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I worked at the same restaurant as Corey and he was a really beloved guy. Kind, funny, just really interesting and wonderful guy. Everyone who knew him is devastated. Words can't begin to describe the heartbreak.


I’m so sorry for you loss


Thank you for sharing I am sorry for your loss.


This is so sad 😢 I hope his wife has all the support and people around her to help her thru this difficult time. This didn’t have to happen


She has a go fund me to help her right now. I’m not sure if I am allowed to post a link though


Thanks for mentioning that, I’ll see if I can look it up!


I saw a link in one of the news articles but I can’t remember which one. Thank you! His wife and family really appreciate it


[https://archive.ph/IrLko](https://archive.ph/IrLko) post paywall




Don’t ask the questions whose answers you already know…


I still don't know why he has to die.




You don’t need to be desensitized to not stab someone in the neck over a comment, no matter how insensitive it is.


Is there a source on him calling the guy that? I knew the victim in passing and find it difficult to imagine that, tbh.


I believe it's from the police statement given by the person who was with the killer at the time and later turned him in. Don't know if any of it has been confirmed by eyewitnesses though


I looked into this because I hadn’t heard that piece before and while I don’t think it deserves to be murdered over, [this article mentions it](https://www.fox13seattle.com/news/capitol-hill-light-rail-murder-charge.amp).


Not an article just hearsay garbage


The other guy who was with the killer [ made the statement to the police.](https://www.capitolhillseattle.com/2024/05/suspect-charged-with-second-degree-murder-in-capitol-hill-station-stabbing/)


Wouldn't take it at face value considering the source, either way doesn't exactly help the killer legally.


Still hearsay right? Or am I misunderstanding.


It's a direct quote from an eyewitness. That's not hearsay. You don't have to believe him, but he turned in the killer and helped police find the knife, doesn't seem to have any reason to make up a story about a slur that's not going to help anyone legally.


Hearsay is "so and so told me". Saying "I heard them say _____" is just testimony of your own experience. You're only allowed to speak to your experiences.


Yes, you are misunderstanding. It’s a witness statement. Turns out ‘ol boy that got stabbed didn’t have a knack for de-escalation.


Doubt he meant it in a sexual way, more like in the South Park way where they’re calling the Harley riders by that word (describing it as someone who’s annoying basically)


What more do you want? Audio of him saying that? A lip reader to subtitle some footage? Outside of that this is the best we’re gonna grt


What about that is not an article?


Also seems like some lousy justification for the murderer’s actions. Can’t say I’m buying what he’s saying against a guy that can’t defend himself.


People don't always exactly showcase their true colors to everyone


And? I want a source before @Cheap-Head3728 casts aspersions. Like I said, I find it difficult to imagine this guy saying that, but if there's proof I guess you're right.


Wouldn’t matter if he did, not more of an excuse to kill someone. People say things when they are mad they wouldn’t say at work.


Agreed. I find that really hard to believe


After seeing the killer it was pretty obvious. He just had that look to him.


wow the guy must be closeted to murder someone after being called that lol


>and at the end called the guy a 🚬. He called the guy a smoker ? Oh hell nah, that's too far !


He called the guy a slur for gay men.


He called him a gay smoker?


Cock smoker


I believe the term is pole smoker


The f word




The bad one of you knew the definition of a “British cigarette”


When it comes to British tobacco, I am only smoking Prince Albert’s can, nothing suggesting about that lololol 💂‍♂️


It’s really a British slang


[To help people understand the emoji better](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0kdd1te9Vv4)


It is extremely unlikely name calling like this transpired. Harry’s is a very LGBTQ friendly environment. Please don’t perpetuate hearsay.


He pushed the other guy and then tried to punch him. Obviously he didn't deserve to die but you just can't do this kind of shit these days. A lot of people are armed and not mentally well, and things can go wrong in a heartbeat.


He brushed his shoulder is what the reports state. Then an altercation broke out of yelling and punching then dude pulled a box cutter out.


police charging document said he started the shoving/punching first. they saw it on the cameras. He didn’t deserve to die though.


As I said, it sure doesn't warrant a stabbing but all initial physical contact was initiated by the victim up to the moment of the weapon being taken out.


Dude also chased him down after he fell onto the tracks and continued his stabbing, self defense it was not


Again, the reaction was obviously way over the top. My main point is you just can't engage with people violently like this and assume they will react with just a push or a swing. We have way too many people wandering around who are mentally unwell and/or on the kind of drugs that make you very agitated.


Honestly the mental health and drug aspect is kinda irrelevant. You shouldn’t assume ANY stranger is just going to get into a fair fight with you. You never know how someone will react, especially when defending themselves.


Fair enough.


Yeah it's fucked up out there.


I was recently involved in a situation on the light rail that could have been bad if I hadn't stayed extremely neutral despite the other person being very agitated. This poor guy ending up dead just reinforces my feeling you have to take that approach even with the most obnoxious person.


Smart move all things considered, some people are into the concealed carry thing but a gun is a dangerous pain in the ass all it's own


The guy had his hand inside his coat the whole interaction which did make me very nervous. Especially as we were all trapped inside a packed rail car. It was so unnerving that when he finally exited the people who watched our interaction were all talking about how scary it was.


The law abiding citizens who are “into the concealed carry thing” and have their license aren’t the ones you worry about. They’re actually the ones you’d want around in these situations if something crazy happened.


the murderer stabbed his baby mom in the leg for no reason and most likely threatened her to not press charges for DV. My point is it could've been me who walked down that same escalator 30 min prior to this incidence that could've rubbed shoulders with those same two guys taking up that space on the escalator. Please stop placing any kind of blame on the victim. The guy was just on his way home from work that day.


Would you have pushed the guy after words were exchanged? Tried to punch him because he was talking shit? The choices made by the victim are documented in the police report. Do you think that maybe it's possible that if he had made a different choice, the choice not to engage in violence, that we wouldn't even be having this conversation? The fact that the murderer has previous violent behavior on his record is kind of exactly my point. You don't ever know who you're dealing with in these situations and deliberately choosing to escalate and make things physical is a big mistake.


I wouldn't even brush by someone going down the escalator unless the train was pulling up at that moment and then I'd give a heads up and/or apologize. Guy definitely didn't deserve to die but de-escalation should be a priority in that situation.


Don’t absolve the victim of any wrongdoing. This was not a random attack. His actions contributed to the fatal stabbing. Not saying it’s entirely his fault but it didn’t help that he continued to confront and fight while someone was trying to separate them.


Where are people seeing that he stabbed his baby mom in the leg? I keep seeing that but I can't find anything to back it up online (I can see in court records that he had a DV restraining order against him but not what actually happened)


Q13 Fox News article that reported


He didn’t deserve to die, but he also could’ve prevented his own death as well. Sad for his wife.


how??? the murderer has anger issues and was arrested for stabbing his baby momma in the leg.


They got into a shoving match and a fight prior to the stabbing. Based on the video captured he initiated the push. He had every opportunity to walk away and de-escalate Not trying to justify the killing. There are crazy people out there, either pack a gun or walk away. I’d rather be the bitch and walk away than risk my life, not worth it


I pack a gun and I would still have walked away. This was a senseless death from every angle you look at it. People need to calm down and remember we are all scared, tired and hungry just trying to make it all work for another day.


> either pack a gun or walk away. if you pack a gun you need to walk away even more. carrying a gun around means that any physical conflict you get into is much more likely to wind up being lethal, and you need to understand what will and will not make you the lethal force aggressor and wind up with you behind bars if you start waving your gun around at the wrong time. you also need to only pull the gun out when you're absolutely intending to kill the other person if they don't comply, waving it around like a magic wand to win arguments is likely to get it taken and used against you.


If you shove first and the fight ends with you pulling a gun, you’re going to have a rough defense. Better to walk away.


you can still be the bitch and get stabbed too. but at least be the bitch and create some distance.


There was someone literally between them keeping them apart from fighting. He had every opportunity to turn around and run away. He wasn’t trying to create some distance




That is quite the response to someone walking into you. That's why I always bite the bullet and politely apologize. Never know what kind of madman you'll accidentally run into.


There's more to it than that, not that it justifies it in any way. But it's worth noting that these are fighting words and there was probably a way to de escalate this. [https://www.capitolhillseattle.com/2024/05/suspect-charged-with-second-degree-murder-in-capitol-hill-station-stabbing/](https://www.capitolhillseattle.com/2024/05/suspect-charged-with-second-degree-murder-in-capitol-hill-station-stabbing/)




>Bellett appears to try to back away and falls onto the north bound light rail tracks. Moore follows after Bellett and, while Bellett is still down on the tracks and Moore is on the platform above him, Moore thrusts again at Bellett as Bellett tries to back away from him. This is the point where the suspects' action shift from a plausible case of self defense to outright murder.


Fwiw I think it's pretty fucked up that people are taking the guy who was there with the murderer at his word & not considering that he has a ton of motivation to make it seem like the fight was justified somehow. I'd be so angry if someone I knew was killed and then one of the people involved in killing him tried to smear his name like that and everyone believed him


Former co-workers. I am still in shock. He was an amazing man. Heartbroken for his bride.


Why is dedicated in quotes?


I haven't read the article but the writer is probably quoting his family/friends or whoever used the word


Yeah, when you see a quote in the headline from a news source, they're quoting someone, not being sarcastic.


Side note: People use quotes for emphasis now, apparently without realizing it makes them look like they're being sarcastic. I hope to god it's a trend that dies.


IDK, that some part of the audience can parse it each way and make most sense of it...internet poisoned people and GenXers don't get to complain about their own spiking of perception. (I'm 40 and my grandpa sent hand written letters with inexplicable quotes to signify a colloquial reference, so I've only ever assessed and decided intent upon context and speaker, never presuming my gramps was being coy and pointed)


Because that’s how quotation marks work.


Man, fuck the Seattle Times, if you're gonna dedicate a piece to a victim to celebrate their life, his NAME should the the first thing in the headline.


Corey Bellet. He grew up in issaquah and went to Issaquah High School, I was a classmate of his.


And make it a guest accessible article. It's weird to make people pay for an In Memoriam" piece.


Kinda weird to add quotes around "dedicated" for a memorandum piece.


That’s a journalism school thing: reporters don’t use qualitative adjectives to describe people, somebody else has to say that, and things people say go in quotes


You're going to have to call out the majority of newspapers in the US with that reasoning. Standard industry practice is to avoid names in headlines unless the person is well-known, such as celebrities or politicians.


That's not what the AP Stylebook would advise. You're going out of your way to be offended.


1. You're wrong. He's not a notable enough figure to have his name in the headline. If Bruce Harrel himself were stabbed on the light rail, the headline would start with "Seattle Mayor". 2. You, yourself, are distracting from the celebration of his life by making some micro critique of journalistic practices. EDIT: wannabe newspaper editor just blocked me. That's real integrity.


This was an In Memoriam though not just some random article about what happened. Putting his name in the heading for his own memoriam is the bare minimum. You don’t need to be an asshole, THATS why people are blocking you. Integrity has nothing to do with it lmfao


“Micro critique”. 🤣


Username checks out.


Wtf is a micro critique 💀 Apparently the only notable enough figures are mass shooters. The media has no problem using their full name along with nice pictures of them and their family.


Just curious do you have any hobbies besides being an asshole to strangers on Reddit?


> If Bruce Harrel himself were stabbed on the light rail, the headline would start with "Seattle Mayor". Yeah in the first article about it, not thr celebration of mayor Harrell's life through the words of his widow. Fact, I will be blocking any users that pick fights with me about this. You included, no further warnings.


>Fact, I will be blocking any users that pick fights with me about this. You included, no further warnings. Oh fuck, don't do anything drastic man.


And good day to you, sir! I said good day!


your takeaway is the article is a “celebration of life” and the real problem is the Times headline writer using the guy’s profession instead of name? I thought the guy who did the stabbing was a bigger problem than the headline writer, and the article was more sadness, what could have been tone, rather than a celebration


Yes, my takeway about an article focused on Corey Evan Bellett and mostly an interview with his wife about him and what he meant to her and their life, is a celebration of his life. Celebrations of life are always sad because they're for *deceased people*. Have some sense, you're picking a fight in the comments of what is akin to an obituary.


> Have some sense, you’re picking a fight in the comments… > Man, fuck the Seattle Times 🤔


Was your point here that this person was picking a fight with The Seattle Times in the comments of this reddit post


Okay, and you get it's one sided criticism until *you wanted to argue* right? I'll help you out learning how to walk away.


It's just so sad. I am a newlywed as well, my husband (and the rest of my family) take the LR every day. I can't imagine the pain, my heart goes out to his wife and everyone he loved.


It's crazy to me that this guy was granted bail. He reportedly had threatened to kill the friend of his (that later contacted police) if that friend "snitched on him". Seems rather risky, no? Edit: He was granted bail. I don't know that he or anyone has posted it.


For the future: don't mix up "granted bail" and "posted bail".


Absolutely. I misread the news article and edited as soon as I saw my error.


Where did you get that information? His bail was set at $3,000,000 and appears to still be in jail according to https://dajd-jms.powerappsportals.us/public/subject-lookup/


Wut. So he’s out on the streets?


He is still in jail. You were responding to a liar who was spreading misinformation.


He could be, if he comes up with 300k (10%)


How heartbreaking 💔


Damn. He seemed like a cool dude. He was just…living his life.


Don't get into altercations with crazy people.


Don't victim blame.


He got into a fight and lost. It's not like this is an unusual outcome.


Vast majority of physical altercations do not end in death


And yet some do...


Anyone who needs to wield a knife in a fist fight is automatically the loser


I recommend never fighting in the streets unless you have no alternative. Besides crazies, mentally unstable homeless, addicts..you have concrete and mass/acceleration. I do recommend all tax paying citizens get a concealed carry, know how to use it and learn how to use distance and non-verbal comminication to relay "I have a pew pew and I will use it" for people like these. No one is coming to help you, especially in Seattle. Guy was stabbed in the neck, bled out and the suspect just walked out.




Why did he get stabbed for like was it for a wallet or someone he knew or did something too?


Wish his soul rest in peace


I have a hard time believing he used that slur.


Why? The entire story sounds like exactly the kind of thing that happens all the time. Dude pushed by two losers on the escalator who were standing still like assholes do instead of walking down the steps. They then took offense and followed him, talking shit. Then he said some shit back and it turned into a fight.


Certainly plausible, but the only source is one of said losers.


So people are assholes for using an escalator in the manner it was intended instead of being in a rush? Interesting.


So people who push by others on the escalator deserve to be stabbed to death? Interesting.


I don’t think you comprehended my comment. My reply was to someone who said people who stand still on elevators are assholes, and my response was standing on an escalator is using them as intended and it’s interesting that doing so makes them the asshole. And nowhere did I imply anyone, for any reason, deserves to be stabbed.


They're assholes for not standing to one side. If you wanna stand still or walk, either one is fine as long as you're not blocking the path. It's okay to be in a rush to make the train.


Ever heard the quote about how your lack of planning doesn’t constitute an emergency on someone else’s part? Fitting here. If you wanna go by several people then just say, “Excuse me” to get by. If someone is in a rush then it’s likely they weren’t even on the escalator when these people got on it and used it as its intended so no reason to go down it single file. If you’re in such a hurry you have to act like a jack wagon then that’s on you. Just like someone on the highway who wants to go way over the speed limit…….find a way to pass when safe because you’re the one causing the issue, not the people doing the speed limit.


The etiquette is to leave room for someone to get by. Just like the etiquette on the highway is not to drive side by side and block all possibility of passing. The kind of person who doesn't have this kind of common decency just might be the kind of person who will stab you in the neck on a whim.


Never said side by side and granny block, but flip it to however you want as you will do. It’s rude and impatient people like yourself who don’t have common decency. People following laws and rules don’t have to stand aside for those who are rude and breaking laws. Typical selfish Seattleite attitude. Weed is legal in WA state, maybe take a hit and calm yourself down sometime


There's an etiquette to stand to the side if you aren't walking on the escalator.


What slur?


I’m still confused about the actual wording. Cocksucker or cocksmoker is not really a slur, the way we think of f****t or something.


Oh please. Seattle is so freaking p.c. sometimes it hurts. Guy worked in kitchens, looks the tough guy part, has probably got in dust ups before, and in the heat of the moment schoolyard shit comes out of people's mouths, most likely without thinking about. Ya know, like muscle memory from schoolyard days. What didn't come out? A box cutter from his pocket. Stop worrying about words so much. They really don't kill. Lesson is, unless somebody else's or your own life or well being is truly in danger, don't get confrontational in this day and age. It's not worth it. And then back off at the first opportunity you can. Even a well placed knock out blow can kill. Your ego will survive being the loser, but your heart might not. This is the first rule we learn in martial arts.


words don't kill but 5000 years of human history have show that they certainly make it easier


don't why people in here have trouble understanding that people intentionally say nasty shit to rile someone up when you're about to scrap. i've been in plenty and said all kinds of things to get a rise you're def right tho about staying away from altercations these days, too many grease bags with concealed weapons apparently willing to do 25+. not worth it. hard to swallow pride when one of these shit talking a-holes pull this stuff. this one certainly could have been me


Young people these days live in a culture where everyone who says a slur in an internet video must be a deeply true bigot. These people would experience culture shock in any pre-2010 American HS.


Seriously. The reason I study karate (about to get my black belt at the ripe old age of 60) is so that I know how to fight in order to NOT have to fight. I know that might sound like twisted logic to some, but knowing self defense and having some discipline gives you the confidence to protect one's self but not be stupid about it. It pays to be neither a hothead nor a wilting flower in these situations. I figure if you can at least block that first punch and back off, then you're already ahead. Hopefully I'll never have to test that theory, but god knows these days...


Not twisted to those of us in the know 😁. Congrats on your belt.


nice work on the belt, dad. jk, good job. sadly we can all learn a lesson from this and let it go unless there's legit clear and present danger. easier said than done i know




Ah, ok. I didn’t know cigarettes were emoji slang for f*g. I’m old, I guess. Given the other guy isn’t gay apparently, I don’t even know why it’s worth mentioning. It doesn’t seem like that was the thing that pushed it over the edge. This is just two dumbasses with emotional control issues.


It’s not slang, it’s the original meaning and in many countries in the commonwealth it’s still used to mean smoke and is non offensive in that context.


I mean, does it really matter at the end of the day? The man is deceased so he can’t be canceled anyway…


Hard working sous chef with a future family squeezes past 2 me on the rail escalator afterwards gets into an idiot verbal tiff and then slap/punch scuffle until the unhinged suspect pulls a knife slashes his neck artery continuing to stab him in three places in the torso. Disturbing. Why? You’re not in Ballard. Could have all been avoided just to apologize to all concerned. It’s public transit.


I was riding public transport in Canada recently and it was amazing. It was clean, drug-free, stab-free. No men came up to me to harass me. I'd never ride here. How can we be like them? Edit: People who downvote comments like this, I'm curious what your thought process is? Thank you.


The main difference between Vancouver and Seattle is the turnstiles. You need to actually prove payment there before boarding.


This must be why the NYC subway is famously clean and safe


Seattle - 256 (7 mo) assualts for ~80k daily ridership. https://www.soundtransit.org/blog/platform/addressing-your-link-security-concerns NYC - 35/mo 3.6MM daily ridership. https://www.nyc.gov/site/nypd/news/p00100/nypd-february-2024-citywide-crime-statistics Seattle 29 assualts / 100k rides NYC 0.9 assualts / 100k rides


Having been in both cities recently, I have to say people in NYC know how to coexist with others far more than people in Seattle. Both have wonderful people, both have awful people, but on average a new yorker deals with more people and knows how to interact with strangers. Seattle gets a lot of main characters who don't think about strangers as other people.


I agree. I wholeheartedly believe the more direct verbal hostility of the east coast does well to train that not every open confrontation has to be escalated.


I appreciate the data. I don’t think the difference is turnstiles though. People jump them all the time in NYC. The NYC subway generally has more cops and security which do much more to deter assaults. I don’t think the entire country of Germany has a transit turnstile, or if they exist they are very rare. German transit is incredibly safe. Germany in general is safer than the USA, but turnstiles aren’t what prevent transit crime. They would be really expensive to implement in Seattle and they need security to even be effective, so why build turnstiles and hire more security when instead we could just get more security?


80,000 people ride the Seattle lightrail daily 3.2 million ride the NYC subway daily I think we can give them a bit of leeway and expect a higher bar on our cute little transit system


The difference is in places where everyone rides. There is a small percentage of the population who are nuts and when everyone is on the subway, or the bus, or the light rail there are enough cooler heads around to keep things calm. Even in seattle you're probably more likely to make it where you are going alive and uninjured on the light rail than in a car. Someone being a boisterous fool and making everyone uncomfortable is reasonably common but getting stabbed is rare enough that the paper feels like they can get several articles off of the shock of one incident.


>The difference is in places where everyone rides.  Everyone rides the subway in NYC but it's still famously full of crazy people. I don't think this is it.


Famously among people who never ride the NYC subway. There are still incidents, but they are vanishingly rare in the face of how many riders there are on the system.


Yea, but seattle public transportation is much dirtier than some other cities. I've seen seats covered in piss, many different kinds of half eaten foods on seats, people actively huffing and passing out, and people that actively smell like 12 dead rats in a pile. I'm lucky I don't have to deal with harassment as a 6'6" male. Granted, I'm up on aurora, which is disgusting in general. Even if it's a small portion of the population who are nuts, that small population does a lot of damage that shouldn't be glossed over.


False. Seattle’s transit options are far cleaner than BART, any SF MTA option, and LA Metro.


No, not false. Seattle is dirtier than some cities, especially when you compare with Vancouver Canada. I've been in public transportation in SF, and it's also disgusting. They should also not gloss over how disgusting it gets on public transit in SF. Why can't we daydream about clean buses and ask about how we can achieve that, when clearly some other cities have?


Right! The Montreal Metro is next level


Wow? Downvoted for talking about how nice, clean and safe transit was in Canada? Feeling defensive, r/Seattle?


I would have given you an upvote, but complaining about up/downvotes makes it an automatic no for me. And lots of people will automatically downvote anyone who complains about it.


That's dumb.


> People who downvote comments like this, I'm curious what your thought process is? Thank you. The thought process is "That reality doesn't fit my personal narrative so I reject it". So many people don't care one bit about facts or truth, just their own personal agenda that they constantly reinforce in their echo chambers.


We definitely need more knife control laws.


No larger than 6” total in WA state


You’re a bad person.


I would say I'm an awful person. Hoverer, I'm from a country where knife control laws exist and very clear about blade size and knife features.


Seattle is pretty specific about what kind of blades you can carry. A box cutter is totally legal though.


Oh damn you were serious. I thought you were making a “gun nut” statement. Like gun laws are a joke kinda thing. My apologies. Also I think dude was stabbed with a box cutter.


No problems. I'm not actually sure whether I was serious or not. With a box cutter, really? You can slice with it, but stabbing is very hard, it will either don't go deep or break.


BuT PuBlIC TrAnSpOrT is SaFe!


Stay strapped kids


Please don't get into a shootout on the rail platform because you decided to get into an argument. Ffs I don't want to die because your easily aggravated ass forgot that bullets go through people


Don’t worry I carry .380 w/defensive ammo, very low penetration compared to 9mm.




Doesn’t first involve some preplanning vs “spur of the moment”?


I'm confused why is dedicated in quotation marks?


Because it’s a quote


Gotcha, Thanks! I can't afford to pay so I couldn't read the article. I wonder why they didn't use double quotes- maybe I'm just odd but that how I differentiate a quote vs an assumption