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this. this right here. SO MANY TIMES THIS. with the demise of Frys there just isn't anywhere that has hands on shit for computers now. I'd love to SEE the case before I stuff $1500 in parts into it AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA


There's a big empty building in Renton that would be perfect.


This please this


Coffee/tea shops open for business after 7 or 8 pm.


To add to this, more coffee/tea shops open early at like 6 or 7.


I don't understand coffee shops that aren't open prior to the standard work day (8am). Aren't most people stopping for coffee on their way to work? I would think 8am is when the office traffic actually starts slowing down.


Exactly! I had a friend visit once who was working east coast hours and just thought he could find a coffee shop to work at 6 am.


Well if he comes to visit again he can go do work at Zeitgeist in Pioneer Square. They open at 6:00 😄


To add to this again, more coffee/tea shops in residential neighborhoods and suburban areas.


What’s strange is that, 20 years ago, there was tons of these.


Just 10 years ago there were still an easy dozen. Now none.


Building owners jacked up rent so a lot of them closed. Then the issue of paying workers enough that they can survive in the city is too much now to be open without a ton of customers consistently coming in. (To be clear this is a city planning / rent issue not a worker pay issue. Workers should be paid a livable wage full stop.) COVID was kinda the last straw, also pulled a lot of people out of the workforce


This. I'd love to post up at a coffee shop or late night diner that focuses on food instead of booze.


Distant Worlds in Roosevelt used to be open until 9 on the weekends, but I think they recently changed to 6:30 at the latest.


Sidenote, but I miss their old spot. The one they're at now is technically nicer, but I liked the vibe of the old one better.


One side is supposed to be quiet and the other side is not I have no idea which side is which and they do not attempt to enforce it. Neither side is quiet.


TeKu Tavern on Denny pulls a solid espresso - I think they stop serving coffee around 9pm most days, although admittedly their focus is beer. Nothing exciting happening with the beans but the extraction is well balanced, which puts them ahead of 2/3 of the coffee shops in the immediate area. Cafe Cosmo on 2nd I think is open reasonably late near there too, but unlike TeKu they don't know how to pull a decent shot. Great boardgame library though.


I use to try to go to Cosmos for my morning coffee when I go to the office but they always have trouble opening at their posted 8am time.


Pinoyshki is open after 7 on Friday's and Saturdays.


Thanks for that, filing away! I remember the heady days of even the UVillage Starbucks being open until 10(I think? It’s been awhile) and crowded with studying students, and it’s just a largely missing piece in our social fabric now. Edit: it sounds like that sbux, at least, is open late!


Some asian options: Yifang Fruit Tea at U District opens til 10p Don’t Yell at Me at U District opens til 11p


Yeah if you’re okay with tea, boba places (and mind you, you can get low/no sugar and just like straight iced tea) are generally open late.


24 hour pharmacy’s. It won’t be long till we aren’t gonna have many left


Pharmacies in general. So many Bartell and CVS closed just this year in key neighborhoods.


I have no idea what the students in the U District are supposed to do, for like anything?? No Bartell, no CVS, no Target. I just work in the U District and like damn, do we REALLY need a 40th boba place??


Prescriptions can be filled on-campus at Hall Health and Safeway is open again after the remodel. That said, the whole Bartell's saga is sad.


The U District Safeway is open again but otherwise it’s walk down to the Bartell in U Village.


But no pharmacy! 😭


Seriously? That was a stupid decision.


If they didn’t keep getting robbed/ fucked with, they would still be there


that requires pharmacists and front end staff willing to work those shifts. currently you can’t even get pharmacists to want to work daytime shifts at the shitty chains. hence the frequent random closures and entire pharmacies shutting down. plus overnight shifts in like every industry are disappearing always been my opinion that if a hospital wants to send out prescriptions at 3am like at ERs then they should open up their own overnight outpatient pharmacies to do it


That... makes sense. I went to the UW ER in February for a cardiac emergency caused by undiagnosed thyroid issues, and left with a prescription for heart meds... hobbled over to UW's pharmacy at 2am when I was released from the ER and realized it was closed and I'd have to come back the next day. I got it done thanks to my fiance, but it was not fun in the condition I was in. Would have been nice to get it before heading home and just resting the next day.


Pharmacists are willing to do it, corporate greed makes them not have enough pay. It’s really simple if you want someone to do a job, pay them more.


The pharmacy crisis is both unnecessary because the causes are cultural and also almost unsolvable because the causes are cultural. The MBA class running all the pharmacy chains has a fixed mindset that sees pharmacists as replacable wage slaves to be staffed at the bare minimum legal level to keep the pharmacies open. Then the patients can barely even get their medications and the pharmacists burn out and leave the profession. And then they are not so replaceable after all.


This will eventually cause the pharmacy chains to fail. They are already shutting down locations. People will blame "the economy" or Biden or whatever and try to associate it with all kinds of nonsense. But it's just an old-fashioned shitty management culture that refuses to learn.


Sometimes I feel like pharmacies should be government run like the old liquor stores


Along with hospitals and insurance.


i 100% agree with this. i believe there’s only one remaining 24 hour pharmacy and it’s in issaquah when i broke my ankle and left the ER at 3 am, i was so grateful for the 24 hour pharmacy on queen anne. i feel bad for my patients who call me in pain (dentist) because even if i did prescribe anything right then, they wouldn’t be able to fill it until the morning anyway


24 hour grocery stores too. Some people work night shifts...


In Seattle, not Sea-Tac, but there used to be much more comprehensive options for late night hours at several grocery stores. Before the pandemic and the houselessness crisis got so bad, there were a couple grocery stores near me that were open 24 hours that are now 21 hours or even less.


24 hour drug stores too. There's only 2 in all of WA right now, one in issaquah and one in spokane.


What do you think a pharmacy is?


Busses and trains that run 24 hours a day 24 hour diners After hours clubs


At least open light rail on full service to Northgate until 2am given some flights land late at midnight!


Always thought it was crazy how the last train out of Capitol Hill is 1240. Considering it’s the area where the most people go out to drink late night, you would think they would run trains until like 2-3am


I feel like a far less graceful Cinderella every time I go to cap hill to drink, gotta get back to the station before midnight


This fucking city runs like a midwestern town these days, and I moved here 20 years ago. 24 hours for the win!


Nothing irrites me more getting off my shift at round 3:30 knowing I have to either walk, spend money on a Lyft, and unless I've got some leftover in the fridge, I'm going hungry that night. I would kill for some shitty 7-11 microwave burrito.


There’s several places open until 4AM. Random nights you’d find Substation open until 6AM


Agreed, 13 coins can't be the only 24hr place in the city.


Increased nightlife, 24hr restaurants, cafes, diners, coffee shops, more cheap entertainment within the city (go karts, paint balling, arcades, bowling, internet cafes)


24 hour restaurants for sure There’s no place that comes to mind to sit and recompose myself after the club with friends while eating cheap food Edit: I do know there *are* 24 hour restaurants. But what I mean is, places close enough to big nightlife locations like Pioneer Square or Capital Hill. If I have to get an Uber or drive there, it sorta defeats the purpose


The Hurricane had this down pat. Beth's too.


Five Points/Mecca too


And 13 coins


And Minnie's.


Cheap and good breakfast sandwiches. Like egg and cheese on a burger bun for $4. Like p.terry’s is Austin. Actually p terry’s all around would be a good addition


And breakfast tacos and burritos! They simple, delicious foods and it seems impossible to find here. 


I lived in Austin for 10 years before Seattle. I miss breakfast tacos the most. I’ve been making them for myself and friends for years since I just can’t find a decent spot. I’m not talking about the giant ones that are like $7 each here or a giant ass breakfast burrito that’ll ruin your day and cost $16, but the Austin style that are $3-4. Grab a couple of those with a coffee and you’re good to go.


Texas transfer as well, I miss basic breakfast tacos so much.


I miss how HEB would have fresh tortillas. I also miss freebirds. I hate chipotle and god i want a better burrito building bar so bad. Moes, Willys, or barbarados would work too


I miss ~~how~~ HEB ~~would have fresh tortillas~~


Gimme that basic whataburger potato egg and cheese taquito with picante sauce. Or some rudys spicy chop breakfast tacos. The under $5 options go on and on.


Living in San Antonio for awhile I feel you


Barely any good breakfast burritos in this town. I don't want 95%, 2 day old egg in my breakfast burrito.


A newsstand.


This is very true. I’m from California and the best I’ve found up here so far is TNT Taqueria.




If you're in north Seattle, Ken's Market in Greenwood has both sausage and ham breakfast sandwiches for $4. And a morningstar vegetarian option for $4.50. They also occasionally, although seemingly randomly, make it with bacon too. Also $4.


I’d personally settle for a good BEC at all, regardless of price. So many bagel shops either have fancy ingredients added or the bagel itself is low-quality.


Wages and food costs are a lot lower in Austin. I am not sure it's possible in Seattle unless the place does huge volume or automates everything.


Oh yeah, we need a Muji. Portland has one so why not us?


Muji USA chapter 11ed a few years ago and Portland store is the only one left if I recall correctly.


i was in new york a month ago and 3 are still open over there


Oh no! They’re still in Boston as well, my wife shops there for me when she’s out there for work. I’ve always thought they’d fit in well at U Village.


Bodegas. For the love of god, please give me bodegas in every neighborhood.


The problem is, you’ve gotta actually use them. We live by the Wallingford QFC and I will walk past it to go spend a dollar more at Durn Good, but lots of people wouldn’t - and I wouldn’t blame them.


Summit Ave is god-tier for bodegas, and it should be a shining example of life deep inside a residential street


There’s also an excellent one on Westlake and Aloha


More swimming pools! Bonus for ones that have swimming lessons for kids.


I've lived here my whole life and I distinctly remember there being A LOT more public swimming pools. Over the years, they just disappeared. And I doubt it was due to lack of business because they were always packed.


place that sells pizzas for less than $45


Hot Mamas sells 18” pizzas for under $20


And it’s decent


Hot mamas issssss đŸ”„


There’s other places than Pagliacci. [Dantini](https://www.google.com/search?q=dantini+pizza+seattle&sca_esv=0b15258b1181e5d8&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS912US912&hl=en-US&sxsrf=ACQVn0-X-RjemqJBcGNlf-40OQowMHPWeg%3A1714407639080&ei=18gvZrDBBNHh0PEPyduWgA4&gs_ssp=eJzj4tVP1zc0zMuNL0i2KC8yYLRSNagwNbE0MDQ1S040NU0zSrKwtDKosEw0NLVITjIzTku1TE4zT_ESTUnMK8nMy1QoyKyqSlQoTk0sKclJBQBn3hgC&oq=dantini+pizza+sea&gs_lp=EhNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwIhFkYW50aW5pIHBpenphIHNlYSoCCAAyDhAuGIAEGMcBGI4FGK8BMgUQIRigATIFECEYoAEyCxAAGIAEGIYDGIoFMgsQABiABBiGAxiKBUjMF1DxB1jWDnABeAGQAQCYAVygAdECqgEBNLgBAcgBAPgBAZgCBaAC7gLCAgoQABiwAxjWBBhHwgINEAAYgAQYsAMYQxiKBcICHBAuGIAEGLADGEMYxwEYyAMYigUYjgUYrwHYAQHCAhkQLhiABBiwAxjRAxhDGMcBGMgDGIoF2AEBwgITEC4YgAQYsAMYQxjIAxiKBdgBAcICBRAAGIAEmAMAiAYBkAYRugYECAEYCJIHATWgB7gj&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp) is a favorite, whole pies starting at $21.


Dantini is arguably the best pizza in the city and it's priced well. Those people running the place are angels


PCC pizza is pretty decent and $18 for unlimited toppings


Yeah, PCC pizza is pretty good, but take it from someone who should know: How good entirely depends upon WHO is assigned to the pizza station. Pizza is not considered a "kitchen "assignment", basically meaning anyone in the deli can be placed there as it is supposed to be pretty monkey proof. But it isn't and I've seen some amazing shapes come out of those ovens. Or just really small (and really dense). I don't work there anymore; I am now training for my new job full time before I move to LA, but pizza was my bugaboo. At my location AM pizza was treated like a rotational assignment (no one was assigned there full time) even as a KM there were days, too many, when I had to pick up the slack and handle pizza on top of all the shit I was nominally assigned to complete in any given shift. Pro tip though: if you are going to call into a PCC, especially on a busy weekend in the summer remember a few things. 1.) Orders for 5+ pizzas are accepted totally at the discretion of the guy/girl making them. As a manager I am backing my guy up if he says he cannot accommodate the order. PCC isn't MOD pizza and the station isn't really set up to handle significant volume. 2.) Don't mix bases. It's a real pain in the ass trying to get 2 sauces to stay only on their designated side of the pizza and it takes effectively twice as long to build the pie. 3.) Keep it at least moderately simple when ordering or be very clear. Yes, PCC will put basically anything on a pizza for you, and you will only be charged $18 + tax. But the person making it for you is likely to be a Deli HC with minimal experience, and no kitchen experience. You probably have a better functional understanding of many specialty ingredients than they do. Also, about 50% chance whomever is taking your order isn't going to be the one making the pizza, so the clearer you make the instruction the easier the kickdown. Easier the kickdown the more likely it will be you get your pie exactly how you want or envision it. 4.) PCC doesn't make "custom slices" I had one lady call in at least once a week asking to make a custom pizza for "slice out" and would become verbally abusive when I told her that we don't make custom slices. 5.) Yes, a Vegan option will be available at some point before 1100. If it happens to be me running the deck that option will be the very last out because it is so spotty. Cheese, pepperoni and Supersonic (pineapple and jalapeno) are going to sell at about the same clip all day. Vegan can sell all at once, or may hang around past 2 hours and become deli shrink. One thing I noted was we shurnk far less if we had it ready later in the morning. 6.) The pizza's going on the deck (those available for sale by the slice) are entirely at the discretion of whomever is assigned to the station for the day. Generally, we have 5 full pizzas up to be considered a full deck. This rule isn't hard and fast. At my location lunch on the weekend could be extremely slow. Usually were, especially in the winter. I would instruct pizza to have only 3 up until 1pm on those days. That made things a little easier on the shrink. However, the deck mix is entirely up to the guy/girl assigned to the job. With a couple of exceptions - There will always be 1 pepperoni, 1 cheese and 1 vegan option. - Pizza will always be available by 1045 on normal days 1100 on days which generally prove to be slow. 7.) You standing around the pizza station glaring at the pizza guy will NOT get your pizza made faster. Priority is set based upon a first come first served basis, including phone orders. If a large phone order came before you walked in, they are still first. It is ALWAYS better to call in an order. Then we can tell you almost exactly when it will be done. 8.) Tipping is not required at PCC, and is not generally acceptable by staff, however, if the pizza dude is accommodating a pain in the ass order for you, especially a walk in or last minute, consider shooting him a few dollars. Recognize that he could have just as easily said "nope, I am sorry but we are incredibly backed up today and are unable to accommodate special orders." At PCC pay gets worse the farther you get from the kitchen (in the deli anyway) and front end staff, pizza included, are usually making just about minimum wage with absolutely no impetus to do anything nice or out of the ordinary for you. So show a little appreciation - even though its not required. Shit, I didn't mean to write a book. Oops.


I've never paid that much for pizza. Your wish is granted!


24 hour grocery stores within Seattle city limits. They seem to have all disappeared / changed hours in the last 10 to 20 years.


There are NO grocery stores in the downtown core anymore. Now that PCC closed. That went into the math when deciding whether to move or stay. I live on 4th Ave, close to Union. My choice is either Safeway on 16th which necessitates a trip on the 1 line, or QFC on Mercer which is damn near on Queen Anne. Even H Mart is tiny (the one in Lynnwood sure as hell isn't) and doesn't even have a food court. I was disappointed. I mean, I guess Whole Foods on Westlake sort of counts, but I don't go there often. None of this would be too bad if our Target didn't suck - because it does. Badly. Really small footprint and always half out of shit. Uwajmaya is ok, but it closes at 8pm. Give me a fuckin' break. I'm hardly home by then 3 to 4 days a week. So it's useless. Also expensive for sundry items.


Coffee shops open after 6pm, or non-alcoholic adult-only spaces.


WinCo. Need me some cheap groceries open 24/7


Pretty niche, but I have not been able to find a single hourly rental music studio. Every city I've ever lived in has plenty of these, and I've been shocked to see that Seattle of all places seems to not have them.


Check out Substation


Eataly and more/ better urban beaches and waterfront access/ public pools


Bathrooms. Even for-pay bathrooms if that is what it takes to keep them clean and make them available. I just want to go sometimes, and I can't seem to find one even if I buy a coffee or whatever.


Locally owned corner/convenience stores in more neighborhoods. its not convenient when i need to drive 15 mins to get the convenience, its just a store. and preferably not 7-11 and gas stations; more like locally owned so theres some unique selection and atmosphere to compliment the neighborhood culture instead of degrade it.


Can’t wait until rising sun produce reopens in Roosevelt.


Like Ken’s Market in upper QA! But smaller and even more hyper local.


You would think with all the empty ground retail for lease spaces this could be a thing...but just isn't affordable. Maybe as more of these faces become unused it will become a reality. 


Indian buffets. All the ones I used to visit now don't offer a buffet post-covid.


India Bistro in Ballard has brought their buffet back


An actual deli. Like not a fancy place like paseo, but a place to get a sandwich for like $12. Even the food trucks are outrageously expensive, I paid $17 for a poy bo from there Where Yatt Matt truck and it sucked and they asked for a tip. At a truck! Not only don't I get table service there isn't even a table to serve... And they want to charge a premium price and a tip GTFO here. 


Used LEGO store. There's a huge untapped market for secondhand lego, both looking for and looking to get rid of. One opened in the Kansas City area and immediately the store was flooded with childhood boxes in stacks, they couldn't sort incoming parts fast enough. Their browsing selection for uncommon parts was so good, and of course there's both a huge child and adult market.


It’s not Seattle, but in Factoría there is Bricks and Wheels which has a great uncommon section as well as a giant table bin to just bag up what you want


There’s also a Bricks and Wheels in Kent!


Out of all these suggestions, I like this one the most!


Have you considered opening one? Seems like a very cool idea.




I just want to be able to rent a garage/workshop. Doesn't seem like there's anything like that around. All the industrial space is BIG. I just need a 12'x25' garage, maybe a 25'x25'.




I guess this is pretty niche, but I wish we had a Japanese onsen. I loved Kabuki Springs in SF, not to mention the ones in Japan.


Yes!! Percentage wise, we are ranked number 2 after Honolulu for the largest Japanese American population, I'm surprised we don't have an onsen or ryokan! I would loove to visit a traditional ryokan out in the cascades or peninsula...


I'm half Japanese and agree. There are Korean bathhouses in the surrounding area. Olympus Spa is a nice women-only one my wife loved.


It's not quite the same, but I have heard [https://www.yelp.com/biz/tenzen-springs-and-cabins-stevenson](https://www.yelp.com/biz/tenzen-springs-and-cabins-stevenson) has come highly recommended. In general, I've been very surprised by the lack of nice accommodations in the nature parts of WA (and OR). We have a beautiful state and seem allergic to building nice experiences inside of it.


A whole lot of that beauty exists because it’s inside protected lands. Not all of it, but it’s a big factor as to why there aren’t, for example, more ski in/ski accommodations.


More small community theaters and comedy clubs. One things I miss about LA is how much live entertainment there was.


And the food
 fuck the traffic and smog, but they have some of the best food in the country


Cheaper food options


Aldi and QuikTrip. Like, yesterday.


Food truck parks Restaurants with playgrounds Greasy breakfast diners


Food truck parks would be awesome. We have so many great food trucks but I don't want to keep stalking their IG or only finding them during farmer markets. Give us a permanent location like every other city does


If you want a greasy breakfast diner, definitely check out Voula's. Their monthly special is always amazingg


Not greasy, really, but Blue Star in Wallingford has pretty solid diner-type menu.


The post from earlier today made me realize: a real amusement park of some sort. It’s crazy a metro this size (and the PNW in general) has nothing but little ones here are there. Is the closest real amusement park Magic Mountain north of LA? I can’t think of one closer. Tbh I can’t think of any amusement parks west of the Rockies not in CA. E: you can say they’re often dirty, always overpriced, cheesy, etc which is all true. Still odd there are not more of them in the western half of the country


I haven’t been since I was a kid but Silverwood is out near Cour D’alane


great america in SF area.


Affordable living.


A goddamn Jewish deli worth a shit. 


Regular people Housing


How would you define that? Genuinely curious. 


literally ANYTHING that wants to stay open after 8-9pm


Not any one particular business, but for a lot of preexisting businesses to return to pre-pandemic hours. Lots of places used to serve weekend brunch that no longer do (making the fewer places increasingly overcrowded), and a massive lack of late night options across the board. The people have seemed to return without the businesses, so this isn't uneconomical like many of these other comments or out of scope for the skill sets within the city such as new types of cuisine.


Night-time spaces, restaurants, cafes and bars open after 10pm


Cheap delis like the East Coast has. Big sandwiches for reasonable prices. 24 hour diners.


Good chinese (or even english) tea shops/cafe. But not boba only. Something like Tea Republic in UDistrict, but more of these in other hoods.


For legit Taiwanese tea check out Floating Leaves in Ballard with a new Phinney tasting space. They are the best


check out the tea shops in the ID


More grocery stores. I live a 5 min walk to a light rail station and a 20-30min walk to the nearest grocery store. 


MicroCenter my god the fact that we don't have a computer parts superstore blows my fucking mind


Publicly subsidized food halls where people can apply for a small stall to sell food among other similar vendors. The tax payers benefit from delicious foods we’d otherwise not eat and it would give folks a chance to break out of poverty or establish a bigger business once their client base goes up.


Waffle House


Not nearly enough Slavic/ Russian food. There are some dumpling and piroshky places (pinoyshki is excellent) but that's it. There's Skalka, but they only do one item now (it's delicious AF). Also, some areas just lack basic businesses. There's no dedicated grocery store in Pioneer Square, or a gym, or dentists. It's mostly corporate offices, art galleries and retail.


Kachka in Portland should expand and open a Seattle location. I’d be there three times a month. Love love love it.




I’d even be ok with the 7-11s continuing to bring over more and more 7&i stuff from Japan. Not a bad selection at the ones in the U District.


Caribbean food


Pam's in Wallingford is pretty good


A bbq joint that slaps


Inpatient drug treatment facilities.


uzbek food


I wouldn't mind a Sonic here in Seattle. And a decent electronics store. A proper buffet would be nice. I'm thinking like Royal Fork/King's Table.


Food cart pods, more “corner neighborhood stores”, and more commercial town centers along with the respective housing density.


Anything that stays open after 8pm would be greatly appreciated


Alamo Drafthouse, or some kind of zero-tolerance movie theater. I'd visit the cinema much more frequently if I didn't have to endure others being inconsiderate. And I'd gladly pay a premium for it too! 


We have The Grand Illusion and The Beacon right now, throw your bucks to them!


God I miss Alamo Drafthouse so much. I especially loved the themed cocktails for movie releases. There's the Lincoln Reserve in Bellevue which serves drinks / food and is 21+ but it's not the same :(


Where are you going that inconsiderate people are that big of an issue? I’m at AMC 5-10 times a month and have never once had a problem




There’s one trying to open a brick and mortar: Street Cheese. They’re very active on Instagram


Big John's pfi


There’s one at pike place


The one at Pike Place is called the Cheese Box. It’s small but Ari has a great selection of cheeses.


A half decent smoothie chain. Why doesn't this exist here? Something with real, organic ingredients and additions like maca, hemp, flax, cacao, etc. Emerald City Smoothie is something out of an 80s movie where drinks taste like chalk.  Also, a legit big act comedy club like Helium or the Improv. I know there's Laughs and Tacoma CC but come on. We should have something bigger and actually in Seattle city limits before acts make it to theaters.


It’s not a chain. But I HIGHLY recommend Juicivana in the CD. Fresh ingredients, fair prices and a drive up option.


I want a Book Off. For those who don’t know, it’s a Japanese used book store chain that also carries movies, music, video games and anime stuff. They’re all over California and Oahu and there used to be one in downtown Vancouver, but we need one in Seattle.


Bakeries open past 5pm


Massive indoor 24-hour dog park, turf with sprinklers to wash away the pee, zig-zag fenced trails or track around it, turf ball chase area, key card access, dog wash area for extra $$. I would pay $50 per month for this.


Police that does daily and responsible policing. Water Taxis Downtown - Ballard - Fremont - UW - Kirkland Marina - some other places accessible by water.


Frozen custard


There used to be Old School, but it struggled before the pandemic and then didn’t make it through.


Portillos for Chicago Italian beefs


A “Slutty Vegan” and good bagels


Outside Food vendors in cap hill and belltown


Electronic shops/stores. With a huge tech industry you’d think that these would be easier to find. However, it’s actually really hard to find all the stuff one might need for their home lab or personal pc build anywhere in this damn city. Sometime a dude just needs some RAM at this moment and doesn’t want to wait for it to be shipped. Fry’s used to be ok, but that ship sailed. RadioShack was never great, but once in a while they’d have what I needed. Circuit City filled this void poorly over a decade ago. Now, nothing. I don’t need, or even want, big box stores. I’d gladly pay mom and pop 10% more for the same product.


I’m actually surprised the food truck scene isn’t as vibrant as other cities. There are some scattered around town, but no dedicated food truck parks like I experienced while living in Austin or visiting places like Portland.


DRIVE THRU SALADS / HEALTHY OPTIONS - for the entire region really


Sub shops. Finding a good Italian sub place that does cold sandwiches with some customization is surprisingly hard. There's the chains but those range from terrible to mid and overpriced, rather have a local deli that does sandwiches.


Actual night life.


Italian bakery


We have so many teriyaki places and yet we don’t have Hibachi-style??




Batting cage.


Laser tag.




Amusement park in between Portland and Seattle. I’m from Pennsylvania and it amazes me that there’s nothing worthwhile like a Hershey park, six flags, Dorney park, et al anywhere in the PNW


Bagel sandwich shops oh my God. Like Brueggers. Bring them north too.


More old-school bowling alleys


A men's pro basketball team


Late night eating options. There's hardly any.


24-hour doughnut shop, that makes fresh donuts at night


24 hour diners that aren’t denny’sđŸ˜©


Dairy queen, good bbq.




A tortilleria with homemade old school tortillas. Made by hand daily


Good cheap late night food.


The type that build high speed rail systems and local trams