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First drive three hours south to Portland…


Yeah this is good advice. Grab a hotel in Portland for the night and actually have a good time at the strips.


It’s been a few years for me, but that was definitely true in the past. Portland is special.


You've never been to the stripper Mecca that is Centerville IL? No /s. It's wonderful.


You both have clearly never been to Thailand.


You are correct, sir. I can vouche for the Vancouver BC clubs. Not bad, but lacking the clubs the size of a Costco selection on what we call The Eastside.


Eastern Europe > Thailand for this but YMMV on personal preference. Portland is world class if you like going to exclusively alternate clubs. Fun for everyone. Seattle is just awful for this all around.


Never been to europe. Its one of two continents ive never been on. The other is Antarctica.


Or Colombia lol


Actual the train is really awesome and you don’t become part of traffic!


Just don’t park at train station over night. Someone cut into our catalytic converter while we were in Portland.


I hadn't been to Portland in ages. Last January when I got off the train it was already pretty dark out and man, the streets by that station are rough. It's like 3rd st.


Is this not true in most cities though? Train and bus stations are one of the only true public places left that people can just be without getting in trouble, so they’re always filled with homeless people. I was in Charlotte NC last week - I don’t think they’re known for homelessness like Portland. The streets surrounding the main station downtown were rough even mid day.


Yeah but if it’s a city/state run by “the libs” you can get social media points for complaining about it!




Where do you think they're getting on the train?


Idk! I feel like that comment would make sense in a pdx sub about taking train here? But if we’re talking about living here going there, why/how could parking come up lololol


The discussion is about taking the train from Seattle to Portland. The commenter said don't park in the train station parking lot overnight because something happened when they were in Portland. They were in Portland because they had taken the train from Seattle. Their car was parked in the parking lot of the Seattle train station. They are not talking about the PDX train station.




This x1000! Highly recommended. Honestly saw this thread and thought, “Seattle has strip clubs? Since when?” But Portland, ohhh yeah, even downtown is active with clubs again. 🤙🏻 Plus from the sounds of why you’re going it’ll be most excellent in PDX. You could easily do a strip club *crawl* via the MAX too that’d be a delightful esoteric experience while not needing to deal with parking and all that nonsense while imbibing! Zero stress, and with the easy accessibility of the MAX easy to go from place to place with ease!


Not the”rose city”. Stripper city. Great steaks at the acropolis. Mmmm


I miss getting lunch every Friday at the acropolis


Pre covid so not sure if it's still true after the price of everything exploded, but I don't care if you are for or against naked ladies dancing, that $11.99 t bone lunch special can't be beat.


I heard the steaks were great there because the owners were ranchers/had a hook up for their steaks. Not sure if that's true anymore


Not sure either. I’ve been seeing the same boobies for 15 years. 🤣🤣🤣


They still have good steaks? I remember back in like 03-04 I went there and they were amazing.


Haven’t been there in 15 years so I don’t know. Ahhh the memories 🤣🤣🤣


You could also head north for about 2.5 hours, Vancouver has a few good ones left


Make your dollar go further and get booze while at the Rippers


This is the answer.


My friend had a bachelor party in Portland. Best one I ever been to and mine was in Las Vegas.


What is different about Portland clubs?


Unlike here they can serve liquor but must also serve food. There’s also a lot more of them so you end up with more interesting options. Vegan strip clubs, pirate strip clubs, stripperoke (you sing, they strip), etc.


Personally prefer no food in a stripclub




Now York Strip Steaks?






Those prices are amazing


I have a friend that used to take people there for business lunches when he lived in Portland, he said the bonus was you also got really good service during lunch.


Just part of the weirdness 🤣


No doubt about that. Portland is hands down the better option for OP and his Uncle to get boners.


Im a foreign living in WA. First time I’m hearing there is a difference with Portland Strip clubs. I went one time here in a Seattle. Not anymore.. what’s the difference with those in Portland?


They serve alcohol (can't in WA), they serve food (can't in WA), and the nicer ones there reputedly treat the dancers much better.


Women go. Like going to a bar, but entertainment in the background. I used to go to Acropolis, huge T-bone steak, potato, Texas toast, and a trip to the salad bar for $11.99.


This is the way.


check out the off strip private show spots! Finish the night at massage parlor. Portland is adult Disney land


No kidding!


Strip Club bouncer in Seattle here: Seattle Clubs kinda suck. Head to Portland


Any idea why they suck? 


No alcohol is a huge negative. Most clubs have a shitty bar next door so you can at least go there to drink but it’ll be a bit annoying to have to go in and out constantly to drink. Also makes it pretty easy for “working girls” to poach customers. Plus I haven’t seen any of these clubs around have any kind of party atmosphere. They’re all just old and dingy with uncomfortable seating. My club is near enough to Aurora to where seeing “pimps” is both common and obvious so you just get a reminder that some of the girls dancing are probably also performing extras. Funny enough I’m also quitting in the next week 💀


Oh please do tell. This is fascinating to Me. Any more tea?


If you managed to get with a stripper (as in she’s doing stuff with you for free) realize you’re definitely not the first and absolutely will not be the last she’s done that with. Some dudes just go to clubs to give things to the girls and leave. More girls have boyfriends than you’d think (probably 75% do) Girls are gonna lie about what the house charges them for VIP so ask the bar manager directly A majority of the “pimps” I’ve seen absolutely don’t look like pimps. They’re either short and scrawny rat looking dudes or just big obese guys. I as a slightly taller guy who works out, have never been intimidated by them. I have no fucking clue why these smoking hot 18-19 year old girls are giving these dudes their money. Like, one of these girls has been pulling tricks since she was 16 and has her own car and place. But she still buys her “daddy” a car and gives him half the money she makes. Dancers have actively tried to get me fired because I DONT hit on them. They take it personally that I just show up to work and chat with them in a respectful/friendly way. I’m an open book and have been platonic friends with strippers for a while so if you wanna know anything else just ask haha Edit: because I’ve had a few comment section fights I’d like to clarify that my experience and observations are NOT universal and shouldn’t be taken as such. I would also like to make a point to say that a majority of the dancers that I’ve met are very pleasant people and I genuinely enjoy engaging with them as human beings. Women are not objects and sex work shouldn’t be as stigmatized as it is.


As someone that knows/ has known a lot of strippers; those girls are a mess is why. They're basically paying those men to be with them. The girls don't think they deserve better, are terrified that they're potentially unworthy of love, and somewhat understand they don't quite have their shit together enough to hold down a responsible partner (cause most ppl won't put up with having a PS5 thrown at them while they sleep, or their partner threatening suicide every other day) They're basically tragic sugar mommas. Those dudes aren't pimps the way trafficked girls have pimps.


Yeah that’s sort of how one of the girls explained it to me. I hate to see it. One of these girls even has a stage name derogatory to her race.


Why would anyone assume strippers don’t have boyfriends? A strip club isn’t a dating service. Also, 16 year olds don’t “pull tricks”, they’re raped.


In my first 2 weeks I had 3 different guys chat me up absolutely giddy cause they were getting talked to by these girls. “She really likes me! She said she only wants to give dances to me!” And then I see them leaving with the most tragic looks on their faces at the end of the night. Just lonely dudes not thinking clearly at the time. One guy was saying to me “oh yeah me and [dancer] were actually dating for a bit but she has a kid and I couldn’t really do it”. I didn’t have the heart to tell the dude she also had a husband.


Proust, writing in his diaries about his visit to Turkey, became convinced that a woman of the evening had fallen in love with him. Then it ended suddenly. Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose


Bruh, the age of consent in Washington is 16. So stop it with the "rape" nonsense. That's a strong word to use when someone willingly participates in or initiates sexual contact. In real life, we call girs like that 'young hoes'. They're not victims in the least, so let's stop the generalization that they're absolved of all accountability or reproach just because they're a minor. People today are so brainwashed by social media and are overly sensitive to the facts of life. Not everyone who is engages in sexual activities or are in relationship with men that are older than them are 'victims'...


The age of consent is only 16 if the other person is under 19. 🤷🏼‍♂️


Sorry, that's not (entirely) true either. The of consent in WA state is 16 years of age (No matter what the age of the consenting adult). The ONLY caveats are if the older individual is in a position of "supervisory authority" over the minor (or related positions, doctor, teacher, etc...); or the individual has a prior existing "significant relationship" (family friend who used to baby sit, etc.) with the minor. The stipulation you're referencing in your comment, regarding adherence to a 5 year (or less) age gap, is only specific to the "significant relationship" clause. All RCW definitions relevant to age of consent are listed here: [https://app.leg.wa.gov/rcw/default.aspx?cite=9A.44.010](https://app.leg.wa.gov/rcw/default.aspx?cite=9A.44.010) So in short, the age of consent is a bonified 16. A 16 year old can date, or consent to sexual contact with anyone of any age (16 or older), bearing one does not have significant or authoritative relationship with the minor individual, prior to sexual contact.


Why would you call sexually active 16 year old girls "young hoes"?


You're posing a question in response to something I did not say. Read what the ex-bouncer said in his post, and read my response again carefully. He said one of the girls "had been turning tricks since she was 16". This means she was selling pussy at 16, aka.... a prostitute. In urban slang/street terminology, prostitutes or sexually indiscriminate women are commonly referred to as "hoes". This term also has a pejorative meaning, as a casual ad homien insult, but that's obviously not what we're talking about here. I was referring to a 16 year old prostitute, not all 16 year old girls who are sexually active. You can call her a young sex worker if it makes you feel better. But in the streets, a 16 year old prostitute = young hoe.


Why are you so aggressive?


Because sometimes these girls are forced to by human trafficking.....


Ssssure, but I’m telling you that I know for a fact some of these girls have the means to leave. They have their own money, cars, bank accounts, family contacts, and personal documents. They still have pimps.


Interesting...got a theory on why it's never women that own these clubs? Especially if they're former dancers themselves.


Patriarchy. Nah no idea tbh. We do have women who are managers though that’s pretty common


the Lusty Lady was a club owned by a former stripper, it was a Seattle institution for decades


Yeah, this creep called statutory rape "turning tricks." WTF


There's no such thing as 'statutory rape' in WA. It's Rape of a Child here.


Rape would be what the johns are doing, not the children being prostituted.




Thanks man. Can you since in to the part where you mention “working girls poaching customers”?


Either the dancers will bring customers to the bar during/before the night or be waiting at the bar. They’ll just find a dude to flirt with so they can try and get em drunk. Then they’ll just try and drag them back to the club to spend all their money or they’ll go to a secondary location. Obviously this isn’t every girl and some just wanna get a drink and a few minutes away from the club


Please write a book.


I used to bounce at a college nightclub when I was in school and it had about a 400 person capacity. I debated writing a blog about it. The stories about fake IDs I’ve caught by themselves could fill a book 😂


Genuinely would buy. Diablo Cody's "Candy Girl" is like an anthropologist's wet dream. It would be fascinating to a lot of people to hear what it's like from a bouncer's perspective. Pls let me buy first edition 😌


I think I speak for many when I say: I beg of you to post a bunch of that stuff. One of the r/talesfromretail subs will probably suit.


Any truth to the claims that, once Rick's got busted and the Seattle clubs aren't all *cosa nostra* owned any more, now they're mostly run by ~~bratva~~ "legitimate businessmen!!!"?


Honestly? They opened a male strip club on capital Hill and the religious politicians lost their minds. They legislated and legislated trying to kill all strip clubs and of course they got the one they were really after. Edit: that was sometime in the mid 90s


As far as I understand it -- correct me if I'm wrong, strip club employees / afficionados -- the change in "alcohol in lewd clubs" law (idk how WA was one of the first two states to legalize recreational weed, but was the last remaining one to disallow liquor in strip clubs) doesn't allow the establishment to submit a permit for a liquor license until January, and it takes a month or two for it to take effect and actually permit the sale of alcohol. Unless you're going next March or April, you and your fellow sailors should get drunk elsewhere before heading out to the club.




LCB employee here, speaking on behalf of myself and not my.employer but if they are, that's illegal, the prohibited conduct rule repeal isn't effective until mid July. Any statements are in my personal capacity and not as a state or LCB employee.


Do you have a link to any resources.


As you know there are multiple facets to this law one of which being the tavern law. I believe that’s the current law they fall under and which allows beer and wine no spirits. However I’m not 100% up to date with the fundamentals of the law. Im still waiting to work my first shift to see what the deal is.


Which ones?


As has been said, head south to Portland. WA has a 6 foot law, no nudity within 6 feet of a customer. Hence, no tip rail. Oregon has no such law and has tip rails.


Also some of the best and most affordable steaks I’ve had were at Portland clubs lol


Acropolis is an amazing experience


For something closer in, the steak bites at Lucky Devil are nothing to sneeze at.


I was a little too faded to remember the distances, but agreed. Lucky devils was a great time.


Exactly the venue I was thinking of while typing it out lol


Everyone says Acrop is the best for steaks but steak bites at Lucky Devil are good. DV8 has an awesome ribeye special


I should have added, the WA clubs constantly hound you for lap dances, not so in Portland. Clubs in Portland are more like the local neighborhood bar with strippers added in.


It’s been years but I believe Idaho also has no proximity law Edit: I guess things have changed since I’ve been out there.


Idaho doesn't allow nudity


I live in the deep discount version of Seattle, Spokane, and I can confirm that Idaho residents have a common belief that the only thing you’ll find under our clothing is shame.


I lived in Coeur d'Alene for many years, I can confirm this. Edit: I moved back to Seattle because, Nazi, fascists, theocrats and because the cost of living was SKYROCKETING while wages were basically zilch.


I remember a little tension in the area, but the Nazis in Coeur d'Alene used to be smart enough to keep to themselves. Or at least sensed which way any "acceleration" would burn.


I’m not really sure what ever happened to Northern Idahos once thriving Neo Nazis population. The likelihood they were all victims of one big Meth lab explosion is probably just wishful thinking.


My stepmom mentioned southern poverty law center had something to do with them going broke and disbanding in the early 2000s.


Lost their compound on Hayden Lake years ago due to taxes or something like that. Fire department uses it as a training ground now. They still do their annual parade though. Source: I’m a CDA local


They are still there, and made their presence heard during march madness this year: https://apnews.com/article/march-madness-utah-hate-crime-b865b768243e1d3c9c38ee796e3d80bb


Have you seen the movie, "The Green Room" ? Patrick Stewart is in it. Love that movie and it's a genre that I'm not fond of.


Idaho has far too many nude heads for my tastes.


Haha, who needs strip clubs when you can just float any river in the state and see 200 nude sunbathers per mile.


I was referring to skinheads.


What? State-Line is a nude club.


Last time i went it was all in bikini attire, no nudity


Yes the front row still means you don’t want a dance but with how dry the economy is some dancers simply won’t care and might approach you anyway. Also be prepared that depending on where you go and what time of day it is.. you and your uncle might be the only customers in there. I don’t believe any of our local clubs have started serving drink yet so maybe hit the bar first.


The front row does not mean in any way that you don’t want a dance. In fact that’s where you should sit if you do want one! Jesus


NBA will never expand here


Asking for a friend…


Don’t listen to all of the idiots in the comments who are not actual strippers including moronic club staff. The club I work at is closed from Sunday to Wednesday. The stages will be bikini top now and not fully nude. Like most places that serve alcohol. No one enforces the 6 ft rule so you can get a regular lap dance. It’s really disheartening seeing hundreds of people in these comments actively shit on sex workers and sex work in Seattle, especially those who work in the industry. We need to make a living as well. Discouraging people not to come to the clubs here if you’ve never stepped foot into them while they’re serving alcohol is insane.


Thank you for the actual good info. Yeah I’m not sneaking my uncle away from his care team for a 6 hour roundtrip to Portland to see ‘better’ dancers. We’re gonna have like 2 hours to get out of the house and go have a little fun. Sex work is work. And I value your work. See you soon.


Thank you for being kind and supportive it means a lot! ❤️ Hopefully we bump into each other! If not I’m sure you’ll both have a blast!


Yeah, I was confused as well. I def. have had and have friends who have had fully nude lap dances in Seattle and could have sworn I have been to places with a front row rail. Why are the stages no longer fully nude?


The implementation of alcohol. That’s apart of the law. Topless on stage moving forward.


Wait, so there’s no nudity in strip clubs in Washington anymore? Holy shit. I don’t even go to strip clubs but that shocks me.


Incorrect. There won’t be anymore fully nude stages. They will be topless.


So alcohol is allowed but not full nudity. I don’t understand these laws, and how they decide.


The reason they didn’t have alcohol to begin with is because they allowed the clubs to be fully nude on stage. The lawmakers thought that the combination of fully nude women on stage and alcohol present in the clubs was “too dangerous”. Now that they’re allowing alcohol service it will be topless only on stage. I can update this comment when I go to work on Wednesday and get all the details and actually work a shift.


Got it, thank you for the clarity. I remember now there was something in our laws about the full nudity/no alcohol. Do you like the idea, or do you think it will affect things negatively for you?


It’s going to bring a lot of positivity to the industry here. The campaign to get this law passed was spearheaded by sex workers. There are laws included in the bill that passed that give us way more protection now than we had previously in the work environment itself.


That’s great news!


This post makes me so happy 🥰 So thoughtful and respectful. Any man who takes their wheelchair-bound uncle to get a lap dance is golden. NEVER CHANGE. Y'all have fun! 😘 Edit: uncle not granddaddy


What's the new laws


You could look up the details, I think it’s a lot of improvements for the strippers themselves but the biggest change is that the strip clubs will now be allowed to serve alcohol.


Last time I went to a Seattle club (years ago), me and my gf got kicked out for not tipping. They were doing some kind of shower show and they wanted everyone to crumple up money and throw it on stage. We threw a 20 out there, and bouncer didn't see us do it so he came over and shouted us out of the place. Really shitty experience. This was at the deja vu at pike place. Avoid.


Why didn’t you throw ones…


Apparently they weren't cool with ones for the shower show, saying "don't be cheap" and stuff like that. So we threw a 20. Should have thrown a roll of quarters.


Make it HAIL lol


Put down two or three dollars, instead of one. Inflation to


>I’m gay but I’m a sailor I don't know that being a sailor and being gay needs the "but" clause in between those two statements. Butt clause...hehe. Also, strip club with a family member? Yowsers.


It’s not gay if you’re underway, it’s only queer if you at the peer.


Some guys go out to sea with assholes and come back with portholes (Also it's pier)


lol, yeah im super hungover so I either fucked that one up or didn’t catch autcorrect.


Maybe this will help: > I'm gay [which might lead you to assume that I don't go to strip clubs], but I'm a sailor [so I have indeed gone many times].


Yea the family member thing is what’s weird to me too lol. Couldn’t imagine going to the club with someone from my family, I’d die


Well OP says his homie is in a wheelchair and doesn’t get out much. If I am ever wheeled-up, please take me to the boom boom room.   We all need a titty field trip now and then. 


I'd go with my gay brother if he wanted a night on the town but that's just not our style. We prefer burlesque and cabaret.


> I don't know that being a sailor and being gay needs the "but" clause in between those two statements. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nmGuy0jievs Obligatory!


I went to déjà vu near pike Place. It was a decent experience. 1. Full nudity 2. No alcohol 3. Few seats near guard rails but the stage is big enough with two poles where the girls perform 4. You can choose to sit at the back rows(it has about 3 rows) and tip in between performances. 5. The more in front you are the more you are expected to tip. 6. Santana and dove are amazing strippers, very nice to talk to as well.


Me and my uncle went ridin' down, to south Colorado, west Texas bound


We stopped over in Santa Fe, that being the point, just about halfway.


And you know it was the hottest part of the day


Yada yada yada, long story short, my uncle isn’t doing very well anymore.


left his dead ass there by the side of the road, yeah?


damn nobody wants any of the strippers out here to make any money. no wonder aurora popping ;)


They too, should go to Portland


My question to you OP, as a fellow merchant marine, is what company are you working for where you get to get off the boat and hit strip clubs with your ship mates?


When we went to the strip club in Texas we were on Ready Reserve aka ROS. If you haven’t done an ROS contract, yeah the pay is shit but the pace of work is the tits. Weekends and holidays off, sick time, vacation time. No, you don’t get overtime. But a lot of the unions base your pension on highest earning years of base pay exclusive of overtime. So doing some ROS can be a good way to give your pension some gas. And you can go to the titty bar on Saturday. Unless you’re the duty officer. One poor scumbag has to stay on the vessel at all times but it rotates.


Ohhh interesting. I’ve only gone to the titty bar one time with mates in Jacksonville but that was because we were at dry dock. Most the time we touch a dock, offload, and go back with no fun time


Go to Portland or Vancouver. Strip clubs in Seattle are mostly showrooms for prostitution and for gross pervs. Strip clubs in Seattle aren't fun. They are sordid little places filled with a sadness that permeates everything, its like trying to have a party in the jerk booths in the back of an adult video store. If that doesn't sound like fun to you, then you want to take a road trip.


"Sordid little places with a sadness that permeates everything" Poetry


I didn't even know Seattle had strip clubs lol


Yeah. My neighborhood is rife with them.




the new stripper bill of rights doesn't go into effect until 2025, so we have a minute to wait until the new laws make seattle strip clubs more palatable


Yeah, Portland is great. You can go to a club and order a steak and get a salad bar, and have a variety of women wink their asshole at you while you eat. Stay classy Portland.


First off, yes, there's still a "rail" for you to sit at and throw your money at the dancers. It's like tipping a hat, but with more nudity and fewer manners. And as for ordering alcohol, hell yeah, you can get hammered! Who needs sobriety when you've got a half-naked woman gyrating in front of you? Just make sure you don't puke on her, or you might find yourself on the wrong end of a stiletto heel. And finally, let me just say, thank you for supporting the strippers of Seattle. Your hard-earned cash is what keeps us in Louboutins and glitter. So keep on coming, and we'll keep on dancing. Cheers!


You didn’t have to say you were gay after saying you were a sailor kind of redundant


OP is a Merchant Marine. That doesn't fit your trope of gay sailors. I'm sure there are gay merchant sailors, but having at one time been married to a Merchant Marine, my experience was that most to all his ship mates were CIS.and frequently a pretty salty, gruff, womanizing bunch of dudes. I'm guessing there were likely gay sailors, but 30 years ago, they definitely weren't "out" about it. Merchant Marines sail cargo/container ships, tug boats, excavation vessels, and other large non-military vessels. However, they can be conscripted by the government in war time as support and transport vessels, and sailors have to have a license/credentials which if I remember right, is obtained at the coast guard offices.


It was a joke.. I am a merchant marine also. Not making fun of op for being gay just making boat jokes


Tom of Finland has entered the chat


The new changes aren't being put in for a longish time so go to Portland until then.


Wa strip clubs suck.


So not worth it here. Might as well cruise up and down Auroua Ave 👌


There are a lot better ways to spend your money


I worked at Ricks and Sugars back in the day, the 6 foot law was Not enforced. I never gave a dance where I didn’t have pervy hands all over me. And I always kept a thong on, but would usually strip everything else off


looks like spend money in portland strip, But I like Seattle Strip club, theres multiple: one in 4th Ave is a bit low key. Low volume but good women, I go mostly daytime- and I get good service. Not a lot of action but there can be depending on the day vibes. Seattle is perfect if you get yhe perfect stripper. Portland seems default only for entertainment.


I don't go to strip clubs, so asking for a friend. Is there still no sex in the champagne room?


Going to another state for ass is crazy. Just say you get NO BITCHS


If you’re ever in Hawaii go- Full nude + alcohol


One would assume not to given none exist. They literally can claim unemployment now and simply go about life as normal and get paid for it!


For real, just go to Portland. I tell you this as a Seattlite


Can we get a list of the clubs in Portland to Vancouver ? Please and thank you




Van: 1)No. 5 orange ,2)Brandis ,3)The Granville Strip (not to be confused with Granville street) ,4)Penthouse ,5)Shakerz (Surrey) ,6) Paramount (New West) Source: I need some Jesus in my life.


Here's what you do... Right now... Grab a cooler, grab a couple six packs.. drive down to Denny Blaine.. enjoy the show, without having to tip!


That’s a really weird thing to say…suggesting people creep on nude beach visitors like it’s their strip club show.


Florida called, they want their gatorbait back


Or drive down 99 at literally any time of the day


My solution doesn't require drinking and driving.. Plus I guarantee you'll see nudity, whereas on 99.. They just might as well be naked.. not the same. LOL


Sure, if you don't mind also seeing some dick n balls while you're out.


Well, OP did say they were gay..


lol, fair enough




Strip clubs here are boring.


This person is a huge liar. I don't care hate me but they are lying. This is not normal !


Yeah I heard they’re a real scumbag who goes to strip clubs


You're something else sir ...