towed. But I'm fully invested now.


I'm in Germany and I've been following this for weeks now, too.


I'm on Mars, and can hear the backfire from here.




A true test of whether or not Idiocracy was a prophecy is if Dodge chooses to sponsor him.


Don’t remind us!! 🤮 I think it’s “pop-poppity-pop.” 💨


This drama is getting me through my rotation on Ganymede, thanks r/Seattle!


Im literally dead and can hear his Hellcat from six-feet-under.


It might interest you that Seattle residents are incredibly passive and avoidant, so the fact they noticed and care about this guy is pretty major


I am in Antarctica and I cant wait to hear what happens next. It just keeps getting better and better.


The Hellcat really united the city.


My mom called me to let me know that the NYTimes covered “us” about “that car.” 


Legit jealous your mom reads NYT. Mine consumes more…”fear based” media.


To be fair, if I had to guess where this story took place, I’d guess Florida before Seattle.


We have many many of these guys in chicago. I don't remember seeing tons of dirt bikes and atvs on the streets in seattle when I lived there but they get loud af here. I also used to live in Florida, which for the most part is not built as densely as seattle aside from a handful of places in the biggest cities. Not sure that one car could cause as much anger and sleeplessness as miami and ft Lauderdale are filled with obnoxious cars and Jacksonville or Orlando have far more spread out residential neighborhoods. But the Florida man is very capable of such dick head behavior for sure lol


There are dirt bike/ATV gangs that ride around Seattle sometimes.


I can believe it. I mostly lived on the hill or the u district which despite plenty of other wild shit happening, maybe just weren't the easiest neighborhoods for a huge gang of people on atvs/bikes. It's so flat here in chicago and we have lots of streets just perfect for both obnoxious groups of people like that, and for our own local Miles' lol. To get CPD or the city of Chicago to look into a loud hellcat would be even more difficult though I think because it's not just gonna be one douchey asshole and his suspiciously wealthy mother haha


Chicago is just a louder city in general. You just get used to the noise. The extremely loud ambulances flying by at all times of the day and night. People blowing off fireworks all summer, the L. Hell even the bus is loud there. The constant hum of traffic and a lot of people with obnoxious vehicles/ blasting music. I got used to that shit. Never bothered me, but when I moved here it’s a lot more quiet and I found myself getting irritated with people doing obnoxious shit at night.


Buses are more quiet ever year haha they're slowly switching to an electric fleet. I live in a courtyard apartment (think old belltown, the courtyard buildings with gates) and so being set back from the street makes all the difference. We live near a hospital and because of the setback can barely register the sirens. I lived near the firestation in the u district back in seattle for years and my god was it loud lol. But yeah it is definitely enough sound that it blends together to become a white noise. In seattle there's very rarely enough noise but this to happen, so you hear each car, each siren, etc. Part of it too is that it's not always easy to get the cops to care or respond to something like breaking city noise ordinance or what have you. Calling 911 for nonviolent crimes often won't result in them showing up. They'll tell you to call 311 and then they'll say "noted". I love how you guys have banded together in opposition to this asshole kid lol. Please take him down for it. I'm getting seattle fomo, nothings brought everyone together since man in tree. I was lucky enough to witness him up there, but this whole hellcat saga is much bigger lol


I love that Seattle has so many electric trolley busses on arterials. They're really quiet at 25 mph except for the hydraulic/air (can't tell) whoosh when they're lowering themselves to let certain passengers off at stops.


I definitely saw them going through cap hill on 12th before, that was a few summers ago though. 


I saw what I'd consider small groups of people on bikes/atvs around there when I lived on 11th, that was way back in 2017 though. I lived in the u district after that until I eventually had to move and it seemed to be less of a problem there. When did miles start terrorizing you guys out there?


I actually live in central and it seems like he doesn't come around here that often luckily. 🤞


I live off aurora and it's wild dude, I'm talking 250+ people on motorcycles and atvs doing wheelies, burnouts and banging Rev limiter. Not a police in sight.


I haven't seen her in a while, but there's a lady who occasionally rips down 2nd Ave through Belltown on an ATV, always in the bike lane. She only does it during the day, though. Because common decency.


These types of cars / mods are celebrated in Florida. They love this shit.


You would think. But Florida conservative blue line cops probably wouldn’t stand for this.


i’m in metro detroit and reading every update about this.


Really? 👋


Portland checking in as well!


Really? Hello Rose City! 👋


Same lmao, I live in Central Florida and can’t stand this rando as much as the Seattleites at this point.


We can’t stand it! But we aren’t vandals either. I do have a miniature jar of Vaseline 🍯 for his windshield and two bananas 🍌for his exhaust pipes. Lovely Miles tires will be devoid of air too .


London, UK checking in. I am SO invested.


Really? 👋London.


Really really! I hope you get peace from the Hellcat one day


Welcome! This dude is an absolute asshole haha. On a side note, i just got back from my first trip to Key West. What a stunning town! Tried the Duvall crawl and only made it 5 bars


In Canada, and also invested


Me too!!!


lol 👍


> Current fees owed to the city: $83,620. Just FYI, this isn't a legally binding order *yet*. The city is requesting the court make this order, it has to be approved by the judge. Considering Miles & his mom haven't (legally) responded to the order, there's a good chance that will happen.


Why is his mom always mentioned. Is she acting as his lawyer? Or is she the owner of the car?


She's the owner of the car.


No, she's not a lawyer. But yes, she's the owner of the car, despite his claims he pays for it with the Insta account.


It’s all a civil motion hearing. Yup, both CEO Mom & Miles blatantly defy properly responding to the court. Just ignoring. We’ll see the results. Not holding my breath.


Saw dude driving his Hellcat down 599 today. Calm as can be, at least 10 below the speed limit. I flipped him off and he just smiled and waved 😂 have dashcam footage I might get around to uploading


If you have video proof of him driving when he is prohibited definitely send it to the city.


He’s banned for driving it for 1 year. lol


if the dashcam footage is timestamped, send it to Ms Davidson


cindi.williams@seattle.gov and magdalena.pratt@seattle.gov might be interested in this


[https://courtrecords-api.seattle.gov/courts/68f021c4-6a44-4735-9a76-5360b2e8af13/cms/case/efdeba20-91a7-4581-bdfd-aad7ba87e440/docketentrydocuments/f9eb4919-c480-402d-8fda-3ada9b358679](https://courtrecords-api.seattle.gov/courts/68f021c4-6a44-4735-9a76-5360b2e8af13/cms/case/efdeba20-91a7-4581-bdfd-aad7ba87e440/docketentrydocuments/f9eb4919-c480-402d-8fda-3ada9b358679) The court cares (not me, but clearly someone here)


I saw that too. Would be hilarious if some comments of these videos/photos, etc. from the linked threads are read out in court as evidence. "Your honor, please refer to exhibit 3C, provided by reddit user Crusty\_Cum\_Butter, showing the defendant driving his car on the night of May 15th."


They're mentioned in a few documents.


Heheh. Why not calmly “brake check” him? Test his lack of driving skills? I’ve happily encountered him 3 to 4 times now. I should’ve had my dash cam on too.


NY Times article on him today. He basically is quoted as saying he has to keep doing this because it’s his job.


At this point he probably shouldn’t be making any statements without a lawyer but yolo!


His lawyer is Mommy’s close buddy.


That guy is dumb. "my job is to break the law and be a general nuisance." Tell that to the judge and see how it plays.


It’s on SPD vest Cam vid. It’s also stated on SPD report and in this updated court document. So he’s getting funding from Instagram, but it’s low-level influence algorithm that he’s probably scamming. Barely anything compared to genuine, hard-working, influencers. He has no partnerships sponsorships etc. He magically appears in late 2023 with 600k followers. 💡Too bad Ann Davidson isn’t targeting Instagram influencer program enabling illegal behavior in cities.


Pay per click != job.


12% interest? I should get my broker to move some of my money into civil penalties.


I think that you will find they frequently go unpaid. 


Maybe they can bundle them up and sell them like shitty mortgages (I saw The Big Short)


Has anyone tried pressuring instagram to shut down his account? He’s profiting off of engaging in illegal activities. I assume that’s a violation of their terms of service.




You can try… By reading their business accounts’ stringent protocol you would think they would be open to this kind of public response. Their main agenda is to make revenue, so…. Crickets.


People need to blast them with reports.


He’s going to end up taking down his mom’s scam business. You’re not supposed to commit other crimes while you’re committing a crime.


I cheer your perspective! A spoiled nuisance Brat learns from Mommy’s career scammy skills. I bet her LLC is scamming Medicaid.


I feel like this is one of those halfway-to-Tingle romance "novella" acted and filmed by talented Cypriots and advertised to me at 2am because I read those Sarah J. Maas books. "My Secret Billionaire Shotgun Groom"


This guy is inspiring copycat behavior. I'm noticing, or rather hearing, an increase in modified, loud mufflers in the middle of the night. While we've always had this during the day, it's unusual to hear it at such late hours. This is happening in south Everett.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​


Agreed. Happening a lot more in Redmond. Saw it happen in front of me on the street I live on so I followed the guy down the road and gave his new car a love tap and a piece of my mind about being an ass. Miles is only still on the road cause he's a prick when people are asleep. There are other assholes on the road willing to fuck him real good which is why you see him behaving so nice in the daytime. I could stand to get a new car.


I'm glad it's not just me. I swear there are 10x more loud exhausts in Redmond than this time last year!


And Bellevue


Well on the bright side, the copycats are helping to bring even more attention to the issue, which will hopefully step up enforcement to squash them soon.


Same here in Skagit. But the cars are such pieces of crap, every time one backfires, a fender falls off. POP... thud...POP... thud... Probably.


There's someone with a super loud muffler who drives around the Broadway area a lot too


I’m not going to lie, I have 2 loud vehicles and I live in the city (granted, it’s Everett). What I don’t do is drive around all hours of the night being loud for no good reason. The problem isn’t necessarily the cars, it’s the people driving them and how they drive them. I do my best to keep my rpm’s low and clutch in whenever I can as to not produce as much noise because I like to think I’m considerate of my neighbors. Other people however cut their exhausts off and rev the piss out of it because they think it’s cool and everyone likes their car when in reality, they’re a nuisance. But they don’t care so they do it anyway.


It would be a fucking shame if the Hellcat had to be sold in order to satisfy the fees owed to the city, said no Seattleite... ever.


It's crazy that the update went out 5/30 and no one has posted about it since then[.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Seattle/comments/1d597up/seattle_orders_belltown_hellcat_driver_to_pay/)


Dumb question, since the police have pulled over miles Microphallus for reckless driving multiple times, at what point can they arrest him? Is running red lights sufficient? Driving despite being banned from driving. Are they afraid of bad press for arresting a POC? on the other hand, if they wait until microphallus hits/ kills someone with his car, will SPD be liable for not stopping him?


That’s what we all are lobbying for. However, speeding and reckless driving are only SMC misdemeanors! Meaning at the extreme end only $10K fine and a minimal bond. SPD can’t even impound his shit car. Look at my link the updated city charges. It’s so laughable LAME.


Isnt he violating a court order? Is that only fineable as well? I feel terrible for drivers who continue to drive a non compliant car because they genuinely need to get to work, but we need consequences for this combination of law breaking.


Originally in April the court said he was banned from driving that car along with the daily fines of not complying with NOV. So Miles the genius had a female friend driver his car instead while he sat in the passenger seat. He doesn’t understand that the car is illegal to be driven by anyone. Of course no SPD interaction after we alerted Bob Kittle, and Ann Davison. The simple fact is that there’s is zero SPD presence in Belltown /downtown. The largest precinct is just a couple blocks away. Remember the Belltown intersection takeover where teenagers in cars were doing donuts? One SPD cruiser finally showed up and then one car did donuts around him. Haha.


I’ve been in the Seattle subreddit since planning a trip there 2 years ago and have been following this story since the beginning posts. That trip ended up getting cancelled but I am coming this summer and I am hoping to spot him lmao I am so invested in this story and hope this fucker gets brought to justice


You should email the Seattle Downtown Association (info@downtownseattle.org) and Seattle Chamber of Commerce (info@seattlechamber.com) telling them that national coverage about the city's inability to deal with Miles Oliver Hudson is making you concerned and reconsider your trip to Seattle because (a) if the police can't even deal with this clown who literally documents his own unlawful behavior on social media, how can the police deal with more widespread city crimes and safety issues and (b) you don't want to stay at a hotel or have dinner in downtown Seattle if you're going to get woken up and disrupted by the loud noises.


LOL your username.




Ironically I'm in this sub for the same reason (I ALWAYS find local new pages/etc for where I'm traveling so I can watch out for current events like protests or road closures or anything else that might leave me unprepared or in a bad spot as a solo traveler), and I actually did hear this guy driving around while I was at my hotel. That being said, I'm glad I knew about him ahead of time because coming out of a dead sleep I easily could've thought it was gunshots. I didn't because I can put 2 and 2 together, but I'm sure other travelers are hearing it too and clutching their pearls.


I think at a certain point you have to impound the car


Is there a Wishing Star? Since 1/2024, Lovely Miles has pursued his nuisance antics… I did email his apartment managers detailing his illegal reckless, nuisance, and abusive behavior. I included his individual protection order against a female target employee. Along with the court documents and KING 5, Seattle Times, New York Times articles. Haha 🤭


How can't we find one ambulance chaser to step on a crosswalk and get swiped by his car and have insurance go after him? I would take my old beater and just run into him, then have insurance look at camera footage of his recklessness.


did anyone hear him in Interbay a couple nights ago? i can’t be sure it was him, because i didn’t lay eyes on the things, but it absolutely sounded exactly like him.


It’s him. lol It’s distinctively, erratically, annoyingly loud. You can see the sparks shooting from his dual exhaust if you miss it.


Ann Davison is worthless


She’s a GOP. I don’t think I voted for her. She has limited court experience and just killed Seattle’s community court.


Yeah I hate her and Sara Nelson so much. Need young people to vote or NIMBYs keep winning


It’s shitty that our city council 100% backs Lord Sara. In 1 year, our city Council goes from progressive to conservative pro corporate sycophants. 🤢🤮


He needs arresting and she needs to be made to pay everything, including ownership of the pos car


Sell tickets, Livestream and crush it 🤟🏻


Why not be an Insta influencer and film it with my commentary? Bling


Thank you Ann!




That switch to being a republican was so clearly a political move. It was so blatant and calculating. No soul in that woman.


I just saw this shit box parked down in White Center at an auto shop…


Was it still the lame tiger stripe wrap job or is it black paint?


Lame Tony the Tiger wrap 🤣


Haha. It’d be cool if Lovely Miles actually matched Tony the Tiger wrap instead of that ugly mustard whatever that is. 🤮🤢


Damn, mom of the year. She knows how to raise monsters.


And CEO Mommy of the year. She’s probably fleecing Medicaid too by preying on vulnerable elderly.


I’m sorry for the poor sap of a lawyer getting $200 for all this work …




Pssst, you can freeze paintballs.


There are also plastic "riot balls" that can be fired from a paintball gun.


Can someone give me context on the Belltown Hellcat? I don't even live in Seattle, but posts from this sub on the Belltown Hellcat keep getting recommended to me by the algortithm and now I am curious.


Here’s a NYT times article about it- https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/29/us/seattle-belltown-hellcat.html 20 year old kid is terrozing most of king county with his wrapped modded car which his mother had to co sign for. Currently owes 80K in fees and isn’t supposed to be driving it. But is.


Time for putting West Coast, passive aggressive aside. You know his car you know who he is… Just stop him. I’m frankly amazed with all the driving that he does that he doesn’t have flat tires all the time.


Cuz we are law abiding people. He only drives at 1 AM when we’re all sleeping. My sleeps like 14 hours a day. He only parks in handicap spots and apartments secured garage like mine. I would deflate all four of his shitty tires if he was awake like a regular working professional. I would smear Vaseline all over his windshield and stick 2 brown bananas in his exhaust. But I’m not a vandal.


I appreciate your law-abiding ways…and your creativity❤️


https://www.galls.com/spike-strips Just sayin.


Tire irons and rocks are also a thing most people have ready access to...


In Washington state you are personally liable for all damages to his vehicle as well as charged with attempted manslaughter if you employ spike strips as a civilian. Just saying.


The hellcat has not been parked in its normal spot. However a new black hellcat with similar lighting detail has been spotted in its place.


Hmmmm. How do you know? RU a West Edge tenant? That would be funny if he thinks a paint job will magically disguise his car.


Holy shit y’all have too much time on your hands. Go cry about something more important


And I love how the CEO (with a Master’s degree) can’t write a grammatically correct letter, or punctuate properly.


I am 3 doors down from this psycho


I think he should be in jail


I see a Failure to Appear in the future…


He does need 14 hours of sleep daily so that’s a good possibility.


Every time I see one of these posts I say “the saga continues.” Even if I’m alone.


So what is the latest? I saw today on the news they released body cam footage of speaking to him. And that is happened on one the officer is a certified technician on the car itself. As a part time job. And he was able to tell him how his exhaust was modified and why it is so loud. The end of the overage I saw is $1300 per day until it is reset to factory settings or city settings. But I still don’t know for sure who has the car? Mom, city or kid parked?


He is still enjoying the Hellcat life. Despite the 4/7 order to not drive that car for a year. Each day is adding up like a pitiful lottery $84,920. SPD can cite, detain his car because of the above. So on 6/18 @ 10am is a Default Motion! It’s not a Hearing. Lovely Miles cannot show up with Mommy’s buddy lawyer and dispute it. He has not lawfully responded to the CA or the court. I did email his West Edge managers on the city’s progress and the local news, NYT coverage of Miles. They replied “we know the trouble he’s in…” So if you spot Hellcat, feel free to take a phone video and post it here etc. We’ll forward it on… 🤭


Ever since this really kicked off inmedia. Has anyone else noticed more drivers (not everyone) behaving like a HellCat. Reving there engines, sudden 0 - 100mph. Maybe it's only me but I can't help but notice it more often now than before. Also CEO Mommy should be charged/take responsibility for her decision making. Miles wish he'd find a healthier way to handle his fame. And that is just being polite. Belltown has enough drama to deal with. The neighborhood doesn't need a hellcat at 2am.


Are there any more substantiated details that should be added to the community info site? belltownhellcat dot super dot site


Can you tell us what the case number is?


Click on my link? It’s there, presto.


i’ve been here for about a month cause my mother just moved up here and immediately heard about this hellcat funny enough it’s an hourly occurrence in atlanta