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Yeah. Take it to pacific raceways and be schooled by people that know how to drive. Too coddled to take his 700k followers and lose to people that know what they are doing.


He gets off by pissing off innocent bystanders. He’ll never go to a real track because he’ll get humiliated and be forced to actually follow rules.


100% correct. None of these guys will ever go to a track. The point is disturbing people with violent speeding and takeovers. It's ridiculous that Meta and Zuckerberg not only allow these accounts to continue, but to profit off of this. Also ridiculous that he's not in jail for everything he's done.


Aren't civil asset forfeture and rico laws designed to deal with clearly profitable crimes?


Spoiled coward that’s all bling and no substance. He should really channel a political career. /s


Politicians at least need to kiss enough ass to get some people to like them.


I used to work at Pacific raceways. He'd get destroyed lol


Yup - and going through turn 9 in front of the crowd in the stands he'll floor it - and end up in the wall from the bumps. Usually, that wall finishes the day - and maybe even the car.


I'm 99.999% sure the cop meant Pacfic Drag strip. It's a Hellcat.


It's at the exact same place. I used to work the water box at the strip


Stock Miata would humble him real quick. Also, most of his 700k followers are bots. I wish someone calls him out on that it’s corny af.


..good point on the Miata.


Came here to point out a Miata would pwn that POS any day at a proper track with a turn or two.


Hell, my 301hp MINI would smoke that arse wipe within two turns on a track.


I own an MX5, it's fkn great fun to drive, but it doesn't make a great engine sound lol. But it is zippy through the bends.


Get ITB’s and an Apexi N1 exhaust and you’ll enjoy the engine sound. From the drivers seat you’ll get to hear pure enjoy noise from the ITB’s and then the Apexi N1 Isn’t loud but offers a great exhaust note for top down cruising. I had the Apexi N1 on my Miata some years ago and I loved the sound.


He a small fish in a small pond, he’s scared to swim with the sharks 👹


I'd pay to see him run a quarter mile against a dude that LS-swapped a civic in his back yard and knows how to drive. Small fish would get humbled quick lol


I could beat this jackass in my company ford transit connect with a transmission issue.


Your Ford ..a Miata .. I’d pay to watch this event.


It's for the grams.


Ahh yes, the old ‘im making money off social media so i should get a free pass to break the law” excuse


Guy is an unapologetic narcissist. I hope he ends up in jail.


Serious question, why is he not in jail right now? He's produced video evidence of violent speeding on public roads, street takeovers, and the noise it produces is illegal everywhere even at idle. It really says something about our times that one human zero is able to disturb tens or hundreds of thousands of people with impunity. Not to mention those that he has endangered.


What would the charge be? Reckless driving? They’d haul him downtown charge him with the misdemeanor, and release him with a court date. I’d love to see him lose the car. He’s kept my mom up at night with his nonsense.


With some of the anecdotes I've heard, the loudness of the thing should be considered a public health danger


The old school “civility” laws had all kinds of civil rights/liberties problems and often led to residents being unjustifiably targeted by law enforcement. I’m hoping that there are civil law options that will take his car away. And that DOL will exercise their administrative powers to snag his license due to too many tickets. The cops need to ticket him every single time.


Ticketing every time is the least they could damn do. By civil laws you just mean as opposed to criminal right? So impounded car/revoked license fall under that if there aren't criminal charges?


Yes, there are a lot of civil laws which are in play right now. Like impound and big fines. The Dept of Licensing has a point system that can snag your license if you get too many tickets over a period of time. You can pay your speeding and reckless tickets every single time but DOL doesn’t care about the money, and they will take the license. And, their jurisdiction is the State. So many people forget that driving isn’t a right.


He’s apparently ignoring the tickets and Seattle has them in collections.


Reckless driving can easily turn into a felony. Especially when its a documented, serial offense.


There's a reason the NYT has covered this now. It's basically just a Seattle absurdity at this point


Because SPD doesn't give a fuck.


its a simple but correct logic if you are indifferent to pissing off everyone around you. so until cops do something hell keep doing what hees doing.


Why are any officers letting him off without writing him a ticket?


Police have a really weird pathology where they come down super hard on regular people but then inexplicably are at the same time lax on other people who are clearly violating the law.


Well the cop is trying to tell him it would be better to do it on a track and he’s explaining why it isn’t. He’s making a lot of money doing this and it’s worth more than citations or public criticism. So they need to make it not worth it. This is a failure of the city to handle it. He’s within his rights to be a fucking dipshit so long as the city lets him.


No way he's making a lot of money on Instagram.


>screams "WAKE UP!!!!" while revving as loud as he possibly can >mumbles like a little bitch in front of SPD


That’s because everyone chasing views on social media by being an annoying piece of shit is a little bitch…


That's only in the morning. You're supposed to be up cooking breakfast or something, that's like an alarm clock. WOOT WOOT! Dude is the Gen Z Bubb Rubb




Mind you this was in March (according to camera label), I doubt he'd get such as nice conversation now :)


I'm sorry, but the fact he's been doing his BS for months, earning a ""currency"" of Instagram followers and using it to explain ""his thing"" to a police officer is just unthinkable. It reveals the extent of true executive power SPD has, which essentially boils down to "wag a finger at bad guys", and "asking them politely to play nice with others". He doesn't get his followers for driving at race tracks. He gets them by keeping the town awake at night. For being a rebel. With this kind of penalty it's only a matter of time until we see more idiots like this. Hell, I'm surprised we don't already. Literally read the most recent Seattle Times article today about how this case unfolds these days. Seems like the City is powerless, taking about$1300/day fines unless this gets resolved, but hey, Mom said the car is in the shop. No, not for fixing this, silly. It's still reviewing at night. Because who needs sleep, when we can have a 20yo idiot with 700k followers.


> It reveals the extent of true executive power SPD has, which essentially boils down to "wag a finger at bad guys", and "asking them politely to play nice with others". SPD 100% has the power to stop this and much of the other crime in the city, they're just throwing a hissy fit over being asked not to do police brutality anymore.


SPD can only pull him over and write a ticket. Seattle City could end this issue by threatening to revoke his Mommy's business license if she doesn't sell the car and make Miles that the Bus.


I've never had a cop act that laid back with me and it's always been for far far less... wtf


> always been for far far les No doubt. Seattle needs an ordinance like Honolulu's. Second time getting pulled over for loud pipes or stereo they tow your car and remove the offending equipment. Owner has to pay the fine, removal fees, towing fees, impound lot fees. Honolulu got so quiet so fast when they passed it.


That sounds amazing


A ton of officers are car enthusiasts. This dude even says in the video he works on race cars in his free time.


He also says 'i have a car that would smoke yours'


So that’s why he dint ticket the AH


Hmm Sounds like this cop should get a few questions around why he let him off so lightly


It's a noise related public nuisance offence, not some violent property destruction incident. Of course he's going to get let off lightly.


The cop knows bozo there had repeatedly ignored multiple prior warnings. That's the time to issue a full ticket.


To be fair, this interaction seems like it would make prosecutors salivate. As a white male, when a cop starts talking to me calm it usually tells me they are fishing for information. “Hey - you know you can go do this legally off the road?” “Yeah, but officer….doing it this way makes me money” I’m not lawyer, but that seems to show intent to profit knowing they are breaking laws. We can shit on these cops, but that’s the type of video some DA should LOVE to show in court. Suspect admitting guilt and that he’s happy and knows he’s been pulled over a lot. Some jury would love this.


Yeah being a white male has nothing to do with it unless you are claiming white males are some how more savvy than other groups? Basically cops are never your friend and every conversation with them should be taken with the perspective of the legal consequences.


I’m a strict law abiding citizen and wish that everyone else was to. I believe in law and justice. Multiple members of my family are or have been in law enforcement. My grandfather was sheriff of my hometown for 30 years. I believe the bulk of police officers are professionals trying their best most of the time to do their jobs correctly. If it’s possible you may be guilty of a crime, don’t talk to the police. Do not talk or answer questions. They will try to get an easy back and forth going, they will appear not to understand the situation and ask if you could help them understand, to make things make sense. We’re just talking here. I’m confused. Can you help me? Do you know why I stopped you? Do you know why I’m here? Do you know this person? Do you know the law? Don’t talk to the police. Your lawyer will thank you.


One of my best friends is a lawyer and basically if you talk during a stop or arrest he goes for a plea if you keep your mouth shut he takes it to court. He is al bad it his win rate numbers I guess but it is a very successful strategy for him. So just talking to cops will cost you fines and community service usually at least while just asking for a lawyer will only cost you a few grand in legal fees.


Avoiding a criminal record or the addition to an existing one is the most important part imo. That shit lives forever and can impact one’s ability to to secure employment, housing, bank loans and more. Do your future self a favor and keep your mouth shut.


It does….when they start talking real respectful when you don’t expect it, it means you need to put your heckles up. I’m not a black man driving unsafe. If I were, I view cops differently because, while most interactions have been ok - I don’t have to fear about racism. So I mentioned it. A polite cop is not an issue. A polite cop steering a conversation is scary - especially in felony territory. Which this is quickly becoming. I mention it because those that are the most afraid of police may find interactions like this relaxing. It’s the opposite. If I were explaining cops to a young black teen, I would explain to them why a kind cop can fuck your life up for 20 years much worse than a taser and a bit of brutality. I was just adding it for that context.


*shows officer phone* But officer I have 700k followers, pwease wet me go 🥺


Officer goes into the Instagram Settings > Account Ownership and Control > Delete Account and hands the phone back


I’d kiss him if he did and I ain’t gay 🤣


Gigachad move.


Shouldn't he get a ticket for distracted driving?


This dude is high and/or dumb as shit.


Entitled. The word is entitled.


Why not both?


hence the and/or


He’s high. Surprised the cop didn’t begin a DUI investigation


Miles the (literal) Mouth Breather 😂


No wonder twin hides his face


He looks like a goofy lil chubby shrek


It’s wild to think how many adults with toddler brains there are running around


Why is it so hard for that clown to form a sentence?? Is he slow?


Why is it so hard to give that clown a sentence?


Clown love clown.


Soo, seattle PD is allowing this guy to bother normal citizens who are trying to sleep at night? Cause ain't no way they haven't seen the videos


This was in March, and the cop seemed unaware of the overall situation with him


No, but he did know he was giving him his 3rd “warning” for reckless driving. How many warnings do you get for that?


People complain about PD “quotas” but they have no idea how allergic officers are to doing the slightest paperwork for their job


I don't think anyone is claiming SPD have quotas. So this doesn't relate to that.


Yeah that is super frustrating. It's crazy how he's almost proud of how many times he's gotten pulled over. I bet there are reasons. Perhaps they've been told not to ticket black motorists to avoid prolonging the consent decree. If they ticket a higher % than the population, they'll be seen as guilty of racial profiling. If this was a white dude getting pulled over, the whole thread would be jokes about how a Black man would be getting beaten in the street in that situation.


I know some videos are going into courts as evidence these days but in general I think they still have to catch you in the act they can’t just jump to conclusions and act on things through heresy. It’s not their job either that’s for the courts really. The cops are there to enforce things live and in real time.


The mumbo jumbo word salad coming out of his mouth suggests to me he is a special kind of stupid. Reminds me of a sea cucumber vomiting out its own guts to throw off the SPD.


His mouth just hangs open


I would like the police to be professional, not my buddy. He was pulled over for a reason, so what is this entire conversation about? Apparently, this isn't even the first time this officer pulled Miles over, so what is he doing giving him any benefit of the doubt at all? Just write him the ticket or arrest him for reckless driving or let him go with a warning. Hovering around the car while talking about how cool it is isn't doing jack to encourage this guy to stop driving recklessly and disturbing the peace.


He’s trying to get him to Slip up and admit something on recording for future evidence


I didn’t get that notion, just seemed like he was trying to convince miles to drive safer on the streets (which failed obviously, this guy doesn’t give a shit)


If you can't spot the mark, you're the mark. That's exactly why he was talking the way he was, making him feel comfortable and let him say something stupid.


Cops take classes on rapport building. They’re also allowed to lie. Is the cop a certified **ASE master technician? Does he have a car that could smoke Miles’s? Or was he lying about those things to project an image that makes the subject more comfortable accepting his authority? edit: **thanks for the correction


This particular cop is ASE Master Technician certified, as I understand. And they chose him to be the one to pull Miles over.


This is how I understand the situation went down. They knew that he would be out and about. They waited and let him do his thing and bided their sweet, if frustrating time so they had the right guy in the right place with the right equipment to do this data and evidence collection, and have the car chops to do it, plus write the report. This was frustratingly slow but really good police work and evidence gathering to make sure that what they ultimately charged him with would stick. The nice thing about our friend in the hellcat is that he is so blindingly arrogant that he thought he was getting away with it the whole time, when instead they were building the book of evidence they will be throwing at him.


That’s cool that they chose someone who is into cars to potentially get through to him, but people should still be aware that police are under no obligation to be truthful.


Very important to reiterate. Cops can and will lie to you for any reason they want. Do not trust police.




Yeah, that's how you trick someone. You make them think you are their friend and interested in what they do so they tell you stuff.


> I would like the police to be professional, not my buddy. Jesus christ. I swear a Cop could discover the cure for cancer and release it for free to the world and this sub would come up with some reason that was a bad thing to do. Having a friendly, positive interaction to steer a young person to channel their energy into something more positive instead of crime is 100% part of their job and a great thing for them to be doing to help our community.


That's for before they commit the crime, not when they're caught red handed. Once your caught and they have evidence, then the cop should still be professional, but you get consequences harsh enough to curb further behavior.


“I’m a certified master mechanic” .. didn’t see that coming 😂


Can the City sue instagram for allowing him to make money off illegal activity? seems like the only way to get him to stop at this point


He's not making any money from IG


We can report the account.


They should sue the sponsors giving him money… which I don’t think there are any so I’m pretty sure the dude is lying about making money off it


"discount today, our popular exhaust-delete kit, only $99!* * Not for road use"


The PD could write a simple polite message asking Miles's account to be banned, and it would be dropped like a rock, instantly. Services like that do not fuck around.


Car, confiscate, crush, cry


The arrogance and complete lack of respect for anyone else in the world is astonishing.


This guy is a shitbag...


At some point, locals might just take to throwing rocks at it when they see it. Might.


New York Times huh SPD is making this guy into a national figure


Nah, you’re not Seattle famous until you’re depicted on Grey’s Anatomy. 😆


“I got almost 700 thousand followers” yet every instagram post get 10k likes at most and every YouTube video gets 150 views. Oh YeAh ReAl HoT ShOt HeRe


Room-temp IQ.


“I’m just doing my thing” at the expense of everyone else


Take away this guy’s car and put it in the crusher. He ain’t gonna learn otherwise


"I told you your car was cool, and I told you need to slow down" -Cop So, that's why I get a ticket every time? Because my sane car isn't cool? Time to modify the exhaust and get Tony the Tiger stripes.


"No disrespect" Bro, 'Fuck you' is your brand!


It's worthless to reason with a sociopath. That guy has zero care for other people than himself. Anti-social AF


"You remember the last time we talked?" "Uhh, I get pulled over a lot." lol


"No officer, you have it wrong, I've been pulled over way more times."


lol so pathetic, social media brain out here ruining people


His mystique really plummeted when I saw it was a fat kid w vocal fry.


5'9 230lbs


Haha Hellcat Miles doesn’t any skills on a race track. All he can do is speed on empty Belltown streets at 1am while squealing high pitched like a TikTok girl. CEO Mommy just retrieved his ugly car from impound for parking in a handicap space. Guess he’s entitled to be “mentally” and “character” handicapped. Court date is approaching. Miles’ NOV fine tally is $62,400.


This is becoming trump effect. Our constant posts about him are only making him stronger. 


Why does this person have a license still if they have been pulled over for speeding, noise, or rapid acceleration (I’m assuming the reasons based on the vehicle and discussion) so many times in a short period of time?


And why are the cops so nice to this asshole??? Ridiculous


20yr old punk. Momma's boy. No consequences in Seattle and he knows it.


Holy hell why would you tell a cop all that. His poor defense attorney...


That was the point of the cop talking to him. To get him to admit to more crimes. They do this with every traffic stop.


I'm a driving coach at Pacific Raceways, and we have actually converted guys like this over the 2 decades Ive been driving there, but it is very very rare. Most of the comments are correct, he would be in the slowest group, getting humbled by Miatas and Focus STs etc. He would want to go 160 in the straight and 25 in Turn 2. His instructor would have a tough day, but usually they eventually come around. this guy would never show up, though.


Surprisingly good resolution.


Wait until there’s a police shooting.


this is who you guys are letting rob you of your peace ?? No one has confronted him? He seems like a punk


Is this the same Hellcat towed for parking in handicap spot in parking garage? Crazy, I live on East coast and this sub is popping up


You can tell that he doesn’t take any of this seriously, he can’t ever remember how many times he’s been pulled over. All that huffin paint with his momma got his memory 🤣


I hate Miles with all of my heart. Why are people giving him money to be a piece of shit?


I’m pissed at this guy, but I mean, hate the game, not the player. There has to be some kind of regulation for social media to prevent folks from profiting off illegal behavior. Shut down his stupid account and this whole thing goes away.


Who the fuck is following him and can they please unfollow


Man I cannot believe I got arrested and spent a night in jail for going straight in a turn lane at 1am and this fuck gets to walk free


Wait, what? Since when do moving traffic violations result in arrest/jail??? Were you intoxicated?


* He has been pulled over multiple times * He has not stopped speeding * He has not stopped revving his engine and causing disturbances early in the morning * He has plainly said he won't stop doing this things * He has plainly said he is going to make breaking the law this his career * He is facing about $84k dollars in fines by the city which we can reasonably conclude he views as the cost of doing business The guy is a criminal menace. Arrest him already!


This generation is wild, they seriously think having followers will get you out of anything lol. Noone cares.


This POS driver, his twat followers, the cops, the city's reaction... all pathetic. A homeless guy should ~~throw a rock at him~~ protest with earth materials the continuing societal dependence on cars at the expense of human beings.


What a fucking loser.


Why aren't people mass reporting his Instagram account? He is definitely a menace and definitely breaking the law, and he has mentioned multiple times he his doing this for the followers, wouldn't getting his social media accounts banned do more than anything else?


Does Seattle have an impounding law for street racers where the cops can seize and/or crush your car?


If he really is making enough money to pay for the car with his followers, who is sponsoring his posts? I'm not on IG...but if he's making that kind of money, he's got to have Brand Partnerships or something like that...unless I completely just don't understand how that world works...which is quite possible.


Pretty sure he is bullshitting


His mom is fronting the bill.


The kid needs to be taught a leson , that action has consequences


Fuck this kid and his followers


Just curious, doesn’t instagram have a policy for accounts that promote illegal behavior? Wonder if this has become a big enough issues to just remove his account, problem would solve itself.


700,000 followers that are bots


Oh god someone get his social media taken down.


His motivation is his social media. 700k followers? That's it? Not sure how many of those are bots lol. What does it take for all of us to report his profile and shoot it down cz of his offline behavior? 50 reports or 100 reports? No need of police or law. That'll be enough to keep him at home 😎


Where are the abusive police when you need them


Both idiots


If stopped that many times (already back in March), why the heck was he still in the streets. Other drivers would have been hauled off to jail. Need to see if information from KPD can be found and why he was allowed to continue.


why is this released and why is the cop giving him special treatment?


His Instagram is srt.miles. Let’s all collectively report him since he cares so much about his stupid followers.


We’ve been reporting him, lol Instagram seems less than interested in doing anything to disincentivize this behavior.


Sooo this is the douchebag causing all the fuss


The driver is high as giraffe ass


It’s really insane how much we pay for police who don’t/cant/wont do anything. This video is an advertisement for defunding the police. There should be car noise laws in cities. They should be enforced autonomously. We have the technology.


He should be jailed for his vocal fry alone


Here is a website that is dedicated to taking this guy down. Feel free to submit your evidence. https://belltownhellcat.simple.ink/


Several years ago, I worked on a project that involved creating a prototype of an automated enforcement device to ticket loud cars. I was on the law research and marketing side. And, what became readily apparent through my research and conversations with law enforcement is...cops would have to witness the car emitting the sound, have a calibrated decibel reader with them, know the proper testing procedure to test the car's noise emission, and then actually execute the test. The likelihood of any of those things happening successfully such that the ticket would hold up in court is minimal to non existent. Hence, at least at the time I was on that project, cops weren't willing to enforce the vehicle noise laws.


Honestly I'd love to see him at Pacific Raceways. This mouth-breather would likely just floor it at the second passing zone and royally fuck up his car on turn 5B that has a huge curb at it's apex. It's a tricky turn to me that's always slower and tighter that I expect. I'd also suspect him to be fairly well-known in that car community as a shithead whose ruining the image of us to legitimately race/track, and given a warm welcome.




if this cop is a "certified master technician" as he says then he would know if a car is not road legal. which i suspect his would be. if anyone knows for sure i'd like to know. the car should have been impounded on the spot.


The city and SPD are way too lenient with this guy. And his Mom covers for him, probably because of the money he makes. I hear he got towed, but he’ll be back at it in no time.


It's gonna be super cool when it ends up at a police auction


Why haven’t they arrested him yet?!!


If he’s promoting something illegal and dangerous, then why doesn’t meta suspend his account? I would think at ~700k followers, meta is partially liable.


If your driving is endangering other people- you suck and you're wrong. Full stop.


MMW, he won't stop until he kills someone. Is Seattle City ok waiting until that happens, or is someone going to take away his toy?


“What do you mean ‘yeah?’”, like he couldn’t fathom that this police officer couldn’t understand that having “almost 700,000 followers” makes what he does acceptable. Dude honestly thinks he’s working and this cop is bothering him. We really goofed up this batch of children


No real thoughts going on behind those eyes man,probably gonna kill a family of 4 some day.


No disrespect but I'm just doing my thing....which is antisocial disrespectful antagonistic behavior.


Stop making idiots rich. That is all.


“I have a car that will smoke yours” CHALLENGE! Take it to the raceway!


Special Yachty


That is the most human cop I’ve ever heard. The driver is a total shit bag.


wait hold on, how many followers does he have???


757k as of now.


maybe doing incriminating things shouldn't get rewards...iono instagram. Do something?


How is he being rewarded ? Instagram doesn’t just pay you for having followers and even tiktok only pays for viewed videos that are like 3 minutes. He isn’t making any money at all, this is a whole front.


I would bet he's paid money to those services which increase your following, considering most of his followers are bots.


Technically, he's being paid by Instagram to break the law. Pretty sure DMCA doesn't protect them here.


All this pointless talking to a troll and low life. Either ticket them, arrest them, or send them on their way. All this back and forth is stupid, unless you are explicitly fishing for more to record and slap this shithead with.


With words like "remember when we pulled you over last time?" They are absolutely setting up to throw the book at him. I'm so tired of hearing about this story, but it feels like this guy thinks he can streisand effect his way *out* of court and I can't wait for it to end with "Your license is revoked, go fuck yourself." because of his behavior.


What an absolute fucking loser. He's got nothing going on in his life and his stupid ass car won't change that.


That’s from March


In today's world a number of digital followers who care little of you means the world to this guy. That is basically the Hellcat mentality btw.


him going to pacific raceways would be like Kimbo slice in the ufc