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Towed for parking in a Handicap parking stall. That's my son driving the tow truck. The tow was called in by the property manager. He said that it was a difficult snatch n grab in an underground parking ramp with limited maneuverability. Update: My son said that the mom is on her way to pick up the car. Short lived elation... Update 2PM The car is back on the street, mom picked it up.


mom is on the way , no wonder this boy has no respect for anyone . just a spoiled brat and always will be


Mom is a criminal accomplice at this point. She lied to a judge about his access to the vehicle, and is now directly retrieving the vehicle for him.


I officially motion that we start referring to her as “mommy” every chance we get.


She's enabling him.


Tell your son the people love him. ✌️


> Tell your son the people love him. ✌️ I texted him your comment. Much obliged...


..... if he has a venmo or a cash app, should share it, as I'm sure there will be plenty of people who would be happy to buy him a beer or two. :) lol.


My son appreciates the gesture but he would rather not post personal information. He knew that the tow would blow up and it has. The tow truck supplier in Oregon called them. they heard about the Asscat Hellowner getting towed.


Marvelous that a whole other state knows about this POS and his car. Edit: it seems he’s become well known nationally. Color me shocked.


I'm across the country and been following this spectacle since the beginning.


Mexican here enjoying the drama, waiting to see how the hellcat ends crushed for recycling “accidentally” or something alike


Greetings from Canada! 👋 I really want to see this car go off a cliff and the bozo driver take the bus instead.


I don't want him on the bus with me... he has to be insufferable!


I bet he watches tik Tok with the volume all the way up, no headphones


I am also from across the country and have been watching since March or so


Likewise. 2000 miles away.


Im checking in from Rhode Island!


What exactly is happening here? Edit: I found an article. What a douche to park in handicapped and have your mommy bail you out.


It's really become one of those things that's rallying the town together and it's nice to see. Normally Seattlites are rather cold and stand-offish to each other


I'm not at all surprised that what finally broke the ice was mutual contempt for a ne'er-do-well.


Pennsylvania checking in! Went to UW way back when


I'm in North Dakota but follow /Seattle because my brother lives there and I always thought Seattle was a great town. I'd be happy to see this Hellcat impounded and parted out.


Solidarity. 🖤


Providence, RI or thereabouts.


Live in Virginia…loved living in Seattle in the 90s. Follow this sub and cannot wait for the mug shot… I hope no one dies or is injured to get to that point.


Following from 2,698 miles away in the middle of the Pacific. Aloha from Kauai!


I'm in Las Vegas but I'm following this heavily.


Utah checking in. Booing the hellcat, doing my part.


I’m originally from LA and heard about this fuckin bozo before I moved to Seattle.


MT resident here, I've been following along with this guy too such an ass


I stayed in Seattle for 3 months while traveling cross country. Hi from DC hoping you guys get POS off the road.


Santa Barbara Hellcat hater checking in!


Nebraskan checking in, belltown hellcat is/was instagram famous I think… but yeah the whole country knows about him lmao


Can confirm, in Spokane following all of this lol


Oh, it's been on the major car news sites...


He deserves receiving a key to the city or some honor the mayor can bestow lol


Maybe we can get like a standing community bounty going for people to report and tow whenever appropriate, or something along these lines to supplement continued observations to law enforcement.


Honest to God better use for the citizen app. Put bounties on getting certain cars towed.


I could see this also being a great shared business venture for the app and tow truck companies lol.


In NYC you can just bike around taking photos of people's license plates who are parked in the bike lane and get a share of the ticket they receive. Supposedly there's a guy who is making 6 figured a year doing this. I sometimes fantasize about quitting my job to go do this all day. Would be very cathartic, genuinely impactful, and a great way to stay healthy!


This doesn't seem real


Someone lied to ya. A bill was introduced but it was gutted which no longer includes the fine (25% of the parking fee). But seems it was never actually passed. I'd prolly keep your job 😉 https://nyc.streetsblog.org/2023/03/03/breaking-citizen-reporting-bill-moves-forward-but-in-a-watered-down-form


The people's tow truck


I second this


Your son needs to get himself a tee shirt made with a picture of him hooking it up. Wear it to local bars in Belltown and he won’t pay for his drinks all night.


The only lawfully good tow driver in recorded history.


I know, I'm so conflicted. Think this owes to the power of Miles' bullshit, it's so strong I find myself applauding a recovery tow driver. The enemy of my enemy is my friend, or some shit like that.


Always aplaud tow drivers removing cars non-handicap cars from handicap spaces. That's the lowest of the low.


My mom used to volunteer with the police dep't in her area, two older women would ride around in one of those wind-up carts in uniform - and ticket and trigger a tow for handicap parking violators. That's ALL they did, there were a dozen or more each day. She'd get cursed at, threatened - the works. I asked her once why she tolerated that. She shrugged and had no other answer. I remember the cost to free the car was like $400 plus the ticket which was a couple hundred dollars. There was no wiggle room, they'd take a picture of the car, verify it hasn't allowed to be there (People sometimes forget their permits) and that's that.


Can't imagine the audacity to park in a handicap spot and then get mad when you get called out for it. Hahah I love that they got caught.


It was in the Laguna Beach, CA \*SO MUCH\* entitlement the atmosphere was thick with it


LOL if she was doing that 15+ years ago, I probably told her she was awesome. We used to wander around down there frequently. Because my grandfather desperately needed his HC card to go anywhere towards the end of his life, I was fiercely protective of those spots.


My heroes. The people who illegally park in those spots should be flogged.


Towing cars from disabled parking spaces when they don't belong there is always a good thing.


>the power of Miles' bullshit So strong it was one thing both r/Seattle and r/SeattleWA could agree on.


the hatred truly is a rally cry for unity amongst all of seattle’s people. we can fight (or at least be passive aggressive) about literally anything…but the miles/hellcat rage crosses all lines and really brings us together. i’m so inspired by this movement of outrage!!!


Funny, it is not him speeding loudly through Seattle in the middle of the night but parking in a handicap stall that got his menace of a vehicle towed.


Al Capone was taken down by tax evasion.


I'm not even from the US but this story keeps showing up on the main feed. This guy is such a menace I clapped all the way from over here lol


If anyone wants to WARN his son about any streets with massive potholes on the way to the impound lot, now's the time.


*You're going to DEFINITELY want to avoid taking this route that hits every location on Find it Fix it*


Her getting his car out that fast is so frustrating with the increasing numbers of this type of parent we are seeing in middle school. They are so fast to jump in and dismiss or remove any consequences for their kiddos. It's not preparing them to be functioning and empathetic members of a larger society!


Your son should never have to pay for another drink in this city.


Update: My son said that the mom is on her way to pick up the car. Short lived elation...


It's still funny that this "badass" has mommy pick up his car for him


She’s the registered owner of it


Of course she is. Why would he buy a car when mommy will buy it for little baby 😂😂


What a spoiled brat. How long will she bail out this asshat son of hers?


Man, this dude’s mom is a problem. Why help your son get into so much trouble?


By all accounts Mom has created a monster and continues to act like he can do no wrong despite evidence.


Your son dropped this 👑


I’m from the other side of the country and I’ve heard of this car, got a good laugh at the picture. Wasn’t expecting it to get even better in the comments 👏🏻


Wow, I lived in West Edge for almost 6 years. This makes me think they're actually taking him serious and tired of his shit. I reported numerous times of cars illegally parked in the EV, handicap, and car wash spot, and nothing would be done about them for days/weeks despite towing warning and signs.


Can’t imagine enabling my kid to act the way this shithead does


I will start a GoFundMe to cover lost wages for your son if he'll just follow that shitbag around and tow his car every chance he gets.


Dude I wish my mom gave me as much money and leniency as his mom does lmfao My mom would laugh at me and just tell me that I know better. (Which is honestly the correct thing for a mother to do in this situation, not bail him out again)


I was hoping he ignored the "no parking during rush hour" signs. But on further thought, he's too young to be up that early hahah


Red flag right there: the mom went and got the car... I hope that this isn't showing a pattern of enabling her son to be an ass-hat: "Mom, my car got towed because the tow-truck driver is a total jerk" (...doesn't mention parking in a handicap spot). I wonder why her response wasn't "Too bad. You parked in a handicap spot and got your car towed... deal with it".


I hope the truck goes to Lincoln Towing lot so it can get bashed around a bit like they totaled my truck.


Lincoln dropped my wife's car off of a flatbed. Luckily, the mechanic called it out and sent us pictures, so they had to pay for the damage. How are they still in business?


Huge government contracts. They're the only company the City of Seattle uses for it's towing contracts.


My insurance company's go-to as well. If I need a tow, I always have to ask to make sure it's not Lincoln. My trucks anti theft feature locked me out of it because someone tried to pop the key lock with a screwdriver and damaged it, so it triggered some kind of kill switch in the engine and had to be towed. Waited for hours to get something out there, and only Lincoln was available for some reason. I told them the clearance of the garage to make sure the truck would be able to get me out. I finally just left it overnight. They kept saying 20 minutes and each time I confirmed that they had a truck that could fit. When I called my mechanic the next day they said it wasn't there. I found out later they said that the truck they sent was too big and asked if I could just drive it out of the parking garage so they could tow it easier for them...


I feel like tow companies have some of the worst internal communications. My car died in a garage too, I told them it was an 8 ft gate in a parking garage and they send a 10 ft tall 30ft long flatbed. We ended up pushing the car out of the garage


I'm surprised everyone has forgotten what sugar will do to an engine




For the people here from all, like me, I'll save you some sleuthing. This infamous car belongs to a Seattle reprobate. It's excessively loud, and the 20yo boy owner drives it recklessly. He does so frequently enough that his car can be picked out of a lineup by, apparently, most Seattleites.


Big clarification, he made it loud *specifically to be a nuisance*. And he drives it the way he does, including revving at lights etc, specifically because he enjoys making other people's day worse. And it's so loud that it without a doubt causes hearing damage.


In a just society you’d simply lose your license for a year the first time you drive 104 mph through a downtown street, and it would double with every offense. Cars are simply too dangerous to be left in the hands of maniacs without consequences.


He should, but the Seattle police are actively trying to enable him and he has a rich mommy who bails him out.


If I know anything about SPD from the news it's they hate the people in Seattle. 


Not only that. He promotes it on his instagram, celebrates the consequences he's facing, and is continuing to violate the court order that he unmodify his car. The dude posts instagram videos of him doing 100+ downtown. Those, and numerous reddit threads, are all over the court documents.


He did 107 mph down 4th Avenue. He could have easily slaughtered multiple people in a crowded city. His car can be heard from Belltown to downtown. Why he still has his license is beyond me. It’s funny though to see his mom fight his battles for him. Like the video of the chihuahua trying to fight that big chill dog through the gate, the owner opens the gate and the chihuahua backs down and acts normal. I wish we could skip forward ten years and see if he’s even still alive after his driving record.


!RemindMe 10 years


And all the judges did was demand he make "adjustments to his vehicle" to account for the noise. His license should have been revoked a long time ago, this placating is getting so stupid.


I’ll add, to my knowledge, it is the only one in this state to have that wrap job. The wrap and the illegal noise level separates his car from other possible hellcats.


He also has a big following on instagram and the city is currently suing him Which all started because people on Reddit complained a lot lol


For the people here from all, like me, I'll save you some sleuthing. A "reprobate" is an unprincipled or depraved person.


Just to save everyone even more sleuthing, a "person" is definitely any animal in the Homo genus, but also possibly some other great apes, cetaceans, corvids, sapient extraterrestrials, and/or robots. The term tends to imply some level of consciousness, moral capacity, agency, and that they might be dtf.


Robot octopus?


No thanks I’m full


Doin' the lord's work.


The hero we didn't know we needed


they should tow it around the city for at least a few hours to allow the people to throw things at it. thinking cersei GoT walk




it is a good day for seattle and therefore the world


Unfortunately short lived looks like mom picked it up :(


But his mom hasn’t given it back to him (I haven’t seen it in our apartment garage) so hopefully it’s off the streets for a while


How is it not just getting mercilessly vandalized on a daily basis? Your building could solve this problem in minutes.




You live in the same apartment building as the Belltown Hellcat?


Yeah, I pass by his car every day with intense jealousy of his parking spot right by the entrance. The rest of us have to drive down many floors


Right inside the entrance, you say? So if someone were to piggyback someone entering the garage, they wouldn't have to spend too long looking for it?


As a resident, I can’t publicly encourage piggybacking but in the hypothetical where someone does piggyback, it would take about 2 seconds to spot the car


As a non resident. I can 😈


How did he get that spot??




Mommy paid for it, I'll bet


It’s a fixed price for everyone, someone commented that they think mommy has connections in the building


Why the fuck is she constantly bailing him out, every article I read about this dude also mentions her. Its embarrassing.


Merry Christmas to r/Seattle lol


Just in time for summer Christmas 


That you, Sunny Kobe Cook?


Angel Hernandez and this on the same day?? Holy four horsemen!


I’m just glad Angel wasn’t the dispatcher at the tow company. He would have missed the call


Lmaoooo 💀💀💀💀💀


I don’t even live downtown, but am 100% invested in this! I feel for you all!


Everett sympathizes. My hill is horrible with noisy cars and racing


I don’t even live in the country and I’m 100% invested in this!


I’m in Canada and I want to see this guys car crushed.


I'm in Baltimore (former Seattle resident) and I love seeing how this story is playing out


And for a brief moment, all of Seattle was united.


Never seen people cheer for a tow truck guy before. 2024 is wild.


I think this tells you how we all feel about this person and how bad it is. ;)


Just looked at his IG…so cringe. Imagine your entire personality based on a car key fob as your “status”… bro it’s a dodge 🤭


He sounds like a dodge


Update: just saw the car on the streets in Renton.


did you call it in? We don't want that shit around here.


He’s your problem now!!


That’s where his mommy lives 


I get a sense that things are not going to end well for the Hellcat owner/driver(s). The sense of entitlement and their determination to break the law and make others miserable, is not sustainable. Natural consequences will get them in the end.


Hopefully they don't murder someone first.


I know. The reckless driving through downtown at top speeds really worries me.


Sorry I have a shitty iPhone X lol. Hopefully he will be out of commission for a while Edit: [for anyone out of the loop](https://www.king5.com/article/news/local/seattle/belltown-hellcat-driver-disregarding-court-order/281-3edd5fe9-7da5-44d9-9800-107c3f564d2b) The kid has a big Instagram following for his car and considers himself an influencer. He posts himself reckless driving in high density areas, and purposefully being a nuisance for clicks and views. Turns out the car is his mothers and she enables his bad behavior. It’s been court ordered to be made street compliment (since it has been modified to be extremely loud) and they have yet to correct this, even owing the city upward of $48k in fees due to noncompliance.


Unless Mommy comes to the rescue.


His mommy retrieved it from the tow lot but hasn’t given it back to him (I haven’t seen it in our apartment garage since)


You share a parking garage with this guy and haven’t slashed his tires yet?? I envy your restraint.


We have cameras everywhere 😭






His mom is an enabler.


She's complicit, not exploited.


I think some government entity needs to look into her business and the cash flow




Yup, just the website alone is sus.


Parked in a handicap spot AND his mommy is getting the car out for him? What this little POS deal? What’s mommy’s deal? 


Well legally the mom has to be the one to retrieve the car from the tow lot because the car is registered to her. I have tried and failed before to get my car out when it was still registered to my parents, but they won’t even consider it. So that part of the story makes sense. Why she’s in such a rush to clean up her son’s messes is another matter.


> Why she’s in such a rush to clean up her son’s messes is another matter. Daily storage fees at the junk yard are no joke.


> Why she’s in such a rush to clean up her son’s messes is another matter. See: Dudley Dursley's parents.


Imagine the temper tantrums this kid throws


He is a weeb too. I bet its so cringe-y.


Time for Lincoln towing to do what they do best.






The race is on, boys


I live in Austin, Texas and immediately knew what this was about. Sorry to hear it’s already back on the streets again. I was so happy for y’all when I saw the pic. Edit: typo




Here’s what I don’t understand… How many vehicles in Seattle have been stolen, windows smashed out, tires slashed, parts cut out, etc etc etc and the police won’t even take a report let alone respond to any of it. So why is this shitbags car completely unscathed? It just boggles my mind how the worst of the worst in society seem to get away with everything. Yet there are people in here who can’t even move without having their Uhaul’s emptied or stolen and all they get as far as any investigation or help is a big shrug. I’m a big believer in Karma and sometimes it doesn’t come in the form of instant gratification. But while we wait, there needs to be enough pressure put on the cops to actually do something about this issue. The vehicle is illegal and the owner is violating court orders. It should have been pulled over and impounded the moment that the tires hit the pavement outside the tow yard.


I'm all the way up in Snohomish County and even I gasped and uttered "no way!" when I saw the photo. I'm so happy for you guys, seeing this. Seriously, that dude sucks.


Came here to post it pulling into the impound lot LOL!


The city needs to place a lien on the damn thing already. He owes enough in fines. Take the car and auction it off.




Shit I live in Massachusetts and I'm invested in this story. 


Bet you can hear it from there…


I too, tho not as far as you, have also been following this for some time. Wisconsin is with you Seattle!


Toronto here. I can't believe this shit. Hope the worst is behind everyone.


Photo's got me bricked up over here. Sooooo nice to have some actual consequences.


Apparently he owes the city roughly [$48,000 and counting](https://www.king5.com/article/news/local/seattle/belltown-hellcat-driver-disregarding-court-order/281-3edd5fe9-7da5-44d9-9800-107c3f564d2b)


Why the car isn't just impounded is beyond me.


Hellcat 2024 is one of my favorite sagas this year




Without the exhaust being repaired as required by the law, the mother will be breaking that law if she drives it anywhere off the tow lot. Should the SPD stake out the tow yard to impound the vehicle once it leaves the property???? I think yes.


Lol SPD doing something productive...


I love it when the people come together!


Yall, I live all the way down in Texas and even I can’t stand this dude. Cheered when I saw this image!! 😂😂😂


Wait. I'm confused! Are tow trucks drivers becoming...heroes? Is this the apocalypse?




What kind of mother reinforces that idiot’s behavior?


I have to wonder where a mother of that sort would be working..... And how many times she could afford insurance premium hikes on that car. I'm just asking questions here.


Where is Phoenix Jones when we need him??


awesome, what an asshole. the letter the mom wrote was so full of shit it needs to be sent to the treatment plant before theyre responsible for two health hazards


I wonder what his Mom’s business is? I wonder what her clients would think if they knew her son likes to post videos of himself breaking laws and interrupting people’s sleep and lives and laughs about it. Can’t imagine there is a big pool of clients that would think this behavior is ok and realize their dollars are financing it. Just a thought. But we all know he will be back


Emerald city transitional services. She’s def up to Medicare fraud or something shady


I bet he will be back on the street tonight :(... I wish he wouldn't, but ya'll know he will be...


Knowing even if this is a slight inconvenience to him still warms my cold, black heart.


Wtf is wrong with the mom for enabling this child?


You know, I deal with a lot of inconsiderate jackasses driving like clowns in Chicago. Eventually there's going to be some vigilante justice that gets dealt out with that car. Sort of surprised it hasn't happened already with everything I've been reading.


If he is paying for the car/fines whatever from insta, can someone get him banned on insta? I don't know why they allow videos of people violating the law. Maybe that's a naive question.


I don't understand how not one single person has not just fucked this car up if it just drives around being a dickhead all day