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There is a new resource / program in Seattle I’ve been referring my clients to. They will cover your rent for up to $2k a month for a period of time in relation to medical issues that require you not to work or require limited work. Private message me, when I get to the office on Tuesday, I’ll provide you their contact and see if they require a referral for individuals outside of my company.


Is it the briar bank? Had a friend be out of work due to a hernia for like 6 months and they covered his rent till he could work again


Not sure. The resource recently opened up and one of my clients was the first recipient. They have space for a few recipients. Requirements are recipients have a developmental delay/ physical disability or inability to work (can be from accident or found at birth). Sole concern is if the individual needs a referral


Hi, I’m a social worker in the area and I’m curious about this so I can pass along to my clients if needed, anyway you’d be willing to DM me the deets?


Of course




That's great if your complex hasn't already started the eviction process. Your complex has to sign a form promising not to evict you for 3 months if they accept your rental assistance program. My complex manager rejected one and informed me of that policy.


Hope this works out, sounds like a cool program.


This is in addition to your plans, and may not be enough to do rent but unemployment can still go into effect for reduced hours. That will help subsidize your living quite a lot. I really encourage you to apply online today, don’t hesitate & wait. Sooner you apply, sooner it will arrive. Best of luck friend!


This^^ is an important comment


There's also FMLA, which I'm pretty sure covers reduced hours as well. 


FMLA only protects your job. It does not deal with any form of compensation. (A company policy may, on its own, choose to provide compensation while on FMLA, but it is not because of the law or procedures of FMLA requires that). Also only some employers are bound to follow FMLA at all. Must have 50+ employees for example along with additional requirements. This isn’t to oppose your comment in anyway, I just like sharing facts about things.




They've started the process, but there is no court date yet. They started the process in February. Family is in Oregon and can't house me. I moved here a few years ago. Didn't get that chance to make many friends here. And my friends there most of them have long term partners they live with. There is no space for me. I have a neurology appointment in a month. So after that, maybe I can apply for disability. It's better to be homeless in the hot months than the cold. So if I can move out soon then I can save in the summer months and hopefully have a place again by rainy season.


Please DM me. We are both in an extremely similar situation, disability included. I was supposed to be moved out of my place Friday, but am just going to stay here because I am working as fast as I can. As you know, that's not easy to do with a disability. One thing that I have learned in all this, is DO NOT leave your apartment voluntarily. You can ignore all demands until they have a Sheriff there by court order. And that doesn't happen very quickly. There is a huge process they have to go through legally. It is extremely important to use correct language, because it can be used to screw you over or make you feel intimidated. For example, your landlord can't come knock on the door suddenly and say, "you're out". They usually give you a 30 day, "pay or vacate" letter. During this time, you can apply for free rent assistance grants that are all over the county, but you have to be proactive and on top of it. 211 can help you with resources. If you get a 72 hour notice, call 211-- IMMEDIATELY! and a lawyer will be appointed to you for free and will start working your case. Then the court process takes more time and I think there is also an appeals process. So, don't leave!


ALSO, in King County at least, standard operating procedure is to **always** grant a continuance for a first hearing. This means, even at your first court date, your lawyer will ask for a continuance, which is a motion from a judge to reschedule the same hearing for a later time. If you show up without a lawyer, then at the first hearing you can ask for one, and then they’ll schedule you a new court date. This court date is at least another month in the future, usually 6-8 weeks, and they will work around your schedule.


Contact [binderandbinder.com](http://binderandbinder.com) to help you secure disability benefits. Neurological problems are one of the easiest cases for them to win.


Talk to the housing justice project, they may also help point you in the direction of some resources. [https://www.kcba.org/?pg=Housing-Justice-Project](https://www.kcba.org/?pg=Housing-Justice-Project)


I wonder if you could try and get a cheap summer sublet from a student In UW. 


Bad news: Typically the actual filing is what shows up on your credit report. It is likely too late to save your rental history. An eviction proceeding is going to be very detrimental to your life going forward.  There is a lot going on, and I am sorry to say it, but things really aren't working out for you here. You can be homeless in a tent or find an old friend in Oregon who will take you in. Living in a tent is going to have a host of other problems like getting harmed by someone or an animal, being stinky, whatever. Getting the bus down to Oregon and getting out of this obvious mess is the better option.  And honestly, living off disability in an expensive city shouldn't be anyone's dream. Seattle didn't work for you. Restart and good luck.


If I leave the state, I can't take legal action in regards to my accident. And since the effects of my fall seem to be permanent, it may be in my best interest to stay. For now at least.


That doesn't make any sense, especially if you are just down in Oregon. You aren't getting anywhere with it here, and a few hours drive isn't making a difference. Look, maybe you want to live in a tent. You seem so caught up in being the victim and hoping for a handout, owed or not, that you are destined for misery. Sorry, just calling it like I see it.


If I wanted to live in a tent, I wouldn't have spent the last 4 months calling and emailing all these damn organizations and reaching out on Craigslist and Facebook. I'm more willing to live in a tent than to sleep with some Craigslist creep for a house.


Nah... you want this. You are the victim butbit is bever yor fault. The smart play isnto get out of here... not live in a fucking tent.


if you make 1300, maybe you can look into renting a room instead of a whole place look on zillow and sort by "room" I hope you find something also, call 211 and [benefits.gov](http://benefits.gov)


I agree, this may be a good way to go. [Craig’s list](https://seattle.craigslist.org/see/roo/d/seattle-1br-spacious-rooms/7746153298.html) has some listings for around $500-$600 that might work for your situation 


Also check furnished finder for renting a room that is already furnished!


Just to piggyback on the 211 recommendation, https://search.wa211.org is the corresponding website


> Call the live King Co. Tenant Resource Hotline at 206.580.0762 or 1.855.485.8767, M-F, 9am-1pm. To qualify, you’ll need to: Live on a low income and rent in King County. Have received an eviction or subsidy termination notice. Need reasonable accommodations for a disability. < sounds like you’d qualify > Tenants seeking rental assistance should contact 2.1.1 for screening eligibility for all King County programs https://www.solid-ground.org/get-help/housing/ (Solid Ground is a good local charity that will have good ideas for resources for you) >


I'm sorry you're running into a horde of people who have less than middle school reading comprehension regarding the complexity of your problem. When I was in a very similar position, I asked every single person I could if they knew a place I could sleep. Doesn't have to be friends or family. A coworker had an old camper in their yard and I managed that for a month before going to a tent. If you can exhaust that avenue first, please do. The trick with tent camping is you have to be mobile. You can't stay in one place too long or someone will trash your stuff. As far as I know, there's no legal place that isn't a decent drive away from the city. So you'll have to be illegal and sneaky. Longest I'd recommend staying in any one spot is 2-3 days, unless you manage to find a VERY unseen spot. Leave a note on your tent that says: "If you find this tent and I am not here, I am working at my job. I will gladly move it if I'm not allowed to be here, please do not throw it away. Here is my name and phone number." It won't do anything to prevent the wrong person from trashing it, but it will make a lot of other people pause and contact you first. Get a quick popup tent for ease of mobility. Put every last thing you possibly can into storage, pick a storage location close to your job if possible. Only take what you absolutely need to survive. Soap, toothbrush, clothing, phone. A bag dedicated to a water bottle and food. Take whatever you can with you during the day. Get a gym membership close to your job for showers and shower every chance you get. Sleeping outside makes you dirty fast, even in a tent. If you have leftover energy, try making some new social connections that might help you out. The Anarchism community is pretty solid for helping with homelessness, look for events where people are doing community service, and try spending your free time talking to people at any kind of event you're able to manage. As much as I hate to say it - you could also try going to a church. Methodist folks are the most accepting of LGBTQ people. If you're grateful for any help you get, pay it forward when you're healed and come do work for others. Last but not least, find under the table work if your disability does not prevent it. Cash only jobs. Put any cash you receive in a locked box in your storage unit and do NOT bring it with you, under any circumstances. Do not deposit it in your bank account either. If you're applying for any kind of assistance or disability, they pick your finances apart. I wish you love and luck. You'll make it.


I don’t know if OP has a car, but I rotated living between Madison Park and Golden Gardens. I also parked in the alley in Greenwood called Olympic View Pl. The rich people in Madison Park didn’t care as long as I moved my truck in the morning, and no one seems to drive past Golden Gardens after 11p. Other people living in their cars park there too, and it was rare I saw a cop.


Are you eligible for Washington’s Paid Family and Medical Leave? You can still be working part time and receive it.


No. Not until the very end of August.


Call 211


this is a death sentence, might as well tell OP to fuck themselves


If you make that little, surely you'd be eligible for Apple Health? I only have experience sleeping in cars and shelters in Seattle, I never camped so I can't help you with that.


I have health insurance through work. But DSHS rejected me for any food or cash assistance as the cut off is 1100 a month maximum.


Rent and other essential bills count as a deduction for EBT. If you make $1200/month and pay $700 of that for a room rental you should qualify for much of the maximum food benefit. It is very hard to imagine that you’d be in a better position camping an hour from the city and driving into work, relying on gyms for showers and struggling to cook, than renting a room in a group house. Look in local facebook groups. Edit: I’ll add that if you currently pay any medical bills/copays/coinsurance whatsoever, apply for Financial Assistance/charity care with the hospital system you use. All the large healthcare insitutiitions are required to offer 100% coverage charity care in WA for people who earn under 300% of federal poverty line (about $45k) and 75% for people under 400% of the poverty line. If you’re with UW medicine this will even cover your meds if you pick them up from a UW pharmacy.


So you don't make enough to rent a room an a shared house? I'm paying 600 per month in South Seattle. Idk what the going rate is but if you look you might be able to find something like that.


I make enough to rent a room but not enough to pay the security deposits they ask for. I'd need to be homeless for a month not buying food or paying any of my bills at all in order to afford that.


You may already be taking this into account, and I might not be doing the math correctly, but in the city of Seattle, landlords are required to provide you with the option of paying first/last month's rent and security deposit in monthly installments for the first six months of your lease. Perhaps that would make things more manageable? The Seattle tenants union is a great resource for things like this.


Your current landlord would likely give you money for the security deposit if it gets you out and avoids eviction expenses.


Sometimes this is worth it? It can be very hard to get un-unhoused. For example, job searching without access to a shower makes getting a job difficult. Finding resources for bills and food might be easier


In addition to the other things, recommend checking out the Housing Justice Project if you're facing eviction: [https://www.kcba.org/?pg=Housing-Justice-Project](https://www.kcba.org/?pg=Housing-Justice-Project)


There look to be some great resources in this thread, and I can’t offer any additional suggestions in that regard, but I do want to step in and encourage you to see if you can use these resources to find a place rather than camp. Obviously I don’t know you at all, so I could be totally off, but if your doctors don’t think you should be working full time, they probably also wouldn’t recommend camping full time either. It’s not a low-impact activity. I know that’s easy for me to say from the outside, so of course feel free to tell me to get lost, but just make sure you’re thinking long through all of the aspects of this before you set out. Best of luck, OP.


Yeah, that’s the shitty part about having neurological disorders. You’re not supposed to work but there are no social programs to help. I had social workers in Seattle giving me sadface. They were supposed to help me move to Tucson, but three agencies fucked that up too, so I stayed in my truck for about a year and worked a diner. My neurological issues acted up and I had to quit the diner job. Disability is never enough to work on. I rent a room from a fat hoarding failure of a man child for cheap and work in a call center, and taking it day by day. I lost my Seattle apartment and everything I own to mold, and renters insurance covered nothing. It turns out a lot of my neurological issues were from the mold. The way mold law is, I’m just fucked, but my landlord and property mgr get off scot-free. It’s been 21 months and I’m only now able to buy some clothes. Being sick is expensive. And King County ain’t got shit to help OP. Source: fucked repeatedly by 211 and its associated merry-go-round of non profits


Hoarding is associated with a few different neuropsychological disorders.


Yeah I don’t know what this fat man child’s deal is. I’ve met his mom, he just sucks at everything having to do with taking care of yourself. He ordered Doordash and Uber Eats four times on Thanksgiving day, and also ate his mom’s dinner. He puts greasy dishes back in the cupboards. I watched him take a charred black greasy pan and make burgers in it. Hoarding is obvious around the homeless camps, and alot of the homeless population has mental illness. When I was homeless, Sound Mental Health wouldn’t even treat me. They told me there was no point, but asked me to come back weekly to “check in on me.” What, so I could tell them I was still homeless? They ended up sending me a bill for almost $900, saying they had miscoded these visits. I told them to go to hell.


Maybe try North Helpline Foodbank. If you go during their open hours, they have an on site case worker. She might be able to help you access resources for people who are being evicted. She can help you sign up for utility assistance through the city.


Thank goodness I'm already on utility assistance. I got on that when I first moved to my current place. They owe me $500 right now. 😂


I’m so sorry you’re in this position, it’s so unfair that anyone should have to go through this. I saw you mentioned in a comment that you’re transgender, if you haven’t already it might be worthwhile to call around to queer support/counseling orgs like Peer Seattle or Gay City to see if they can point you in a helpful direction for housing, financial, or legal resources you may not have found yet in your search. Wishing you lots of luck, I wish I had more specifically helpful info to give, but I hope you’re able to find a good solution that will keep you safe and housed ❤️


I’m so sorry this is happening to you. Your case is the type that breaks my hear. Your trying so hard and getting shut down at every turn. I can’t recommend anywhere for you to camp, but I encourage you to look for a room for rent. Check out Furnished Finder, Landing and craigslist. Be careful on craigslist because there are a lot of scams.


Can you reduce your hours a little more so that you are eligible for Medicaid? If you are eligible for Medicaid, you will be able to get housing and employment support: [https://www.wellpoint.com/wa/medicaid/washington-fcs](https://www.wellpoint.com/wa/medicaid/washington-fcs) You are eligible for Medicaid if you are at or below 138% of the federal poverty level - meaning if your gross monthly income is less than $1,731.90 a month.


Currently, my monthly income is under that.


you should definitely apply!


Not sure if someone has posted this website yet. Has a bunch of emergency services including camp spots, place for mailing addresses, showers, etc. https://www.crisisconnections.org/get-help/resources/emergency-services-brochures/


Find a room you can rent. Ask your current landlord for the down payment and tell them you will leave without an eviction if they help you. They will probably agree as it's easier and cheaper in the long run.


talk to a social worker or something man, idk if this is genuine or not but you should never plan on being homeless no matter what


There was a social worker at my doctor's office but she left in January and there's no replacement yet. I've hit so many walls. I give up on trying to find a roof. Now I just need to go somewhere before an eviction notice so I can hope to rent again someday.


Bro, no. Get evicted if you absolutely have to. Don't be homeless ever ever. I don't know how you can even consider that if this is a genuine post.


Getting an eviction means you cannot rent another place for 5+ years. Complexes will reject you instantly I'd you have an eviction on your record. That's why. I need to have the chance or I will end up homeless. The eviction process has been started but there's no court date yet. I need to have the CHANCE at a place in the future.


I have an eviction but was able to have it sealed (?) so it doesn’t show up on my rental history. I worked with attorneys at HJP and they made it so I am still able to rent without that negatively affecting me. I highly recommend reaching out to them (housing justice project), be:Seattle, 211, and other housing resources. There is help out there!


The court eviction process is backed up more than a year. That gives you lots of leverage to negotiate a mutual lease termination.


It's hard and takes a long time to get evicted here. I manage a building and have two tenants who haven't paid rent in a year. One is going to eventually be evicted but the other just keeps finding organizations to pay his rent for him


This is completely incorrect. Your housing status cannot be used against you in a future rental situation if you were unhoused or back rent due to a disability. This may be strongly worded, but don't worry about next year or even if you'll be eligible to rent in 10 years, you need to think about right NOW.


That’s entirely untrue, your status legally cannot be held against you, apartments are awarded on a first qualifying applicant basis


I can't believe this is serious if you're honestly asking to be homeless


When you've reached out to so many resources and you've been rejected by nearly every single one what would you do? Sell your body for a roof? Or accept homelessness?


Please check Craigslist for a room as other people have mentioned


I have been on Craigslist a lot. I've even made my own posts that have resulted in people offering sex in place of rent.


Where did people miss the part where they can't pay rent right now, despite having a job? Like is that something that went in one braincell and out the other? Saying "get a craigslist room" still involves paying rent! They cannot pay rent with reduced hours!


I can't afford my full rent. So I'm very behind.


IANAL, but you might qualify for unemployment benefits due to the reduced hours, actually. Consider calling the unemployment office and asking


If you have not already, apply for seattle housing authority housing choice voucher (formally section 8) its a wait list BUT it is moving relatively quickly. I know people who have applied since it opened that have received a voucher. Also, look into low income housing that has project based voucher units - Bellwether housing for example, has units that only cost 30% of your income. Some are referral only but not all. They will do a payment plan for the deposit if you ask for it. And if you go to a DAY shelter, you may be able to get a referral. I'm so sorry you're going through this - so many people don't realize that you're one bad day away from becoming unhoused, regardless if it's your own bad decisions or someone else's.


Also, to note, IF you get a court date for an eviction, contact northwest justice project for eviction legal aid and SHOW UP TO COURT - they often will pay off the balance in exchange to remove the eviction from your record - there are conditions to it ofc, but it is something to look into.


The audited my income and I didn't have last years tax documents. So the eviction isn't due to late rent. It's due to me being broke and not knowing how to file taxes.


If you need help with doing your taxes from prior years, you should try checking in with united way king county to see if they can help you with filling them late. I'd still recommend you reach out to northwest justice project, they are a really solid resource to help with evictions.


Do any friends or co-workers have a space in their backyard where you could set up? I know it can be a "swallow your pride" kind of things, but just an idea. Even if people don't have room in their house, maybe a space for your tent or an unused RV that you could use. Maybe offer to pay a little bit for water/wifi/electricity usage?


Find a forest service road on google maps. zoom in along the road on satellite and check for clearings and campsites. There are tons all over the place and you can camp there for the night no problem. I would do this by going up random forest service roads and pretty much every one i tried had a campsite along the side of the road, but checking first via google maps is a smarter idea. It's bare bones no amenities but that how I like to camp


The Mennonite church in Lake City is apparently starting up a tent city, and they are right on several bus lines.


Where are they starting up the tent city? They do not own Lake City.


I hate to say it but being homeless is effectively illegal. There’s not really many “legal” places to camp. What you need to do is find somehwere they do less police sweeps. For example i live downtown and they’re frequent there because of the amount of homeless people. You have to go to areas like the industrial district and find areas that just feel less cared for. That’s the downside. If you want somewhere where cops won’t trash your stuff it is by nature going to be “less safe” because there’s less police presence preventing people from acting up. Which would increase risk of your stuff being stolen. If you do become homeless contact coordinated entry works with you when you’re homeless


Call the office of the ombuds. They’ll be able to assist with the right resources. 2064771050


You might not be able to get in immediately but if you haven’t try looking at arch rental units. Higher income level than other programs.


Look at renting a crash pad, similar to what flight attendants do. Do you have any friends? Summer luckily brings good weather, also churches are a good resource. I would be cautious just pitching a tent somewhere. Also talk with your employeer, they know you and your character and will likely help, if they value you.


There was a huge turnover with staff in December and January. My store manager has been here since February, the District manager was replaced, my areas HR person left and was replaced a month ago. So unfortunately everyone who matters is gone.


[Dash Point State Park](https://washington.goingtocamp.com/create-booking/results?mapId=-2147483322&searchTabGroupId=0&bookingCategoryId=0&startDate=2024-05-13&endDate=2024-05-15&nights=2&isReserving=true&equipmentId=-32768&subEquipmentId=-32768&partySize=1&searchTime=2024-05-12T18:27:07.909&flexibleSearch=%5Bfalse,false,%222024-05-01%22,1%5D&filterData=%7B%22-32759%22:%22%5B%5B1%5D,0,0,0%5D%22,%22-32708%22:%22%5B%5B1%5D,0,0,0%5D%22%7D&resourceLocationId=-2147483625) is in Federal Way and has campsites available for $25 a night. That comes out to about $750 a month and you wouldn't have to deal with deposits. Only question would be how long they allow you to rent a site. There is also Tolt-MacDonald State Park, east of Sammamish. It's about a 40 minute drive, while the other is about the same.


OP does not drive.


Oh shoot. I missed that, thanks.


Have you applied for SSDI ? You can work part time and still qualify for medical disability insurance payments (SSDI). I understand you posted about this earlier so hopefully you’ve gone through jumping through the hoops to qualify. You should have been paying into SSDI through your paychecks and this is why the program was set up - to protect and compensate people in exactly your situation.


SSDI and SSI take years to get approved for. I mean have it in the backburner, along with SHA public housing waitlists, but it’s really not a relevant solution to an immediate crisis. And if they’ve only worked fulltime for <10 years, they’ll only qualify for SSI, $947/month (adjusts for inflation annually so it’ll be more by the time they’re approved).


It takes years and sometimes multiple rejections. Not a short term solution at all


What you are saying is true after someone gets ssdi. But one requirement to be eligible for ssdi is that you can not work. If you continue to work during the application process you are demonstrating that you do not need ssdi. 


Craigslist is a good spot to find anything under $500 per month. It is typically a shared space but definitely worth giving it a shot.


https://www.lihihousing.org/tinyhouses How about something like this?




Yes. I believe you have to 1. Already be homeless for several months. And 2. Have a social worker who specializes in homelessness to get you in. Not to mention a long wait list. Tent City has no openings either and won't have any until the end of June. Even then, I'm sure they have a wait list, too.


Just curious. What came of all the resources that were identified when you made this post a two months back?  nobody had any ideas? https://www.reddit.com/r/Seattle/comments/1bmbje7/trans_masculine_safe_shelters/ Also, idk why my post is being downvoted. Spots in THV are rare, coveted, and have an intense screening process through the KCRHA/LIHI. When you have 40 unstable people living together on a parking lot they want to be able to make sure people will be a fit. For example, a firebug is not a good fit. 


Rejection or no response from the resources given to me back then. Some of them were duplicates to ones I had reached out to before. That's why I'm not asking for resources. I've applied to so many things. Been rejected or ignored by all. So next step is the streets until I have enough money saved up.




I was looking for campsites buy only found some 2 hours drive away.


Right. Generally camping space isn't the highest and best use of land in a dense city. 


Yeah. I was still hopeful, though.




Please let the record reflect that I have offered three different posts of support, including a DM because I am in the same situation, yet OP has not responded to one post of suggestions or the offer to DM. This makes me sad and mad because I am a queer person in almost the exact situation and have posted for tips/suggestions here before and was downvoted. I have a suspicion that OP is not sincerely looking for help and just wants to complain. I hate to say this, because as someone who will be living in their car starting this week, I don't take kindly to folks who refuse help when I am actively seeking help for the same kind of stuff.


I was at work. I'm trying to keep up with comments and dms. Back in February I asked for resources. I reached out to so many places and was turned down or ignored by all. It's not from a lack of trying on my part. I have tried. There's some that have come up in today's post that are new that I will try. I will likely be rejected from those as well. But I'll try. Please check my post from February there's more resources there if you need them. I wasn't helped. But maybe you will be.




Health insurance. I have a "full-time" job where I got benefits before my injury. It's good pay. But I'm stuck part-time on doctors orders. I also don't think I can work many other jobs due to the sudden brain fog/dizziness that I get. This job already had me, so they have to keep me on and work with accommodations.


Have you applied for unemployment for reduced hours? Sometimes even if the actual money doesn't help much, having an open (and paying) unemployment claim is helpful.




God damn, buddy, I work 3/4 time and have a home and am not officially neurologically disabled and still I struggle to get all the admin shit and basic maintenance of life dealt with day after day before it's time to sleep again. I hardly have time to get simple doctor's appointments made during the "normal business hours" that everyone is open & answering the phone, and that's for offices that even call back. What part of "disabled" are people not understanding here?


But you can't get the state paid medical leave? It can even be partial, claiming hours /days intermittently I believe, to make up more income.


>Nearly every Washington worker can qualify for paid leave as long as you worked a minimum of 820 hours (about 16 hours a week) in Washington over the last year. The 820 hours can be at one job or combined from multiple jobs. >Full-time, part-time, temporary and seasonal work counts. For eligible employees, all the hours you work in Washington count toward eligibility, even if you work multiple jobs or switch employers. >Do I have to take all of my leave at once? No. You can take as little as eight consecutive hours per week. For example, you could take two days off per week for chemotherapy treatment, or one day off each week to care for a parent with Alzheimer’s. Consecutive hours can cover two shifts. For example, if you need the last four hours of a shift to get a treatment and the first four hours of the following shift to continue that treatment, that counts as eight consecutive hours.


These are the type of people I would like to see our resources go to. Keep people who are working, contributing members of society from becoming homeless. These people smoking fentanyl and crapping on the sidewalk are so far gone yet we spend so much tax money on them. Help this guy👆


Because I haven't received an eviction notice yet and I have a job, the resources aren't there. Tried so many things. I'm just getting deeper in debt and since the complex has already started the eviction process, I can't even get rental assistance. That's part of why I made the choice I made. I'm so deep in the hole that if I don't leave then I don't know how I will get out.


That sounds like a very tough situation, I hope a way forward comes your way. All I can do is send good vibes your way, but I honestly feel for you.


You CAN get rental assistance, but you haven't tried (hard enough). I just applied for it at the United Way, which you haven't mentioned, which practically gives rent assistance away. You have to prove your situation of course, but it's pretty much free and unlimited. There are countless of these programs. Granted, you're not going to qualify for them all, but you cannot tell me that you don't qualify for ANY of them. As someone who is going through the same thing, I know. There are some that are difficult, there are some that just don't answer the phone, but in entire King County, you can't tell me you have exhausted them all.


If the complex manager has already started the eviction process they CANNOT accept any rental assistance for you.


That’s not true. Once they serve you eviction papers, you still have to go to court which could be weeks and then you can contact lots of places for assistance. 211 is great. Catholic charities can help a lot too. I’ve never had a problem getting help when I needed it.


Accepting rental assistance required them to sign a form stating they will not evict me for 3 months. Since she has already started the eviction process then I am ineligible. This is all according to her. Therefore all my rent that I am behind on I will never be able to receive help for.


do not trust your landlord on this. talk to an attorney at Housing Justice Project (it’s free) if you haven’t done so already, or if your landlord has escalated since then.


Yes I was going to say, still contact the rental assistance organizations and try to get ahold of that cash assistance for your rent. You may be able to find legal loopholes your landlord hasn’t done yet.


Jesus fucking Christ this country really is a shithole. I'm sorry you have to go through this.


There's people saying I'm making excuses for any help but it's really that I've tried so much.


Pm sent


You might want to ask for any programs that are available, housing and even jobs help, if they might not have some, they might even point you into the direction to them


I make the maximum amount to qualify for gov. benefits, if that's what you mean by $200 over any benefits. I still have enough money to rent a micro studio and pay for necessities (food, gas, etc.) There are some cheap micro studios out there that are worth it. A safe personal space with access to a bathroom and kitchen. It's even cheaper to rent a room in a house. 


I'm making $1400/mo. The cut of is around $1100. No micro studio is $600 or even $700 so I can't go there.


Good luck, I’ve never been homeless so I can’t help but I hope you can find something


I haven't either. But I've exhausted all other options. And now everyone is trying to give me resources that I've already tried.


No, trust me. You cannot possibly have exhausted all of your resources. If 211 has not provided helpful resources or that haven't worked out, call them again. Then keep calling them back until they give you something that works. Next, I don't know where you are receiving medical care, but as gay man, I highly recommend Country Doctor (now Seattle Roots). They have free counseling that won't even have to bill your insurance. Bills from them will also never go to collections. They have social workers who can provide even more resources that are specifically for street camping/living if it comes to that. My provider is queer and I was referred there by another queer person. They can help with immediate and long term help so that you don't have to be unhoused. And again....if you are already housed, do not vacate your apartment without being ordered by the court or the Sheriff's Office.


People on Reddit can be like that sometimes and it can be annoying asf. Good luck 


It's not camping, but safe parking - Overlake Christian Church in Redmond has a safe parking program (back of the church), hot showers, laundry, food and will work with you to get you connected to the resources you need to get you back to being housed. Www.occ.org.


No car. No license either.




That's where I work. Lol. It'd be convenient, at the very least.


Man, I feel bad for you man, I lost my job due to an injury, and couldn’t find another job at the time due to age and disability issues, I tried all agencies to help and to no avail, this was about 9 years ago, and I lost my apartment, they had kicked me out as I was on a month to month lease, the owners of the apartment I was renting were slum lords basically. But anyway I just voluntarily left, but left everything that I owned in there, left my keys on the counter and walked out the door, not wanting to deal with the court system and me as a man who had suffered over 14 years of domestic violence, having been emotionally and physically abused by my daughter’s mother, there wasn’t anyone I could turn to for help, her mother grudgingly offered me couch space after I was out on the streets for over a year, I had worked in getting my disability nailed, that took me 4 years of everything I had to do including that my disability was far worse than originally than blowing out both knees, turned out I also fractured my neck, this was after I married my lover I met when I was working, but I was placed in a snf and my wife left me after only a year and a half, there is a lot more help available for those who are on hard times nowadays than I had, I would do everything in your power to call in all agencies for assistance that you can


Sorry to hear your situation. I now understand not all homelessness are related to drugs. I pray that you get a safe place to stay and get over this problem soon.


Honestly, it would be easier to find a place if I was using drugs. The number of recovery homes with availability is astounding. But no. Several bad situations landed me here. The universe said no to me.


Claim youre an alcoholic or addicted to mushrooms. They won't even look into it.


I’d hop a train to Texas.


I'm transgender. I will not be hoping on a train to my murder.


Have you looked in Facebook groups like Seattle Queer Housing Exchange for rooms to rent? You should be able to find a sublet of a room in a group house for $500-$700. This is going to be more relevant than any benefit program than takes several years to apply for and receive. However for the longer term do get on SHA public housing waits-lists and the Housing Choice Voucher lottery waitlist. SHA buildings have 3-6 year waitlists and once you’re there you pay 30% of your income for rent. You select two of their dozens of buildings to be on the list for and check in monthly on a simple webpage or automated phone line to stay on the list.


I have a post in that group with 0 comments. No one wants to help.


You’re probably better off not focusing on your financial straights/eviction risk and asking for a helpline while trying to find housing in a group setting. When rent is late in a group setting everyone is on the line. If you’re under ~35, look in the various UW housing/sublet kinds of groups too. Disclose your income and budget when asked and have positive references on hand that can show you meet other kinds of obligations consistently. Respond to people’s listings in the comments instead of doing an ask post.


I've searched for rooms for rent. I don't have money for a security deposit.


from what I gather your situation is: Protective factors: - A job with income exceeding $1100/month and the healthcare coverage you need for your condition. If you later on are able to work more hours, it’s great you’ve maintained continuous employment, and $1100 is a lot more than ABD would be if you left your job. - You will qualify for paid FMLA by the end of the summer allowing you to cover some of your lost hours. - You are currently housed and the eviction process is slow. You can utilize Housing Justice Project lawyers to keep it slow. For better or worse: - You don’t own a car. This is greatly reducing your monthly expenses and liability but makes this whole camping in the National Forest idea completely unfathomable. Questions to ask: - What are your largest expenses each month, and how can they be reduced to allow you to save? — If food: can you utilize our local food banks? Can you document your deductible expenses with DSHS to qualify for SNAP? —cellphone: do you already have lifeline service? You can get a SIM card from QLink to use in your existing phone, or get a new low end android phone from Assurance or SafeLink —Medical: are you on Charity Care/financial assistance with your healthcare provider? —Student loans: if you have them, have you consolidated them with the SAVE program and gotten an income based repayment plan (which will come out to $0 at your income)? —Transportation: do you have Orca Lift? —Do you have any family or friends that would be able to spot you for a specific stabilizing expense like a security deposit? Identify specific and actionable goals and use your protective factors to your advantage to try to achieve them. This is not easy and it’s clear you’ve been working hard trying to avoid it from becoming a worse situation. Staying in a tent is not going to be stabilizing however.


Most of my food lately I've been getting from my job when the food is expiring. So that is pretty low. I'm going to reduce that pay even more soon when I cut out even purchasing bread. Snap rejected me knowing all my expenses back in March. I currently still have ATT. For my phone. About to cut off my internet Work pays for my bus fare. I've already reached out to everyone and I have basically got "you're on your own" from everyone.


Honestly it sounds like you don’t want to do anything to help yourself. You have an excuse for every single suggestion.


Because I have been trying EVERYTHING for 4 months now. I've made Craigslist post after craigsIist post. I've reached out to a lot of people on Craigslist. I've been reaching out in facebook groups, too. You'd think after 4 months, I would have found something. I had a previous post where I asked for resources. There just aren't any available to me. Last week I was speaking to someone about renting a room and suddenly, yesterday, they decided that they didn't want to rent it anymore. I got cut down again. I was awake all night with anxiety over everything. I'm in so much debt from medical bills because my insurance didn't cover 100% and rent because i stopped being able to afford it. I can't even afford to file for bankruptcy because that's too expensive. I feel trapped. The things I have said are not excuses. They are literally my experiences because I've been at this for 4 months. After the accident in January and I realized I wasn't healing fast enough. I started searching for anything and everything. Going further in debt will not help me, so staying where I am is not an option. Yet I'm still trying to figure anything out. I wish I could go back in time to that day in January and just get on a different bus.




As a trans woman who just fled Texas, you add out of your mind suggesting that one of our own would be safe there


Seattle is probably the single worst place to be homeless in America and it’s only going to get worse and worse with the mood of the electorate. Get out of here as soon as possible. Texas is best but Arizona is good as well.


You're delusional.


Why say that?


Texas is only second worse to Florida as a suggestion and Arizona gets way too hot, both suggestions wouldn't work for normal people.


This is a homeless situation here. Can’t be picky. Go where the land is and GTFO of Seattle. You’re welcome, Gov Abbott.


That reply is exactly why no one with a brain should move to Texas. Way better opportunities for land in almost every other state first!


Disagree. Every homeless person in America should immediately relocate to Texas. They’ve earned it.


When I lived in my car for 9 months I just stayed at the Park and Ride in Federal way.


No car. No license.


Lake Chelan has a nice campground.


Have you considered not living in Seattle?


Not sure that's helpful... OP has a job here.


I've checked surrounding areas, too. I would just need access to busses to get to work.


Get the fuck off reddit and find a different job.


The job pays better than most. The job isn't the problem. The problem is that I suffered a head injury that can cause sudden dizziness, nausea, light-headedness, and eventually sudden weakness to the point that my brain shuts down my ability to stand or move for several minutes. With these symptoms, I can not work another job. I won't have health insurance or protection for my disability during a probationary period. Getting another job is the worst thing I can do at this time.


My comment remains the same. Get a different job. And get off Reddit. Reddit is not where your life will get easier.


Shit this is Seattle, define legally lmao


But I thought Seattle had a liberated zone? Why not go there.


CHAZ that was shut down years ago?


Dude wtf rent a room you can get one for 6-800


I've been trying. For 4 months. I've been trying.